# Edition can be one of: 'ce' (Community Edition) or 'ee' (Enterprise Edition).
docker_edition: 'ce'
  - "docker-{{ docker_edition }}"
  - "docker-{{ docker_edition }}-cli"
  - "docker-{{ docker_edition }}-rootless-extras"
  - "containerd.io"
docker_packages_state: present

# Service options.
docker_service_manage: true
docker_service_state: started
docker_service_enabled: true
docker_restart_handler_state: restarted

# Docker Compose Plugin options.
docker_install_compose_plugin: false
docker_compose_package: docker-compose-plugin
docker_compose_package_state: present

# Docker Compose options.
docker_install_compose: true
docker_compose_version: "v2.11.1"
docker_compose_arch: "{{ ansible_architecture }}"
docker_compose_url: "https://github.com/docker/compose/releases/download/{{ docker_compose_version }}/docker-compose-linux-{{ docker_compose_arch }}"
docker_compose_path: /usr/local/bin/docker-compose

# Docker repo URL.
docker_repo_url: https://download.docker.com/linux

# Used only for Debian/Ubuntu. Switch 'stable' to 'nightly' if needed.
docker_apt_release_channel: stable
docker_apt_arch: "{{ 'arm64' if ansible_architecture == 'aarch64' else 'amd64' }}"
docker_apt_repository: "deb [arch={{ docker_apt_arch }}] {{ docker_repo_url }}/{{ ansible_distribution | lower }} {{ ansible_distribution_release }} {{ docker_apt_release_channel }}"
docker_apt_ignore_key_error: true
docker_apt_gpg_key: "{{ docker_repo_url }}/{{ ansible_distribution | lower }}/gpg"

# Used only for RedHat/CentOS/Fedora.
docker_yum_repo_url: "{{ docker_repo_url }}/{{ (ansible_distribution == 'Fedora') | ternary('fedora','centos') }}/docker-{{ docker_edition }}.repo"
docker_yum_repo_enable_nightly: '0'
docker_yum_repo_enable_test: '0'
docker_yum_gpg_key: "{{ docker_repo_url }}/centos/gpg"

# A list of users who will be added to the docker group.
docker_users: []

# Docker daemon options as a dict
docker_daemon_options: {}