package cursor

import (

	tea ""

const defaultBlinkSpeed = time.Millisecond * 530

// initialBlinkMsg initializes cursor blinking.
type initialBlinkMsg struct{}

// BlinkMsg signals that the cursor should blink. It contains metadata that
// allows us to tell if the blink message is the one we're expecting.
type BlinkMsg struct {
	id  int
	tag int

// blinkCanceled is sent when a blink operation is canceled.
type blinkCanceled struct{}

// blinkCtx manages cursor blinking.
type blinkCtx struct {
	ctx    context.Context
	cancel context.CancelFunc

// Mode describes the behavior of the cursor.
type Mode int

// Available cursor modes.
const (
	CursorBlink Mode = iota

// String returns the cursor mode in a human-readable format. This method is
// provisional and for informational purposes only.
func (c Mode) String() string {
	return [...]string{

// Model is the Bubble Tea model for this cursor element.
type Model struct {
	BlinkSpeed time.Duration
	// Style for styling the cursor block.
	Style lipgloss.Style
	// TextStyle is the style used for the cursor when it is hidden (when blinking).
	// I.e. displaying normal text.
	TextStyle lipgloss.Style

	// char is the character under the cursor
	char string
	// The ID of this Model as it relates to other cursors
	id int
	// focus indicates whether the containing input is focused
	focus bool
	// Cursor Blink state.
	Blink bool
	// Used to manage cursor blink
	blinkCtx *blinkCtx
	// The ID of the blink message we're expecting to receive.
	blinkTag int
	// cursorMode determines the behavior of the cursor
	cursorMode Mode

// New creates a new model with default settings.
func New() Model {
	return Model{
		BlinkSpeed: defaultBlinkSpeed,

		Blink:      true,
		cursorMode: CursorBlink,

		blinkCtx: &blinkCtx{
			ctx: context.Background(),

// Update updates the cursor.
func (m Model) Update(msg tea.Msg) (Model, tea.Cmd) {
	switch msg := msg.(type) {
	case initialBlinkMsg:
		// We accept all initialBlinkMsgs generated by the Blink command.

		if m.cursorMode != CursorBlink || !m.focus {
			return m, nil

		cmd := m.BlinkCmd()
		return m, cmd

	case BlinkMsg:
		// We're choosy about whether to accept blinkMsgs so that our cursor
		// only exactly when it should.

		// Is this model blink-able?
		if m.cursorMode != CursorBlink || !m.focus {
			return m, nil

		// Were we expecting this blink message?
		if != || msg.tag != m.blinkTag {
			return m, nil

		var cmd tea.Cmd
		if m.cursorMode == CursorBlink {
			m.Blink = !m.Blink
			cmd = m.BlinkCmd()
		return m, cmd

	case blinkCanceled: // no-op
		return m, nil
	return m, nil

// CursorMode returns the model's cursor mode. For available cursor modes, see
// type CursorMode.
func (m Model) CursorMode() Mode {
	return m.cursorMode

// SetCursorMode sets the model's cursor mode. This method returns a command.
// For available cursor modes, see type CursorMode.
func (m *Model) SetCursorMode(mode Mode) tea.Cmd {
	m.cursorMode = mode
	m.Blink = m.cursorMode == CursorHide || !m.focus
	if mode == CursorBlink {
		return Blink
	return nil

// BlinkCmd is an command used to manage cursor blinking.
func (m *Model) BlinkCmd() tea.Cmd {
	if m.cursorMode != CursorBlink {
		return nil

	if m.blinkCtx != nil && m.blinkCtx.cancel != nil {

	ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(m.blinkCtx.ctx, m.BlinkSpeed)
	m.blinkCtx.cancel = cancel


	return func() tea.Msg {
		defer cancel()
		if ctx.Err() == context.DeadlineExceeded {
			return BlinkMsg{id:, tag: m.blinkTag}
		return blinkCanceled{}

// Blink is a command used to initialize cursor blinking.
func Blink() tea.Msg {
	return initialBlinkMsg{}

// Focus focuses the cursor to allow it to blink if desired.
func (m *Model) Focus() tea.Cmd {
	m.focus = true
	m.Blink = m.cursorMode == CursorHide // show the cursor unless we've explicitly hidden it

	if m.cursorMode == CursorBlink && m.focus {
		return m.BlinkCmd()
	return nil

// Blur blurs the cursor.
func (m *Model) Blur() {
	m.focus = false
	m.Blink = true

// SetChar sets the character under the cursor.
func (m *Model) SetChar(char string) {
	m.char = char

// View displays the cursor.
func (m Model) View() string {
	if m.Blink {
		return m.TextStyle.Render(m.char)
	return m.Style.Inline(true).Reverse(true).Render(m.char)