/*************************************************************************** * This file is part of the Lime Report project * * Copyright (C) 2015 by Alexander Arin * * arin_a@bk.ru * * * ** GNU General Public License Usage ** * * * This library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with this program. If not, see . * * * ** GNU Lesser General Public License ** * * * This library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as * * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * * License along with this library. * * If not, see . * * * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * ****************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "lrpagedesignintf.h" #include "lrtextitem.h" #include "lrdesignelementsfactory.h" #include "lrglobal.h" #include "lrdatasourcemanager.h" #include "lrsimpletagparser.h" #include "lrtextitemeditor.h" #include "lrreportengine_p.h" #include namespace{ const QString xmlTag = "TextItem"; LimeReport::BaseDesignIntf * createTextItem(QObject* owner, LimeReport::BaseDesignIntf* parent){ return new LimeReport::TextItem(owner,parent); } bool VARIABLE_IS_NOT_USED registred = LimeReport::DesignElementsFactory::instance().registerCreator(xmlTag, LimeReport::ItemAttribs(QObject::tr("Text Item"),"TextItem"), createTextItem); } namespace LimeReport{ TextItem::TextItem(QObject *owner, QGraphicsItem *parent) : ContentItemDesignIntf(xmlTag,owner,parent), m_angle(Angle0), m_trimValue(true), m_allowHTML(false), m_allowHTMLInFields(false), m_followTo(""), m_follower(0), m_textIndent(0), m_textLayoutDirection(Qt::LayoutDirectionAuto) { PageItemDesignIntf* pageItem = dynamic_cast(parent); BaseDesignIntf* parentItem = dynamic_cast(parent); while (!pageItem && parentItem){ parentItem = dynamic_cast(parentItem->parentItem()); pageItem = dynamic_cast(parentItem); } if (pageItem){ QFont defaultFont = pageItem->font(); setFont(defaultFont); } Init(); } TextItem::~TextItem(){} int TextItem::fakeMarginSize() const{ return marginSize()+5; } void TextItem::preparePopUpMenu(QMenu &menu) { QAction* editAction = menu.addAction(QIcon(":/report/images/edit_pecil2.png"),tr("Edit")); menu.insertAction(menu.actions().at(0),editAction); menu.insertSeparator(menu.actions().at(1)); menu.addSeparator(); QAction* action = menu.addAction(tr("Auto height")); action->setCheckable(true); action->setChecked(autoHeight()); action = menu.addAction(tr("Allow HTML")); action->setCheckable(true); action->setChecked(allowHTML()); action = menu.addAction(tr("Allow HTML in fields")); action->setCheckable(true); action->setChecked(allowHTMLInFields()); action = menu.addAction(tr("Stretch to max height")); action->setCheckable(true); action->setChecked(stretchToMaxHeight()); } void TextItem::processPopUpAction(QAction *action) { if (action->text().compare(tr("Edit")) == 0){ this->showEditorDialog(); } if (action->text().compare(tr("Auto height")) == 0){ setProperty("autoHeight",action->isChecked()); } if (action->text().compare(tr("Allow HTML")) == 0){ setProperty("allowHTML",action->isChecked()); } if (action->text().compare(tr("Allow HTML in fields")) == 0){ setProperty("allowHTMLInFields",action->isChecked()); } if (action->text().compare(tr("Stretch to max height")) == 0){ setProperty("stretchToMaxHeight",action->isChecked()); } } void TextItem::paint(QPainter* painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem* style, QWidget* widget) { Q_UNUSED(widget); Q_UNUSED(style); TextPtr text = textDocument(); painter->save(); setupPainter(painter); prepareRect(painter,style,widget); QSizeF tmpSize = rect().size()-text->size(); if (!painter->clipRegion().isEmpty()){ QRegion clipReg=painter->clipRegion().xored(painter->clipRegion().subtracted(rect().toRect())); painter->setClipRegion(clipReg); } else { painter->setClipRect(rect()); } qreal hOffset = 0, vOffset = 0; switch (m_angle){ case Angle0: hOffset = fakeMarginSize(); if ((tmpSize.height() > 0) && (m_alignment & Qt::AlignVCenter)){ vOffset = tmpSize.height() / 2; } if ((tmpSize.height() > 0) && (m_alignment & Qt::AlignBottom)) // allow html vOffset = tmpSize.height(); painter->translate(hOffset,vOffset); break; case Angle90: hOffset = width() - fakeMarginSize(); vOffset = fakeMarginSize(); if (m_alignment & Qt::AlignVCenter){ hOffset = (width() - text->size().height()) / 2 + text->size().height(); } if (m_alignment & Qt::AlignBottom){ hOffset = (text->size().height()); } painter->translate(hOffset,vOffset); painter->rotate(90); break; case Angle180: hOffset = width() - fakeMarginSize(); vOffset = height() - fakeMarginSize(); if ((tmpSize.width()>0) && (m_alignment & Qt::AlignVCenter)){ vOffset = tmpSize.height() / 2+ text->size().height(); } if ((tmpSize.height()>0) && (m_alignment & Qt::AlignBottom)){ vOffset = (text->size().height()); } painter->translate(hOffset,vOffset); painter->rotate(180); break; case Angle270: hOffset = fakeMarginSize(); vOffset = height()-fakeMarginSize(); if (m_alignment & Qt::AlignVCenter){ hOffset = (width() - text->size().height())/2; } if (m_alignment & Qt::AlignBottom){ hOffset = (width() - text->size().height()); } painter->translate(hOffset,vOffset); painter->rotate(270); break; case Angle45: painter->translate(width()/2,0); painter->rotate(45); text->setTextWidth(sqrt(2*(pow(width()/2,2)))); break; case Angle315: painter->translate(0,height()/2); painter->rotate(315); text->setTextWidth(sqrt(2*(pow(height()/2,2)))); break; } int lineHeight = painter->fontMetrics().height(); qreal curpos = 0; if (m_underlines){ QPen pen = painter->pen(); pen.setWidth(m_underlineLineSize); painter->setPen(pen); } painter->setOpacity(qreal(foregroundOpacity())/100); QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::PaintContext ctx; ctx.palette.setColor(QPalette::Text, fontColor()); for(QTextBlock it = text->begin(); it != text->end(); it=it.next()){ it.blockFormat().setLineHeight(m_lineSpacing,QTextBlockFormat::LineDistanceHeight); for (int i=0;ilineCount();i++){ QTextLine line = it.layout()->lineAt(i); if (m_underlines){ painter->drawLine(QPointF(0,line.rect().bottomLeft().y()),QPoint(rect().width(),line.rect().bottomRight().y())); lineHeight = line.height()+m_lineSpacing; curpos = line.rect().bottom(); } } } text->documentLayout()->draw(painter,ctx); if (m_underlines){ if (lineHeight<0) lineHeight = painter->fontMetrics().height(); for (curpos+=lineHeight; curposdrawLine(QPointF(0,curpos),QPoint(rect().width(),curpos)); } } painter->restore(); BaseDesignIntf::paint(painter, style, widget); } QString TextItem::content() const{ return m_strText; } void TextItem::Init() { m_autoWidth = NoneAutoWidth; m_alignment = Qt::AlignLeft|Qt::AlignTop; m_autoHeight = false; m_textSize = QSizeF(); m_firstLineSize = 0; m_foregroundOpacity = 100; m_underlines = false; m_adaptFontToSize = false; m_underlineLineSize = 1; m_lineSpacing = 1; m_valueType = Default; } void TextItem::setContent(const QString &value) { if (m_strText.compare(value)!=0){ QString oldValue = m_strText; if (m_trimValue) m_strText=value.trimmed(); else m_strText=value; // if (itemMode() == DesignMode && (autoHeight())){ // initTextSizes(); // } if (!isLoading()){ if (autoHeight() || autoWidth() || hasFollower()) initTextSizes(); update(rect()); notify("content",oldValue,value); } } } void TextItem::updateItemSize(DataSourceManager* dataManager, RenderPass pass, int maxHeight) { if (isNeedExpandContent()) expandContent(dataManager, pass); if (!isLoading() && (autoHeight() || autoWidth() || hasFollower()) ) initTextSizes(); if (m_textSize.width()>width() && ((m_autoWidth==MaxWordLength)||(m_autoWidth==MaxStringLength))){ setWidth(m_textSize.width() + fakeMarginSize()*2); } if (m_textSize.height()>height()) { if (m_autoHeight) setHeight(m_textSize.height()+borderLineSize()*2); else if (hasFollower() && !content().isEmpty()){ follower()->setContent(getTextPart(0,height())); setContent(getTextPart(height(),0)); } } BaseDesignIntf::updateItemSize(dataManager, pass, maxHeight); } void TextItem::updateLayout() { // m_layout.setFont(transformToSceneFont(font())); // m_layout.setText(content()); // qreal linePos = 0; // m_layout.beginLayout(); // while(true){ // QTextLine line = m_layout.createLine(); // if (!line.isValid()) break; // line.setLineWidth(width()-marginSize()*2); // line.setPosition(QPoint(marginSize(),linePos)); // linePos+=line.height(); // } // m_layout.endLayout(); } bool TextItem::isNeedExpandContent() const { QRegExp rx("$*\\{[^{]*\\}"); return content().contains(rx); } QString TextItem::replaceBR(QString text) { return text.replace("
","\n"); } QString TextItem::replaceReturns(QString text) { QString result = text.replace("\r\n","
"); result = result.replace("\n","
"); return result; } void TextItem::setTextFont(TextPtr text, const QFont& value) const { text->setDefaultFont(value); if ((m_angle==Angle0)||(m_angle==Angle180)){ text->setTextWidth(rect().width()-fakeMarginSize()*2); } else { text->setTextWidth(rect().height()-fakeMarginSize()*2); } } void TextItem::adaptFontSize(TextPtr text) const{ QFont _font = transformToSceneFont(font()); do{ setTextFont(text,_font); if (_font.pixelSize()>2) _font.setPixelSize(_font.pixelSize()-1); else break; } while(text->size().height()>this->height() || text->size().width()>(this->width()) - fakeMarginSize() * 2); } int TextItem::underlineLineSize() const { return m_underlineLineSize; } void TextItem::setUnderlineLineSize(int value) { int oldValue = m_underlineLineSize; m_underlineLineSize = value; update(); notify("underlineLineSize",oldValue,value); } int TextItem::lineSpacing() const { return m_lineSpacing; } void TextItem::setLineSpacing(int value) { int oldValue = m_lineSpacing; m_lineSpacing = value; // if (autoHeight()) // initTextSizes(); update(); notify("lineSpacing",oldValue,value); } void TextItem::initTextSizes() const { TextPtr text = textDocument(); m_textSize= text->size(); if (text->begin().isValid() && text->begin().layout()->lineAt(0).isValid()) m_firstLineSize = text->begin().layout()->lineAt(0).height(); } QString TextItem::formatDateTime(const QDateTime &value) { if (m_format.isEmpty()) { return value.toString(); } return value.toString(m_format); } QString TextItem::formatNumber(const double value) { QString str = QString::number(value); if (m_format.contains("%")) { str.sprintf(m_format.toStdString().c_str(), value); str = str.replace(",", QLocale::system().groupSeparator()); str = str.replace(".", QLocale::system().decimalPoint()); } return str; } QString TextItem::formatFieldValue() { if (m_format.isEmpty()) { return m_varValue.toString(); } QVariant value = m_varValue; if (m_valueType != Default) { switch (m_valueType) { case DateTime: { QDateTime dt = QDateTime::fromString(value.toString(), Qt::ISODate); value = (dt.isValid() ? QVariant(dt) : m_varValue); break; } case Double: { bool bOk = false; double dbl = value.toDouble(&bOk); value = (bOk ? QVariant(dbl) : m_varValue); } default: break; } } switch (value.type()) { case QVariant::Date: case QVariant::DateTime: return formatDateTime(value.toDateTime()); case QVariant::Double: return formatNumber(value.toDouble()); default: return value.toString(); } } TextItem::TextPtr TextItem::textDocument() const { TextPtr text(new QTextDocument); if (allowHTML()) text->setHtml(m_strText); else text->setPlainText(m_strText); QTextOption to; to.setAlignment(m_alignment); to.setTextDirection(m_textLayoutDirection); //to.setTextDirection(QApplication::layoutDirection()); if (m_autoWidth!=MaxStringLength) if (m_adaptFontToSize && (!(m_autoHeight || m_autoWidth))) to.setWrapMode(QTextOption::WordWrap); else to.setWrapMode(QTextOption::WrapAtWordBoundaryOrAnywhere); else to.setWrapMode(QTextOption::NoWrap); text->setDocumentMargin(0); text->setDefaultTextOption(to); QFont _font = transformToSceneFont(font()); if (m_adaptFontToSize && (!(m_autoHeight || m_autoWidth))){ adaptFontSize(text); } else { setTextFont(text,_font); } if (follower()) text->documentLayout(); if (m_lineSpacing != 1 || m_textIndent !=0 ){ for ( QTextBlock block = text->begin(); block.isValid(); block = block.next()) { QTextCursor tc = QTextCursor(block); QTextBlockFormat fmt = block.blockFormat(); fmt.setTextIndent(m_textIndent); if (fmt.lineHeight() != m_lineSpacing) { fmt.setLineHeight(m_lineSpacing,QTextBlockFormat::LineDistanceHeight); } tc.setBlockFormat( fmt ); } } return text; } qreal TextItem::textIndent() const { return m_textIndent; } void TextItem::setTextIndent(const qreal &textIndent) { if (m_textIndent != textIndent){ qreal oldValue = m_textIndent; m_textIndent = textIndent; update(); notify("textIndent", oldValue, textIndent); } } Qt::LayoutDirection TextItem::textLayoutDirection() const { return m_textLayoutDirection; } void TextItem::setTextLayoutDirection(const Qt::LayoutDirection &textLayoutDirection) { if (m_textLayoutDirection != textLayoutDirection){ int oldValue = int(m_textLayoutDirection); m_textLayoutDirection = textLayoutDirection; update(); notify("textLayoutDirection",oldValue,int(textLayoutDirection)); } } QString TextItem::followTo() const { return m_followTo; } void TextItem::setFollowTo(const QString &followTo) { if (m_followTo != followTo){ QString oldValue = m_followTo; m_followTo = followTo; if (!isLoading()){ TextItem* fi = scene()->findChild(oldValue); if (fi) fi->clearFollower(); fi = scene()->findChild(followTo); if (fi && fi != this){ if (initFollower(followTo)){ notify("followTo",oldValue,followTo); } else { m_followTo = ""; QMessageBox::critical( 0, tr("Error"), tr("TextItem \" %1 \" already has folower \" %2 \" ") .arg(fi->objectName()) .arg(fi->follower()->objectName()) ); notify("followTo",followTo,""); } } else if (m_followTo != ""){ QMessageBox::critical( 0, tr("Error"), tr("TextItem \" %1 \" not found!") .arg(m_followTo) ); notify("followTo",followTo,""); } } } } void TextItem::setFollower(TextItem *follower) { if (!m_follower){ m_follower = follower; } } void TextItem::clearFollower() { m_follower = 0; } bool TextItem::hasFollower() const { return m_follower != 0; } bool TextItem::initFollower(QString follower) { TextItem* fi = scene()->findChild(follower); if (fi){ if (!fi->hasFollower()){ fi->setFollower(this); return true; } } return false; } void TextItem::pageObjectHasBeenLoaded() { if (!m_followTo.isEmpty()){ initFollower(m_followTo); } } TextItem::ValueType TextItem::valueType() const { return m_valueType; } void TextItem::setValueType(const ValueType valueType) { m_valueType = valueType; } QString TextItem::format() const { return m_format; } void TextItem::setFormat(const QString &format) { m_format = format; } bool TextItem::allowHTMLInFields() const { return m_allowHTMLInFields; } void TextItem::setAllowHTMLInFields(bool allowHTMLInFields) { if (m_allowHTMLInFields != allowHTMLInFields){ m_allowHTMLInFields = allowHTMLInFields; notify("allowHTMLInFields",!m_allowHTMLInFields,allowHTMLInFields); update(); } } bool TextItem::allowHTML() const { return m_allowHTML; } void TextItem::setAllowHTML(bool allowHTML) { if (m_allowHTML!=allowHTML){ m_allowHTML = allowHTML; // if (m_text){ // if (allowHTML) // m_text->setHtml(m_strText); // else // m_text->setPlainText(m_strText); // update(); // } update(); notify("allowHTML",!m_allowHTML,allowHTML); } } bool TextItem::trimValue() const { return m_trimValue; } void TextItem::setTrimValue(bool value) { bool oldValue = m_trimValue; m_trimValue = value; notify("trimValue",oldValue,value); } void TextItem::geometryChangedEvent(QRectF , QRectF) {} bool TextItem::isNeedUpdateSize(RenderPass pass) const { Q_UNUSED(pass) if ((autoHeight() || autoWidth()) || hasFollower()){ initTextSizes(); } bool res = (m_textSize.height()>geometry().height()&&autoHeight()) || (m_textSize.width()>geometry().width()&&autoWidth()) || m_follower || isNeedExpandContent(); return res; } void TextItem::setAlignment(Qt::Alignment value) { if (m_alignment!=value){ Qt::Alignment oldValue = m_alignment; m_alignment=value; //m_layout.setTextOption(QTextOption(m_alignment)); if (!isLoading()){ update(rect()); notify("alignment",QVariant(oldValue),QVariant(value)); } } } void TextItem::expandContent(DataSourceManager* dataManager, RenderPass pass) { QString context=content(); ExpandType expandType = (allowHTML() && !allowHTMLInFields())?ReplaceHTMLSymbols:NoEscapeSymbols; switch(pass){ case FirstPass: context=expandUserVariables(context, pass, expandType, dataManager); context=expandScripts(context, dataManager); context=expandDataFields(context, expandType, dataManager); break; case SecondPass:; context=expandUserVariables(context, pass, expandType, dataManager); context=expandScripts(context, dataManager); } if (expandType == NoEscapeSymbols && !m_varValue.isNull() &&m_valueType!=Default) { setContent(formatFieldValue()); } else { setContent(context); } } void TextItem::setAutoHeight(bool value) { if (m_autoHeight!=value){ bool oldValue = m_autoHeight; m_autoHeight=value; notify("autoHeight",oldValue,value); } } void TextItem::setAutoWidth(TextItem::AutoWidth value) { if (m_autoWidth!=value){ TextItem::AutoWidth oldValue = m_autoWidth; m_autoWidth=value; notify("autoWidth",oldValue,value); } } void TextItem::setAdaptFontToSize(bool value) { if (m_adaptFontToSize!=value){ bool oldValue = m_adaptFontToSize; m_adaptFontToSize=value; // initText(); invalidateRect(rect()); notify("updateFontToSize",oldValue,value); } } bool TextItem::canBeSplitted(int height) const { QFontMetrics fm(font()); return height > m_firstLineSize; } QString TextItem::getTextPart(int height, int skipHeight){ int linesHeight = 0; int curLine = 0; int textPos = 0; TextPtr text = textDocument(); text->documentLayout(); QTextBlock curBlock = text->begin(); QString resultText = ""; if (skipHeight > 0){ for (;curBlock != text->end(); curBlock=curBlock.next()){ for (curLine = 0; curLine < curBlock.layout()->lineCount(); curLine++){ linesHeight += curBlock.layout()->lineAt(curLine).height() + lineSpacing(); if (linesHeight > (skipHeight-(/*fakeMarginSize()*2+*/borderLineSize() * 2))) {goto loop_exit;} } } loop_exit:; } linesHeight = 0; for (;curBlock != text->end() || curLinelineCount(); curLine++){ if (resultText == "") textPos= curBlock.layout()->lineAt(curLine).textStart(); linesHeight += curBlock.layout()->lineAt(curLine).height() + lineSpacing(); if ( (height>0) && (linesHeight>(height-(/*fakeMarginSize()*2+*/borderLineSize()*2))) ) { linesHeight-=curBlock.layout()->lineAt(curLine).height(); goto loop_exit1; } resultText+=curBlock.text().mid(curBlock.layout()->lineAt(curLine).textStart(), curBlock.layout()->lineAt(curLine).textLength()); } } loop_exit1:; resultText.chop(1); QScopedPointer context(new HtmlContext(m_strText)); return context->extendTextByTags(resultText,textPos); } void TextItem::restoreLinksEvent() { if (!followTo().isEmpty()){ BaseDesignIntf* pi = dynamic_cast(parentItem()); if (pi){ foreach (BaseDesignIntf* bi, pi->childBaseItems()) { if (bi->patternName().compare(followTo())==0){ TextItem* ti = dynamic_cast(bi); if (ti){ ti->setFollower(this); } } } } } } BaseDesignIntf *TextItem::cloneUpperPart(int height, QObject *owner, QGraphicsItem *parent) { TextItem* upperPart = dynamic_cast(cloneItem(itemMode(),owner,parent)); upperPart->setContent(getTextPart(height,0)); upperPart->initTextSizes(); upperPart->setHeight(upperPart->textSize().height()+borderLineSize()*2); return upperPart; } BaseDesignIntf *TextItem::cloneBottomPart(int height, QObject *owner, QGraphicsItem *parent) { TextItem* bottomPart = dynamic_cast(cloneItem(itemMode(),owner,parent)); bottomPart->setContent(getTextPart(0,height)); bottomPart->initTextSizes(); bottomPart->setHeight(bottomPart->textSize().height()+borderLineSize()*2); return bottomPart; } BaseDesignIntf *TextItem::createSameTypeItem(QObject *owner, QGraphicsItem *parent) { return new TextItem(owner,parent); } BaseDesignIntf *TextItem::cloneEmpty(int height, QObject *owner, QGraphicsItem *parent) { TextItem* empty=dynamic_cast(cloneItem(itemMode(),owner,parent)); empty->setContent(""); empty->setHeight(height); return empty; } void TextItem::objectLoadFinished() { ItemDesignIntf::objectLoadFinished(); // if (itemMode() == DesignMode || !isNeedExpandContent()){ // if (autoHeight() && autoWidth()) // initTextSizes(); // } } void TextItem::setTextItemFont(QFont value) { if (font()!=value){ QFont oldValue = font(); setFont(value); update(); notify("font",oldValue,value); } } QWidget *TextItem::defaultEditor() { QSettings* l_settings = (page()->settings() != 0) ? page()->settings() : (page()->reportEditor()!=0) ? page()->reportEditor()->settings() : 0; QWidget* editor = new TextItemEditor(this,page(),l_settings); editor->setAttribute(Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose); return editor; } void TextItem::setBackgroundOpacity(int value) { if (opacity()!=value){ int oldValue = opacity(); setOpacity(value); notify("backgroundOpacity",oldValue,value); } } void TextItem::setBackgroundModeProperty(BaseDesignIntf::BGMode value) { if (value!=backgroundMode()){ BaseDesignIntf::BGMode oldValue = backgroundMode(); setBackgroundMode(value); notify("backgroundMode",oldValue,value); } } void TextItem::setBackgroundColorProperty(QColor value) { if(value!=backgroundColor()){ QColor oldValue = backgroundColor(); setBackgroundColor(value); notify("backgroundColor",oldValue,value); } } void TextItem::setFontColorProperty(QColor value) { if(value!=fontColor()){ QColor oldValue = fontColor(); setFontColor(value); notify("fontColor",oldValue,value); } } TextItem::AngleType TextItem::angle() const { return m_angle; } void TextItem::setAngle(const AngleType& value) { if (m_angle!=value){ AngleType oldValue = m_angle; m_angle = value; if (!isLoading()){ update(); notify("angle",oldValue,value); } } } void TextItem::setForegroundOpacity(int value) { if (value>100){ value=100; } else if(value<0){ value=0; } if (m_foregroundOpacity != value){ int oldValue = m_foregroundOpacity; m_foregroundOpacity = value; update(); notify("foregroundOpacity",oldValue,value); } } void TextItem::setUnderlines(bool value) { if (m_underlines != value){ bool oldValue = m_underlines; m_underlines = value; update(); notify("underlines",oldValue,value); } } } //namespace LimeReport