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2022-01-26 15:16:57 +03:00
libzint - the open source barcode library
Copyright (C) 2019 - 2021 Robin Stuart <rstuart114@gmail.com>
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
are met:
1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
3. Neither the name of the project nor the names of its contributors
may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
without specific prior written permission.
/* vim: set ts=4 sw=4 et norl : */
#include "testcommon.h"
static void test_large(int index, int debug) {
struct item {
int option_1;
int option_2;
char *pattern;
int length;
int ret;
int expected_rows;
int expected_width;
// s/\/\*[ 0-9]*\*\//\=printf("\/*%3d*\/", line(".") - line("'<"))
struct item data[] = {
/* 0*/ { -1, -1, "1", 7827, 0, 189, 189 },
/* 1*/ { -1, -1, "1", 7828, ZINT_ERROR_TOO_LONG, -1, -1 },
/* 2*/ { -1, -1, "A", 4349, 0, 189, 189 }, // TODO: should be 4350 according to spec, investigate
/* 3*/ { -1, -1, "A", 4350, ZINT_ERROR_TOO_LONG, -1, -1 },
/* 4*/ { -1, -1, "\200", 3260, 0, 189, 189 }, // TODO: should be 3261 according to spec, investigate
/* 5*/ { -1, -1, "\200", 3261, ZINT_ERROR_TOO_LONG, -1, -1 },
/* 6*/ { -1, 1, "1", 42, 0, 23, 23 },
/* 7*/ { -1, 1, "1", 43, ZINT_ERROR_TOO_LONG, -1, -1 },
/* 8*/ { -1, 1, "A", 25, 0, 23, 23 },
/* 9*/ { -1, 1, "A", 26, ZINT_ERROR_TOO_LONG, -1, -1 },
/* 10*/ { -1, 1, "\200", 17, 0, 23, 23 },
/* 11*/ { -1, 1, "\200", 18, ZINT_ERROR_TOO_LONG, -1, -1 },
/* 12*/ { 2, 1, "A", 19, 0, 23, 23 },
/* 13*/ { 2, 1, "A", 20, ZINT_ERROR_TOO_LONG, -1, -1 },
/* 14*/ { 3, 1, "A", 14, 0, 23, 23 },
/* 15*/ { 3, 1, "A", 15, ZINT_ERROR_TOO_LONG, -1, -1 },
/* 16*/ { 4, 1, "A", 9, 0, 23, 23 },
/* 17*/ { 4, 1, "A", 10, ZINT_ERROR_TOO_LONG, -1, -1 },
int data_size = ARRAY_SIZE(data);
int i, length, ret;
struct zint_symbol *symbol;
char data_buf[7829];
for (i = 0; i < data_size; i++) {
if (index != -1 && i != index) continue;
symbol = ZBarcode_Create();
assert_nonnull(symbol, "Symbol not created\n");
testUtilStrCpyRepeat(data_buf, data[i].pattern, data[i].length);
assert_equal(data[i].length, (int) strlen(data_buf), "i:%d length %d != strlen(data_buf) %d\n", i, data[i].length, (int) strlen(data_buf));
length = testUtilSetSymbol(symbol, BARCODE_HANXIN, -1 /*input_mode*/, -1 /*eci*/, data[i].option_1, data[i].option_2, -1, -1 /*output_options*/, data_buf, data[i].length, debug);
ret = ZBarcode_Encode(symbol, (unsigned char *) data_buf, length);
assert_equal(ret, data[i].ret, "i:%d ZBarcode_Encode ret %d != %d (%s)\n", i, ret, data[i].ret, symbol->errtxt);
if (ret < ZINT_ERROR) {
assert_equal(symbol->rows, data[i].expected_rows, "i:%d symbol->rows %d != %d\n", i, symbol->rows, data[i].expected_rows);
assert_equal(symbol->width, data[i].expected_width, "i:%d symbol->width %d != %d\n", i, symbol->width, data[i].expected_width);
static void test_options(int index, int debug) {
struct item {
int option_1;
int option_2;
char *data;
int ret_encode;
int ret_vector;
int expected_size;
// s/\/\*[ 0-9]*\*\//\=printf("\/*%3d*\/", line(".") - line("'<"))
struct item data[] = {
/* 0*/ { -1, -1, "12345", 0, 0, 23 }, // Default version 1, ECC auto-set to 4
/* 1*/ { 1, -1, "12345", 0, 0, 23 },
/* 2*/ { -1, 2, "12345", 0, 0, 25 },
/* 3*/ { -1, 85, "12345", 0, 0, 23 }, // Version > max version 85 so ignored
/* 4*/ { -1, 84, "12345", 0, 0, 189 },
/* 5*/ { 1, 1, "1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123", ZINT_ERROR_TOO_LONG, -1, -1 },
/* 6*/ { 4, 1, "1234567890123456", ZINT_ERROR_TOO_LONG, -1, -1 },
/* 7*/ { 4, 2, "12345678901234567", 0, 0, 25 },
/* 8*/ { 4, -1, "12345678901234567", 0, 0, 25 }, // Version auto-set to 2
/* 9*/ { -1, -1, "12345678901234567", 0, 0, 23 }, // Version auto-set to 1, ECC auto-set to 3
/* 10*/ { 5, -1, "12345678901234567", 0, 0, 23 }, // ECC > max ECC 4 so ignored and auto-settings version 1, ECC 3 used
/* 11*/ { -1, -1, "1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123", 0, 0, 25 }, // Version auto-set to 2, ECC auto-set to 2
int data_size = ARRAY_SIZE(data);
int i, length, ret;
struct zint_symbol *symbol;
for (i = 0; i < data_size; i++) {
if (index != -1 && i != index) continue;
symbol = ZBarcode_Create();
assert_nonnull(symbol, "Symbol not created\n");
length = testUtilSetSymbol(symbol, BARCODE_HANXIN, -1 /*input_mode*/, -1 /*eci*/, data[i].option_1, data[i].option_2, -1, -1 /*output_options*/, data[i].data, -1, debug);
ret = ZBarcode_Encode(symbol, (unsigned char *) data[i].data, length);
assert_equal(ret, data[i].ret_encode, "i:%d ZBarcode_Encode ret %d != %d (%s)\n", i, ret, data[i].ret_encode, symbol->errtxt);
if (data[i].ret_vector != -1) {
ret = ZBarcode_Buffer_Vector(symbol, 0);
assert_equal(ret, data[i].ret_vector, "i:%d ZBarcode_Buffer_Vector ret %d != %d\n", i, ret, data[i].ret_vector);
assert_equal(symbol->width, data[i].expected_size, "i:%d symbol->width %d != %d\n", i, symbol->width, data[i].expected_size);
assert_equal(symbol->rows, data[i].expected_size, "i:%d symbol->rows %d != %d\n", i, symbol->rows, data[i].expected_size);
static void test_input(int index, int generate, int debug) {
struct item {
int input_mode;
int eci;
int option_3;
char *data;
int length;
int ret;
int expected_eci;
char *expected;
char *comment;
// é U+00E9 in ISO 8859-1 plus other ISO 8859 (but not in ISO 8859-7 or ISO 8859-11), Win 1250 plus other Win, in GB 18030 0xA8A6, UTF-8 C3A9
// β U+03B2 in ISO 8859-7 Greek 0xE2 (but not other ISO 8859 or Win page), in GB 18030 0xA6C2, UTF-8 CEB2
// ÿ U+00FF in ISO 8859-1 0xFF, not in GB 18030, outside first byte and second byte range, UTF-8 C3BF
// PAD U+0080 GB 18030 4-byte Region 0x81308130, UTF-8 C280 (\302\200)
// 啊 U+554A GB 18030 Region One 0xB0A1, UTF-8 E5958A
// 亍 U+4E8D GB 18030 Region Two 0xD8A1, UTF-8 E4BA8D
// 齄 U+9F44 GB 18030 Region Two 0xF7FE, UTF-8 E9BD84
// 丂 U+4E02 GB 18030 2-byte Region 0x8140, UTF-8 E4B882
// <20> (REPLACEMENT CHARACTER) U+FFFD GB 18030 4-byte Region 0x81308130, UTF-8 EFBFBD (\357\277\275)
struct item data[] = {
/* 0*/ { UNICODE_MODE, 0, -1, "é", -1, 0, 0, "30 00 F4 80 00 00 00 00 00", "B1 (ISO 8859-1)" },
/* 1*/ { UNICODE_MODE, 3, -1, "é", -1, 0, 3, "80 33 00 0F 48 00 00 00 00", "ECI-3 B1 (ISO 8859-1)" },
/* 2*/ { UNICODE_MODE, 29, -1, "é", -1, 0, 29, "81 D4 FC FF FF 00 00 00 00", "ECI-29 H(1)1 (GB 18030) (Region One)" },
/* 3*/ { UNICODE_MODE, 26, -1, "é", -1, 0, 26, "81 A3 00 16 1D 48 00 00 00", "ECI-26 B2 (UTF-8)" },
/* 4*/ { UNICODE_MODE, 26, ZINT_FULL_MULTIBYTE, "é", -1, 0, 26, "81 A4 70 2F FF 00 00 00 00", "ECI-26 H(1)1 (Region One) (UTF-8) (full multibyte)" },
/* 5*/ { DATA_MODE, 0, -1, "é", -1, 0, 0, "30 01 61 D4 80 00 00 00 00", "B2 (UTF-8)" },
/* 6*/ { DATA_MODE, 0, ZINT_FULL_MULTIBYTE, "é", -1, 0, 0, "47 02 FF F0 00 00 00 00 00", "H(1)1 (UTF-8) (Region One) (full multibyte)" },
/* 7*/ { DATA_MODE, 0, -1, "\351", -1, 0, 0, "30 00 F4 80 00 00 00 00 00", "B1 (ISO 8859-1) (0xE9)" },
/* 8*/ { UNICODE_MODE, 0, -1, "β", -1, 0, 0, "30 01 53 61 00 00 00 00 00", "B2 (GB 18030) (2-byte Region)" },
/* 9*/ { UNICODE_MODE, 9, -1, "β", -1, 0, 9, "80 93 00 0F 10 00 00 00 00", "ECI-9 B1 (ISO 8859-7)" },
/* 10*/ { UNICODE_MODE, 29, -1, "β", -1, 0, 29, "81 D3 00 15 36 10 00 00 00", "ECI-29 B2 (GB 18030) (2-byte Region)" },
/* 11*/ { UNICODE_MODE, 26, -1, "β", -1, 0, 26, "81 A3 00 16 75 90 00 00 00", "ECI-26 B2 (UTF-8)" },
/* 12*/ { UNICODE_MODE, 26, ZINT_FULL_MULTIBYTE, "β", -1, 0, 26, "81 A4 B1 5F FF 00 00 00 00", "ECI-26 B2 (UTF-8) (full multibyte)" },
/* 13*/ { DATA_MODE, 0, -1, "β", -1, 0, 0, "30 01 67 59 00 00 00 00 00", "B2 (UTF-8)" },
/* 14*/ { DATA_MODE, 0, ZINT_FULL_MULTIBYTE, "β", -1, 0, 0, "4B 15 FF F0 00 00 00 00 00", "H(1)1 (UTF-8) (Region One) (full multibyte)" },
/* 15*/ { UNICODE_MODE, 0, -1, "ÿ", -1, 0, 0, "30 00 FF 80 00 00 00 00 00", "B1 (ISO 8859-1)" },
/* 16*/ { UNICODE_MODE, 0, -1, "ÿÿÿ", -1, 0, 0, "30 01 FF FF FF 80 00 00 00", "B3 (ISO 8859-1)" },
/* 17*/ { UNICODE_MODE, 0, -1, "\302\200", -1, 0, 0, "70 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00", "H(f)1 (GB 18030) (4-byte Region) (not DATA_MODE so GB 18030 mapping)" },
/* 18*/ { UNICODE_MODE, 0, ZINT_FULL_MULTIBYTE, "\302\200", -1, 0, 0, "70 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00", "H(f)1 (GB 18030) (4-byte Region)" },
/* 19*/ { DATA_MODE, 0, 0, "\302\200", -1, 0, 0, "30 01 61 40 00 00 00 00 00", "B2 (UTF-8)" },
/* 20*/ { DATA_MODE, 0, ZINT_FULL_MULTIBYTE, "\302\200", -1, 0, 0, "30 01 61 40 00 00 00 00 00", "B2 (UTF-8) (full multibyte)" },
/* 21*/ { UNICODE_MODE, 0, -1, "\302\200<EFBFBD>", -1, 0, 0, "70 00 00 38 26 7E 40 00 00", "H(f)2 (GB 18030) (both 4-byte Region) (not DATA_MODE so GB 18030 mapping)" },
/* 22*/ { UNICODE_MODE, 0, ZINT_FULL_MULTIBYTE, "\302\200<EFBFBD>", -1, 0, 0, "70 00 00 38 26 7E 40 00 00", "H(f)2 (GB 18030) (both 4-byte Region)" },
/* 23*/ { UNICODE_MODE, 0, -1, "啊亍齄丂\302\200", -1, 0, 0, "64 68 50 3C AC 28 80 00 FF FE E0 00 00 00 00 00 00", "H(d)4 H(f)1 (GB 18030)" },
/* 24*/ { DATA_MODE, 0, -1, "\177\177", -1, 0, 0, "2F BD F7 F0 00 00 00 00 00", "T2 (ASCII)" },
/* 25*/ { DATA_MODE, 0, -1, "\177\177\177", -1, 0, 0, "2F BD F7 DF C0 00 00 00 00", "T3 (ASCII)" },
/* 26*/ { UNICODE_MODE, 0, -1, "123", -1, 0, 0, "11 EF FF 00 00 00 00 00 00", "N3 (ASCII)" },
/* 27*/ { UNICODE_MODE, 0, -1, "12345", -1, 0, 0, "11 EC 2D FF 80 00 00 00 00", "N5 (ASCII)" },
/* 28*/ { UNICODE_MODE, 0, -1, "Aa%$Bb9", -1, 0, 0, "22 A4 FA 18 3E 2E 52 7F 00", "T7 (ASCII)" },
/* 29*/ { UNICODE_MODE, 0, -1, "Summer Palace Ticket for 6 June 2015 13:00;2015年6月6日夜01時00分PM頤和園のチケット;2015년6월6일13시오후여름궁전티켓.2015年6月6号下午13:00的颐和园门票;", -1, 0, 0, "(189) 27 38 C3 0A 35 F9 CF 99 92 F9 26 A3 E7 3E 76 C9 AE A3 7F CC 08 04 0C CD EE 44 06 C4", "T20 B64 N4 H(f)1 T1 H(f)1 T1 H(f)1 T2 H(f)9 B35 (GB 18030)" },
/* 30*/ { DATA_MODE, 0, -1, "Summer Palace Ticket for 6 June 2015 13:00;2015年6月6日夜01時00分PM頤和園のチケット;2015년6월6일13시오후여름궁전티켓.2015年6月6号下午13:00的颐和园门票;", -1, 0, 0, "(209) 27 38 C3 0A 35 F9 CF 99 92 F9 26 A3 E7 3E 76 C9 AE A3 7F CC 15 04 0C CD EE 44 06 C4", "T20 B117 (UTF-8)" },
/* 31*/ { UNICODE_MODE, 0, -1, "\000\014\033 #/059:<@AMZ", 15, 0, 0, "2F 80 31 B7 1F AF E0 05 27 EB 2E CB E2 96 8F F0 00", "T15 (ASCII)" },
/* 32*/ { UNICODE_MODE, 0, -1, "Z[\\`alz{~\177", -1, 0, 0, "28 FE CF 4E 3E 92 FF 7E E7 CF 7F 00 00", "T10 (ASCII)" },
/* 33*/ { DATA_MODE, 26, ZINT_FULL_MULTIBYTE, "\202\061\203\063", -1, 0, 26, "81 A7 01 B1 D8 00 00 00 00", "ECI-26 H(f)1 (GB 18030) (Invalid UTF-8, forces GB 2312/18030 utf8tosb() difference) NOTE: 2021-01-10 now UTF-8 is checked and mode -> DATA_MODE this test no longer shows difference" },
/* 34*/ { UNICODE_MODE, 128, 0, "A", -1, 0, 128, "88 08 02 2B F0 00 00 00 00", "ECI > 127" },
/* 35*/ { UNICODE_MODE, 16364, 0, "A", -1, 0, 16364, "8B FE C2 2B F0 00 00 00 00", "ECI > 16363" },
/* 36*/ { UNICODE_MODE, 0, -1, "啊啊啊亍", -1, 0, 0, "40 00 00 00 00 FF E0 00 FF F0 00 00 00", "Region 1 (FFE terminator) -> Region 2 (no indicator)" },
/* 37*/ { UNICODE_MODE, 0, -1, "亍亍亍啊", -1, 0, 0, "50 00 00 00 00 FF E0 00 FF F0 00 00 00", "Region 2 (FFE terminator) -> Region 1 (no indicator)" },
/* 38*/ { UNICODE_MODE, 0, -1, "啊啊啊啊亍亍啊", -1, 0, 0, "40 00 00 00 00 00 0F FE 00 00 00 FF E0 00 FF F0 00", "Region 1 (FFE) -> Region 2 (FFE) -> Region 1" },
/* 39*/ { UNICODE_MODE, 0, -1, "亍亍亍亍啊啊亍", -1, 0, 0, "50 00 00 00 00 00 0F FE 00 00 00 FF E0 00 FF F0 00", "Region 2 (FFE) -> Region 1 (FFE) -> Region 2" },
/* 40*/ { DATA_MODE, 0, ZINT_FULL_MULTIBYTE | (2 << 8), "é", -1, 0, 0, "47 02 FF F0 00 00 00 00 00", "H(1)1 (UTF-8) (Region One) (full multibyte with mask)" },
/* 41*/ { UNICODE_MODE, 0, -1, "˘", -1, 0, 0, "70 01 16 80 00 00 00 00 00", "H(f)1 (GB 18030)" },
/* 42*/ { UNICODE_MODE, 4, -1, "˘", -1, 0, 4, "80 43 00 0D 10 00 00 00 00", "ECI-4 B1 (ISO 8859-2)" },
/* 43*/ { UNICODE_MODE, 0, -1, "Ħ", -1, 0, 0, "70 00 47 80 00 00 00 00 00", "H(f)1 (GB 18030)" },
/* 44*/ { UNICODE_MODE, 5, -1, "Ħ", -1, 0, 5, "80 53 00 0D 08 00 00 00 00", "ECI-5 B1 (ISO 8859-3)" },
/* 45*/ { UNICODE_MODE, 0, -1, "ĸ", -1, 0, 0, "70 00 50 00 00 00 00 00 00", "H(f)1 (GB 18030)" },
/* 46*/ { UNICODE_MODE, 6, -1, "ĸ", -1, 0, 6, "80 63 00 0D 10 00 00 00 00", "ECI-6 B1 (ISO 8859-4)" },
/* 47*/ { UNICODE_MODE, 0, -1, "Ж", -1, 0, 0, "30 01 53 D4 00 00 00 00 00", "B2 (GB 18030)" },
/* 48*/ { UNICODE_MODE, 7, -1, "Ж", -1, 0, 7, "80 73 00 0D B0 00 00 00 00", "ECI-7 B1 (ISO 8859-5)" },
/* 49*/ { UNICODE_MODE, 0, -1, "Ș", -1, 0, 0, "70 00 B9 80 00 00 00 00 00", "H(f)1 (GB 18030)" },
/* 50*/ { UNICODE_MODE, 18, -1, "Ș", -1, 0, 18, "81 23 00 0D 50 00 00 00 00", "ECI-18 B1 (ISO 8859-16)" },
/* 51*/ { UNICODE_MODE, 0, -1, "", -1, 0, 0, "30 01 52 E3 00 00 00 00 00", "B2 (GB 18030)" },
/* 52*/ { UNICODE_MODE, 20, -1, "", -1, 0, 20, "81 43 00 14 1B 28 00 00 00", "ECI-20 B2 (SHIFT JIS)" },
/* 53*/ { UNICODE_MODE, 20, -1, "テテ", -1, 0, 20, "81 43 00 24 1B 2C 1B 28 00", "ECI-20 B4 (SHIFT JIS)" },
/* 54*/ { UNICODE_MODE, 20, -1, "\\\\", -1, 0, 20, "81 43 00 24 0A FC 0A F8 00", "ECI-20 B4 (SHIFT JIS)" },
/* 55*/ { UNICODE_MODE, 0, -1, "", -1, 0, 0, "4E BC FF F0 00 00 00 00 00", "H(1)1 (GB 18030)" },
/* 56*/ { UNICODE_MODE, 21, -1, "", -1, 0, 21, "81 53 00 0C 28 00 00 00 00", "ECI-21 B1 (Win 1250)" },
/* 57*/ { UNICODE_MODE, 0, -1, "Ґ", -1, 0, 0, "70 01 B9 00 00 00 00 00 00", "H(f)1 (GB 18030)" },
/* 58*/ { UNICODE_MODE, 22, -1, "Ґ", -1, 0, 22, "81 63 00 0D 28 00 00 00 00", "ECI-22 B1 (Win 1251)" },
/* 59*/ { UNICODE_MODE, 0, -1, "˜", -1, 0, 0, "70 01 18 00 00 00 00 00 00", "H(f)1 (GB 18030)" },
/* 60*/ { UNICODE_MODE, 23, -1, "˜", -1, 0, 23, "81 73 00 0C C0 00 00 00 00", "ECI-23 B1 (Win 1252)" },
/* 61*/ { UNICODE_MODE, 24, -1, "پ", -1, 0, 24, "81 83 00 0C 08 00 00 00 00", "ECI-24 B1 (Win 1256)" },
/* 62*/ { UNICODE_MODE, 0, -1, "က", -1, 0, 0, "70 07 71 00 00 00 00 00 00", "H(f)1 (GB 18030)" },
/* 63*/ { UNICODE_MODE, 25, -1, "က", -1, 0, 25, "81 92 F9 00 3F 00 00 00 00", "ECI-25 T2 (UCS-2BE)" },
/* 64*/ { UNICODE_MODE, 25, -1, "ကက", -1, 0, 25, "81 92 F9 00 10 03 F0 00 00", "ECI-25 T4 (UCS-2BE)" },
/* 65*/ { UNICODE_MODE, 25, -1, "12", -1, 0, 25, "81 93 00 20 01 88 01 90 00", "ECI-25 B4 (UCS-2BE ASCII)" },
/* 66*/ { UNICODE_MODE, 27, -1, "@", -1, 0, 27, "81 B2 FB 2F C0 00 00 00 00", "ECI-27 T1 (ASCII)" },
/* 67*/ { UNICODE_MODE, 0, -1, "", -1, 0, 0, "30 01 7E C9 80 00 00 00 00", "B2 (GB 18030)" },
/* 68*/ { UNICODE_MODE, 28, -1, "", -1, 0, 28, "81 C3 00 17 CE A8 00 00 00", "ECI-28 B2 (Big5)" },
/* 69*/ { UNICODE_MODE, 28, -1, "龘龘", -1, 0, 28, "81 C3 00 27 CE AF CE A8 00", "ECI-28 B4 (Big5)" },
/* 70*/ { UNICODE_MODE, 0, -1, "", -1, 0, 0, "5B BF FF F0 00 00 00 00 00", "H(2)1 (GB 18030)" },
/* 71*/ { UNICODE_MODE, 29, -1, "", -1, 0, 29, "81 D5 BB FF FF 00 00 00 00", "ECI-29 H(2)1 (GB 2312)" },
/* 72*/ { UNICODE_MODE, 29, -1, "齄齄", -1, 0, 29, "81 D5 BB FB BF FF F0 00 00", "ECI-29 H(2)2 (GB 2312)" },
/* 73*/ { UNICODE_MODE, 0, -1, "", -1, 0, 0, "70 2B 5E 80 00 00 00 00 00", "H(f)1 (GB 18030)" },
/* 74*/ { UNICODE_MODE, 30, -1, "", -1, 0, 30, "81 E3 00 15 85 08 00 00 00", "ECI-30 T2 (EUC-KR)" },
/* 75*/ { UNICODE_MODE, 30, -1, "가가", -1, 0, 30, "81 E3 00 25 85 0D 85 08 00", "ECI-30 B4 (EUC-KR)" },
/* 76*/ { UNICODE_MODE, 170, -1, "?", -1, 0, 170, "88 0A A2 FB 1F C0 00 00 00", "ECI-170 L1 (ASCII invariant)" },
/* 77*/ { DATA_MODE, 899, -1, "\200", -1, 0, 899, "88 38 33 00 0C 00 00 00 00", "ECI-899 B1 (8-bit binary)" },
/* 78*/ { UNICODE_MODE, 900, -1, "é", -1, 0, 900, "88 38 43 00 16 1D 48 00 00", "ECI-900 B2 (no conversion)" },
/* 79*/ { UNICODE_MODE, 16384, -1, "é", -1, 0, 16384, "8C 04 00 03 00 16 1D 48 00", "ECI-16384 B2 (no conversion)" },
/* 80*/ { UNICODE_MODE, 3, -1, "β", -1, ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, 3, "Error 545: Invalid character in input data for ECI 3", "" },
int data_size = ARRAY_SIZE(data);
int i, length, ret;
struct zint_symbol *symbol;
char escaped[1024];
for (i = 0; i < data_size; i++) {
if (index != -1 && i != index) continue;
symbol = ZBarcode_Create();
assert_nonnull(symbol, "Symbol not created\n");
debug |= ZINT_DEBUG_TEST; // Needed to get codeword dump in errtxt
length = testUtilSetSymbol(symbol, BARCODE_HANXIN, data[i].input_mode, data[i].eci, -1 /*option_1*/, -1, data[i].option_3, -1 /*output_options*/, data[i].data, data[i].length, debug);
ret = ZBarcode_Encode(symbol, (unsigned char *) data[i].data, length);
assert_equal(ret, data[i].ret, "i:%d ZBarcode_Encode ret %d != %d (%s)\n", i, ret, data[i].ret, symbol->errtxt);
if (generate) {
printf(" /*%3d*/ { %s, %d, %s, \"%s\", %d, %s, %d, \"%s\", \"%s\" },\n",
i, testUtilInputModeName(data[i].input_mode), data[i].eci, testUtilOption3Name(data[i].option_3),
testUtilEscape(data[i].data, length, escaped, sizeof(escaped)), data[i].length,
testUtilErrorName(data[i].ret), ret < ZINT_ERROR ? symbol->eci : -1, symbol->errtxt, data[i].comment);
} else {
if (ret < ZINT_ERROR) {
assert_equal(symbol->eci, data[i].expected_eci, "i:%d eci %d != %d\n", i, symbol->eci, data[i].expected_eci);
assert_zero(strcmp(symbol->errtxt, data[i].expected), "i:%d strcmp(%s, %s) != 0\n", i, symbol->errtxt, data[i].expected);
static void test_encode(int index, int generate, int debug) {
struct item {
int input_mode;
int option_1;
int option_2;
int option_3;
char *data;
int ret;
int expected_rows;
int expected_width;
char *comment;
char *expected;
struct item data[] = {
/* 0*/ { UNICODE_MODE, -1, -1, -1, "1234", 0, 23, 23, "Mode nnnn, mask 10",
/* 1*/ { UNICODE_MODE, 1, 1, -1, "1234567890", 0, 23, 23, "ISO 20830 Draft K.1 Figure K8 (& K5) same (mask 01), except no alternating filler in structural info in figure",
/* 2*/ { UNICODE_MODE, 1, 1, 1 << 8, "1234567890", 0, 23, 23, "ISO 20830 Draft K.1 Figure K4, with explicit mask pattern 00, same except no alternating filler in figure",
/* 3*/ { UNICODE_MODE, 1, 1, 3 << 8, "1234567890", 0, 23, 23, "ISO 20830 Draft K.1 Figure K6, with explicit mask pattern 10, same except no alternating filler in figure",
/* 4*/ { UNICODE_MODE, 1, 1, 4 << 8, "1234567890", 0, 23, 23, "ISO 20830 Draft K.1 Figure K7, with explicit mask pattern 11, same except no alternating filler in figure",
/* 5*/ { UNICODE_MODE, 3, 10, -1, "1234567890ABCDEFGabcdefg,Han Xin Code", 0, 41, 41, "ISO 20830 Draft K.2 Figure K16 (& K14) (happens to use same mask pattern 10), same except for alternating filler",
/* 6*/ { UNICODE_MODE, 3, 10, 1 << 8, "1234567890ABCDEFGabcdefg,Han Xin Code", 0, 41, 41, "ISO 20830 Draft K.2 Figure K12 explicit mask pattern 00, same except for alternating filler",
/* 7*/ { UNICODE_MODE, 3, 10, 2 << 8, "1234567890ABCDEFGabcdefg,Han Xin Code", 0, 41, 41, "ISO 20830 Draft K.2 Figure K13 explicit mask pattern 01, same except for alternating filler",
/* 8*/ { UNICODE_MODE, 3, 10, 4 << 8, "1234567890ABCDEFGabcdefg,Han Xin Code", 0, 41, 41, "ISO 20830 Draft K.2 Figure K15 explicit mask pattern 11, same except for alternating filler",
/* 9*/ { UNICODE_MODE, 2, 17, -1, "Summer Palace Ticket for 6 June 2015 13:00;2015年6月6日夜01時00分PM頤和園のチケット;2015년6월6일13시오후여름궁전티켓.2015年6月6号下午13:00的颐和园门票;", 0, 55, 55, "**NOT SAME** as ISO 20830 Draft K.3 Figure K23, different encoding modes; if same encoding modes forced, uses mask pattern 01 instead of pattern 10, but matches pattern 01 example Figure K20 (excluding alternating filler) (forced encoding mode: ttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt1t1t11ttdtt1ttddddddddtttttfftfftffttffffffffffffffffffttttt1t1t111ttttt111111t)",
/* 10*/ { UNICODE_MODE, -1, -1, -1, "汉信码标准", 0, 23, 23, "ISO 20830 Draft Figure 4, **NOT SAME**, uses mask 11 instead of 10 (note figure includes alternating filler)",
/* 11*/ { UNICODE_MODE, -1, -1, 3 << 8, "汉信码标准", 0, 23, 23, "ISO 20830 Draft Figure 4, explict mask 10, same",
/* 12*/ { UNICODE_MODE | ESCAPE_MODE, -1, 4, -1, "汉信码标准\015\012中国物品编码中心", 0, 29, 29, "ISO 20830 Draft Figure 5, **NOT SAME** uses mask 11 instead of 01",
/* 13*/ { UNICODE_MODE | ESCAPE_MODE, -1, 4, 2 << 8, "汉信码标准\015\012中国物品编码中心", 0, 29, 29, "ISO 20830 Draft Figure 5, explicit mask 01, same",
/* 14*/ { UNICODE_MODE | ESCAPE_MODE, -1, 24, -1, "汉信码标准\015\012中国物品编码中心\015\012北京网路畅想科技发展有限公司\015\012张成海、赵楠、黄燕滨、罗秋科、王毅、张铎、王越\015\012施煜、边峥、修兴强\015\012汉信码标准\015\012中国物品编码中心\015\012北京网路畅想科技发展有限公司", 0, 69, 69, "ISO 20830 Draft Figure 6 **NOT SAME** different encodation, Region 1 FFE terminators not used in figure",
/* 15*/ { UNICODE_MODE | ESCAPE_MODE, -1, 40, -1, "本标准规定了一种矩阵式二维条码——汉信码的码制以及编译码方法。本标准中对汉信码的码图方案、信息编码方法、纠错编译码算法、信息排布方法、参考译码算法等内容进行了详细的描述汉信码可高效表示《GB 18030—2000 信息技术 信息交换用汉字编码字符集基本集的扩充》中的汉字信息,并具有数据容量大、抗畸变和抗污损能力强、外观美观等特点,适合于在我国各行业的广泛应用。 测试文本测试人施煜边峥修兴强袁娲测试目的汉字表示测试版本40\015\012", 0, 101, 101, "ISO 20830 Draft Figure 7 **NOT SAME** different encodation, Binary mode not used by figure",
/* 16*/ { UNICODE_MODE | ESCAPE_MODE, -1, 62, -1, "本标准规定了一种矩阵式二维条码——汉信码的码制以及编译码方法。本标准中对汉信码的码图方案、信息编码方法、纠错编译码算法、信息排布方法、参考译码算法等内容进行了详细的描述汉信码可高效表示《GB 18030—2000 信息技术 信息交换用汉字编码字符集基本集的扩充》中的汉字信息,并具有数据容量大、抗畸变和抗污损能力强、外观美观等特点,适合于在我国各行业的广泛应用。 测试文本测试人施煜边峥修兴强袁娲测试目的汉字表示测试版本40\015\012本标准规定了一种矩阵式二维条码——汉信码的码制以及编译码方法。本标准中对汉信码的码图方案、信息编码方法、纠错编译码算法、信息排布方法、参考译码算法等内容进行了详细的描述汉信码可高效表示《GB 18030—2000 信息技术 信息交换用汉字编码字符集基本集的扩充》中的汉字信息,并具有数据容量大、抗畸变和抗污损能力强、外观美观等特点,适合于在我国各行业的广泛应用。 测试文本测试人施煜边峥修兴强袁娲测试目的汉字表示测试版本40\015\012本标准规定了一种矩阵式二维条码——汉信码的码制以及编译码方法。本标准中对汉信码的码图方案、信息编码方法、纠错编译码算法RS、信息排布方法、参考译码算法等内容进行了详细的描述汉信码可高效表示《GB 18030—2000 信息技术 122", 0, 145, 145, "ISO 20830 Draft Figure 8 **NOT SAME** different encodation, Binary mode not used by figure",
/* 17*/ { UNICODE_MODE | ESCAPE_MODE, -1, 84, -1, "本标准规定了一种矩阵式二维条码——汉信码的码制以及编译码方法。本标准中对汉信码的码图方案、信息编码方法、纠错编译码算法、信息排布方法、参考译码算法等内容进行了详细的描述汉信码可高效表示《GB 18030—2000 信息技术 信息交换用汉字编码字符集基本集的扩充》中的汉字信息,并具有数据容量大、抗畸变和抗污损能力强、外观美观等特点,适合于在我国各行业的广泛应用。 测试文本测试人施煜边峥修兴强袁娲测试目的汉字表示测试版本84\015\012本标准规定了一种矩阵式二维条码——汉信码的码制以及编译码方法。本标准中对汉信码的码图方案、信息编码方法、纠错编译码算法、信息排布方法、参考译码算法等内容进行了详细的描述汉信码可高效表示《GB 18030—2000 信息技术 信息交换用汉字编码字符集基本集的扩充》中的汉字信息,并具有数据容量大、抗畸变和抗污损能力强、外观美观等特点,适合于在我国各行业的广泛应用。 测试文本测试人施煜边峥修兴强袁娲测试目的汉字表示测试版本84\015\012本标准规定了一种矩阵式二维条码——汉信码的码制以及编译码方法。本标准中对汉信码的码图方案、信息编码方法、纠错编译码算法、信息排布方法、参考译码算法等内容进行了详细的描述汉信码可高效表示《GB 18030—2000 信息技术 信息交换用汉字编码字符集基本集的扩充》中的汉字信息,并具有数据容量大、抗畸变和抗污损能力强、外观美观等特点,适合于在我国各行业的广泛应用。 测试文本测试人施煜边峥修兴强袁娲测试目的汉字表示测试版本40本标准规定了一种矩阵式二维条码——汉信码的码制以及编译码方" "法。本标准中对汉信码的码图方案、信息编码方法、纠错编译码算法、信息排布方法、参考译码算法等内容进行了详细的描述汉信码可高效表示《GB 18030—2000 信息技术 信息交换用汉字编码字符集基本集的扩充》中的汉字信息,并具有数据容量大、抗畸变和抗污损能力强、外观美观等特点,适合于在我国各行业的广泛应用。 测试文本测试人施煜边峥修兴强袁娲测试目的汉字表示测试版本84\015\012", 0, 189, 189, "ISO 20830 Draft Figure 9 **NOT SAME** different encodation, Binary mode not used by figure",
/* 18*/ { UNICODE_MODE | ESCAPE_MODE, -1, -1, 4 << 8, "汉信码(Chinese-Sensible Code)是一种能够有效表示汉字、图像等信息的二维条码。它的主要技术特色是1 具有高度的汉字表示能力和汉字压缩效率。2 信息容量大。 3 编码范围广可以将照片、指纹、掌纹、签字、声音、文字等凡可数字化的信息进行编码。4 支持加密技术。5抗污损和畸变能力强。6修正错误能力强。7 可供用户选择的纠错能力。8容易制作且成本低。9汉信码支持84个版本可以由用户自主进行选择最小码仅有指甲大小。10 外形美观。", 0, 67, 67, "Previous draft Figure 1 **NOT SAME** different encodation, Binary mode not used by figure",
/* 19*/ { DATA_MODE, -1, -1, ZINT_FULL_MULTIBYTE, "é", 0, 23, 23, "Mask automatic (01)",
/* 20*/ { DATA_MODE, -1, -1, ZINT_FULL_MULTIBYTE | (1 << 8), "é", 0, 23, 23, "Mask 00",
/* 21*/ { DATA_MODE, -1, -1, ZINT_FULL_MULTIBYTE | (4 << 8), "é", 0, 23, 23, "Mask 11",
/* 22*/ { DATA_MODE, -1, -1, ZINT_FULL_MULTIBYTE | (5 << 8), "é", 0, 23, 23, "Mask > 11 ignored",
int data_size = ARRAY_SIZE(data);
int i, length, ret;
struct zint_symbol *symbol;
char escaped[8192];
for (i = 0; i < data_size; i++) {
if (index != -1 && i != index) continue;
symbol = ZBarcode_Create();
assert_nonnull(symbol, "Symbol not created\n");
length = testUtilSetSymbol(symbol, BARCODE_HANXIN, data[i].input_mode, -1 /*eci*/, data[i].option_1, data[i].option_2, data[i].option_3, -1 /*output_options*/, data[i].data, -1, debug);
ret = ZBarcode_Encode(symbol, (unsigned char *) data[i].data, length);
assert_equal(ret, data[i].ret, "i:%d ZBarcode_Encode ret %d != %d (%s)\n", i, ret, data[i].ret, symbol->errtxt);
if (generate) {
printf(" /*%3d*/ { %s, %d, %d, %s, \"%s\", %s, %d, %d, \"%s\",\n",
i, testUtilInputModeName(data[i].input_mode), data[i].option_1, data[i].option_2, testUtilOption3Name(data[i].option_3),
testUtilEscape(data[i].data, length, escaped, sizeof(escaped)), testUtilErrorName(data[i].ret),
symbol->rows, symbol->width, data[i].comment);
testUtilModulesPrint(symbol, " ", "\n");
printf(" },\n");
} else {
if (ret < ZINT_ERROR) {
int width, row;
assert_equal(symbol->rows, data[i].expected_rows, "i:%d symbol->rows %d != %d (%s)\n", i, symbol->rows, data[i].expected_rows, data[i].data);
assert_equal(symbol->width, data[i].expected_width, "i:%d symbol->width %d != %d (%s)\n", i, symbol->width, data[i].expected_width, data[i].data);
ret = testUtilModulesCmp(symbol, data[i].expected, &width, &row);
assert_zero(ret, "i:%d testUtilModulesCmp ret %d != 0 width %d row %d (%s)\n", i, ret, width, row, data[i].data);
#include <time.h>
// Not a real test, just performance indicator
static void test_perf(int index, int debug) {
struct item {
int symbology;
int input_mode;
int option_1;
int option_2;
char *data;
int ret;
int expected_rows;
int expected_width;
char *comment;
struct item data[] = {
"汉信码(Chinese-Sensible Code)是一种能够有效表示汉字、图像等信息的二维条码。汉信码(Chinese-Sensible Code)是一种能够有效表示汉字、图像等信息的二维条码。",
0, 43, 43, "98 chars, Region 1 and Text" },
"汉信码(Chinese-Sensible Code)是一种能够有效表示汉字、图像等信息的二维条码。汉信码(Chinese-Sensible Code)是一种能够有效表示汉字、图像等信息的二维条码。"
"汉信码(Chinese-Sensible Code)是一种能够有效表示汉字、图像等信息的二维条码。汉信码(Chinese-Sensible Code)是一种能够有效表示汉字、图像等信息的二维条码。"
"汉信码(Chinese-Sensible Code)是一种能够有效表示汉字、图像等信息的二维条码。汉信码(Chinese-Sensible Code)是一种能够有效表示汉字、图像等信息的二维条码。"
"汉信码(Chinese-Sensible Code)是一种能够有效表示汉字、图像等信息的二维条码。汉信码(Chinese-Sensible Code)是一种能够有效表示汉字、图像等信息的二维条码。"
"汉信码(Chinese-Sensible Code)是一种能够有效表示汉字、图像等信息的二维条码。汉信码(Chinese-Sensible Code)是一种能够有效表示汉字、图像等信息的二维条码。"
"汉信码(Chinese-Sensible Code)是一种能够有效表示汉字、图像等信息的二维条码。汉信码(Chinese-Sensible Code)是一种能够有效表示汉字、图像等信息的二维条码。"
"汉信码(Chinese-Sensible Code)是一种能够有效表示汉字、图像等信息的二维条码。汉信码(Chinese-Sensible Code)是一种能够有效表示汉字、图像等信息的二维条码。"
"汉信码(Chinese-Sensible Code)是一种能够有效表示汉字、图像等信息的二维条码。汉信码(Chinese-Sensible Code)是一种能够有效表示汉字、图像等信息的二维条码。"
"汉信码(Chinese-Sensible Code)是一种能够有效表示汉字、图像等信息的二维条码。汉信码(Chinese-Sensible Code)是一种能够有效表示汉字、图像等信息的二维条码。"
"汉信码(Chinese-Sensible Code)是一种能够有效表示汉字、图像等信息的二维条码。汉信码(Chinese-Sensible Code)是一种能够有效表示汉字、图像等信息的二维条码。",
0, 121, 121, "980 chars, Region 1 and Text" },
"汉信码(Chinese-Sensible Code)是一种能够有效表示汉字、图像等信息的二维条码。汉信码(Chinese-Sensible Code)是一种能够有效表示汉字、图像等信息的二维条码。"
"汉信码(Chinese-Sensible Code)是一种能够有效表示汉字、图像等信息的二维条码。汉信码(Chinese-Sensible Code)是一种能够有效表示汉字、图像等信息的二维条码。"
"汉信码(Chinese-Sensible Code)是一种能够有效表示汉字、图像等信息的二维条码。汉信码(Chinese-Sensible Code)是一种能够有效表示汉字、图像等信息的二维条码。"
"汉信码(Chinese-Sensible Code)是一种能够有效表示汉字、图像等信息的二维条码。汉信码(Chinese-Sensible Code)是一种能够有效表示汉字、图像等信息的二维条码。"
"汉信码(Chinese-Sensible Code)是一种能够有效表示汉字、图像等信息的二维条码。汉信码(Chinese-Sensible Code)是一种能够有效表示汉字、图像等信息的二维条码。"
"汉信码(Chinese-Sensible Code)是一种能够有效表示汉字、图像等信息的二维条码。汉信码(Chinese-Sensible Code)是一种能够有效表示汉字、图像等信息的二维条码。"
"汉信码(Chinese-Sensible Code)是一种能够有效表示汉字、图像等信息的二维条码。汉信码(Chinese-Sensible Code)是一种能够有效表示汉字、图像等信息的二维条码。"
"汉信码(Chinese-Sensible Code)是一种能够有效表示汉字、图像等信息的二维条码。汉信码(Chinese-Sensible Code)是一种能够有效表示汉字、图像等信息的二维条码。"
"汉信码(Chinese-Sensible Code)是一种能够有效表示汉字、图像等信息的二维条码。汉信码(Chinese-Sensible Code)是一种能够有效表示汉字、图像等信息的二维条码。"
"汉信码(Chinese-Sensible Code)是一种能够有效表示汉字、图像等信息的二维条码。汉信码(Chinese-Sensible Code)是一种能够有效表示汉字、图像等信息的二维条码。"
"汉信码(Chinese-Sensible Code)是一种能够有效表示汉字、图像等信息的二维条码。汉信码(Chinese-Sensible Code)是一种能够有效表示汉字、图像等信息的二维条码。"
"汉信码(Chinese-Sensible Code)是一种能够有效表示汉字、图像等信息的二维条码。汉信码(Chinese-Sensible Code)是一种能够有效表示汉字、图像等信息的二维条码。"
"汉信码(Chinese-Sensible Code)是一种能够有效表示汉字、图像等信息的二维条码。汉信码(Chinese-Sensible Code)是一种能够有效表示汉字、图像等信息的二维条码。"
"汉信码(Chinese-Sensible Code)是一种能够有效表示汉字、图像等信息的二维条码。汉信码(Chinese-Sensible Code)是一种能够有效表示汉字、图像等信息的二维条码。"
"汉信码(Chinese-Sensible Code)是一种能够有效表示汉字、图像等信息的二维条码。汉信码(Chinese-Sensible Code)是一种能够有效表示汉字、图像等信息的二维条码。",
0, 147, 147, "1470 chars, Region 1 and Text" },
int data_size = ARRAY_SIZE(data);
int i, length, ret;
clock_t start, total_encode = 0, total_buffer = 0, diff_encode, diff_buffer;
if (!(debug & ZINT_DEBUG_TEST_PERFORMANCE)) { /* -d 256 */
for (i = 0; i < data_size; i++) {
int j;
if (index != -1 && i != index) continue;
diff_encode = diff_buffer = 0;
for (j = 0; j < TEST_PERF_ITERATIONS; j++) {
struct zint_symbol *symbol = ZBarcode_Create();
assert_nonnull(symbol, "Symbol not created\n");
length = testUtilSetSymbol(symbol, data[i].symbology, data[i].input_mode, -1 /*eci*/, data[i].option_1, data[i].option_2, -1, -1 /*output_options*/, data[i].data, -1, debug);
start = clock();
ret = ZBarcode_Encode(symbol, (unsigned char *) data[i].data, length);
diff_encode += clock() - start;
assert_equal(ret, data[i].ret, "i:%d ZBarcode_Encode ret %d != %d (%s)\n", i, ret, data[i].ret, symbol->errtxt);
assert_equal(symbol->rows, data[i].expected_rows, "i:%d symbol->rows %d != %d (%s)\n", i, symbol->rows, data[i].expected_rows, data[i].data);
assert_equal(symbol->width, data[i].expected_width, "i:%d symbol->width %d != %d (%s)\n", i, symbol->width, data[i].expected_width, data[i].data);
start = clock();
ret = ZBarcode_Buffer(symbol, 0 /*rotate_angle*/);
diff_buffer += clock() - start;
assert_zero(ret, "i:%d ZBarcode_Buffer ret %d != 0 (%s)\n", i, ret, symbol->errtxt);
printf("%s: diff_encode %gms, diff_buffer %gms\n", data[i].comment, diff_encode * 1000.0 / CLOCKS_PER_SEC, diff_buffer * 1000.0 / CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
total_encode += diff_encode;
total_buffer += diff_buffer;
if (index != -1) {
printf("totals: encode %gms, buffer %gms\n", total_encode * 1000.0 / CLOCKS_PER_SEC, total_buffer * 1000.0 / CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
testFunction funcs[] = { /* name, func, has_index, has_generate, has_debug */
{ "test_large", test_large, 1, 0, 1 },
{ "test_options", test_options, 1, 0, 1 },
{ "test_input", test_input, 1, 1, 1 },
{ "test_encode", test_encode, 1, 1, 1 },
{ "test_perf", test_perf, 1, 0, 1 },
testRun(argc, argv, funcs, ARRAY_SIZE(funcs));
return 0;