94 lines
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94 lines
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# Copyright (c) 2008 by David P. D. Moss. All rights reserved.
# Released under the BSD license. See the LICENSE file for details.
Compatibility wrappers providing uniform behaviour for Python code required to
run under both Python 2.x and 3.x.
All operations emulate 2.x behaviour where applicable.
import sys as _sys
if _sys.version_info[0] == 3:
# Python 3.x specific logic.
_sys_maxint = _sys.maxsize
_int_type = int
_str_type = str
_bytes_type = lambda x: bytes(x, 'UTF-8')
_is_str = lambda x: isinstance(x, (str, type(''.encode())))
_is_int = lambda x: isinstance(x, int)
_callable = lambda x: hasattr(x, '__call__')
_dict_keys = lambda x: list(x.keys())
_dict_items = lambda x: list(x.items())
_iter_dict_keys = lambda x: x.keys()
def _bytes_join(*args):
return ''.encode().join(*args)
def _zip(*args):
return list(zip(*args))
def _range(*args, **kwargs):
return list(range(*args, **kwargs))
_iter_range = range
def _iter_next(x):
return next(x)
elif _sys.version_info[0:2] > [2, 3]:
# Python 2.4 or higher.
_sys_maxint = _sys.maxint
_int_type = (int, long)
_str_type = basestring
_bytes_type = str
_is_str = lambda x: isinstance(x, basestring)
_is_int = lambda x: isinstance(x, (int, long))
_callable = lambda x: callable(x)
_dict_keys = lambda x: x.keys()
_dict_items = lambda x: x.items()
_iter_dict_keys = lambda x: iter(x.keys())
def _bytes_join(*args):
return ''.join(*args)
def _zip(*args):
return zip(*args)
def _range(*args, **kwargs):
return range(*args, **kwargs)
_iter_range = xrange
def _iter_next(x):
return x.next()
# Unsupported versions.
raise RuntimeError(
'this module only supports Python 2.4.x or higher (including 3.x)!')
from importlib import resources as _importlib_resources
except ImportError:
import importlib_resources as _importlib_resources