/************************************************************************ * file name : globals.h * ----------------- : * creation time : 2016/08/03 * author : Victor Zarubkin * email : v.s.zarubkin@gmail.com * ----------------- : * description : The file contains declaration of global constants and variables for profiler gui. * ----------------- : * change log : * 2016/08/03 Victor Zarubkin: initial commit. * : * : * * ----------------- : * license : Lightweight profiler library for c++ * : Copyright(C) 2016-2017 Sergey Yagovtsev, Victor Zarubkin * : * : Licensed under either of * : * MIT license (LICENSE.MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT) * : * Apache License, Version 2.0, (LICENSE.APACHE or http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0) * : at your option. * : * : The MIT License * : * : Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * : of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * : in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * : to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies * : of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished * : to do so, subject to the following conditions: * : * : The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all * : copies or substantial portions of the Software. * : * : THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, * : INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * : PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE * : LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, * : TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE * : USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. * : * : The Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License") * : * : You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * : You may obtain a copy of the License at * : * : http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * : * : Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * : distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * : WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * : See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * : limitations under the License. ************************************************************************/ #ifndef EASY_PROFILER__GUI_GLOBALS_H #define EASY_PROFILER__GUI_GLOBALS_H #include <string> #include <QObject> #include <QColor> #include <QTextCodec> #include <QSize> #include <QFont> #include "common_functions.h" #include "globals_qobjects.h" ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// namespace profiler_gui { const QString ORGANAZATION_NAME = "EasyProfiler"; const QString APPLICATION_NAME = "Easy profiler gui application"; const QColor CHRONOMETER_COLOR = QColor::fromRgba(0x40000000 | (::profiler::colors::RichBlue & 0x00ffffff));// 0x402020c0); const QColor CHRONOMETER_COLOR2 = QColor::fromRgba(0x40000000 | (::profiler::colors::Dark & 0x00ffffff));// 0x40408040); const QColor TEXT_COLOR = QColor::fromRgb(0xff504040); const QColor SYSTEM_BORDER_COLOR = QColor::fromRgb(0xffcccccc); EASY_CONSTEXPR QRgb SELECTED_THREAD_BACKGROUND = 0xffe0e060; EASY_CONSTEXPR QRgb SELECTED_THREAD_FOREGROUND = 0xffffffff - (SELECTED_THREAD_BACKGROUND & 0x00ffffff); EASY_CONSTEXPR qreal SCALING_COEFFICIENT = 1.25; EASY_CONSTEXPR qreal SCALING_COEFFICIENT_INV = 1.0 / SCALING_COEFFICIENT; EASY_CONSTEXPR uint32_t V130 = 0x01030000; Q_CONSTEXPR QSize ICONS_SIZE {28, 28}; EASY_CONSTEXPR uint16_t GRAPHICS_ROW_SIZE = 20; EASY_CONSTEXPR uint16_t GRAPHICS_ROW_SPACING = 0; EASY_CONSTEXPR uint16_t GRAPHICS_ROW_SIZE_FULL = GRAPHICS_ROW_SIZE + GRAPHICS_ROW_SPACING; EASY_CONSTEXPR uint16_t THREADS_ROW_SPACING = 10; #ifdef _WIN32 EASY_CONSTEXPR qreal FONT_METRICS_FACTOR = 1.05; #else EASY_CONSTEXPR qreal FONT_METRICS_FACTOR = 1.; #endif ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// template <class T> inline auto toUnicode(const T& _inputString) -> decltype(QTextCodec::codecForLocale()->toUnicode(_inputString)) { return QTextCodec::codecForLocale()->toUnicode(_inputString); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// inline QString decoratedThreadName(bool _use_decorated_thread_name, const::profiler::BlocksTreeRoot& _root, const QString& _unicodeThreadWord, bool _hex = false) { if (_root.got_name()) { QString rootname(toUnicode(_root.name())); if (!_use_decorated_thread_name || rootname.contains(_unicodeThreadWord, Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { if (_hex) return QString("%1 0x%2").arg(rootname).arg(_root.thread_id, 0, 16); return QString("%1 %2").arg(rootname).arg(_root.thread_id); } if (_hex) return QString("%1 Thread 0x%2").arg(rootname).arg(_root.thread_id, 0, 16); return QString("%1 Thread %2").arg(rootname).arg(_root.thread_id); } if (_hex) return QString("Thread 0x%1").arg(_root.thread_id, 0, 16); return QString("Thread %1").arg(_root.thread_id); } inline QString decoratedThreadName(bool _use_decorated_thread_name, const ::profiler::BlocksTreeRoot& _root, bool _hex = false) { if (_root.got_name()) { QString rootname(toUnicode(_root.name())); if (!_use_decorated_thread_name || rootname.contains(toUnicode("thread"), Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { if (_hex) return QString("%1 0x%2").arg(rootname).arg(_root.thread_id, 0, 16); return QString("%1 %2").arg(rootname).arg(_root.thread_id); } if (_hex) return QString("%1 Thread 0x%2").arg(rootname).arg(_root.thread_id, 0, 16); return QString("%1 Thread %2").arg(rootname).arg(_root.thread_id); } if (_hex) return QString("Thread 0x%1").arg(_root.thread_id, 0, 16); return QString("Thread %1").arg(_root.thread_id); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// enum ChronometerTextPosition : int8_t { ChronoTextPosition_Center = 0, ChronoTextPosition_Top, ChronoTextPosition_Bottom, }; // END of enum ChronometerTextPosition. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// struct EasyGlobals Q_DECL_FINAL { static EasyGlobals& instance(); EasyGlobalSignals events; ///< Global signals ::profiler::thread_blocks_tree_t profiler_blocks; ///< Profiler blocks tree loaded from file ::profiler::descriptors_list_t descriptors; ///< Profiler block descriptors list EasyBlocks gui_blocks; ///< Profiler graphics blocks builded by GUI QString theme; ///< Current UI theme name QFont bg_font; ///< Font for blocks_graphics_view QFont chronometer_font; ///< Font for easy_chronometer_item QFont items_font; ///< Font for easy_graphics_item QFont selected_item_font; ///< Font for easy_graphics_item double scene_left; ///< Graphics scene left boundary double scene_right; ///< Graphics scene right boundary ::profiler::timestamp_t begin_time; ///< ::profiler::thread_id_t selected_thread; ///< Current selected thread id ::profiler::block_index_t selected_block; ///< Current selected profiler block index ::profiler::block_id_t selected_block_id; ///< Current selected profiler block id uint32_t version; ///< Opened file version (files may have different format) float frame_time; ///< Expected frame time value in microseconds to be displayed at minimap on graphics scrollbar int blocks_spacing; ///< Minimum blocks spacing on diagram int blocks_size_min; ///< Minimum blocks size on diagram int blocks_narrow_size; ///< Width indicating narrow blocks int max_fps_history; ///< Max frames history displayed in FPS Monitor int fps_timer_interval; ///< Interval in milliseconds for sending network requests to the profiled application (used by FPS Monitor) int fps_widget_line_width; ///< Line width in pixels of FPS lines for FPS Monitor ChronometerTextPosition chrono_text_position; ///< Selected interval text position TimeUnits time_units; ///< Units type for time (milliseconds, microseconds, nanoseconds or auto-definition) bool connected; ///< Is connected to source (to be able to capture profiling information) bool fps_enabled; ///< Is FPS Monitor enabled bool use_decorated_thread_name; ///< Add "Thread" to the name of each thread (if there is no one) bool hex_thread_id; ///< Use hex view for thread-id instead of decimal bool enable_event_markers; ///< Enable event indicators painting (These are narrow rectangles at the bottom of each thread) bool enable_statistics; ///< Enable gathering and using statistics (Disable if you want to consume less memory) bool enable_zero_length; ///< Enable zero length blocks (if true, then such blocks will have width == 1 pixel on each scale) bool add_zero_blocks_to_hierarchy; ///< Enable adding zero blocks into hierarchy tree bool draw_graphics_items_borders; ///< Draw borders for graphics blocks or not bool hide_narrow_children; ///< Hide children for narrow graphics blocks (See blocks_narrow_size) bool hide_minsize_blocks; ///< Hide blocks which screen size is less than blocks_size_min bool display_only_relevant_stats; ///< Display only relevant information in ProfTreeWidget (excludes min, max, average times if there are only 1 calls number) bool collapse_items_on_tree_close; ///< Collapse all items which were displayed in the hierarchy tree after tree close/reset bool all_items_expanded_by_default; ///< Expand all items after file is opened bool only_current_thread_hierarchy; ///< Build hierarchy tree for current thread only bool highlight_blocks_with_same_id; ///< Highlight all blocks with same id on diagram bool selecting_block_changes_thread; ///< If true then current selected thread will change every time you select block bool auto_adjust_histogram_height; ///< Automatically adjust histogram height to the visible region bool display_only_frames_on_histogram; ///< Display only top-level blocks on histogram when drawing histogram by block id bool bind_scene_and_tree_expand_status; /** \brief If true then items on graphics scene and in the tree (blocks hierarchy) are binded on each other so expanding/collapsing items on scene also expands/collapse items in the tree. */ private: EasyGlobals(); }; // END of struct EasyGlobals. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// } // END of namespace profiler_gui. #ifndef IGNORE_GLOBALS_DECLARATION #define EASY_GLOBALS ::profiler_gui::EasyGlobals::instance() inline ::profiler_gui::EasyBlock& easyBlock(::profiler::block_index_t i) { return EASY_GLOBALS.gui_blocks[i]; } inline ::profiler::SerializedBlockDescriptor& easyDescriptor(::profiler::block_id_t i) { return *EASY_GLOBALS.descriptors[i]; } EASY_FORCE_INLINE const ::profiler::BlocksTree& easyBlocksTree(::profiler::block_index_t i) { return easyBlock(i).tree; } EASY_FORCE_INLINE const char* easyBlockName(const ::profiler::BlocksTree& _block) { const char* name = _block.node->name(); return *name != 0 ? name : easyDescriptor(_block.node->id()).name(); } EASY_FORCE_INLINE const char* easyBlockName(const ::profiler::BlocksTree& _block, const ::profiler::SerializedBlockDescriptor& _desc) { const char* name = _block.node->name(); return *name != 0 ? name : _desc.name(); } EASY_FORCE_INLINE const char* easyBlockName(::profiler::block_index_t i) { return easyBlockName(easyBlock(i).tree); } inline qreal sceneX(profiler::timestamp_t _time) { return PROF_MICROSECONDS(qreal(_time - EASY_GLOBALS.begin_time)); } inline QString imagePath(const QString& _resource) { return QString(":/images/%1/%2").arg(EASY_GLOBALS.theme).arg(_resource); } inline QString imagePath(const char* _resource) { return QString(":/images/%1/%2").arg(EASY_GLOBALS.theme).arg(_resource); } #endif ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #endif // EASY_PROFILER__GUI_GLOBALS_H