🤖 Powerful Nest module for easy and fast creation Telegram bots
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.gitignore feat: add initial code 2019-02-28 10:29:26 +02:00
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README.md docs: add real readme 2019-07-16 18:56:02 +03:00
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Integrate telegraf.js to NestJS application.

Warning! Package under development, please waiting for v1 release.


yarn add nest-telegram


Add TelegramModule to your app

import { TelegramModule, TelegramModuleOptionsFactory } from 'nest-telegram'

// In real app, please, don't store token in source code
class TelegramOptionsFactory implements TelegramModuleOptionsFactory {
  createOptions(): TelegramModuleOptions {
    return {
      token: 'TelegramToken#1213',
      sitePublicUrl: 'https://my-site.com',

  imports: [
      useClass: TelegramOptionsFactory,
export class MyModule implements NestModule {
    private readonly moduleRef: ModuleRef,
    private readonly telegramBot: TelegramBot,
  ) {}

  onModuleInit() {
    const isDev = process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development'


    if (isDev) {
      // in dev mode, we can't use webhook

  // ...

Add custom middleware to your app

import { TelegramBot } from 'nest-telegram'
import { NestFactory } from '@nestjs/core'
import { AppModule } from '@app/app.module'

async function bootstrap() {
  const isDev = process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development'

  const app = await NestFactory.create(AppModule)

  const bot = app.get(TelegramBot)

  if (!isDev) {

  await app.listen(3000)


Now, you can decorate any method with TelegramActionHandler.


import { Injectable } from '@nestjs/common'
import { Context, PipeContext, TelegramActionHandler } from 'nest-telegram'

export class HelpActions {
  @TelegramActionHandler({ onStart: true })
  async start(ctx: Context) {
    await ctx.reply('Hello!')

Available actions for decorator:

  • onStart {boolean}, it triggers on /start command.
  • command {string}, it triggers on any command, e.g. — @TelegramActionHandler({ command: '/help' }).
  • message {string|RegExp}, it triggers on text message matching RegExp or string.

Also, you can write Transformators for context (like Pipes in NestJS). Example:

import { Injectable } from '@nestjs/common'
import { ContextTransformer, Context } from 'nest-telegram'

class CurrentSender implements ContextTransformer<TokenPayloadModel> {
  async transform(ctx: Context) {
    const user = // get user from DB

    return {
      login: user.login,
      isManager: user.isManager,

export class SomethingActions {
  @TelegramActionHandler({ command: '/say' })
  async say(
    ctx: Context,
    // apply this transformer like this
    @PipeContext(CurrentSender) user: TokenPayloadModel,
  ) {
    const { login } = user

    // now you can use `login`
    await ctx.reply(`Hello, ${login}`)

Also, you can write Catchers for exceptions (like Filters in NestJS). Example:

import { TelegramErrorHandler, TelegramCatch, Context } from 'nest-telegram'

export class MyCatcher
  implements TelegramErrorHandler<MyExecption> {
  public async catch(ctx: Context, exception: MyExecption) {
    await ctx.reply(exception.message)

Stay tuned, stable release is coming. 🤓