module.exports = { title: 'NestJS Telegraf', tagline: 'Powerful Nest module for easy and fast creation Telegram bots', url: '', baseUrl: '/', onBrokenLinks: 'throw', favicon: 'img/favicon.ico', organizationName: 'hypeertech', projectName: 'nestjs-telegraf', themeConfig: { navbar: { title: 'NestJS Telegraf', items: [ { href: '', label: 'GitHub', position: 'right', }, ], }, footer: { style: 'dark', links: [ { title: 'Docs', items: [ { label: 'Getting Started', to: '/', }, ], }, { title: 'Community', items: [ { label: 'Discussions', href: '', }, { label: 'Telegram', href: '', }, ], }, { title: 'More', items: [ { label: 'Issues', href: '', }, { label: 'Examples', to: '', } ], }, ], copyright: `Copyright © 2019 - ${new Date().getFullYear()}, <a target="_blank" href="">Hypeer</a>, <a target="_blank" href="">Arthur Asimov</a> and <a target="_blank" href="">Others</a>.`, }, }, presets: [ [ '@docusaurus/preset-classic', { docs: { sidebarPath: require.resolve('./sidebars.js'), routeBasePath: '/', editUrl: '', showLastUpdateAuthor: true, showLastUpdateTime: true, }, theme: { customCss: require.resolve('./src/css/custom.css'), }, }, ], ], plugins: [ [ require.resolve('docusaurus-gtm-plugin'), { id: 'GTM-PRP5KRP', } ] ], };