import httplib import hashlib import json import argparse import os import socket import urllib import ConfigParser from os.path import abspath from netaddr import IPAddress, IPNetwork class KeeneticAPI: def __init__(self, destination=""): self._conn = httplib.HTTPConnection(destination) self._cookie = "" pass def _get(self, url): headers = {"Cookie": self._cookie} self._conn.request("GET", url, "", headers) res = self._conn.getresponse() data = return res, data def _post(self, url, body): headers = {"Content-type": "application/json", "Cookie": self._cookie} self._conn.request("POST", url, body, headers) res = self._conn.getresponse() data = return res, data def _delete(self, url): headers = {"Cookie": self._cookie} self._conn.request("DELETE", url, "", headers) res = self._conn.getresponse() data = return res, data def auth(self, login, passw): res, _ = self._get("/auth") self._cookie = res.getheader("Set-Cookie") if res.status == 401: md5 = login + ":" + res.getheader("X-NDM-Realm") + ":" + passw md5 = hashlib.md5(md5.encode('utf-8')) sha = res.getheader("X-NDM-Challenge") + md5.hexdigest() sha = hashlib.sha256(sha.encode('utf-8')) self._post("/auth", json.dumps({"login": login, "password": sha.hexdigest()})) def show_ip_route(self): res, data = self._get("/rci/ip/route") return json.loads(data) def set_ip_route(self, route_data): res, data = self._post("/rci/ip/route", json.dumps(route_data)) return res.status == 200 def remove_ip_route(self, route): res, _ = self._delete("/rci/ip/route?" + urllib.urlencode(route)) return res.status == 200 def get_interfaces(self): res, data = self._get("/rci/show/interface") return json.loads(data, encoding='utf-8') def set_ip_routes(self, routes): res, _ = self._post("/rci/ip/route", json.dumps(routes)) return res.status == 200 def interfaces(args): api = KeeneticAPI() api.auth("test", "test") ifaces = api.get_interfaces() max_len = 0 for iface in ifaces: max_len = max(len(iface), max_len) max_len = max(len(ifaces[iface].get('description') or '-'), max_len) print max_len print "{:^{width}} {:^{width}}".format("ID", "DESCRIPTION", width=max_len) for iface in ifaces: print "{:^{width}} {:^{width}}".format(iface, (ifaces[iface].get('description') or '-'), width=max_len) def start(args): config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() routes_dir = abspath(config.get('app', 'dir')) routes = list() for filename in os.listdir(routes_dir): fp = os.path.join(routes_dir, filename) if not os.path.isfile(fp): continue interface_name = os.path.splitext(filename)[0] data = list() with open(fp) as f: comment = '' lst = list() for line in f: ln = line.strip() if ln == '': continue if ln.startswith('#'): if len(lst) > 0: data.append( (lst, comment) ) comment = ln.lstrip('# ') lst = list() else: lst.append(ln) for group in data: hosts, description = group for host in hosts: ipnetwork = IPNetwork(host) routes.append( { 'network': str(, 'mask': str(ipnetwork.netmask), 'interface': interface_name, 'auto': True, 'comment': '[A] {}'.format(description) } ) api = KeeneticAPI() api.auth( config.get('auth', 'login'), config.get('auth', 'password') ) api.set_ip_routes(routes) # for route in routes: # print route def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="a script to do stuff") subparsers = parser.add_subparsers() parser_interfaces = subparsers.add_parser('interfaces') parser_interfaces.set_defaults(func=interfaces) parser_start = subparsers.add_parser('start') parser_start.add_argument("--config-file", default="app.cfg") parser_start.set_defaults(func=start) args = parser.parse_args() args.func(args) # api = KeeneticAPI() # api.auth("test", "test") # routes = api.show_ip_route() # for r in routes: # print r['comment'] # hostname_data = socket.gethostbyname_ex('') # print hostname_data[2] if __name__ == "__main__": main()