# NestJS Telegraf ![npm](https://img.shields.io/npm/dm/nestjs-telegraf) ![GitHub last commit](https://img.shields.io/github/last-commit/bukhalo/nestjs-telegraf) ![NPM](https://img.shields.io/npm/l/nestjs-telegraf) NestJS Telegraf – powerful solution for creating Telegram bots. This package uses the best of the NodeJS world under the hood. [Telegraf](https://github.com/telegraf/telegraf) is the most powerful library for creating bots and [NestJS](https://github.com/nestjs) is a progressive framework for creating well-architectured applications. This module provides fast and easy way for creating Telegram bots and deep integration with your NestJS application. **Features** - Simple. Easy to use. - Ton of decorators available out of the box for handling bot actions. - Ability to create custom decorators. - Scenes support. - Telegraf plugins and custom plugins support. - Ability to run multiple bots simultaneously. - Full support of NestJS guards, interceptors, filters and pipes! ## Documentation If you want to dive fully into NestJS Telegraf then don't waste your time in this dump, check out the [documentation site](https://nestjs-telegraf.vercel.app). ## Installation ```bash $ npm i nestjs-telegraf telegraf ``` ## Usage Once the installation process is complete, we can import the `TelegrafModule` into the root `AppModule`: ```typescript import { Module } from '@nestjs/common'; import { TelegrafModule } from 'nestjs-telegraf'; @Module({ imports: [ TelegrafModule.forRoot({ token: 'TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN', }) ], }) export class AppModule {} ``` Then create `app.update.ts` file and add some decorators for handling Telegram bot API updates: ```typescript import { Update, Start, Help, On, Hears, Context, } from 'nestjs-telegraf'; import { AppService } from './app.service'; import { Context } from './context.interface'; @Update() export class AppUpdate { constructor(private readonly appService: AppService) @Start() async startCommand(ctx: Context) { await ctx.reply('Welcome'); } @Help() async helpCommand(ctx: Context) { await ctx.reply('Send me a sticker'); } @On('sticker') async onSticker(ctx: Context) { await ctx.reply('👍'); } @Hears('hi') async hearsHi(ctx: Context) { await ctx.reply('Hey there'); } } ``` ## Telegraf instance access If you want to use `Telegraf` instance directly, you can use `@InjectBot` for that. ```typescript import { Injectable } from '@nestjs/common'; import { InjectBot } from 'nestjs-telegraf'; import { Telegraf } from 'telegraf'; import { TelegrafContext } from '../common/interfaces/telegraf-context.interface.ts'; @Injectable() export class EchoService { constructor(@InjectBot() private bot: Telegraf) {} ... } ``` See more on a docs page: https://nestjs-telegraf.vercel.app/docs/extras/bot-injection