2023-09-07 20:21:44 +03:00
// ==UserScript==
// @name Steam Price Converter
// @namespace https://github.com/Maks1mS/userscripts
2024-06-24 08:48:02 +03:00
// @version 0.7.1
2023-09-07 20:22:42 +03:00
// @description Converts prices to rubles
2023-09-07 20:21:44 +03:00
// @author Maxim Slipenko
// @match https://store.steampowered.com/*
2024-06-24 08:48:02 +03:00
// @match https://steamcommunity.com/*
2023-09-07 20:21:44 +03:00
// @icon https://www.google.com/s2/favicons?sz=64&domain=steampowered.com
// @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest
// @grant GM_registerMenuCommand
// ==/UserScript==
2024-06-22 23:23:29 +03:00
(function () {
2023-09-07 20:21:44 +03:00
'use strict';
'₸': 'KZT',
'$': 'USD',
'₴': 'UAH',
let state = {
source_symbol: undefined
2024-06-23 10:19:20 +03:00
const delay = (ms) =>
2024-06-22 23:29:56 +03:00
new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms));
2023-09-07 20:21:44 +03:00
async function getRates() {
const arr = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
method: 'GET',
url: 'https://www.cbr-xml-daily.ru/daily_utf8.xml',
2024-06-22 23:23:29 +03:00
onload: function (res) {
2023-09-07 20:21:44 +03:00
const valutes = res.responseXML.getElementsByTagName('Valute');
resolve([...valutes].map((valute) => {
const charCode = valute.getElementsByTagName('CharCode')[0].textContent;
const value = parseFloat(valute.getElementsByTagName('Value')[0].textContent.replace(',', '.'));
const nominal = parseFloat(valute.getElementsByTagName('Nominal')[0].textContent.replace(',', '.'));
return {
value: +(value / nominal).toFixed(4)
return Object.fromEntries(
arr.map(obj => [obj.charCode, obj])
function getCurrentValute() {
const walletText = document.getElementById('header_wallet_balance').innerText;
2024-05-28 13:33:22 +03:00
state.source_symbol = Object.keys(SYMBOL_TO_CODE_MAPPING).find(symbol => walletText.includes(symbol))
return SYMBOL_TO_CODE_MAPPING[state.source_symbol];
2023-09-07 20:21:44 +03:00
2024-06-23 10:19:20 +03:00
const observers = new WeakMap();
function addObserver(element, callback, config = { childList: true }) {
if (element && !observers.has(element)) {
const observer = new MutationObserver(callback);
observer.observe(element, config);
observers.set(element, observer);
function qs(...args) {
return document.querySelector(...args);
function debounce(callback, delay) {
let timeout;
return function (...args) {
timeout = setTimeout(() => {
}, delay);
2023-09-07 20:21:44 +03:00
async function main() {
const rates = await getRates();
const source_valute = getCurrentValute();
if (!source_valute) {
2024-06-23 10:19:20 +03:00
// await delay(75);
2024-06-22 23:23:29 +03:00
2023-09-07 20:21:44 +03:00
const convert = (n) => +(n * rates[source_valute].value).toFixed(2);
2024-06-23 10:19:20 +03:00
const execute = () => {
const config = { childList: true, subtree: true };
function handle(mutationsList, observer) {
observer.observe(document.body, config);
const debouncedCallback = debounce(handle, 300);
addObserver(document.body, debouncedCallback, config);
window.addEventListener('popstate', execute);
window.addEventListener('load', execute);
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', execute);
if (document.readyState == "complete" ||
document.readyState == "loaded" ||
document.readyState == "interactive"
) {
2023-09-07 20:21:44 +03:00
2024-06-22 23:29:56 +03:00
// GM_registerMenuCommand("update", () => replace(convert), "u");
2023-09-07 20:21:44 +03:00
function replace(convert) {
2024-06-23 14:46:43 +03:00
let xpath = `//text()[contains(., \"${state.source_symbol}\") and not(ancestor::*[@data-converted]) and not(ancestor::script)]`;
2024-06-23 10:19:20 +03:00
let r = document.evaluate(xpath, document, null, XPathResult.ORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null);
2023-09-07 20:21:44 +03:00
for (let i = 0; i < r.snapshotLength; i++) {
let n = r.snapshotItem(i);
2024-06-22 23:55:35 +03:00
let textContent = n.textContent;
2024-06-23 14:46:43 +03:00
let regex = new RegExp(`(\\${state.source_symbol}\\s*[0-9\\s]+[.,]?[0-9]*(?:USD)?|[0-9\\s]*[.,]?[0-9]+\\s*\\${state.source_symbol})`, 'g');
2024-06-23 10:19:20 +03:00
2024-06-22 23:55:35 +03:00
let newContent = textContent.replace(regex, (match) => {
let value;
2024-06-23 14:46:43 +03:00
let originalValue;
originalValue = match.replace(state.source_symbol, '').replace(' ', '').replace(',', '.').trim();
value = parseFloat(originalValue);
let convertedValue = convert(value);
let formattedConvertedValue;
let formattedOriginalValue;
if (match.trim().startsWith(state.source_symbol)) {
formattedOriginalValue = `${state.source_symbol}${originalValue}`;
2024-06-22 23:55:35 +03:00
} else {
2024-06-23 14:46:43 +03:00
formattedOriginalValue = `${originalValue}${state.source_symbol}`;
2024-06-22 23:55:35 +03:00
2024-06-23 14:46:43 +03:00
formattedConvertedValue = `${convertedValue}₽`;
return `${formattedConvertedValue} / ${formattedOriginalValue}`;
2024-06-22 23:55:35 +03:00
2024-06-23 10:19:20 +03:00
2024-06-22 23:55:35 +03:00
let newNode = document.createTextNode(newContent);
2024-06-23 10:19:20 +03:00
n.parentNode.setAttribute('data-converted', 'true');
2024-06-22 23:55:35 +03:00
n.parentNode.replaceChild(newNode, n);
2024-06-23 14:46:43 +03:00
// console.log(newNode);
2023-09-07 20:21:44 +03:00
2024-06-23 14:46:43 +03:00
2023-09-07 20:21:44 +03:00