add vendor for simpler distribution

This commit is contained in:
Maxim Slipenko 2023-09-07 11:40:50 +03:00
parent c801a0606f
commit c3ceb292d9
39 changed files with 243174 additions and 1 deletions

.gitignore vendored
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@ -289,4 +289,4 @@ pyrightconfig.json
# End of,pycharm # End of,pycharm
app.cfg.* app.cfg.*
vendor !vendor/**/*

vendor/bin/netaddr vendored Executable file
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@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import re
import sys
from netaddr.cli import main
if __name__ == '__main__':
sys.argv[0] = re.sub(r'(-script\.pyw|\.exe)?$', '', sys.argv[0])

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@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
- David P. D. Moss (author, maintainer)
- Stefan Nordhausen (maintainer)
- Jakub Stasiak (maintainer)
Released under the BSD License (see :doc:`license` for details).

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@ -0,0 +1 @@

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@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
Here are the licenses applicable to the use of the netaddr library.
Copyright (c) 2008 by David P. D. Moss. All rights reserved.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
* Neither the name of David P. D. Moss nor the names of contributors
may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this
software without specific prior written permission.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
Metadata-Version: 2.1
Name: netaddr
Version: 0.8.0
Summary: A network address manipulation library for Python
Author: David P. D. Moss, Stefan Nordhausen et al
License: BSD License
Keywords: Networking,Systems Administration,IANA,IEEE,CIDR,IP,IPv4,IPv6,CIDR,EUI,MAC,MAC-48,EUI-48,EUI-64
Platform: OS Independent
Classifier: Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable
Classifier: Environment :: Console
Classifier: Intended Audience :: Developers
Classifier: Intended Audience :: Education
Classifier: Intended Audience :: Information Technology
Classifier: Intended Audience :: Science/Research
Classifier: Intended Audience :: System Administrators
Classifier: Intended Audience :: Telecommunications Industry
Classifier: License :: OSI Approved :: BSD License
Classifier: License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License
Classifier: Natural Language :: English
Classifier: Operating System :: OS Independent
Classifier: Programming Language :: Python
Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 2
Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7
Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3
Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.5
Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.6
Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.7
Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.8
Classifier: Topic :: Communications
Classifier: Topic :: Documentation
Classifier: Topic :: Education
Classifier: Topic :: Education :: Testing
Classifier: Topic :: Home Automation
Classifier: Topic :: Internet
Classifier: Topic :: Internet :: Log Analysis
Classifier: Topic :: Internet :: Name Service (DNS)
Classifier: Topic :: Internet :: Proxy Servers
Classifier: Topic :: Internet :: WWW/HTTP
Classifier: Topic :: Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Indexing/Search
Classifier: Topic :: Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Site Management
Classifier: Topic :: Security
Classifier: Topic :: Software Development
Classifier: Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries
Classifier: Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules
Classifier: Topic :: Software Development :: Quality Assurance
Classifier: Topic :: Software Development :: Testing
Classifier: Topic :: Software Development :: Testing :: Traffic Generation
Classifier: Topic :: System :: Benchmark
Classifier: Topic :: System :: Clustering
Classifier: Topic :: System :: Distributed Computing
Classifier: Topic :: System :: Installation/Setup
Classifier: Topic :: System :: Logging
Classifier: Topic :: System :: Monitoring
Classifier: Topic :: System :: Networking
Classifier: Topic :: System :: Networking :: Firewalls
Classifier: Topic :: System :: Networking :: Monitoring
Classifier: Topic :: System :: Networking :: Time Synchronization
Classifier: Topic :: System :: Recovery Tools
Classifier: Topic :: System :: Shells
Classifier: Topic :: System :: Software Distribution
Classifier: Topic :: System :: Systems Administration
Classifier: Topic :: System :: System Shells
Classifier: Topic :: Text Processing
Classifier: Topic :: Text Processing :: Filters
Classifier: Topic :: Utilities
Requires-Dist: importlib-resources ; python_version < "3.7"
A system-independent network address manipulation library for Python 2.7 and 3.5+.
(Python 2.7 and 3.5 support is deprecated).
.. image::
.. image::
.. image::
.. image::
Provides support for:
Layer 3 addresses
- IPv4 and IPv6 addresses, subnets, masks, prefixes
- iterating, slicing, sorting, summarizing and classifying IP networks
- dealing with various ranges formats (CIDR, arbitrary ranges and
globs, nmap)
- set based operations (unions, intersections etc) over IP addresses
and subnets
- parsing a large variety of different formats and notations
- looking up IANA IP block information
- generating DNS reverse lookups
- supernetting and subnetting
Layer 2 addresses
- representation and manipulation MAC addresses and EUI-64 identifiers
- looking up IEEE organisational information (OUI, IAB)
- generating derived IPv6 addresses
Starting with Python 3.3 there's an `ipaddress <>`_
module in the Python standard library which provides layer 3 address manipulation
capabilities overlapping ``netaddr``.
Latest documentation
Share and enjoy!

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@ -0,0 +1,58 @@

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@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
Wheel-Version: 1.0
Generator: bdist_wheel (0.34.2)
Root-Is-Purelib: true
Tag: py2-none-any
Tag: py3-none-any

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@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
netaddr = netaddr.cli:main

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@

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@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
# Copyright (c) 2008 by David P. D. Moss. All rights reserved.
# Released under the BSD license. See the LICENSE file for details.
"""A Python library for manipulating IP and EUI network addresses."""
#: Version info (major, minor, maintenance, status)
__version__ = '0.8.0'
VERSION = tuple(int(part) for part in __version__.split('.'))
import sys as _sys
if _sys.version_info[0:2] < (2, 4):
raise RuntimeError('Python 2.4.x or higher is required!')
from netaddr.core import (AddrConversionError, AddrFormatError,
NotRegisteredError, ZEROFILL, Z, INET_PTON, P, NOHOST, N)
from netaddr.ip import (IPAddress, IPNetwork, IPRange, all_matching_cidrs,
cidr_abbrev_to_verbose, cidr_exclude, cidr_merge, iprange_to_cidrs,
iter_iprange, iter_unique_ips, largest_matching_cidr,
smallest_matching_cidr, spanning_cidr)
from netaddr.ip.sets import IPSet
from netaddr.ip.glob import (IPGlob, cidr_to_glob, glob_to_cidrs,
glob_to_iprange, glob_to_iptuple, iprange_to_globs, valid_glob)
from netaddr.ip.nmap import valid_nmap_range, iter_nmap_range
from netaddr.ip.rfc1924 import base85_to_ipv6, ipv6_to_base85
from netaddr.eui import EUI, IAB, OUI
from netaddr.strategy.ipv4 import valid_str as valid_ipv4
from netaddr.strategy.ipv6 import (valid_str as valid_ipv6, ipv6_compact,
ipv6_full, ipv6_verbose)
from netaddr.strategy.eui48 import (mac_eui48, mac_unix, mac_unix_expanded,
mac_cisco, mac_bare, mac_pgsql, valid_str as valid_mac)
from netaddr.strategy.eui64 import (eui64_base, eui64_unix, eui64_unix_expanded,
eui64_cisco, eui64_bare, valid_str as valid_eui64)
from netaddr.contrib.subnet_splitter import SubnetSplitter

View File

@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (c) 2008 by David P. D. Moss. All rights reserved.
# Released under the BSD license. See the LICENSE file for details.
"""an interactive shell for the netaddr library"""
import os
import sys
import netaddr
from netaddr import *
# aliases to save some typing ...
from netaddr import IPAddress as IP, IPNetwork as CIDR
from netaddr import EUI as MAC
def main():
argv = sys.argv[1:]
banner = "\nnetaddr shell %s - %s\n" % (netaddr.__version__, __doc__)
exit_msg = "\nShare and enjoy!"
rc_override = None
# ipython >= 0.11
from IPython.terminal.embed import InteractiveShellEmbed
ipshell = InteractiveShellEmbed(banner1=banner, exit_msg=exit_msg)
except ImportError:
# ipython < 0.11
from IPython.Shell import IPShellEmbed
ipshell = IPShellEmbed(argv, banner, exit_msg, rc_override)
except ImportError:
sys.stderr.write('IPython ( not found!\n')
if __name__ == '__main__':

View File

@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
# Copyright (c) 2008 by David P. D. Moss. All rights reserved.
# Released under the BSD license. See the LICENSE file for details.
Compatibility wrappers providing uniform behaviour for Python code required to
run under both Python 2.x and 3.x.
All operations emulate 2.x behaviour where applicable.
import sys as _sys
if _sys.version_info[0] == 3:
# Python 3.x specific logic.
_sys_maxint = _sys.maxsize
_int_type = int
_str_type = str
_bytes_type = lambda x: bytes(x, 'UTF-8')
_is_str = lambda x: isinstance(x, (str, type(''.encode())))
_is_int = lambda x: isinstance(x, int)
_callable = lambda x: hasattr(x, '__call__')
_dict_keys = lambda x: list(x.keys())
_dict_items = lambda x: list(x.items())
_iter_dict_keys = lambda x: x.keys()
def _bytes_join(*args):
return ''.encode().join(*args)
def _zip(*args):
return list(zip(*args))
def _range(*args, **kwargs):
return list(range(*args, **kwargs))
_iter_range = range
def _iter_next(x):
return next(x)
elif _sys.version_info[0:2] > [2, 3]:
# Python 2.4 or higher.
_sys_maxint = _sys.maxint
_int_type = (int, long)
_str_type = basestring
_bytes_type = str
_is_str = lambda x: isinstance(x, basestring)
_is_int = lambda x: isinstance(x, (int, long))
_callable = lambda x: callable(x)
_dict_keys = lambda x: x.keys()
_dict_items = lambda x: x.items()
_iter_dict_keys = lambda x: iter(x.keys())
def _bytes_join(*args):
return ''.join(*args)
def _zip(*args):
return zip(*args)
def _range(*args, **kwargs):
return range(*args, **kwargs)
_iter_range = xrange
def _iter_next(x):
# Unsupported versions.
raise RuntimeError(
'this module only supports Python 2.4.x or higher (including 3.x)!')
from importlib import resources as _importlib_resources
except ImportError:
import importlib_resources as _importlib_resources

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@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
# Copyright (c) 2008 by David P. D. Moss. All rights reserved.
# Released under the BSD license. See the LICENSE file for details.
The netaddr.contrib namespace for non-core code contributed by users.
It is a testing ground for new ideas. Depending on the interest in
functionality found here, code may find its way into the core in various
ways, either as is or as additions to existing APIs.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
# Copyright (c) 2008 by David P. D. Moss. All rights reserved.
# Released under the BSD license. See the LICENSE file for details.
from netaddr.ip import IPNetwork, cidr_exclude, cidr_merge
class SubnetSplitter(object):
A handy utility class that takes a single (large) subnet and allows
smaller subnet within its range to be extracted by CIDR prefix. Any
leaving address space is available for subsequent extractions until
all space is exhausted.
def __init__(self, base_cidr):
:param base_cidr: an IPv4 or IPv6 address with a CIDR prefix.
(see IPNetwork.__init__ for full details).
self._subnets = set([IPNetwork(base_cidr)])
def extract_subnet(self, prefix, count=None):
"""Extract 1 or more subnets of size specified by CIDR prefix."""
for cidr in self.available_subnets():
subnets = list(cidr.subnet(prefix, count=count))
if not subnets:
self._subnets = self._subnets.union(
cidr_exclude(cidr, cidr_merge(subnets)[0])
return subnets
return []
def available_subnets(self):
"""Returns a list of the currently available subnets."""
return sorted(self._subnets, key=lambda x: x.prefixlen, reverse=True)
def remove_subnet(self, ip_network):
"""Remove a specified IPNetwork from available address space."""

View File

@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
# Copyright (c) 2008 by David P. D. Moss. All rights reserved.
# Released under the BSD license. See the LICENSE file for details.
"""Common code shared between various netaddr sub modules"""
import sys as _sys
import pprint as _pprint
from netaddr.compat import _callable, _iter_dict_keys
#: True if platform is natively big endian, False otherwise.
BIG_ENDIAN_PLATFORM = _sys.byteorder == 'big'
#: Use inet_pton() semantics instead of inet_aton() when parsing IPv4.
#: Remove any preceding zeros from IPv4 address octets before parsing.
#: Remove any host bits found to the right of an applied CIDR prefix.
N = NOHOST = 4
# Custom exceptions.
class AddrFormatError(Exception):
An Exception indicating a network address is not correctly formatted.
class AddrConversionError(Exception):
An Exception indicating a failure to convert between address types or
class NotRegisteredError(Exception):
An Exception indicating that an OUI or IAB was not found in the IEEE
a = 42
# No exception, must be Python 2.7 or 3.1+ -> can use bit_length()
def num_bits(int_val):
:param int_val: an unsigned integer.
:return: the minimum number of bits needed to represent value provided.
return int_val.bit_length()
except AttributeError:
# a.bit_length() excepted, must be an older Python version.
def num_bits(int_val):
:param int_val: an unsigned integer.
:return: the minimum number of bits needed to represent value provided.
numbits = 0
while int_val:
numbits += 1
int_val >>= 1
return numbits
class Subscriber(object):
An abstract class defining the interface expected by a Publisher.
def update(self, data):
A callback method used by a Publisher to notify this Subscriber about
:param data: a Python object containing data provided by Publisher.
raise NotImplementedError('cannot invoke virtual method!')
class PrettyPrinter(Subscriber):
A concrete Subscriber that employs the pprint in the standard library to
format all data from updates received, writing them to a file-like
Useful as a debugging aid.
def __init__(self, fh=_sys.stdout, write_eol=True):
:param fh: a file-like object to write updates to.
Default: sys.stdout.
:param write_eol: if ``True`` this object will write newlines to
output, if ``False`` it will not.
self.fh = fh
self.write_eol = write_eol
def update(self, data):
A callback method used by a Publisher to notify this Subscriber about
:param data: a Python object containing data provided by Publisher.
if self.write_eol:
class Publisher(object):
A 'push' Publisher that maintains a list of Subscriber objects notifying
them of state changes by passing them update data when it encounter events
of interest.
def __init__(self):
self.subscribers = []
def attach(self, subscriber):
Add a new subscriber.
:param subscriber: a new object that implements the Subscriber object
if hasattr(subscriber, 'update') and _callable(eval('subscriber.update')):
if subscriber not in self.subscribers:
raise TypeError('%r does not support required interface!' % subscriber)
def detach(self, subscriber):
Remove an existing subscriber.
:param subscriber: a new object that implements the Subscriber object
except ValueError:
def notify(self, data):
Send update data to to all registered Subscribers.
:param data: the data to be passed to each registered Subscriber.
for subscriber in self.subscribers:
class DictDotLookup(object):
Creates objects that behave much like a dictionaries, but allow nested
key access using object '.' (dot) lookups.
Recipe 576586: Dot-style nested lookups over dictionary based data
structures -
def __init__(self, d):
for k in d:
if isinstance(d[k], dict):
self.__dict__[k] = DictDotLookup(d[k])
elif isinstance(d[k], (list, tuple)):
l = []
for v in d[k]:
if isinstance(v, dict):
self.__dict__[k] = l
self.__dict__[k] = d[k]
def __getitem__(self, name):
if name in self.__dict__:
return self.__dict__[name]
def __iter__(self):
return _iter_dict_keys(self.__dict__)
def __repr__(self):
return _pprint.pformat(self.__dict__)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,749 @@
# Copyright (c) 2008 by David P. D. Moss. All rights reserved.
# Released under the BSD license. See the LICENSE file for details.
Classes and functions for dealing with MAC addresses, EUI-48, EUI-64, OUI, IAB
from netaddr.core import NotRegisteredError, AddrFormatError, DictDotLookup
from netaddr.strategy import eui48 as _eui48, eui64 as _eui64
from netaddr.strategy.eui48 import mac_eui48
from netaddr.strategy.eui64 import eui64_base
from netaddr.ip import IPAddress
from netaddr.compat import _importlib_resources, _is_int, _is_str
class BaseIdentifier(object):
"""Base class for all IEEE identifiers."""
__slots__ = ('_value', '__weakref__')
def __init__(self):
self._value = None
def __int__(self):
""":return: integer value of this identifier"""
return self._value
def __long__(self):
""":return: integer value of this identifier"""
return self._value
def __oct__(self):
""":return: octal string representation of this identifier."""
# Python 2.x only.
if self._value == 0:
return '0'
return '0%o' % self._value
def __hex__(self):
""":return: hexadecimal string representation of this identifier."""
# Python 2.x only.
return '0x%x' % self._value
def __index__(self):
:return: return the integer value of this identifier when passed to
hex(), oct() or bin().
# Python 3.x only.
return self._value
class OUI(BaseIdentifier):
An individual IEEE OUI (Organisationally Unique Identifier).
For online details see -
__slots__ = ('records',)
def __init__(self, oui):
:param oui: an OUI string ``XX-XX-XX`` or an unsigned integer. \
Also accepts and parses full MAC/EUI-48 address strings (but not \
MAC/EUI-48 integers)!
super(OUI, self).__init__()
# Lazy loading of IEEE data structures.
from netaddr.eui import ieee
self.records = []
if isinstance(oui, str):
#TODO: Improve string parsing here.
#TODO: Accept full MAC/EUI-48 addressses as well as XX-XX-XX
#TODO: and just take /16 (see IAB for details)
self._value = int(oui.replace('-', ''), 16)
elif _is_int(oui):
if 0 <= oui <= 0xffffff:
self._value = oui
raise ValueError('OUI int outside expected range: %r' % (oui,))
raise TypeError('unexpected OUI format: %r' % (oui,))
# Discover offsets.
if self._value in ieee.OUI_INDEX:
fh = _importlib_resources.open_binary(__package__, 'oui.txt')
for (offset, size) in ieee.OUI_INDEX[self._value]:
data ='UTF-8')
self._parse_data(data, offset, size)
raise NotRegisteredError('OUI %r not registered!' % (oui,))
def __eq__(self, other):
if not isinstance(other, OUI):
other = self.__class__(other)
except Exception:
return NotImplemented
return self._value == other._value
def __ne__(self, other):
if not isinstance(other, OUI):
other = self.__class__(other)
except Exception:
return NotImplemented
return self._value != other._value
def __getstate__(self):
""":returns: Pickled state of an `OUI` object."""
return self._value, self.records
def __setstate__(self, state):
""":param state: data used to unpickle a pickled `OUI` object."""
self._value, self.records = state
def _parse_data(self, data, offset, size):
"""Returns a dict record from raw OUI record data"""
record = {
'idx': 0,
'oui': '',
'org': '',
'address': [],
'offset': offset,
'size': size,
for line in data.split("\n"):
line = line.strip()
if not line:
if '(hex)' in line:
record['idx'] = self._value
record['org'] = line.split(None, 2)[2]
record['oui'] = str(self)
elif '(base 16)' in line:
def reg_count(self):
"""Number of registered organisations with this OUI"""
return len(self.records)
def registration(self, index=0):
The IEEE registration details for this OUI.
:param index: the index of record (may contain multiple registrations)
(Default: 0 - first registration)
:return: Objectified Python data structure containing registration
return DictDotLookup(self.records[index])
def __str__(self):
""":return: string representation of this OUI"""
int_val = self._value
return "%02X-%02X-%02X" % (
(int_val >> 16) & 0xff,
(int_val >> 8) & 0xff,
int_val & 0xff)
def __repr__(self):
""":return: executable Python string to recreate equivalent object."""
return "OUI('%s')" % self
class IAB(BaseIdentifier):
IAB_EUI_VALUES = (0x0050c2, 0x40d855)
An individual IEEE IAB (Individual Address Block) identifier.
For online details see -
__slots__ = ('record',)
def split_iab_mac(cls, eui_int, strict=False):
:param eui_int: a MAC IAB as an unsigned integer.
:param strict: If True, raises a ValueError if the last 12 bits of
IAB MAC/EUI-48 address are non-zero, ignores them otherwise.
(Default: False)
if (eui_int >> 12) in cls.IAB_EUI_VALUES:
return eui_int, 0
user_mask = 2 ** 12 - 1
iab_mask = (2 ** 48 - 1) ^ user_mask
iab_bits = eui_int >> 12
user_bits = (eui_int | iab_mask) - iab_mask
if (iab_bits >> 12) in cls.IAB_EUI_VALUES:
if strict and user_bits != 0:
raise ValueError('%r is not a strict IAB!' % hex(user_bits))
raise ValueError('%r is not an IAB address!' % hex(eui_int))
return iab_bits, user_bits
def __init__(self, iab, strict=False):
:param iab: an IAB string ``00-50-C2-XX-X0-00`` or an unsigned \
integer. This address looks like an EUI-48 but it should not \
have any non-zero bits in the last 3 bytes.
:param strict: If True, raises a ValueError if the last 12 bits \
of IAB MAC/EUI-48 address are non-zero, ignores them otherwise. \
(Default: False)
super(IAB, self).__init__()
# Lazy loading of IEEE data structures.
from netaddr.eui import ieee
self.record = {
'idx': 0,
'iab': '',
'org': '',
'address': [],
'offset': 0,
'size': 0,
if isinstance(iab, str):
#TODO: Improve string parsing here.
#TODO: '00-50-C2' is actually invalid.
#TODO: Should be '00-50-C2-00-00-00' (i.e. a full MAC/EUI-48)
int_val = int(iab.replace('-', ''), 16)
iab_int, user_int = self.split_iab_mac(int_val, strict=strict)
self._value = iab_int
elif _is_int(iab):
iab_int, user_int = self.split_iab_mac(iab, strict=strict)
self._value = iab_int
raise TypeError('unexpected IAB format: %r!' % (iab,))
# Discover offsets.
if self._value in ieee.IAB_INDEX:
fh = _importlib_resources.open_binary(__package__, 'iab.txt')
(offset, size) = ieee.IAB_INDEX[self._value][0]
self.record['offset'] = offset
self.record['size'] = size
data ='UTF-8')
self._parse_data(data, offset, size)
raise NotRegisteredError('IAB %r not unregistered!' % (iab,))
def __eq__(self, other):
if not isinstance(other, IAB):
other = self.__class__(other)
except Exception:
return NotImplemented
return self._value == other._value
def __ne__(self, other):
if not isinstance(other, IAB):
other = self.__class__(other)
except Exception:
return NotImplemented
return self._value != other._value
def __getstate__(self):
""":returns: Pickled state of an `IAB` object."""
return self._value, self.record
def __setstate__(self, state):
""":param state: data used to unpickle a pickled `IAB` object."""
self._value, self.record = state
def _parse_data(self, data, offset, size):
"""Returns a dict record from raw IAB record data"""
for line in data.split("\n"):
line = line.strip()
if not line:
if '(hex)' in line:
self.record['idx'] = self._value
self.record['org'] = line.split(None, 2)[2]
self.record['iab'] = str(self)
elif '(base 16)' in line:
def registration(self):
"""The IEEE registration details for this IAB"""
return DictDotLookup(self.record)
def __str__(self):
""":return: string representation of this IAB"""
int_val = self._value << 4
return "%02X-%02X-%02X-%02X-%02X-00" % (
(int_val >> 32) & 0xff,
(int_val >> 24) & 0xff,
(int_val >> 16) & 0xff,
(int_val >> 8) & 0xff,
int_val & 0xff)
def __repr__(self):
""":return: executable Python string to recreate equivalent object."""
return "IAB('%s')" % self
class EUI(BaseIdentifier):
An IEEE EUI (Extended Unique Identifier).
Both EUI-48 (used for layer 2 MAC addresses) and EUI-64 are supported.
Input parsing for EUI-48 addresses is flexible, supporting many MAC
__slots__ = ('_module', '_dialect')
def __init__(self, addr, version=None, dialect=None):
:param addr: an EUI-48 (MAC) or EUI-64 address in string format or \
an unsigned integer. May also be another EUI object (copy \
:param version: (optional) the explicit EUI address version, either \
48 or 64. Mainly used to distinguish EUI-48 and EUI-64 identifiers \
specified as integers which may be numerically equivalent.
:param dialect: (optional) the mac_* dialect to be used to configure \
the formatting of EUI-48 (MAC) addresses.
super(EUI, self).__init__()
self._module = None
if isinstance(addr, EUI):
# Copy constructor.
if version is not None and version != addr._module.version:
raise ValueError('cannot switch EUI versions using '
'copy constructor!')
self._module = addr._module
self._value = addr._value
self.dialect = addr.dialect
if version is not None:
if version == 48:
self._module = _eui48
elif version == 64:
self._module = _eui64
raise ValueError('unsupported EUI version %r' % version)
# Choose a default version when addr is an integer and version is
# not specified.
if _is_int(addr):
if 0 <= addr <= 0xffffffffffff:
self._module = _eui48
elif 0xffffffffffff < addr <= 0xffffffffffffffff:
self._module = _eui64
self.value = addr
# Choose a dialect for MAC formatting.
self.dialect = dialect
def __getstate__(self):
""":returns: Pickled state of an `EUI` object."""
return self._value, self._module.version, self.dialect
def __setstate__(self, state):
:param state: data used to unpickle a pickled `EUI` object.
value, version, dialect = state
self._value = value
if version == 48:
self._module = _eui48
elif version == 64:
self._module = _eui64
raise ValueError('unpickling failed for object state: %s' \
% (state,))
self.dialect = dialect
def _get_value(self):
return self._value
def _set_value(self, value):
if self._module is None:
# EUI version is implicit, detect it from value.
for module in (_eui48, _eui64):
self._value = module.str_to_int(value)
self._module = module
except AddrFormatError:
if 0 <= int(value) <= module.max_int:
self._value = int(value)
self._module = module
except ValueError:
if self._module is None:
raise AddrFormatError('failed to detect EUI version: %r'
% (value,))
# EUI version is explicit.
if _is_str(value):
self._value = self._module.str_to_int(value)
except AddrFormatError:
raise AddrFormatError('address %r is not an EUIv%d'
% (value, self._module.version))
if 0 <= int(value) <= self._module.max_int:
self._value = int(value)
raise AddrFormatError('bad address format: %r' % (value,))
value = property(_get_value, _set_value, None,
'a positive integer representing the value of this EUI indentifier.')
def _get_dialect(self):
return self._dialect
def _validate_dialect(self, value):
if value is None:
if self._module is _eui64:
return eui64_base
return mac_eui48
if hasattr(value, 'word_size') and hasattr(value, 'word_fmt'):
return value
raise TypeError('custom dialects should subclass mac_eui48!')
def _set_dialect(self, value):
self._dialect = self._validate_dialect(value)
dialect = property(_get_dialect, _set_dialect, None,
"a Python class providing support for the interpretation of "
"various MAC\n address formats.")
def oui(self):
"""The OUI (Organisationally Unique Identifier) for this EUI."""
if self._module == _eui48:
return OUI(self.value >> 24)
elif self._module == _eui64:
return OUI(self.value >> 40)
def ei(self):
"""The EI (Extension Identifier) for this EUI"""
if self._module == _eui48:
return '%02X-%02X-%02X' % tuple(self[3:6])
elif self._module == _eui64:
return '%02X-%02X-%02X-%02X-%02X' % tuple(self[3:8])
def is_iab(self):
""":return: True if this EUI is an IAB address, False otherwise"""
return (self._value >> 24) in IAB.IAB_EUI_VALUES
def iab(self):
If is_iab() is True, the IAB (Individual Address Block) is returned,
``None`` otherwise.
if self.is_iab():
return IAB(self._value >> 12)
def version(self):
"""The EUI version represented by this EUI object."""
return self._module.version
def __getitem__(self, idx):
:return: The integer value of the word referenced by index (both \
positive and negative). Raises ``IndexError`` if index is out \
of bounds. Also supports Python list slices for accessing \
word groups.
if _is_int(idx):
# Indexing, including negative indexing goodness.
num_words = self._dialect.num_words
if not (-num_words) <= idx <= (num_words - 1):
raise IndexError('index out range for address type!')
return self._module.int_to_words(self._value, self._dialect)[idx]
elif isinstance(idx, slice):
words = self._module.int_to_words(self._value, self._dialect)
return [words[i] for i in range(*idx.indices(len(words)))]
raise TypeError('unsupported type %r!' % (idx,))
def __setitem__(self, idx, value):
"""Set the value of the word referenced by index in this address"""
if isinstance(idx, slice):
# TODO - settable slices.
raise NotImplementedError('settable slices are not supported!')
if not _is_int(idx):
raise TypeError('index not an integer!')
if not 0 <= idx <= (self._dialect.num_words - 1):
raise IndexError('index %d outside address type boundary!' % (idx,))
if not _is_int(value):
raise TypeError('value not an integer!')
if not 0 <= value <= self._dialect.max_word:
raise IndexError('value %d outside word size maximum of %d bits!'
% (value, self._dialect.word_size))
words = list(self._module.int_to_words(self._value, self._dialect))
words[idx] = value
self._value = self._module.words_to_int(words)
def __hash__(self):
""":return: hash of this EUI object suitable for dict keys, sets etc"""
return hash((self.version, self._value))
def __eq__(self, other):
:return: ``True`` if this EUI object is numerically the same as other, \
``False`` otherwise.
if not isinstance(other, EUI):
other = self.__class__(other)
except Exception:
return NotImplemented
return (self.version, self._value) == (other.version, other._value)
def __ne__(self, other):
:return: ``True`` if this EUI object is numerically the same as other, \
``False`` otherwise.
if not isinstance(other, EUI):
other = self.__class__(other)
except Exception:
return NotImplemented
return (self.version, self._value) != (other.version, other._value)
def __lt__(self, other):
:return: ``True`` if this EUI object is numerically lower in value than \
other, ``False`` otherwise.
if not isinstance(other, EUI):
other = self.__class__(other)
except Exception:
return NotImplemented
return (self.version, self._value) < (other.version, other._value)
def __le__(self, other):
:return: ``True`` if this EUI object is numerically lower or equal in \
value to other, ``False`` otherwise.
if not isinstance(other, EUI):
other = self.__class__(other)
except Exception:
return NotImplemented
return (self.version, self._value) <= (other.version, other._value)
def __gt__(self, other):
:return: ``True`` if this EUI object is numerically greater in value \
than other, ``False`` otherwise.
if not isinstance(other, EUI):
other = self.__class__(other)
except Exception:
return NotImplemented
return (self.version, self._value) > (other.version, other._value)
def __ge__(self, other):
:return: ``True`` if this EUI object is numerically greater or equal \
in value to other, ``False`` otherwise.
if not isinstance(other, EUI):
other = self.__class__(other)
except Exception:
return NotImplemented
return (self.version, self._value) >= (other.version, other._value)
def bits(self, word_sep=None):
:param word_sep: (optional) the separator to insert between words. \
Default: None - use default separator for address type.
:return: human-readable binary digit string of this address.
return self._module.int_to_bits(self._value, word_sep)
def packed(self):
"""The value of this EUI address as a packed binary string."""
return self._module.int_to_packed(self._value)
def words(self):
"""A list of unsigned integer octets found in this EUI address."""
return self._module.int_to_words(self._value)
def bin(self):
The value of this EUI adddress in standard Python binary
representational form (0bxxx). A back port of the format provided by
the builtin bin() function found in Python 2.6.x and higher.
return self._module.int_to_bin(self._value)
def eui64(self):
- If this object represents an EUI-48 it is converted to EUI-64 \
as per the standard.
- If this object is already an EUI-64, a new, numerically \
equivalent object is returned instead.
:return: The value of this EUI object as a new 64-bit EUI object.
if self.version == 48:
# Convert 11:22:33:44:55:66 into 11:22:33:FF:FE:44:55:66.
first_three = self._value >> 24
last_three = self._value & 0xffffff
new_value = (first_three << 40) | 0xfffe000000 | last_three
# is already a EUI64
new_value = self._value
return self.__class__(new_value, version=64)
def modified_eui64(self):
- create a new EUI object with a modified EUI-64 as described in RFC 4291 section 2.5.1
:return: a new and modified 64-bit EUI object.
# Modified EUI-64 format interface identifiers are formed by inverting
# the "u" bit (universal/local bit in IEEE EUI-64 terminology) when
# forming the interface identifier from IEEE EUI-64 identifiers. In
# the resulting Modified EUI-64 format, the "u" bit is set to one (1)
# to indicate universal scope, and it is set to zero (0) to indicate
# local scope.
eui64 = self.eui64()
eui64._value ^= 0x00000000000000000200000000000000
return eui64
def ipv6(self, prefix):
.. note:: This poses security risks in certain scenarios. \
Please read RFC 4941 for details. Reference: RFCs 4291 and 4941.
:param prefix: ipv6 prefix
:return: new IPv6 `IPAddress` object based on this `EUI` \
using the technique described in RFC 4291.
int_val = int(prefix) + int(self.modified_eui64())
return IPAddress(int_val, version=6)
def ipv6_link_local(self):
.. note:: This poses security risks in certain scenarios. \
Please read RFC 4941 for details. Reference: RFCs 4291 and 4941.
:return: new link local IPv6 `IPAddress` object based on this `EUI` \
using the technique described in RFC 4291.
return self.ipv6(0xfe800000000000000000000000000000)
def info(self):
A record dict containing IEEE registration details for this EUI
(MAC-48) if available, None otherwise.
data = {'OUI': self.oui.registration()}
if self.is_iab():
data['IAB'] = self.iab.registration()
return DictDotLookup(data)
def format(self, dialect=None):
Format the EUI into the representational format according to the given
:param dialect: the mac_* dialect defining the formatting of EUI-48 \
(MAC) addresses.
:return: EUI in representational format according to the given dialect
validated_dialect = self._validate_dialect(dialect)
return self._module.int_to_str(self._value, validated_dialect)
def __str__(self):
""":return: EUI in representational format"""
return self._module.int_to_str(self._value, self._dialect)
def __repr__(self):
""":return: executable Python string to recreate equivalent object."""
return "EUI('%s')" % self

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#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (c) 2008 by David P. D. Moss. All rights reserved.
# Released under the BSD license. See the LICENSE file for details.
# netaddr is not sponsored nor endorsed by the IEEE.
# Use of data from the IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics
# Engineers) is subject to copyright. See the following URL for
# details :-
# -
# IEEE data files included with netaddr are not modified in any way but are
# parsed and made available to end users through an API. There is no
# guarantee that referenced files are not out of date.
# See README file and source code for URLs to latest copies of the relevant
# files.
Provides access to public OUI and IAB registration data published by the IEEE.
More details can be found at the following URLs :-
- IEEE Home Page -
- Registration Authority Home Page -
import os.path as _path
import csv as _csv
from netaddr.compat import _bytes_type, _importlib_resources
from netaddr.core import Subscriber, Publisher
#: OUI index lookup dictionary.
#: IAB index lookup dictionary.
class FileIndexer(Subscriber):
A concrete Subscriber that receives OUI record offset information that is
written to an index data file as a set of comma separated records.
def __init__(self, index_file):
:param index_file: a file-like object or name of index file where
index records will be written.
if hasattr(index_file, 'readline') and hasattr(index_file, 'tell'):
self.fh = index_file
self.fh = open(index_file, 'w')
self.writer = _csv.writer(self.fh, lineterminator="\n")
def update(self, data):
Receives and writes index data to a CSV data file.
:param data: record containing offset record information.
class OUIIndexParser(Publisher):
A concrete Publisher that parses OUI (Organisationally Unique Identifier)
records from IEEE text-based registration files
It notifies registered Subscribers as each record is encountered, passing
on the record's position relative to the start of the file (offset) and
the size of the record (in bytes).
The file processed by this parser is available online from this URL :-
This is a sample of the record structure expected::
def __init__(self, ieee_file):
:param ieee_file: a file-like object or name of file containing OUI
records. When using a file-like object always open it in binary
mode otherwise offsets will probably misbehave.
super(OUIIndexParser, self).__init__()
if hasattr(ieee_file, 'readline') and hasattr(ieee_file, 'tell'):
self.fh = ieee_file
self.fh = open(ieee_file, 'rb')
def parse(self):
Starts the parsing process which detects records and notifies
registered subscribers as it finds each OUI record.
skip_header = True
record = None
size = 0
marker = _bytes_type('(hex)')
hyphen = _bytes_type('-')
empty_string = _bytes_type('')
while True:
line = self.fh.readline()
if not line:
break # EOF, we're done
if skip_header and marker in line:
skip_header = False
if skip_header:
# ignoring header section
if marker in line:
# record start
if record is not None:
# a complete record.
size = len(line)
offset = (self.fh.tell() - len(line))
oui = line.split()[0]
index = int(oui.replace(hyphen, empty_string), 16)
record = [index, offset]
# within record
size += len(line)
# process final record on loop exit
class IABIndexParser(Publisher):
A concrete Publisher that parses IAB (Individual Address Block) records
from IEEE text-based registration files
It notifies registered Subscribers as each record is encountered, passing
on the record's position relative to the start of the file (offset) and
the size of the record (in bytes).
The file processed by this parser is available online from this URL :-
This is a sample of the record structure expected::
def __init__(self, ieee_file):
:param ieee_file: a file-like object or name of file containing IAB
records. When using a file-like object always open it in binary
mode otherwise offsets will probably misbehave.
super(IABIndexParser, self).__init__()
if hasattr(ieee_file, 'readline') and hasattr(ieee_file, 'tell'):
self.fh = ieee_file
self.fh = open(ieee_file, 'rb')
def parse(self):
Starts the parsing process which detects records and notifies
registered subscribers as it finds each IAB record.
skip_header = True
record = None
size = 0
hex_marker = _bytes_type('(hex)')
base16_marker = _bytes_type('(base 16)')
hyphen = _bytes_type('-')
empty_string = _bytes_type('')
while True:
line = self.fh.readline()
if not line:
break # EOF, we're done
if skip_header and hex_marker in line:
skip_header = False
if skip_header:
# ignoring header section
if hex_marker in line:
# record start
if record is not None:
offset = (self.fh.tell() - len(line))
iab_prefix = line.split()[0]
index = iab_prefix
record = [index, offset]
size = len(line)
elif base16_marker in line:
# within record
size += len(line)
prefix = record[0].replace(hyphen, empty_string)
suffix = line.split()[0]
suffix = suffix.split(hyphen)[0]
record[0] = (int(prefix + suffix, 16)) >> 12
# within record
size += len(line)
# process final record on loop exit
def create_index_from_registry(registry_fh, index_path, parser):
"""Generate an index files from the IEEE registry file."""
oui_parser = parser(registry_fh)
def create_indices():
"""Create indices for OUI and IAB file based lookups"""
_path.join(_path.dirname(__file__), 'oui.txt'),
_path.join(_path.dirname(__file__), 'oui.idx'),
_path.join(_path.dirname(__file__), 'iab.txt'),
_path.join(_path.dirname(__file__), 'iab.idx'),
def load_index(index, fp):
"""Load index from file into index data structure."""
for row in _csv.reader([x.decode('UTF-8') for x in fp]):
(key, offset, size) = [int(_) for _ in row]
index.setdefault(key, [])
index[key].append((offset, size))
def load_indices():
"""Load OUI and IAB lookup indices into memory"""
load_index(OUI_INDEX, _importlib_resources.open_binary(__package__, 'oui.idx'))
load_index(IAB_INDEX, _importlib_resources.open_binary(__package__, 'iab.idx'))
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Generate indices when module is executed as a script.
# On module load read indices in memory to enable lookups.

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# Copyright (c) 2008 by David P. D. Moss. All rights reserved.
# Released under the BSD license. See the LICENSE file for details.
"""Fallback routines for Python's standard library socket module"""
from struct import unpack as _unpack, pack as _pack
from netaddr.compat import _bytes_join, _is_str
AF_INET6 = 10
def inet_ntoa(packed_ip):
Convert an IP address from 32-bit packed binary format to string format.
if not _is_str(packed_ip):
raise TypeError('string type expected, not %s' % type(packed_ip))
if len(packed_ip) != 4:
raise ValueError('invalid length of packed IP address string')
return '%d.%d.%d.%d' % _unpack('4B', packed_ip)
def _compact_ipv6_tokens(tokens):
new_tokens = []
positions = []
start_index = None
num_tokens = 0
# Discover all runs of zeros.
for idx, token in enumerate(tokens):
if token == '0':
if start_index is None:
start_index = idx
num_tokens += 1
if num_tokens > 1:
positions.append((num_tokens, start_index))
start_index = None
num_tokens = 0
# Store any position not saved before loop exit.
if num_tokens > 1:
positions.append((num_tokens, start_index))
# Replace first longest run with an empty string.
if len(positions) != 0:
# Locate longest, left-most run of zeros.
positions.sort(key=lambda x: x[1])
best_position = positions[0]
for position in positions:
if position[0] > best_position[0]:
best_position = position
# Replace chosen zero run.
(length, start_idx) = best_position
new_tokens = new_tokens[0:start_idx] + [''] + new_tokens[start_idx + length:]
# Add start and end blanks so join creates '::'.
if new_tokens[0] == '':
new_tokens.insert(0, '')
if new_tokens[-1] == '':
return new_tokens
def inet_ntop(af, packed_ip):
"""Convert an packed IP address of the given family to string format."""
if af == AF_INET:
# IPv4.
return inet_ntoa(packed_ip)
elif af == AF_INET6:
# IPv6.
if len(packed_ip) != 16 or not _is_str(packed_ip):
raise ValueError('invalid length of packed IP address string')
tokens = ['%x' % i for i in _unpack('>8H', packed_ip)]
# Convert packed address to an integer value.
words = list(_unpack('>8H', packed_ip))
int_val = 0
for i, num in enumerate(reversed(words)):
word = num
word = word << 16 * i
int_val = int_val | word
if 0xffff < int_val <= 0xffffffff or int_val >> 32 == 0xffff:
# IPv4 compatible / mapped IPv6.
packed_ipv4 = _pack('>2H', *[int(i, 16) for i in tokens[-2:]])
ipv4_str = inet_ntoa(packed_ipv4)
tokens = tokens[0:-2] + [ipv4_str]
return ':'.join(_compact_ipv6_tokens(tokens))
raise ValueError('unknown address family %d' % af)
def _inet_pton_af_inet(ip_string):
Convert an IP address in string format ( to the 32-bit packed
binary format used in low-level network functions. Differs from inet_aton
by only support decimal octets. Using octal or hexadecimal values will
raise a ValueError exception.
#TODO: optimise this ... use inet_aton with mods if available ...
if _is_str(ip_string):
invalid_addr = ValueError('illegal IP address string %r' % ip_string)
# Support for hexadecimal and octal octets.
tokens = ip_string.split('.')
# Pack octets.
if len(tokens) == 4:
words = []
for token in tokens:
if token.startswith('0x') or (token.startswith('0') and len(token) > 1):
raise invalid_addr
octet = int(token)
except ValueError:
raise invalid_addr
if (octet >> 8) != 0:
raise invalid_addr
words.append(_pack('B', octet))
return _bytes_join(words)
raise invalid_addr
raise ValueError('argument should be a string, not %s' % type(ip_string))
def inet_pton(af, ip_string):
Convert an IP address from string format to a packed string suitable for
use with low-level network functions.
if af == AF_INET:
# IPv4.
return _inet_pton_af_inet(ip_string)
elif af == AF_INET6:
invalid_addr = ValueError('illegal IP address string %r' % ip_string)
# IPv6.
values = []
if not _is_str(ip_string):
raise invalid_addr
if 'x' in ip_string:
# Don't accept hextets with the 0x prefix.
raise invalid_addr
if '::' in ip_string:
if ip_string == '::':
# Unspecified address.
return '\x00'.encode() * 16
# IPv6 compact mode.
prefix, suffix = ip_string.split('::')
except ValueError:
raise invalid_addr
l_prefix = []
l_suffix = []
if prefix != '':
l_prefix = prefix.split(':')
if suffix != '':
l_suffix = suffix.split(':')
# IPv6 compact IPv4 compatibility mode.
if len(l_suffix) and '.' in l_suffix[-1]:
ipv4_str = _inet_pton_af_inet(l_suffix.pop())
l_suffix.append('%x' % _unpack('>H', ipv4_str[0:2])[0])
l_suffix.append('%x' % _unpack('>H', ipv4_str[2:4])[0])
token_count = len(l_prefix) + len(l_suffix)
if not 0 <= token_count <= 8 - 1:
raise invalid_addr
gap_size = 8 - ( len(l_prefix) + len(l_suffix) )
values = (
[_pack('>H', int(i, 16)) for i in l_prefix] +
['\x00\x00'.encode() for i in range(gap_size)] +
[_pack('>H', int(i, 16)) for i in l_suffix]
for token in l_prefix + l_suffix:
word = int(token, 16)
if not 0 <= word <= 0xffff:
raise invalid_addr
except ValueError:
raise invalid_addr
# IPv6 verbose mode.
if ':' in ip_string:
tokens = ip_string.split(':')
if '.' in ip_string:
ipv6_prefix = tokens[:-1]
if ipv6_prefix[:-1] != ['0', '0', '0', '0', '0']:
raise invalid_addr
if ipv6_prefix[-1].lower() not in ('0', 'ffff'):
raise invalid_addr
# IPv6 verbose IPv4 compatibility mode.
if len(tokens) != 7:
raise invalid_addr
ipv4_str = _inet_pton_af_inet(tokens.pop())
tokens.append('%x' % _unpack('>H', ipv4_str[0:2])[0])
tokens.append('%x' % _unpack('>H', ipv4_str[2:4])[0])
values = [_pack('>H', int(i, 16)) for i in tokens]
# IPv6 verbose mode.
if len(tokens) != 8:
raise invalid_addr
tokens = [int(token, 16) for token in tokens]
for token in tokens:
if not 0 <= token <= 0xffff:
raise invalid_addr
except ValueError:
raise invalid_addr
values = [_pack('>H', i) for i in tokens]
raise invalid_addr
return _bytes_join(values)
raise ValueError('Unknown address family %d' % af)

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@ -0,0 +1,312 @@
# Copyright (c) 2008 by David P. D. Moss. All rights reserved.
# Released under the BSD license. See the LICENSE file for details.
Routines and classes for supporting and expressing IP address ranges using a
glob style syntax.
from netaddr.core import AddrFormatError, AddrConversionError
from netaddr.ip import IPRange, IPAddress, IPNetwork, iprange_to_cidrs
from netaddr.compat import _is_str
def valid_glob(ipglob):
:param ipglob: An IP address range in a glob-style format.
:return: ``True`` if IP range glob is valid, ``False`` otherwise.
#TODO: Add support for abbreviated ipglobs.
#TODO: e.g. 192.0.*.* == 192.0.*
#TODO: *.*.*.* == *
#TODO: Add strict flag to enable verbose ipglob checking.
if not _is_str(ipglob):
return False
seen_hyphen = False
seen_asterisk = False
octets = ipglob.split('.')
if len(octets) != 4:
return False
for octet in octets:
if '-' in octet:
if seen_hyphen:
return False
seen_hyphen = True
if seen_asterisk:
# Asterisks cannot precede hyphenated octets.
return False
(octet1, octet2) = [int(i) for i in octet.split('-')]
except ValueError:
return False
if octet1 >= octet2:
return False
if not 0 <= octet1 <= 254:
return False
if not 1 <= octet2 <= 255:
return False
elif octet == '*':
seen_asterisk = True
if seen_hyphen is True:
return False
if seen_asterisk is True:
return False
if not 0 <= int(octet) <= 255:
return False
except ValueError:
return False
return True
def glob_to_iptuple(ipglob):
A function that accepts a glob-style IP range and returns the component
lower and upper bound IP address.
:param ipglob: an IP address range in a glob-style format.
:return: a tuple contain lower and upper bound IP objects.
if not valid_glob(ipglob):
raise AddrFormatError('not a recognised IP glob range: %r!' % (ipglob,))
start_tokens = []
end_tokens = []
for octet in ipglob.split('.'):
if '-' in octet:
tokens = octet.split('-')
elif octet == '*':
return IPAddress('.'.join(start_tokens)), IPAddress('.'.join(end_tokens))
def glob_to_iprange(ipglob):
A function that accepts a glob-style IP range and returns the equivalent
IP range.
:param ipglob: an IP address range in a glob-style format.
:return: an IPRange object.
if not valid_glob(ipglob):
raise AddrFormatError('not a recognised IP glob range: %r!' % (ipglob,))
start_tokens = []
end_tokens = []
for octet in ipglob.split('.'):
if '-' in octet:
tokens = octet.split('-')
elif octet == '*':
return IPRange('.'.join(start_tokens), '.'.join(end_tokens))
def iprange_to_globs(start, end):
A function that accepts an arbitrary start and end IP address or subnet
and returns one or more glob-style IP ranges.
:param start: the start IP address or subnet.
:param end: the end IP address or subnet.
:return: a list containing one or more IP globs.
start = IPAddress(start)
end = IPAddress(end)
if start.version != 4 and end.version != 4:
raise AddrConversionError('IP glob ranges only support IPv4!')
def _iprange_to_glob(lb, ub):
# Internal function to process individual IP globs.
t1 = [int(_) for _ in str(lb).split('.')]
t2 = [int(_) for _ in str(ub).split('.')]
tokens = []
seen_hyphen = False
seen_asterisk = False
for i in range(4):
if t1[i] == t2[i]:
# A normal octet.
elif (t1[i] == 0) and (t2[i] == 255):
# An asterisk octet.
seen_asterisk = True
# Create a hyphenated octet - only one allowed per IP glob.
if not seen_asterisk:
if not seen_hyphen:
tokens.append('%s-%s' % (t1[i], t2[i]))
seen_hyphen = True
raise AddrConversionError(
'only 1 hyphenated octet per IP glob allowed!')
raise AddrConversionError(
"asterisks are not allowed before hyphenated octets!")
return '.'.join(tokens)
globs = []
# IP range can be represented by a single glob.
ipglob = _iprange_to_glob(start, end)
if not valid_glob(ipglob):
#TODO: this is a workaround, it is produces non-optimal but valid
#TODO: glob conversions. Fix inner function so that is always
#TODO: produces a valid glob.
raise AddrConversionError('invalid ip glob created')
except AddrConversionError:
# Break IP range up into CIDRs before conversion to globs.
#TODO: this is still not completely optimised but is good enough
#TODO: for the moment.
for cidr in iprange_to_cidrs(start, end):
ipglob = _iprange_to_glob(cidr[0], cidr[-1])
return globs
def glob_to_cidrs(ipglob):
A function that accepts a glob-style IP range and returns a list of one
or more IP CIDRs that exactly matches it.
:param ipglob: an IP address range in a glob-style format.
:return: a list of one or more IP objects.
return iprange_to_cidrs(*glob_to_iptuple(ipglob))
def cidr_to_glob(cidr):
A function that accepts an IP subnet in a glob-style format and returns
a list of CIDR subnets that exactly matches the specified glob.
:param cidr: an IP object CIDR subnet.
:return: a list of one or more IP addresses and subnets.
ip = IPNetwork(cidr)
globs = iprange_to_globs(ip[0], ip[-1])
if len(globs) != 1:
# There should only ever be a one to one mapping between a CIDR and
# an IP glob range.
raise AddrConversionError('bad CIDR to IP glob conversion!')
return globs[0]
class IPGlob(IPRange):
Represents an IP address range using a glob-style syntax ``x.x.x-y.*``
Individual octets can be represented using the following shortcuts :
1. ``*`` - the asterisk octet (represents values ``0`` through ``255``)
2. ``x-y`` - the hyphenated octet (represents values ``x`` through ``y``)
A few basic rules also apply :
1. ``x`` must always be less than ``y``, therefore :
- ``x`` can only be ``0`` through ``254``
- ``y`` can only be ``1`` through ``255``
2. only one hyphenated octet per IP glob is allowed
3. only asterisks are permitted after a hyphenated octet
| IP glob | Description |
| ```` | a single address |
| ```` | 32 addresses |
| ``192.0.2.*`` | 256 addresses |
| ``192.0.2-3.*`` | 512 addresses |
| ``192.0-1.*.*`` | 131,072 addresses |
| ``*.*.*.*`` | the whole IPv4 address space |
.. note :: \
IP glob ranges are not directly equivalent to CIDR blocks. \
They can represent address ranges that do not fall on strict bit mask \
boundaries. They are suitable for use in configuration files, being \
more obvious and readable than their CIDR counterparts, especially for \
admins and end users with little or no networking knowledge or \
experience. All CIDR addresses can always be represented as IP globs \
but the reverse is not always true.
__slots__ = ('_glob',)
def __init__(self, ipglob):
(start, end) = glob_to_iptuple(ipglob)
super(IPGlob, self).__init__(start, end)
self.glob = iprange_to_globs(self._start, self._end)[0]
def __getstate__(self):
""":return: Pickled state of an `IPGlob` object."""
return super(IPGlob, self).__getstate__()
def __setstate__(self, state):
""":param state: data used to unpickle a pickled `IPGlob` object."""
super(IPGlob, self).__setstate__(state)
self.glob = iprange_to_globs(self._start, self._end)[0]
def _get_glob(self):
return self._glob
def _set_glob(self, ipglob):
(self._start, self._end) = glob_to_iptuple(ipglob)
self._glob = iprange_to_globs(self._start, self._end)[0]
glob = property(_get_glob, _set_glob, None,
'an arbitrary IP address range in glob format.')
def __str__(self):
""":return: IP glob in common representational format."""
return "%s" % self.glob
def __repr__(self):
""":return: Python statement to create an equivalent object"""
return "%s('%s')" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.glob)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,448 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (c) 2008 by David P. D. Moss. All rights reserved.
# Released under the BSD license. See the LICENSE file for details.
# netaddr is not sponsored nor endorsed by IANA.
# Use of data from IANA (Internet Assigned Numbers Authority) is subject to
# copyright and is provided with prior written permission.
# IANA data files included with netaddr are not modified in any way but are
# parsed and made available to end users through an API.
# See README file and source code for URLs to latest copies of the relevant
# files.
Routines for accessing data published by IANA (Internet Assigned Numbers
More details can be found at the following URLs :-
- IANA Home Page -
- IEEE Protocols Information Home Page -
import sys as _sys
from xml.sax import make_parser, handler
from netaddr.core import Publisher, Subscriber
from netaddr.ip import IPAddress, IPNetwork, IPRange, cidr_abbrev_to_verbose
from netaddr.compat import _dict_items, _callable, _importlib_resources
#: Topic based lookup dictionary for IANA information.
'IPv4': {},
'IPv6': {},
'IPv6_unicast': {},
'multicast': {},
class SaxRecordParser(handler.ContentHandler):
def __init__(self, callback=None):
self._level = 0
self._is_active = False
self._record = None
self._tag_level = None
self._tag_payload = None
self._tag_feeding = None
self._callback = callback
def startElement(self, name, attrs):
self._level += 1
if self._is_active is False:
if name == 'record':
self._is_active = True
self._tag_level = self._level
self._record = {}
if 'date' in attrs:
self._record['date'] = attrs['date']
elif self._level == self._tag_level + 1:
if name == 'xref':
if 'type' in attrs and 'data' in attrs:
l = self._record.setdefault(attrs['type'], [])
self._tag_payload = []
self._tag_feeding = True
self._tag_feeding = False
def endElement(self, name):
if self._is_active is True:
if name == 'record' and self._tag_level == self._level:
self._is_active = False
self._tag_level = None
if _callable(self._callback):
self._record = None
elif self._level == self._tag_level + 1:
if name != 'xref':
self._record[name] = ''.join(self._tag_payload)
self._tag_payload = None
self._tag_feeding = False
self._level -= 1
def characters(self, content):
if self._tag_feeding is True:
class XMLRecordParser(Publisher):
A configurable Parser that understands how to parse XML based records.
def __init__(self, fh, **kwargs):
fh - a valid, open file handle to XML based record data.
super(XMLRecordParser, self).__init__()
self.xmlparser = make_parser()
self.fh = fh
def process_record(self, rec):
This is the callback method invoked for every record. It is usually
over-ridden by base classes to provide specific record-based logic.
Any record can be vetoed (not passed to registered Subscriber objects)
by simply returning None.
return rec
def consume_record(self, rec):
record = self.process_record(rec)
if record is not None:
def parse(self):
Parse and normalises records, notifying registered subscribers with
record data as it is encountered.
class IPv4Parser(XMLRecordParser):
A XMLRecordParser that understands how to parse and retrieve data records
from the IANA IPv4 address space file.
It can be found online here :-
def __init__(self, fh, **kwargs):
fh - a valid, open file handle to an IANA IPv4 address space file.
kwargs - additional parser options.
super(IPv4Parser, self).__init__(fh)
def process_record(self, rec):
Callback method invoked for every record.
See base class method for more details.
record = {}
for key in ('prefix', 'designation', 'date', 'whois', 'status'):
record[key] = str(rec.get(key, '')).strip()
# Strip leading zeros from octet.
if '/' in record['prefix']:
(octet, prefix) = record['prefix'].split('/')
record['prefix'] = '%d/%d' % (int(octet), int(prefix))
record['status'] = record['status'].capitalize()
return record
class IPv6Parser(XMLRecordParser):
A XMLRecordParser that understands how to parse and retrieve data records
from the IANA IPv6 address space file.
It can be found online here :-
def __init__(self, fh, **kwargs):
fh - a valid, open file handle to an IANA IPv6 address space file.
kwargs - additional parser options.
super(IPv6Parser, self).__init__(fh)
def process_record(self, rec):
Callback method invoked for every record.
See base class method for more details.
record = {
'prefix': str(rec.get('prefix', '')).strip(),
'allocation': str(rec.get('description', '')).strip(),
# HACK: -1 instead of 0 is a hacky hack to get 4291 instead of 3513 from
# <xref type="rfc" data="rfc3513"/> was later obsoleted by <xref type="rfc" data="rfc4291"/>
# I imagine there's no way to solve this in a general way, maybe we should start returning a list
# of RFC-s here?
'reference': str(rec.get('rfc', [''])[-1]).strip(),
return record
class IPv6UnicastParser(XMLRecordParser):
A XMLRecordParser that understands how to parse and retrieve data records
from the IANA IPv6 unicast address assignments file.
It can be found online here :-
def __init__(self, fh, **kwargs):
fh - a valid, open file handle to an IANA IPv6 address space file.
kwargs - additional parser options.
super(IPv6UnicastParser, self).__init__(fh)
def process_record(self, rec):
Callback method invoked for every record.
See base class method for more details.
record = {
'status': str(rec.get('status', '')).strip(),
'description': str(rec.get('description', '')).strip(),
'prefix': str(rec.get('prefix', '')).strip(),
'date': str(rec.get('date', '')).strip(),
'whois': str(rec.get('whois', '')).strip(),
return record
class MulticastParser(XMLRecordParser):
A XMLRecordParser that knows how to process the IANA IPv4 multicast address
allocation file.
It can be found online here :-
def __init__(self, fh, **kwargs):
fh - a valid, open file handle to an IANA IPv4 multicast address
allocation file.
kwargs - additional parser options.
super(MulticastParser, self).__init__(fh)
def normalise_addr(self, addr):
Removes variations from address entries found in this particular file.
if '-' in addr:
(a1, a2) = addr.split('-')
o1 = a1.strip().split('.')
o2 = a2.strip().split('.')
return '%s-%s' % ('.'.join([str(int(i)) for i in o1]),
'.'.join([str(int(i)) for i in o2]))
o1 = addr.strip().split('.')
return '.'.join([str(int(i)) for i in o1])
def process_record(self, rec):
Callback method invoked for every record.
See base class method for more details.
if 'addr' in rec:
record = {
'address': self.normalise_addr(str(rec['addr'])),
'descr': str(rec.get('description', '')),
return record
class DictUpdater(Subscriber):
Concrete Subscriber that inserts records received from a Publisher into a
def __init__(self, dct, topic, unique_key):
dct - lookup dict or dict like object to insert records into.
topic - high-level category name of data to be processed.
unique_key - key name in data dict that uniquely identifies it.
self.dct = dct
self.topic = topic
self.unique_key = unique_key
def update(self, data):
Callback function used by Publisher to notify this Subscriber about
an update. Stores topic based information into dictionary passed to
data_id = data[self.unique_key]
if self.topic == 'IPv4':
cidr = IPNetwork(cidr_abbrev_to_verbose(data_id))
self.dct[cidr] = data
elif self.topic == 'IPv6':
cidr = IPNetwork(cidr_abbrev_to_verbose(data_id))
self.dct[cidr] = data
elif self.topic == 'IPv6_unicast':
cidr = IPNetwork(data_id)
self.dct[cidr] = data
elif self.topic == 'multicast':
iprange = None
if '-' in data_id:
# See if we can manage a single CIDR.
(first, last) = data_id.split('-')
iprange = IPRange(first, last)
cidrs = iprange.cidrs()
if len(cidrs) == 1:
iprange = cidrs[0]
iprange = IPAddress(data_id)
self.dct[iprange] = data
def load_info():
Parse and load internal IANA data lookups with the latest information from
data files.
ipv4 = IPv4Parser(_importlib_resources.open_binary(__package__, 'ipv4-address-space.xml'))
ipv4.attach(DictUpdater(IANA_INFO['IPv4'], 'IPv4', 'prefix'))
ipv6 = IPv6Parser(_importlib_resources.open_binary(__package__, 'ipv6-address-space.xml'))
ipv6.attach(DictUpdater(IANA_INFO['IPv6'], 'IPv6', 'prefix'))
ipv6ua = IPv6UnicastParser(
_importlib_resources.open_binary(__package__, 'ipv6-unicast-address-assignments.xml'),
ipv6ua.attach(DictUpdater(IANA_INFO['IPv6_unicast'], 'IPv6_unicast', 'prefix'))
mcast = MulticastParser(_importlib_resources.open_binary(__package__, 'multicast-addresses.xml'))
mcast.attach(DictUpdater(IANA_INFO['multicast'], 'multicast', 'address'))
def pprint_info(fh=None):
Pretty prints IANA information to filehandle.
if fh is None:
fh = _sys.stdout
for category in sorted(IANA_INFO):
fh.write('-' * len(category) + "\n")
fh.write(category + "\n")
fh.write('-' * len(category) + "\n")
ipranges = IANA_INFO[category]
for iprange in sorted(ipranges):
details = ipranges[iprange]
fh.write('%-45r' % (iprange) + details + "\n")
def _within_bounds(ip, ip_range):
# Boundary checking for multiple IP classes.
if hasattr(ip_range, 'first'):
# IP network or IP range.
return ip in ip_range
elif hasattr(ip_range, 'value'):
# IP address.
return ip == ip_range
raise Exception('Unsupported IP range or address: %r!' % (ip_range,))
def query(ip_addr):
"""Returns informational data specific to this IP address."""
info = {}
if ip_addr.version == 4:
for cidr, record in _dict_items(IANA_INFO['IPv4']):
if _within_bounds(ip_addr, cidr):
info.setdefault('IPv4', [])
if ip_addr.is_multicast():
for iprange, record in _dict_items(IANA_INFO['multicast']):
if _within_bounds(ip_addr, iprange):
info.setdefault('Multicast', [])
elif ip_addr.version == 6:
for cidr, record in _dict_items(IANA_INFO['IPv6']):
if _within_bounds(ip_addr, cidr):
info.setdefault('IPv6', [])
for cidr, record in _dict_items(IANA_INFO['IPv6_unicast']):
if _within_bounds(ip_addr, cidr):
info.setdefault('IPv6_unicast', [])
return info
# On module import, read IANA data files and populate lookups dict.

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="ipv6-address-space.xsl"?>
<?oxygen RNGSchema="ipv6-address-space.rng" type="xml"?>
<registry xmlns="" id="ipv6-address-space">
<title>Internet Protocol Version 6 Address Space</title>
<note>The IPv6 address management function was formally delegated to
IANA in December 1995 <xref type="rfc" data="rfc1881"/>. The registration procedure
was confirmed with the IETF Chair in March 2010.
As stated in RFC3513, IANA should limit its allocation of IPv6-unicast
address space to the range of addresses that start with binary value 001.
The rest of the global unicast address space (approximately 85% of the IPv6
address space) is reserved for future definition and use, and is not to be
assigned by IANA at this time.
While <xref type="rfc" data="rfc3513"/> was obsoleted by <xref type="rfc" data="rfc4291"/>,
the guidiance provided to IANA did not change regarding the allocation of IPv6
unicast addresses.
<registry id="ipv6-address-space-1">
<registration_rule>IESG Approval</registration_rule>
<description>Reserved by IETF</description>
<xref type="rfc" data="rfc3513"/><xref type="rfc" data="rfc4291"/>
<xref type="note" data="1"/>
<xref type="note" data="2"/>
<xref type="note" data="3"/>
<xref type="note" data="4"/>
<xref type="note" data="5"/>
<xref type="note" data="6"/>
<description>Reserved by IETF</description>
<xref type="rfc" data="rfc3513"/><xref type="rfc" data="rfc4291"/>
<notes>0100::/64 reserved for Discard-Only Address Block <xref type="rfc" data="rfc6666"/>.
Complete registration details are found in <xref type="registry" data="iana-ipv6-special-registry"/>.</notes>
<description>Reserved by IETF</description>
<xref type="rfc" data="rfc4048"/>
<notes>Deprecated as of December 2004 <xref type="rfc" data="rfc4048"/>.
Formerly an OSI NSAP-mapped prefix set <xref type="rfc" data="rfc4548"/>.</notes>
<description>Reserved by IETF</description>
<xref type="rfc" data="rfc3513"/><xref type="rfc" data="rfc4291"/>
<description>Reserved by IETF</description>
<xref type="rfc" data="rfc3513"/><xref type="rfc" data="rfc4291"/>
<description>Reserved by IETF</description>
<xref type="rfc" data="rfc3513"/><xref type="rfc" data="rfc4291"/>
<description>Global Unicast</description>
<xref type="rfc" data="rfc3513"/><xref type="rfc" data="rfc4291"/>
<notes>The IPv6 Unicast space encompasses the entire IPv6 address range
with the exception of ff00::/8, per <xref type="rfc" data="rfc4291"/>. IANA unicast address
assignments are currently limited to the IPv6 unicast address
range of 2000::/3. IANA assignments from this block are registered
in <xref type="registry" data="ipv6-unicast-address-assignments"/>.
<xref type="note" data="7"/>
<xref type="note" data="8"/>
<xref type="note" data="9"/>
<xref type="note" data="10"/>
<xref type="note" data="11"/>
<xref type="note" data="12"/>
<xref type="note" data="13"/>
<xref type="note" data="14"/>
<xref type="note" data="15"/>
<description>Reserved by IETF</description>
<xref type="rfc" data="rfc3513"/><xref type="rfc" data="rfc4291"/>
<description>Reserved by IETF</description>
<xref type="rfc" data="rfc3513"/><xref type="rfc" data="rfc4291"/>
<description>Reserved by IETF</description>
<xref type="rfc" data="rfc3513"/><xref type="rfc" data="rfc4291"/>
<description>Reserved by IETF</description>
<xref type="rfc" data="rfc3513"/><xref type="rfc" data="rfc4291"/>
<description>Reserved by IETF</description>
<xref type="rfc" data="rfc3513"/><xref type="rfc" data="rfc4291"/>
<description>Reserved by IETF</description>
<xref type="rfc" data="rfc3513"/><xref type="rfc" data="rfc4291"/>
<description>Reserved by IETF</description>
<xref type="rfc" data="rfc3513"/><xref type="rfc" data="rfc4291"/>
<description>Reserved by IETF</description>
<xref type="rfc" data="rfc3513"/><xref type="rfc" data="rfc4291"/>
<description>Unique Local Unicast</description>
<xref type="rfc" data="rfc4193"/>
<notes>For complete registration details, see <xref type="registry" data="iana-ipv6-special-registry"/>.</notes>
<description>Reserved by IETF</description>
<xref type="rfc" data="rfc3513"/><xref type="rfc" data="rfc4291"/>
<description>Link-Scoped Unicast</description>
<xref type="rfc" data="rfc3513"/><xref type="rfc" data="rfc4291"/>
<notes>Reserved by protocol. For authoritative registration, see <xref type="registry" data="iana-ipv6-special-registry"/>.</notes>
<description>Reserved by IETF</description>
<xref type="rfc" data="rfc3879"/>
<notes>Deprecated by <xref type="rfc" data="rfc3879"/> in September 2004. Formerly a Site-Local scoped address prefix.</notes>
<xref type="rfc" data="rfc3513"/><xref type="rfc" data="rfc4291"/>
<notes>IANA assignments from this block are registered in <xref type="registry" data="ipv6-multicast-addresses"/>.</notes>
<footnote anchor="1">::1/128 reserved for Loopback Address <xref type="rfc" data="rfc4291"/>.
Reserved by protocol. For authoritative registration, see <xref type="registry" data="iana-ipv6-special-registry"/>.</footnote>
<footnote anchor="2">::/128 reserved for Unspecified Address <xref type="rfc" data="rfc4291"/>.
Reserved by protocol. For authoritative registration, see <xref type="registry" data="iana-ipv6-special-registry"/>.</footnote>
<footnote anchor="3">::ffff:0:0/96 reserved for IPv4-mapped Address <xref type="rfc" data="rfc4291"/>.
Reserved by protocol. For authoritative registration, see <xref type="registry" data="iana-ipv6-special-registry"/>.</footnote>
<footnote anchor="4">0::/96 deprecated by <xref type="rfc" data="rfc4291"/>. Formerly defined as the "IPv4-compatible IPv6 address" prefix.</footnote>
<footnote anchor="5">The "Well Known Prefix" 64:ff9b::/96 is used in an algorithmic mapping between IPv4 to IPv6 addresses <xref type="rfc" data="rfc6052"/>.</footnote>
<footnote anchor="6">64:ff9b:1::/48 reserved for Local-Use IPv4/IPv6 Translation <xref type="rfc" data="rfc8215"/>.</footnote>
<footnote anchor="7">2001:0::/23 reserved for IETF Protocol Assignments <xref type="rfc" data="rfc2928"/>.
For complete registration details, see <xref type="registry" data="iana-ipv6-special-registry"/>.</footnote>
<footnote anchor="8">2001:0::/32 reserved for TEREDO <xref type="rfc" data="rfc4380"/>.
For complete registration details, see <xref type="registry" data="iana-ipv6-special-registry"/>.</footnote>
<footnote anchor="9">2001:2::/48 reserved for Benchmarking <xref type="rfc" data="rfc5180"/><xref type="rfc-errata" data="1752"/>.
For complete registration details, see <xref type="registry" data="iana-ipv6-special-registry"/>.</footnote>
<footnote anchor="10">2001:3::/32 reserved for AMT <xref type="rfc" data="rfc7450"/>.
For complete registration details, see <xref type="registry" data="iana-ipv6-special-registry"/>.</footnote>
<footnote anchor="11">2001:4:112::/48 reserved for AS112-v6 <xref type="rfc" data="rfc7535"/>.
For complete registration details, see <xref type="registry" data="iana-ipv6-special-registry"/>.</footnote>
<footnote anchor="12">2001:10::/28 deprecated (formerly ORCHID) <xref type="rfc" data="rfc4843"/>.
For complete registration details, see <xref type="registry" data="iana-ipv6-special-registry"/>.</footnote>
<footnote anchor="13">2001:20::/28 reserved for ORCHIDv2 <xref type="rfc" data="rfc7343"/>.
For complete registration details, see <xref type="registry" data="iana-ipv6-special-registry"/>.</footnote>
<footnote anchor="14">2001:db8::/32 reserved for Documentation <xref type="rfc" data="rfc3849"/>.
For complete registration details, see <xref type="registry" data="iana-ipv6-special-registry"/>.</footnote>
<footnote anchor="15">2002::/16 reserved for 6to4 <xref type="rfc" data="rfc3056"/>.
For complete registration details, see <xref type="registry" data="iana-ipv6-special-registry"/>.</footnote>

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<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="ipv6-unicast-address-assignments.xsl"?>
<?oxygen RNGSchema="ipv6-unicast-address-assignments.rng" type="xml"?>
<registry xmlns="" id="ipv6-unicast-address-assignments">
<title>IPv6 Global Unicast Address Assignments</title>
<category>Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) Global Unicast Allocations</category>
<xref type="rfc" data="rfc7249"/>
<registration_rule>Allocations to RIRs are made in line with the Global Policy published at
<xref type="uri" data=""/>.
All other assignments require IETF Review.</registration_rule>
<description>The allocation of Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) unicast address space is listed
here. References to the various other registries detailing the use of the IPv6 address
space can be found in the <xref type="registry" data="ipv6-address-space">IPv6 Address Space registry</xref>.</description>
<note>The assignable Global Unicast Address space is defined in <xref type="rfc" data="rfc3513"/> as the address block
defined by the prefix 2000::/3. <xref type="rfc" data="rfc3513"/> was later obsoleted by <xref type="rfc" data="rfc4291"/>. All address
space in this block not listed in the table below is reserved by IANA for future
<record date="1999-07-01">
<notes>2001:0000::/23 is reserved for IETF Protocol Assignments <xref type="rfc" data="rfc2928"/>.
2001:0000::/32 is reserved for TEREDO <xref type="rfc" data="rfc4380"/>.
2001:1::1/128 is reserved for Port Control Protocol Anycast <xref type="rfc" data="rfc7723"/>.
2001:2::/48 is reserved for Benchmarking <xref type="rfc" data="rfc5180"/><xref type="rfc-errata" data="1752"/>.
2001:3::/32 is reserved for AMT <xref type="rfc" data="rfc7450"/>.
2001:4:112::/48 is reserved for AS112-v6 <xref type="rfc" data="rfc7535"/>.
2001:10::/28 is deprecated (previously ORCHID) <xref type="rfc" data="rfc4843"/>.
2001:20::/28 is reserved for ORCHIDv2 <xref type="rfc" data="rfc7343"/>.
2001:db8::/32 is reserved for Documentation <xref type="rfc" data="rfc3849"/>.
For complete registration details, see <xref type="registry" data="iana-ipv6-special-registry"/>.</notes>
<record date="1999-07-01">
<record date="1999-07-01">
<record date="1999-07-01">
<description>RIPE NCC</description>
<record date="2002-11-02">
<description>RIPE NCC</description>
<notes>2001:0800::/23 was allocated on 2002-05-02. The more recent
allocation (2002-11-02) incorporates the previous allocation.</notes>
<record date="2002-05-02">
<notes>2001:db8::/32 reserved for Documentation <xref type="rfc" data="rfc3849"/>.
For complete registration details, see <xref type="registry" data="iana-ipv6-special-registry"/>.</notes>
<record date="2003-01-01">
<record date="2002-11-01">
<record date="2003-07-01">
<description>RIPE NCC</description>
<notes>2001:1400::/23 was allocated on 2003-02-01. The more recent
allocation (2003-07-01) incorporates the previous allocation.</notes>
<record date="2003-04-01">
<record date="2004-01-01">
<description>RIPE NCC</description>
<record date="2004-05-04">
<description>RIPE NCC</description>
<record date="2019-03-12">
<description>RIPE NCC</description>
<notes>2001:2000::/20, 2001:3000::/21, and 2001:3800::/22
were allocated on 2004-05-04. The more recent allocation
(2019-03-12) incorporates all these previous allocations.</notes>
<record date="2004-06-11">
<description>RIPE NCC</description>
<record date="2004-06-01">
<record date="2004-06-11">
<record date="2004-08-17">
<description>RIPE NCC</description>
<record date="2004-08-24">
<record date="2004-10-15">
<description>RIPE NCC</description>
<record date="2004-12-17">
<description>RIPE NCC</description>
<record date="2004-09-10">
<description>RIPE NCC</description>
<record date="2004-11-30">
<record date="2004-11-30">
<record date="2006-03-08">
<record date="2001-02-01">
<notes>2002::/16 is reserved for 6to4 <xref type="rfc" data="rfc3056"/>.
For complete registration details, see <xref type="registry" data="iana-ipv6-special-registry"/>.</notes>
<record date="2005-01-12">
<description>RIPE NCC</description>
<record date="2006-10-03">
<notes>2400:0000::/19 was allocated on 2005-05-20. 2400:2000::/19 was allocated on 2005-07-08. 2400:4000::/21 was
allocated on 2005-08-08. 2404:0000::/23 was allocated on 2006-01-19. The more recent allocation (2006-10-03)
incorporates all these previous allocations.</notes>
<record date="2006-10-03">
<notes>2600:0000::/22, 2604:0000::/22, 2608:0000::/22 and 260c:0000::/22 were allocated on 2005-04-19. The more
recent allocation (2006-10-03) incorporates all these previous allocations.</notes>
<record date="2005-11-17">
<record date="2006-09-12">
<record date="2019-11-06">
<record date="2006-10-03">
<notes>2800:0000::/23 was allocated on 2005-11-17. The more recent allocation (2006-10-03) incorporates the
previous allocation.</notes>
<record date="2006-10-03">
<description>RIPE NCC</description>
<notes>2a00:0000::/21 was originally allocated on 2005-04-19. 2a01:0000::/23 was allocated on 2005-07-14.
2a01:0000::/16 (incorporating the 2a01:0000::/23) was allocated on 2005-12-15. The more recent allocation
(2006-10-03) incorporates these previous allocations.</notes>
<record date="2019-06-05">
<description>RIPE NCC</description>
<record date="2006-10-03">
<record date="1999-07-01">
<record date="1999-07-01">
<record date="1999-07-01">
<record date="2008-04">
<notes>3ffe:831f::/32 was used for Teredo in some old but widely distributed networking stacks. This usage is
deprecated in favor of 2001::/32, which was allocated for the purpose in <xref type="rfc" data="rfc4380"/>.
3ffe::/16 and 5f00::/8 were used for the 6bone but were returned. <xref type="rfc" data="rfc5156"/></notes>
<record date="2008-04">
<notes>3ffe::/16 and 5f00::/8 were used for the 6bone but were returned. <xref type="rfc" data="rfc5156"/></notes>

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

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# Copyright (c) 2008 by David P. D. Moss. All rights reserved.
# Released under the BSD license. See the LICENSE file for details.
Routines for dealing with nmap-style IPv4 address ranges.
Based on nmap's Target Specification :-
from netaddr.core import AddrFormatError
from netaddr.ip import IPAddress, IPNetwork
from netaddr.compat import _iter_range, _is_str, _iter_next
def _nmap_octet_target_values(spec):
# Generates sequence of values for an individual octet as defined in the
# nmap Target Specification.
values = set()
for element in spec.split(','):
if '-' in element:
left, right = element.split('-', 1)
if not left:
left = 0
if not right:
right = 255
low = int(left)
high = int(right)
if not ((0 <= low <= 255) and (0 <= high <= 255)):
raise ValueError('octet value overflow for spec %s!' % (spec,))
if low > high:
raise ValueError('left side of hyphen must be <= right %r' % (element,))
for octet in _iter_range(low, high + 1):
octet = int(element)
if not (0 <= octet <= 255):
raise ValueError('octet value overflow for spec %s!' % (spec,))
return sorted(values)
def _generate_nmap_octet_ranges(nmap_target_spec):
# Generate 4 lists containing all octets defined by a given nmap Target
# specification.
if not _is_str(nmap_target_spec):
raise TypeError('string expected, not %s' % type(nmap_target_spec))
if not nmap_target_spec:
raise ValueError('nmap target specification cannot be blank!')
tokens = nmap_target_spec.split('.')
if len(tokens) != 4:
raise AddrFormatError('invalid nmap range: %s' % (nmap_target_spec,))
return (_nmap_octet_target_values(tokens[0]),
def _parse_nmap_target_spec(target_spec):
if '/' in target_spec:
_, prefix = target_spec.split('/', 1)
if not (0 < int(prefix) < 33):
raise AddrFormatError('CIDR prefix expected, not %s' % (prefix,))
net = IPNetwork(target_spec)
if net.version != 4:
raise AddrFormatError('CIDR only support for IPv4!')
for ip in net:
yield ip
elif ':' in target_spec:
# nmap only currently supports IPv6 addresses without prefixes.
yield IPAddress(target_spec)
octet_ranges = _generate_nmap_octet_ranges(target_spec)
for w in octet_ranges[0]:
for x in octet_ranges[1]:
for y in octet_ranges[2]:
for z in octet_ranges[3]:
yield IPAddress("%d.%d.%d.%d" % (w, x, y, z), 4)
def valid_nmap_range(target_spec):
:param target_spec: an nmap-style IP range target specification.
:return: ``True`` if IP range target spec is valid, ``False`` otherwise.
return True
except (TypeError, ValueError, AddrFormatError):
return False
def iter_nmap_range(*nmap_target_spec):
An generator that yields IPAddress objects from defined by nmap target
See for details.
:param *nmap_target_spec: one or more nmap IP range target specification.
:return: an iterator producing IPAddress objects for each IP in the target spec(s).
for target_spec in nmap_target_spec:
for addr in _parse_nmap_target_spec(target_spec):
yield addr

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@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
# Copyright (c) 2008 by David P. D. Moss. All rights reserved.
# Released under the BSD license. See the LICENSE file for details.
"""A basic implementation of RFC 1924 ;-)"""
from netaddr.core import AddrFormatError
from netaddr.ip import IPAddress
from netaddr.compat import _zip
def chr_range(low, high):
"""Returns all characters between low and high chars."""
return [chr(i) for i in range(ord(low), ord(high) + 1)]
#: Base 85 integer index to character lookup table.
BASE_85 = (
chr_range('0', '9') + chr_range('A', 'Z') +
chr_range('a', 'z') +
['!', '#', '$', '%', '&', '(', ')', '*', '+', '-', ';', '<', '=', '>',
'?', '@', '^', '_', '`', '{', '|', '}', '~']
#: Base 85 digit to integer lookup table.
BASE_85_DICT = dict(_zip(BASE_85, range(0, 86)))
def ipv6_to_base85(addr):
"""Convert a regular IPv6 address to base 85."""
ip = IPAddress(addr)
int_val = int(ip)
remainder = []
while int_val > 0:
remainder.append(int_val % 85)
int_val //= 85
encoded = ''.join([BASE_85[w] for w in reversed(remainder)])
leading_zeroes = (20 - len(encoded)) * "0"
return leading_zeroes + encoded
def base85_to_ipv6(addr):
Convert a base 85 IPv6 address to its hexadecimal format.
tokens = list(addr)
if len(tokens) != 20:
raise AddrFormatError('Invalid base 85 IPv6 address: %r' % (addr,))
result = 0
for i, num in enumerate(reversed(tokens)):
num = BASE_85_DICT[num]
result += (num * 85 ** i)
ip = IPAddress(result, 6)
return str(ip)

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@ -0,0 +1,748 @@
# Copyright (c) 2008 by David P. D. Moss. All rights reserved.
# Released under the BSD license. See the LICENSE file for details.
"""Set based operations for IP addresses and subnets."""
import itertools as _itertools
from netaddr.ip import (IPNetwork, IPAddress, IPRange, cidr_merge,
cidr_exclude, iprange_to_cidrs)
from netaddr.compat import _sys_maxint, _dict_keys, _int_type
def _subtract(supernet, subnets, subnet_idx, ranges):
"""Calculate IPSet([supernet]) - IPSet(subnets).
Assumptions: subnets is sorted, subnet_idx points to the first
element in subnets that is a subnet of supernet.
Results are appended to the ranges parameter as tuples of in format
(version, first, last). Return value is the first subnet_idx that
does not point to a subnet of supernet (or len(subnets) if all
subsequents items are a subnet of supernet).
version = supernet._module.version
subnet = subnets[subnet_idx]
if subnet.first > supernet.first:
ranges.append((version, supernet.first, subnet.first - 1))
subnet_idx += 1
prev_subnet = subnet
while subnet_idx < len(subnets):
cur_subnet = subnets[subnet_idx]
if cur_subnet not in supernet:
if prev_subnet.last + 1 == cur_subnet.first:
# two adjacent, non-mergable IPNetworks
ranges.append((version, prev_subnet.last + 1, cur_subnet.first - 1))
subnet_idx += 1
prev_subnet = cur_subnet
first = prev_subnet.last + 1
last = supernet.last
if first <= last:
ranges.append((version, first, last))
return subnet_idx
def _iter_merged_ranges(sorted_ranges):
"""Iterate over sorted_ranges, merging where possible
Sorted ranges must be a sorted iterable of (version, first, last) tuples.
Merging occurs for pairs like [(4, 10, 42), (4, 43, 100)] which is merged
into (4, 10, 100), and leads to return value
( IPAddress(10, 4), IPAddress(100, 4) ), which is suitable input for the
iprange_to_cidrs function.
if not sorted_ranges:
current_version, current_start, current_stop = sorted_ranges[0]
for next_version, next_start, next_stop in sorted_ranges[1:]:
if next_start == current_stop + 1 and next_version == current_version:
# Can be merged.
current_stop = next_stop
# Cannot be merged.
yield (IPAddress(current_start, current_version),
IPAddress(current_stop, current_version))
current_start = next_start
current_stop = next_stop
current_version = next_version
yield (IPAddress(current_start, current_version),
IPAddress(current_stop, current_version))
class IPSet(object):
Represents an unordered collection (set) of unique IP addresses and
__slots__ = ('_cidrs', '__weakref__')
def __init__(self, iterable=None, flags=0):
:param iterable: (optional) an iterable containing IP addresses,
subnets or ranges.
:param flags: decides which rules are applied to the interpretation
of the addr value. See the netaddr.core namespace documentation
for supported constant values.
if isinstance(iterable, IPNetwork):
self._cidrs = {iterable.cidr: True}
elif isinstance(iterable, IPRange):
self._cidrs = dict.fromkeys(
iprange_to_cidrs(iterable[0], iterable[-1]), True)
elif isinstance(iterable, IPSet):
self._cidrs = dict.fromkeys(iterable.iter_cidrs(), True)
self._cidrs = {}
if iterable is not None:
mergeable = []
for addr in iterable:
if isinstance(addr, _int_type):
addr = IPAddress(addr, flags=flags)
for cidr in cidr_merge(mergeable):
self._cidrs[cidr] = True
def __getstate__(self):
""":return: Pickled state of an ``IPSet`` object."""
return tuple([cidr.__getstate__() for cidr in self._cidrs])
def __setstate__(self, state):
:param state: data used to unpickle a pickled ``IPSet`` object.
self._cidrs = dict.fromkeys(
(IPNetwork((value, prefixlen), version=version)
for value, prefixlen, version in state),
def _compact_single_network(self, added_network):
Same as compact(), but assume that added_network is the only change and
that this IPSet was properly compacted before added_network was added.
This allows to perform compaction much faster. added_network must
already be present in self._cidrs.
added_first = added_network.first
added_last = added_network.last
added_version = added_network.version
# Check for supernets and subnets of added_network.
if added_network._prefixlen == added_network._module.width:
# This is a single IP address, i.e. /32 for IPv4 or /128 for IPv6.
# It does not have any subnets, so we only need to check for its
# potential supernets.
for potential_supernet in added_network.supernet():
if potential_supernet in self._cidrs:
del self._cidrs[added_network]
# IPNetworks from self._cidrs that are subnets of added_network.
to_remove = []
for cidr in self._cidrs:
if (cidr._module.version != added_version or cidr == added_network):
# We found added_network or some network of a different version.
first = cidr.first
last = cidr.last
if first >= added_first and last <= added_last:
# cidr is a subnet of added_network. Remember to remove it.
elif first <= added_first and last >= added_last:
# cidr is a supernet of added_network. Remove added_network.
del self._cidrs[added_network]
# This IPSet was properly compacted before. Since added_network
# is removed now, it must again be properly compacted -> done.
assert (not to_remove)
for item in to_remove:
del self._cidrs[item]
# Check if added_network can be merged with another network.
# Note that merging can only happen between networks of the same
# prefixlen. This just leaves 2 candidates: The IPNetworks just before
# and just after the added_network.
# This can be reduced to 1 candidate: and can
# be merged into into But and
# cannot be merged. With only 1 candidate, we might as well make a
# dictionary lookup.
shift_width = added_network._module.width - added_network.prefixlen
while added_network.prefixlen != 0:
# figure out if the least significant bit of the network part is 0 or 1.
the_bit = (added_network._value >> shift_width) & 1
if the_bit:
candidate = added_network.previous()
candidate =
if candidate not in self._cidrs:
# The only possible merge does not work -> merge done
# Remove added_network&candidate, add merged network.
del self._cidrs[candidate]
del self._cidrs[added_network]
added_network.prefixlen -= 1
# Be sure that we set the host bits to 0 when we move the prefixlen.
# Otherwise, adding will result in a merged
# network, but we want
shift_width += 1
added_network._value = (added_network._value >> shift_width) << shift_width
self._cidrs[added_network] = True
def compact(self):
Compact internal list of `IPNetwork` objects using a CIDR merge.
cidrs = cidr_merge(self._cidrs)
self._cidrs = dict.fromkeys(cidrs, True)
def __hash__(self):
Raises ``TypeError`` if this method is called.
.. note:: IPSet objects are not hashable and cannot be used as \
dictionary keys or as members of other sets. \
raise TypeError('IP sets are unhashable!')
def __contains__(self, ip):
:param ip: An IP address or subnet.
:return: ``True`` if IP address or subnet is a member of this IP set.
# Iterating over self._cidrs is an O(n) operation: 1000 items in
# self._cidrs would mean 1000 loops. Iterating over all possible
# supernets loops at most 32 times for IPv4 or 128 times for IPv6,
# no matter how many CIDRs this object contains.
supernet = IPNetwork(ip)
if supernet in self._cidrs:
return True
while supernet._prefixlen:
supernet._prefixlen -= 1
if supernet in self._cidrs:
return True
return False
def __nonzero__(self):
"""Return True if IPSet contains at least one IP, else False"""
return bool(self._cidrs)
__bool__ = __nonzero__ # Python 3.x.
def __iter__(self):
:return: an iterator over the IP addresses within this IP set.
return _itertools.chain(*sorted(self._cidrs))
def iter_cidrs(self):
:return: an iterator over individual IP subnets within this IP set.
return sorted(self._cidrs)
def add(self, addr, flags=0):
Adds an IP address or subnet or IPRange to this IP set. Has no effect if
it is already present.
Note that where possible the IP address or subnet is merged with other
members of the set to form more concise CIDR blocks.
:param addr: An IP address or subnet in either string or object form, or
an IPRange object.
:param flags: decides which rules are applied to the interpretation
of the addr value. See the netaddr.core namespace documentation
for supported constant values.
if isinstance(addr, IPRange):
new_cidrs = dict.fromkeys(
iprange_to_cidrs(addr[0], addr[-1]), True)
if isinstance(addr, IPNetwork):
# Networks like need to be normalized to
addr = addr.cidr
elif isinstance(addr, _int_type):
addr = IPNetwork(IPAddress(addr, flags=flags))
addr = IPNetwork(addr)
self._cidrs[addr] = True
def remove(self, addr, flags=0):
Removes an IP address or subnet or IPRange from this IP set. Does
nothing if it is not already a member.
Note that this method behaves more like discard() found in regular
Python sets because it doesn't raise KeyError exceptions if the
IP address or subnet is question does not exist. It doesn't make sense
to fully emulate that behaviour here as IP sets contain groups of
individual IP addresses as individual set members using IPNetwork
:param addr: An IP address or subnet, or an IPRange.
:param flags: decides which rules are applied to the interpretation
of the addr value. See the netaddr.core namespace documentation
for supported constant values.
if isinstance(addr, IPRange):
cidrs = iprange_to_cidrs(addr[0], addr[-1])
for cidr in cidrs:
if isinstance(addr, _int_type):
addr = IPAddress(addr, flags=flags)
addr = IPNetwork(addr)
# This add() is required for address blocks provided that are larger
# than blocks found within the set but have overlaps. e.g. :-
# >>> IPSet(['']).remove('')
# IPSet([])
remainder = None
matching_cidr = None
# Search for a matching CIDR and exclude IP from it.
for cidr in self._cidrs:
if addr in cidr:
remainder = cidr_exclude(cidr, addr)
matching_cidr = cidr
# Replace matching CIDR with remaining CIDR elements.
if remainder is not None:
del self._cidrs[matching_cidr]
for cidr in remainder:
self._cidrs[cidr] = True
# No call to self.compact() is needed. Removing an IPNetwork cannot
# create mergable networks.
def pop(self):
Removes and returns an arbitrary IP address or subnet from this IP
:return: An IP address or subnet.
return self._cidrs.popitem()[0]
def isdisjoint(self, other):
:param other: an IP set.
:return: ``True`` if this IP set has no elements (IP addresses
or subnets) in common with other. Intersection *must* be an
empty set.
result = self.intersection(other)
return not result
def copy(self):
""":return: a shallow copy of this IP set."""
obj_copy = self.__class__()
return obj_copy
def update(self, iterable, flags=0):
Update the contents of this IP set with the union of itself and
other IP set.
:param iterable: an iterable containing IP addresses, subnets or ranges.
:param flags: decides which rules are applied to the interpretation
of the addr value. See the netaddr.core namespace documentation
for supported constant values.
if isinstance(iterable, IPSet):
self._cidrs = dict.fromkeys(
(ip for ip in cidr_merge(_dict_keys(self._cidrs)
+ _dict_keys(iterable._cidrs))), True)
elif isinstance(iterable, (IPNetwork, IPRange)):
if not hasattr(iterable, '__iter__'):
raise TypeError('an iterable was expected!')
# An iterable containing IP addresses or subnets.
mergeable = []
for addr in iterable:
if isinstance(addr, _int_type):
addr = IPAddress(addr, flags=flags)
for cidr in cidr_merge(_dict_keys(self._cidrs) + mergeable):
self._cidrs[cidr] = True
def clear(self):
"""Remove all IP addresses and subnets from this IP set."""
self._cidrs = {}
def __eq__(self, other):
:param other: an IP set
:return: ``True`` if this IP set is equivalent to the ``other`` IP set,
``False`` otherwise.
return self._cidrs == other._cidrs
except AttributeError:
return NotImplemented
def __ne__(self, other):
:param other: an IP set
:return: ``False`` if this IP set is equivalent to the ``other`` IP set,
``True`` otherwise.
return self._cidrs != other._cidrs
except AttributeError:
return NotImplemented
def __lt__(self, other):
:param other: an IP set
:return: ``True`` if this IP set is less than the ``other`` IP set,
``False`` otherwise.
if not hasattr(other, '_cidrs'):
return NotImplemented
return self.size < other.size and self.issubset(other)
def issubset(self, other):
:param other: an IP set.
:return: ``True`` if every IP address and subnet in this IP set
is found within ``other``.
for cidr in self._cidrs:
if cidr not in other:
return False
return True
__le__ = issubset
def __gt__(self, other):
:param other: an IP set.
:return: ``True`` if this IP set is greater than the ``other`` IP set,
``False`` otherwise.
if not hasattr(other, '_cidrs'):
return NotImplemented
return self.size > other.size and self.issuperset(other)
def issuperset(self, other):
:param other: an IP set.
:return: ``True`` if every IP address and subnet in other IP set
is found within this one.
if not hasattr(other, '_cidrs'):
return NotImplemented
for cidr in other._cidrs:
if cidr not in self:
return False
return True
__ge__ = issuperset
def union(self, other):
:param other: an IP set.
:return: the union of this IP set and another as a new IP set
(combines IP addresses and subnets from both sets).
ip_set = self.copy()
return ip_set
__or__ = union
def intersection(self, other):
:param other: an IP set.
:return: the intersection of this IP set and another as a new IP set.
(IP addresses and subnets common to both sets).
result_cidrs = {}
own_nets = sorted(self._cidrs)
other_nets = sorted(other._cidrs)
own_idx = 0
other_idx = 0
own_len = len(own_nets)
other_len = len(other_nets)
while own_idx < own_len and other_idx < other_len:
own_cur = own_nets[own_idx]
other_cur = other_nets[other_idx]
if own_cur == other_cur:
result_cidrs[own_cur] = True
own_idx += 1
other_idx += 1
elif own_cur in other_cur:
result_cidrs[own_cur] = True
own_idx += 1
elif other_cur in own_cur:
result_cidrs[other_cur] = True
other_idx += 1
# own_cur and other_cur have nothing in common
if own_cur < other_cur:
own_idx += 1
other_idx += 1
# We ran out of networks in own_nets or other_nets. Either way, there
# can be no further result_cidrs.
result = IPSet()
result._cidrs = result_cidrs
return result
__and__ = intersection
def symmetric_difference(self, other):
:param other: an IP set.
:return: the symmetric difference of this IP set and another as a new
IP set (all IP addresses and subnets that are in exactly one
of the sets).
# In contrast to intersection() and difference(), we cannot construct
# the result_cidrs easily. Some cidrs may have to be merged, e.g. for
# IPSet([""]).symmetric_difference(IPSet([""])).
result_ranges = []
own_nets = sorted(self._cidrs)
other_nets = sorted(other._cidrs)
own_idx = 0
other_idx = 0
own_len = len(own_nets)
other_len = len(other_nets)
while own_idx < own_len and other_idx < other_len:
own_cur = own_nets[own_idx]
other_cur = other_nets[other_idx]
if own_cur == other_cur:
own_idx += 1
other_idx += 1
elif own_cur in other_cur:
own_idx = _subtract(other_cur, own_nets, own_idx, result_ranges)
other_idx += 1
elif other_cur in own_cur:
other_idx = _subtract(own_cur, other_nets, other_idx, result_ranges)
own_idx += 1
# own_cur and other_cur have nothing in common
if own_cur < other_cur:
own_cur.first, own_cur.last))
own_idx += 1
other_cur.first, other_cur.last))
other_idx += 1
# If the above loop terminated because it processed all cidrs of
# "other", then any remaining cidrs in self must be part of the result.
while own_idx < own_len:
own_cur = own_nets[own_idx]
own_cur.first, own_cur.last))
own_idx += 1
# If the above loop terminated because it processed all cidrs of
# self, then any remaining cidrs in "other" must be part of the result.
while other_idx < other_len:
other_cur = other_nets[other_idx]
other_cur.first, other_cur.last))
other_idx += 1
result = IPSet()
for start, stop in _iter_merged_ranges(result_ranges):
cidrs = iprange_to_cidrs(start, stop)
for cidr in cidrs:
result._cidrs[cidr] = True
return result
__xor__ = symmetric_difference
def difference(self, other):
:param other: an IP set.
:return: the difference between this IP set and another as a new IP
set (all IP addresses and subnets that are in this IP set but
not found in the other.)
result_ranges = []
result_cidrs = {}
own_nets = sorted(self._cidrs)
other_nets = sorted(other._cidrs)
own_idx = 0
other_idx = 0
own_len = len(own_nets)
other_len = len(other_nets)
while own_idx < own_len and other_idx < other_len:
own_cur = own_nets[own_idx]
other_cur = other_nets[other_idx]
if own_cur == other_cur:
own_idx += 1
other_idx += 1
elif own_cur in other_cur:
own_idx += 1
elif other_cur in own_cur:
other_idx = _subtract(own_cur, other_nets, other_idx,
own_idx += 1
# own_cur and other_cur have nothing in common
if own_cur < other_cur:
result_cidrs[own_cur] = True
own_idx += 1
other_idx += 1
# If the above loop terminated because it processed all cidrs of
# "other", then any remaining cidrs in self must be part of the result.
while own_idx < own_len:
result_cidrs[own_nets[own_idx]] = True
own_idx += 1
for start, stop in _iter_merged_ranges(result_ranges):
for cidr in iprange_to_cidrs(start, stop):
result_cidrs[cidr] = True
result = IPSet()
result._cidrs = result_cidrs
return result
__sub__ = difference
def __len__(self):
:return: the cardinality of this IP set (i.e. sum of individual IP \
addresses). Raises ``IndexError`` if size > maxint (a Python \
limitation). Use the .size property for subnets of any size.
size = self.size
if size > _sys_maxint:
raise IndexError(
"range contains more than %d (sys.maxint) IP addresses!"
"Use the .size property instead." % _sys_maxint)
return size
def size(self):
The cardinality of this IP set (based on the number of individual IP
addresses including those implicitly defined in subnets).
return sum([cidr.size for cidr in self._cidrs])
def __repr__(self):
""":return: Python statement to create an equivalent object"""
return 'IPSet(%r)' % [str(c) for c in sorted(self._cidrs)]
__str__ = __repr__
def iscontiguous(self):
Returns True if the members of the set form a contiguous IP
address range (with no gaps), False otherwise.
:return: ``True`` if the ``IPSet`` object is contiguous.
cidrs = self.iter_cidrs()
if len(cidrs) > 1:
previous = cidrs[0][0]
for cidr in cidrs:
if cidr[0] != previous:
return False
previous = cidr[-1] + 1
return True
def iprange(self):
Generates an IPRange for this IPSet, if all its members
form a single contiguous sequence.
Raises ``ValueError`` if the set is not contiguous.
:return: An ``IPRange`` for all IPs in the IPSet.
if self.iscontiguous():
cidrs = self.iter_cidrs()
if not cidrs:
return None
return IPRange(cidrs[0][0], cidrs[-1][-1])
raise ValueError("IPSet is not contiguous")
def iter_ipranges(self):
"""Generate the merged IPRanges for this IPSet.
In contrast to self.iprange(), this will work even when the IPSet is
not contiguous. Adjacent IPRanges will be merged together, so you
get the minimal number of IPRanges.
sorted_ranges = [(cidr._module.version, cidr.first, cidr.last) for
cidr in self.iter_cidrs()]
for start, stop in _iter_merged_ranges(sorted_ranges):
yield IPRange(start, stop)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,273 @@
# Copyright (c) 2008 by David P. D. Moss. All rights reserved.
# Released under the BSD license. See the LICENSE file for details.
Shared logic for various address types.
import re as _re
from netaddr.compat import _range, _is_str
def bytes_to_bits():
:return: A 256 element list containing 8-bit binary digit strings. The
list index value is equivalent to its bit string value.
lookup = []
bits_per_byte = _range(7, -1, -1)
for num in range(256):
bits = 8 * [None]
for i in bits_per_byte:
bits[i] = '01'[num & 1]
num >>= 1
return lookup
#: A lookup table of 8-bit integer values to their binary digit bit strings.
BYTES_TO_BITS = bytes_to_bits()
def valid_words(words, word_size, num_words):
:param words: A sequence of unsigned integer word values.
:param word_size: Width (in bits) of each unsigned integer word value.
:param num_words: Number of unsigned integer words expected.
:return: ``True`` if word sequence is valid for this address type,
``False`` otherwise.
if not hasattr(words, '__iter__'):
return False
if len(words) != num_words:
return False
max_word = 2 ** word_size - 1
for i in words:
if not 0 <= i <= max_word:
return False
return True
def int_to_words(int_val, word_size, num_words):
:param int_val: Unsigned integer to be divided into words of equal size.
:param word_size: Width (in bits) of each unsigned integer word value.
:param num_words: Number of unsigned integer words expected.
:return: A tuple contain unsigned integer word values split according
to provided arguments.
max_int = 2 ** (num_words * word_size) - 1
if not 0 <= int_val <= max_int:
raise IndexError('integer out of bounds: %r!' % hex(int_val))
max_word = 2 ** word_size - 1
words = []
for _ in range(num_words):
word = int_val & max_word
int_val >>= word_size
return tuple(reversed(words))
def words_to_int(words, word_size, num_words):
:param words: A sequence of unsigned integer word values.
:param word_size: Width (in bits) of each unsigned integer word value.
:param num_words: Number of unsigned integer words expected.
:return: An unsigned integer that is equivalent to value represented
by word sequence.
if not valid_words(words, word_size, num_words):
raise ValueError('invalid integer word sequence: %r!' % (words,))
int_val = 0
for i, num in enumerate(reversed(words)):
word = num
word = word << word_size * i
int_val = int_val | word
return int_val
def valid_bits(bits, width, word_sep=''):
:param bits: A network address in a delimited binary string format.
:param width: Maximum width (in bits) of a network address (excluding
:param word_sep: (optional) character or string used to delimit word
groups (default: '', no separator).
:return: ``True`` if network address is valid, ``False`` otherwise.
if not _is_str(bits):
return False
if word_sep != '':
bits = bits.replace(word_sep, '')
if len(bits) != width:
return False
max_int = 2 ** width - 1
if 0 <= int(bits, 2) <= max_int:
return True
except ValueError:
return False
def bits_to_int(bits, width, word_sep=''):
:param bits: A network address in a delimited binary string format.
:param width: Maximum width (in bits) of a network address (excluding
:param word_sep: (optional) character or string used to delimit word
groups (default: '', no separator).
:return: An unsigned integer that is equivalent to value represented
by network address in readable binary form.
if not valid_bits(bits, width, word_sep):
raise ValueError('invalid readable binary string: %r!' % (bits,))
if word_sep != '':
bits = bits.replace(word_sep, '')
return int(bits, 2)
def int_to_bits(int_val, word_size, num_words, word_sep=''):
:param int_val: An unsigned integer.
:param word_size: Width (in bits) of each unsigned integer word value.
:param num_words: Number of unsigned integer words expected.
:param word_sep: (optional) character or string used to delimit word
groups (default: '', no separator).
:return: A network address in a delimited binary string format that is
equivalent in value to unsigned integer.
bit_words = []
for word in int_to_words(int_val, word_size, num_words):
bits = []
while word:
bits.append(BYTES_TO_BITS[word & 255])
word >>= 8
bit_str = ''.join(bits) or '0' * word_size
bits = ('0' * word_size + bit_str)[-word_size:]
if word_sep != '':
# Check custom separator.
if not _is_str(word_sep):
raise ValueError('word separator is not a string: %r!' % (word_sep,))
return word_sep.join(bit_words)
def valid_bin(bin_val, width):
:param bin_val: A network address in Python's binary representation format
:param width: Maximum width (in bits) of a network address (excluding
:return: ``True`` if network address is valid, ``False`` otherwise.
if not _is_str(bin_val):
return False
if not bin_val.startswith('0b'):
return False
bin_val = bin_val.replace('0b', '')
if len(bin_val) > width:
return False
max_int = 2 ** width - 1
if 0 <= int(bin_val, 2) <= max_int:
return True
except ValueError:
return False
def int_to_bin(int_val, width):
:param int_val: An unsigned integer.
:param width: Maximum allowed width (in bits) of a unsigned integer.
:return: Equivalent string value in Python's binary representation format
bin_tokens = []
# Python 2.6.x and upwards.
bin_val = bin(int_val)
except NameError:
# Python 2.4.x and 2.5.x
i = int_val
while i > 0:
word = i & 0xff
i >>= 8
bin_val = '0b' + _re.sub(r'^[0]+([01]+)$', r'\1', ''.join(bin_tokens))
if len(bin_val[2:]) > width:
raise IndexError('binary string out of bounds: %s!' % (bin_val,))
return bin_val
def bin_to_int(bin_val, width):
:param bin_val: A string containing an unsigned integer in Python's binary
representation format ('0bxxx').
:param width: Maximum allowed width (in bits) of a unsigned integer.
:return: An unsigned integer that is equivalent to value represented
by Python binary string format.
if not valid_bin(bin_val, width):
raise ValueError('not a valid Python binary string: %r!' % (bin_val,))
return int(bin_val.replace('0b', ''), 2)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,296 @@
# Copyright (c) 2008 by David P. D. Moss. All rights reserved.
# Released under the BSD license. See the LICENSE file for details.
IEEE 48-bit EUI (MAC address) logic.
Supports numerous MAC string formats including Cisco's triple hextet as well
as bare MACs containing no delimiters.
import struct as _struct
import re as _re
# Check whether we need to use fallback code or not.
from socket import AF_LINK
except ImportError:
AF_LINK = 48
from netaddr.core import AddrFormatError
from netaddr.compat import _is_str
from netaddr.strategy import (
valid_words as _valid_words, int_to_words as _int_to_words,
words_to_int as _words_to_int, valid_bits as _valid_bits,
bits_to_int as _bits_to_int, int_to_bits as _int_to_bits,
valid_bin as _valid_bin, int_to_bin as _int_to_bin,
bin_to_int as _bin_to_int)
#: The width (in bits) of this address type.
width = 48
#: The AF_* constant value of this address type.
family = AF_LINK
#: A friendly string name address type.
family_name = 'MAC'
#: The version of this address type.
version = 48
#: The maximum integer value that can be represented by this address type.
max_int = 2 ** width - 1
# Dialect classes.
class mac_eui48(object):
"""A standard IEEE EUI-48 dialect class."""
#: The individual word size (in bits) of this address type.
word_size = 8
#: The number of words in this address type.
num_words = width // word_size
#: The maximum integer value for an individual word in this address type.
max_word = 2 ** word_size - 1
#: The separator character used between each word.
word_sep = '-'
#: The format string to be used when converting words to string values.
word_fmt = '%.2X'
#: The number base to be used when interpreting word values as integers.
word_base = 16
class mac_unix(mac_eui48):
"""A UNIX-style MAC address dialect class."""
word_size = 8
num_words = width // word_size
word_sep = ':'
word_fmt = '%x'
word_base = 16
class mac_unix_expanded(mac_unix):
"""A UNIX-style MAC address dialect class with leading zeroes."""
word_fmt = '%.2x'
class mac_cisco(mac_eui48):
"""A Cisco 'triple hextet' MAC address dialect class."""
word_size = 16
num_words = width // word_size
word_sep = '.'
word_fmt = '%.4x'
word_base = 16
class mac_bare(mac_eui48):
"""A bare (no delimiters) MAC address dialect class."""
word_size = 48
num_words = width // word_size
word_sep = ''
word_fmt = '%.12X'
word_base = 16
class mac_pgsql(mac_eui48):
"""A PostgreSQL style (2 x 24-bit words) MAC address dialect class."""
word_size = 24
num_words = width // word_size
word_sep = ':'
word_fmt = '%.6x'
word_base = 16
#: The default dialect to be used when not specified by the user.
#: Regular expressions to match all supported MAC address formats.
# 2 bytes x 6 (UNIX, Windows, EUI-48)
'^' + ':'.join(['([0-9A-F]{1,2})'] * 6) + '$',
'^' + '-'.join(['([0-9A-F]{1,2})'] * 6) + '$',
# 4 bytes x 3 (Cisco)
'^' + ':'.join(['([0-9A-F]{1,4})'] * 3) + '$',
'^' + '-'.join(['([0-9A-F]{1,4})'] * 3) + '$',
'^' + r'\.'.join(['([0-9A-F]{1,4})'] * 3) + '$',
# 6 bytes x 2 (PostgreSQL)
'^' + '-'.join(['([0-9A-F]{5,6})'] * 2) + '$',
'^' + ':'.join(['([0-9A-F]{5,6})'] * 2) + '$',
# 12 bytes (bare, no delimiters)
'^(' + ''.join(['[0-9A-F]'] * 12) + ')$',
'^(' + ''.join(['[0-9A-F]'] * 11) + ')$',
# For efficiency, each string regexp converted in place to its compiled
# counterpart.
RE_MAC_FORMATS = [_re.compile(_, _re.IGNORECASE) for _ in RE_MAC_FORMATS]
def valid_str(addr):
:param addr: An IEEE EUI-48 (MAC) address in string form.
:return: ``True`` if MAC address string is valid, ``False`` otherwise.
for regexp in RE_MAC_FORMATS:
match_result = regexp.findall(addr)
if len(match_result) != 0:
return True
except TypeError:
return False
def str_to_int(addr):
:param addr: An IEEE EUI-48 (MAC) address in string form.
:return: An unsigned integer that is equivalent to value represented
by EUI-48/MAC string address formatted according to the dialect
words = []
if _is_str(addr):
found_match = False
for regexp in RE_MAC_FORMATS:
match_result = regexp.findall(addr)
if len(match_result) != 0:
found_match = True
if isinstance(match_result[0], tuple):
words = match_result[0]
words = (match_result[0],)
if not found_match:
raise AddrFormatError('%r is not a supported MAC format!' % (addr,))
raise TypeError('%r is not str() or unicode()!' % (addr,))
int_val = None
if len(words) == 6:
# 2 bytes x 6 (UNIX, Windows, EUI-48)
int_val = int(''.join(['%.2x' % int(w, 16) for w in words]), 16)
elif len(words) == 3:
# 4 bytes x 3 (Cisco)
int_val = int(''.join(['%.4x' % int(w, 16) for w in words]), 16)
elif len(words) == 2:
# 6 bytes x 2 (PostgreSQL)
int_val = int(''.join(['%.6x' % int(w, 16) for w in words]), 16)
elif len(words) == 1:
# 12 bytes (bare, no delimiters)
int_val = int('%012x' % int(words[0], 16), 16)
raise AddrFormatError('unexpected word count in MAC address %r!' % (addr,))
return int_val
def int_to_str(int_val, dialect=None):
:param int_val: An unsigned integer.
:param dialect: (optional) a Python class defining formatting options.
:return: An IEEE EUI-48 (MAC) address string that is equivalent to
unsigned integer formatted according to the dialect settings.
if dialect is None:
dialect = mac_eui48
words = int_to_words(int_val, dialect)
tokens = [dialect.word_fmt % i for i in words]
addr = dialect.word_sep.join(tokens)
return addr
def int_to_packed(int_val):
:param int_val: the integer to be packed.
:return: a packed string that is equivalent to value represented by an
unsigned integer.
return _struct.pack(">HI", int_val >> 32, int_val & 0xffffffff)
def packed_to_int(packed_int):
:param packed_int: a packed string containing an unsigned integer.
It is assumed that string is packed in network byte order.
:return: An unsigned integer equivalent to value of network address
represented by packed binary string.
words = list(_struct.unpack('>6B', packed_int))
int_val = 0
for i, num in enumerate(reversed(words)):
word = num
word = word << 8 * i
int_val = int_val | word
return int_val
def valid_words(words, dialect=None):
if dialect is None:
return _valid_words(words, dialect.word_size, dialect.num_words)
def int_to_words(int_val, dialect=None):
if dialect is None:
return _int_to_words(int_val, dialect.word_size, dialect.num_words)
def words_to_int(words, dialect=None):
if dialect is None:
return _words_to_int(words, dialect.word_size, dialect.num_words)
def valid_bits(bits, dialect=None):
if dialect is None:
return _valid_bits(bits, width, dialect.word_sep)
def bits_to_int(bits, dialect=None):
if dialect is None:
return _bits_to_int(bits, width, dialect.word_sep)
def int_to_bits(int_val, dialect=None):
if dialect is None:
return _int_to_bits(
int_val, dialect.word_size, dialect.num_words, dialect.word_sep)
def valid_bin(bin_val, dialect=None):
if dialect is None:
return _valid_bin(bin_val, width)
def int_to_bin(int_val):
return _int_to_bin(int_val, width)
def bin_to_int(bin_val):
return _bin_to_int(bin_val, width)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,273 @@
# Copyright (c) 2008 by David P. D. Moss. All rights reserved.
# Released under the BSD license. See the LICENSE file for details.
IEEE 64-bit EUI (Extended Unique Indentifier) logic.
import struct as _struct
import re as _re
from netaddr.core import AddrFormatError
from netaddr.strategy import (
valid_words as _valid_words, int_to_words as _int_to_words,
words_to_int as _words_to_int, valid_bits as _valid_bits,
bits_to_int as _bits_to_int, int_to_bits as _int_to_bits,
valid_bin as _valid_bin, int_to_bin as _int_to_bin,
bin_to_int as _bin_to_int)
# This is a fake constant that doesn't really exist. Here for completeness.
AF_EUI64 = 64
#: The width (in bits) of this address type.
width = 64
#: The AF_* constant value of this address type.
family = AF_EUI64
#: A friendly string name address type.
family_name = 'EUI-64'
#: The version of this address type.
version = 64
#: The maximum integer value that can be represented by this address type.
max_int = 2 ** width - 1
# Dialect classes.
class eui64_base(object):
"""A standard IEEE EUI-64 dialect class."""
#: The individual word size (in bits) of this address type.
word_size = 8
#: The number of words in this address type.
num_words = width // word_size
#: The maximum integer value for an individual word in this address type.
max_word = 2 ** word_size - 1
#: The separator character used between each word.
word_sep = '-'
#: The format string to be used when converting words to string values.
word_fmt = '%.2X'
#: The number base to be used when interpreting word values as integers.
word_base = 16
class eui64_unix(eui64_base):
"""A UNIX-style MAC address dialect class."""
word_size = 8
num_words = width // word_size
word_sep = ':'
word_fmt = '%x'
word_base = 16
class eui64_unix_expanded(eui64_unix):
"""A UNIX-style MAC address dialect class with leading zeroes."""
word_fmt = '%.2x'
class eui64_cisco(eui64_base):
"""A Cisco 'triple hextet' MAC address dialect class."""
word_size = 16
num_words = width // word_size
word_sep = '.'
word_fmt = '%.4x'
word_base = 16
class eui64_bare(eui64_base):
"""A bare (no delimiters) MAC address dialect class."""
word_size = 64
num_words = width // word_size
word_sep = ''
word_fmt = '%.16X'
word_base = 16
#: The default dialect to be used when not specified by the user.
DEFAULT_EUI64_DIALECT = eui64_base
#: Regular expressions to match all supported MAC address formats.
# 2 bytes x 8 (UNIX, Windows, EUI-64)
'^' + ':'.join(['([0-9A-F]{1,2})'] * 8) + '$',
'^' + '-'.join(['([0-9A-F]{1,2})'] * 8) + '$',
# 4 bytes x 4 (Cisco like)
'^' + ':'.join(['([0-9A-F]{1,4})'] * 4) + '$',
'^' + '-'.join(['([0-9A-F]{1,4})'] * 4) + '$',
'^' + r'\.'.join(['([0-9A-F]{1,4})'] * 4) + '$',
# 16 bytes (bare, no delimiters)
'^(' + ''.join(['[0-9A-F]'] * 16) + ')$',
# For efficiency, each string regexp converted in place to its compiled
# counterpart.
RE_EUI64_FORMATS = [_re.compile(_, _re.IGNORECASE) for _ in RE_EUI64_FORMATS]
def _get_match_result(address, formats):
for regexp in formats:
match = regexp.findall(address)
if match:
return match[0]
def valid_str(addr):
:param addr: An IEEE EUI-64 indentifier in string form.
:return: ``True`` if EUI-64 indentifier is valid, ``False`` otherwise.
if _get_match_result(addr, RE_EUI64_FORMATS):
return True
except TypeError:
return False
def str_to_int(addr):
:param addr: An IEEE EUI-64 indentifier in string form.
:return: An unsigned integer that is equivalent to value represented
by EUI-64 string address formatted according to the dialect
words = []
words = _get_match_result(addr, RE_EUI64_FORMATS)
if not words:
raise TypeError
except TypeError:
raise AddrFormatError('invalid IEEE EUI-64 identifier: %r!' % (addr,))
if isinstance(words, tuple):
words = (words,)
if len(words) == 8:
# 2 bytes x 8 (UNIX, Windows, EUI-48)
int_val = int(''.join(['%.2x' % int(w, 16) for w in words]), 16)
elif len(words) == 4:
# 4 bytes x 4 (Cisco like)
int_val = int(''.join(['%.4x' % int(w, 16) for w in words]), 16)
elif len(words) == 1:
# 16 bytes (bare, no delimiters)
int_val = int('%016x' % int(words[0], 16), 16)
raise AddrFormatError(
'bad word count for EUI-64 identifier: %r!' % addr)
return int_val
def int_to_str(int_val, dialect=None):
:param int_val: An unsigned integer.
:param dialect: (optional) a Python class defining formatting options
:return: An IEEE EUI-64 identifier that is equivalent to unsigned integer.
if dialect is None:
dialect = eui64_base
words = int_to_words(int_val, dialect)
tokens = [dialect.word_fmt % i for i in words]
addr = dialect.word_sep.join(tokens)
return addr
def int_to_packed(int_val):
:param int_val: the integer to be packed.
:return: a packed string that is equivalent to value represented by an
unsigned integer.
words = int_to_words(int_val)
return _struct.pack('>8B', *words)
def packed_to_int(packed_int):
:param packed_int: a packed string containing an unsigned integer.
It is assumed that string is packed in network byte order.
:return: An unsigned integer equivalent to value of network address
represented by packed binary string.
words = list(_struct.unpack('>8B', packed_int))
int_val = 0
for i, num in enumerate(reversed(words)):
word = num
word = word << 8 * i
int_val = int_val | word
return int_val
def valid_words(words, dialect=None):
if dialect is None:
return _valid_words(words, dialect.word_size, dialect.num_words)
def int_to_words(int_val, dialect=None):
if dialect is None:
return _int_to_words(int_val, dialect.word_size, dialect.num_words)
def words_to_int(words, dialect=None):
if dialect is None:
return _words_to_int(words, dialect.word_size, dialect.num_words)
def valid_bits(bits, dialect=None):
if dialect is None:
return _valid_bits(bits, width, dialect.word_sep)
def bits_to_int(bits, dialect=None):
if dialect is None:
return _bits_to_int(bits, width, dialect.word_sep)
def int_to_bits(int_val, dialect=None):
if dialect is None:
return _int_to_bits(
int_val, dialect.word_size, dialect.num_words, dialect.word_sep)
def valid_bin(bin_val, dialect=None):
if dialect is None:
return _valid_bin(bin_val, width)
def int_to_bin(int_val):
return _int_to_bin(int_val, width)
def bin_to_int(bin_val):
return _bin_to_int(bin_val, width)

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@ -0,0 +1,279 @@
# Copyright (c) 2008 by David P. D. Moss. All rights reserved.
# Released under the BSD license. See the LICENSE file for details.
"""IPv4 address logic."""
import sys as _sys
import struct as _struct
from socket import inet_aton as _inet_aton
# Check whether we need to use fallback code or not.
if _sys.platform in ('win32', 'cygwin'):
# inet_pton() not available on Windows. inet_pton() under cygwin
# behaves exactly like inet_aton() and is therefore highly unreliable.
from netaddr.fbsocket import inet_pton as _inet_pton, AF_INET
# All other cases, use all functions from the socket module.
from socket import inet_pton as _inet_pton, AF_INET
from netaddr.core import AddrFormatError, ZEROFILL, INET_PTON
from netaddr.strategy import (
valid_words as _valid_words, valid_bits as _valid_bits,
bits_to_int as _bits_to_int, int_to_bits as _int_to_bits,
valid_bin as _valid_bin, int_to_bin as _int_to_bin,
bin_to_int as _bin_to_int)
from netaddr.compat import _str_type
#: The width (in bits) of this address type.
width = 32
#: The individual word size (in bits) of this address type.
word_size = 8
#: The format string to be used when converting words to string values.
word_fmt = '%d'
#: The separator character used between each word.
word_sep = '.'
#: The AF_* constant value of this address type.
family = AF_INET
#: A friendly string name address type.
family_name = 'IPv4'
#: The version of this address type.
version = 4
#: The number base to be used when interpreting word values as integers.
word_base = 10
#: The maximum integer value that can be represented by this address type.
max_int = 2 ** width - 1
#: The number of words in this address type.
num_words = width // word_size
#: The maximum integer value for an individual word in this address type.
max_word = 2 ** word_size - 1
#: A dictionary mapping IPv4 CIDR prefixes to the equivalent netmasks.
prefix_to_netmask = dict(
[(i, max_int ^ (2 ** (width - i) - 1)) for i in range(0, width + 1)])
#: A dictionary mapping IPv4 netmasks to their equivalent CIDR prefixes.
netmask_to_prefix = dict(
[(max_int ^ (2 ** (width - i) - 1), i) for i in range(0, width + 1)])
#: A dictionary mapping IPv4 CIDR prefixes to the equivalent hostmasks.
prefix_to_hostmask = dict(
[(i, (2 ** (width - i) - 1)) for i in range(0, width + 1)])
#: A dictionary mapping IPv4 hostmasks to their equivalent CIDR prefixes.
hostmask_to_prefix = dict(
[((2 ** (width - i) - 1), i) for i in range(0, width + 1)])
def valid_str(addr, flags=0):
:param addr: An IPv4 address in presentation (string) format.
:param flags: decides which rules are applied to the interpretation of the
addr value. Supported constants are INET_PTON and ZEROFILL. See the
netaddr.core docs for details.
:return: ``True`` if IPv4 address is valid, ``False`` otherwise.
if addr == '':
raise AddrFormatError('Empty strings are not supported!')
validity = True
if flags & ZEROFILL:
addr = '.'.join(['%d' % int(i) for i in addr.split('.')])
if flags & INET_PTON:
_inet_pton(AF_INET, addr)
except Exception:
validity = False
return validity
def str_to_int(addr, flags=0):
:param addr: An IPv4 dotted decimal address in string form.
:param flags: decides which rules are applied to the interpretation of the
addr value. Supported constants are INET_PTON and ZEROFILL. See the
netaddr.core docs for details.
:return: The equivalent unsigned integer for a given IPv4 address.
if flags & ZEROFILL:
addr = '.'.join(['%d' % int(i) for i in addr.split('.')])
if flags & INET_PTON:
return _struct.unpack('>I', _inet_pton(AF_INET, addr))[0]
return _struct.unpack('>I', _inet_aton(addr))[0]
except Exception:
raise AddrFormatError('%r is not a valid IPv4 address string!' % (addr,))
def int_to_str(int_val, dialect=None):
:param int_val: An unsigned integer.
:param dialect: (unused) Any value passed in is ignored.
:return: The IPv4 presentation (string) format address equivalent to the
unsigned integer provided.
if 0 <= int_val <= max_int:
return '%d.%d.%d.%d' % (
int_val >> 24,
(int_val >> 16) & 0xff,
(int_val >> 8) & 0xff,
int_val & 0xff)
raise ValueError('%r is not a valid 32-bit unsigned integer!' % (int_val,))
def int_to_arpa(int_val):
:param int_val: An unsigned integer.
:return: The reverse DNS lookup for an IPv4 address in network byte
order integer form.
words = ["%d" % i for i in int_to_words(int_val)]
words.extend(['in-addr', 'arpa', ''])
return '.'.join(words)
def int_to_packed(int_val):
:param int_val: the integer to be packed.
:return: a packed string that is equivalent to value represented by an
unsigned integer.
return _struct.pack('>I', int_val)
def packed_to_int(packed_int):
:param packed_int: a packed string containing an unsigned integer.
It is assumed that string is packed in network byte order.
:return: An unsigned integer equivalent to value of network address
represented by packed binary string.
return _struct.unpack('>I', packed_int)[0]
def valid_words(words):
return _valid_words(words, word_size, num_words)
def int_to_words(int_val):
:param int_val: An unsigned integer.
:return: An integer word (octet) sequence that is equivalent to value
represented by an unsigned integer.
if not 0 <= int_val <= max_int:
raise ValueError('%r is not a valid integer value supported by'
'this address type!' % (int_val,))
return ( int_val >> 24,
(int_val >> 16) & 0xff,
(int_val >> 8) & 0xff,
int_val & 0xff)
def words_to_int(words):
:param words: A list or tuple containing integer octets.
:return: An unsigned integer that is equivalent to value represented
by word (octet) sequence.
if not valid_words(words):
raise ValueError('%r is not a valid octet list for an IPv4 address!' % (words,))
return _struct.unpack('>I', _struct.pack('4B', *words))[0]
def valid_bits(bits):
return _valid_bits(bits, width, word_sep)
def bits_to_int(bits):
return _bits_to_int(bits, width, word_sep)
def int_to_bits(int_val, word_sep=None):
if word_sep is None:
word_sep = globals()['word_sep']
return _int_to_bits(int_val, word_size, num_words, word_sep)
def valid_bin(bin_val):
return _valid_bin(bin_val, width)
def int_to_bin(int_val):
return _int_to_bin(int_val, width)
def bin_to_int(bin_val):
return _bin_to_int(bin_val, width)
def expand_partial_address(addr):
Expands a partial IPv4 address into a full 4-octet version.
:param addr: an partial or abbreviated IPv4 address
:return: an expanded IP address in presentation format (x.x.x.x)
tokens = []
error = AddrFormatError('invalid partial IPv4 address: %r!' % addr)
if isinstance(addr, _str_type):
if ':' in addr:
# Ignore IPv6 ...
raise error
if '.' in addr:
tokens = ['%d' % int(o) for o in addr.split('.')]
tokens = ['%d' % int(addr)]
except ValueError:
raise error
if 1 <= len(tokens) <= 4:
for i in range(4 - len(tokens)):
raise error
if not tokens:
raise error
return '%s.%s.%s.%s' % tuple(tokens)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,259 @@
# Copyright (c) 2008 by David P. D. Moss. All rights reserved.
# Released under the BSD license. See the LICENSE file for details.
IPv6 address logic.
import struct as _struct
# Check whether we need to use fallback code or not.
import socket as _socket
# These might all generate exceptions on different platforms.
if not _socket.has_ipv6:
raise Exception('IPv6 disabled')
from _socket import (inet_pton as _inet_pton, inet_ntop as _inet_ntop,
except Exception:
from netaddr.fbsocket import (inet_pton as _inet_pton, inet_ntop as _inet_ntop,
from netaddr.core import AddrFormatError
from netaddr.strategy import (
valid_words as _valid_words, int_to_words as _int_to_words,
words_to_int as _words_to_int, valid_bits as _valid_bits,
bits_to_int as _bits_to_int, int_to_bits as _int_to_bits,
valid_bin as _valid_bin, int_to_bin as _int_to_bin,
bin_to_int as _bin_to_int)
#: The width (in bits) of this address type.
width = 128
#: The individual word size (in bits) of this address type.
word_size = 16
#: The separator character used between each word.
word_sep = ':'
#: The AF_* constant value of this address type.
family = AF_INET6
#: A friendly string name address type.
family_name = 'IPv6'
#: The version of this address type.
version = 6
#: The number base to be used when interpreting word values as integers.
word_base = 16
#: The maximum integer value that can be represented by this address type.
max_int = 2 ** width - 1
#: The number of words in this address type.
num_words = width // word_size
#: The maximum integer value for an individual word in this address type.
max_word = 2 ** word_size - 1
#: A dictionary mapping IPv6 CIDR prefixes to the equivalent netmasks.
prefix_to_netmask = dict(
[(i, max_int ^ (2 ** (width - i) - 1)) for i in range(0, width+1)])
#: A dictionary mapping IPv6 netmasks to their equivalent CIDR prefixes.
netmask_to_prefix = dict(
[(max_int ^ (2 ** (width - i) - 1), i) for i in range(0, width+1)])
#: A dictionary mapping IPv6 CIDR prefixes to the equivalent hostmasks.
prefix_to_hostmask = dict(
[(i, (2 ** (width - i) - 1)) for i in range(0, width+1)])
#: A dictionary mapping IPv6 hostmasks to their equivalent CIDR prefixes.
hostmask_to_prefix = dict(
[((2 ** (width - i) - 1), i) for i in range(0, width+1)])
# Dialect classes.
class ipv6_compact(object):
"""An IPv6 dialect class - compact form."""
#: The format string used to converting words into string values.
word_fmt = '%x'
#: Boolean flag indicating if IPv6 compaction algorithm should be used.
compact = True
class ipv6_full(ipv6_compact):
"""An IPv6 dialect class - 'all zeroes' form."""
#: Boolean flag indicating if IPv6 compaction algorithm should be used.
compact = False
class ipv6_verbose(ipv6_compact):
"""An IPv6 dialect class - extra wide 'all zeroes' form."""
#: The format string used to converting words into string values.
word_fmt = '%.4x'
#: Boolean flag indicating if IPv6 compaction algorithm should be used.
compact = False
def valid_str(addr, flags=0):
:param addr: An IPv6 address in presentation (string) format.
:param flags: decides which rules are applied to the interpretation of the
addr value. Future use - currently has no effect.
:return: ``True`` if IPv6 address is valid, ``False`` otherwise.
if addr == '':
raise AddrFormatError('Empty strings are not supported!')
_inet_pton(AF_INET6, addr)
return False
return True
def str_to_int(addr, flags=0):
:param addr: An IPv6 address in string form.
:param flags: decides which rules are applied to the interpretation of the
addr value. Future use - currently has no effect.
:return: The equivalent unsigned integer for a given IPv6 address.
packed_int = _inet_pton(AF_INET6, addr)
return packed_to_int(packed_int)
except Exception:
raise AddrFormatError('%r is not a valid IPv6 address string!' % (addr,))
def int_to_str(int_val, dialect=None):
:param int_val: An unsigned integer.
:param dialect: (optional) a Python class defining formatting options.
:return: The IPv6 presentation (string) format address equivalent to the
unsigned integer provided.
if dialect is None:
dialect = ipv6_compact
addr = None
packed_int = int_to_packed(int_val)
if dialect.compact:
# Default return value.
addr = _inet_ntop(AF_INET6, packed_int)
# Custom return value.
words = list(_struct.unpack('>8H', packed_int))
tokens = [dialect.word_fmt % word for word in words]
addr = word_sep.join(tokens)
except Exception:
raise ValueError('%r is not a valid 128-bit unsigned integer!' % (int_val,))
return addr
def int_to_arpa(int_val):
:param int_val: An unsigned integer.
:return: The reverse DNS lookup for an IPv6 address in network byte
order integer form.
addr = int_to_str(int_val, ipv6_verbose)
tokens = list(addr.replace(':', ''))
# We won't support here - see RFC 3152 for details.
tokens = tokens + ['ip6', 'arpa', '']
return '.'.join(tokens)
def int_to_packed(int_val):
:param int_val: the integer to be packed.
:return: a packed string that is equivalent to value represented by an
unsigned integer.
words = int_to_words(int_val, 4, 32)
return _struct.pack('>4I', *words)
def packed_to_int(packed_int):
:param packed_int: a packed string containing an unsigned integer.
It is assumed that string is packed in network byte order.
:return: An unsigned integer equivalent to value of network address
represented by packed binary string.
words = list(_struct.unpack('>4I', packed_int))
int_val = 0
for i, num in enumerate(reversed(words)):
word = num
word = word << 32 * i
int_val = int_val | word
return int_val
def valid_words(words):
return _valid_words(words, word_size, num_words)
def int_to_words(int_val, num_words=None, word_size=None):
if num_words is None:
num_words = globals()['num_words']
if word_size is None:
word_size = globals()['word_size']
return _int_to_words(int_val, word_size, num_words)
def words_to_int(words):
return _words_to_int(words, word_size, num_words)
def valid_bits(bits):
return _valid_bits(bits, width, word_sep)
def bits_to_int(bits):
return _bits_to_int(bits, width, word_sep)
def int_to_bits(int_val, word_sep=None):
if word_sep is None:
word_sep = globals()['word_sep']
return _int_to_bits(int_val, word_size, num_words, word_sep)
def valid_bin(bin_val):
return _valid_bin(bin_val, width)
def int_to_bin(int_val):
return _int_to_bin(int_val, width)
def bin_to_int(bin_val):
return _bin_to_int(bin_val, width)