/*************************************************************************** * This file is part of the Lime Report project * * Copyright (C) 2015 by Alexander Arin * * arin_a@bk.ru * * * ** GNU General Public License Usage ** * * * This library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. * * * ** GNU Lesser General Public License ** * * * This library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as * * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * * License along with this library. * * If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. * * * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * ****************************************************************************/ #include "lrimageitem.h" #include "lrdesignelementsfactory.h" #include "lrglobal.h" #include "lrdatasourcemanager.h" namespace{ const QString xmlTag = "ImageItem"; LimeReport::BaseDesignIntf * createImageItem(QObject* owner, LimeReport::BaseDesignIntf* parent){ return new LimeReport::ImageItem(owner,parent); } bool VARIABLE_IS_NOT_USED registred = LimeReport::DesignElementsFactory::instance().registerCreator( xmlTag, LimeReport::ItemAttribs(QObject::tr("Image Item"),"Item"), createImageItem ); } namespace LimeReport{ ImageItem::ImageItem(QObject* owner,QGraphicsItem* parent) :ItemDesignIntf(xmlTag,owner,parent),m_autoSize(false), m_scale(true), m_keepAspectRatio(true), m_center(true), m_format(Binary){} BaseDesignIntf *ImageItem::createSameTypeItem(QObject *owner, QGraphicsItem *parent) { return new ImageItem(owner,parent); } void ImageItem::updateItemSize(DataSourceManager* dataManager, RenderPass pass, int maxHeight) { if (m_picture.isNull()){ if (!m_datasource.isEmpty() && !m_field.isEmpty()){ IDataSource* ds = dataManager->dataSource(m_datasource); if (ds) { QVariant data = ds->data(m_field); if (data.isValid()){ if (data.type()==QVariant::Image){ m_picture = data.value<QImage>(); } else { switch (m_format) { default: case Binary: m_picture.loadFromData(data.toByteArray()); break; case Hex: m_picture.loadFromData(QByteArray::fromHex(data.toByteArray())); break; case Base64: m_picture.loadFromData(QByteArray::fromBase64(data.toByteArray())); break; } } } } } else if (!m_resourcePath.isEmpty()){ m_picture = QImage(m_resourcePath); } } if (m_autoSize){ setWidth(m_picture.width()); setHeight(m_picture.height()); } BaseDesignIntf::updateItemSize(dataManager, pass, maxHeight); } bool ImageItem::isNeedUpdateSize(RenderPass) const { return m_picture.isNull() || m_autoSize; } QString ImageItem::resourcePath() const { return m_resourcePath; } qreal ImageItem::minHeight() const{ if (!m_picture.isNull() && autoSize()) { return m_picture.height(); } else { return 0; } } bool ImageItem::center() const { return m_center; } void ImageItem::setCenter(bool center) { if (m_center != center){ m_center = center; update(); notify("center",!center,center); } } bool ImageItem::keepAspectRatio() const { return m_keepAspectRatio; } void ImageItem::setKeepAspectRatio(bool keepAspectRatio) { if (m_keepAspectRatio != keepAspectRatio){ m_keepAspectRatio = keepAspectRatio; update(); notify("keepAspectRatio",!keepAspectRatio,keepAspectRatio); } } bool ImageItem::scale() const { return m_scale; } void ImageItem::setScale(bool scale) { if (m_scale != scale){ m_scale = scale; update(); notify("scale",!scale,scale); } } bool ImageItem::autoSize() const { return m_autoSize; } void ImageItem::setAutoSize(bool autoSize) { if (m_autoSize != autoSize){ m_autoSize = autoSize; if (m_autoSize && !m_picture.isNull()){ setWidth(image().width()); setHeight(image().height()); setPossibleResizeDirectionFlags(Fixed); } else { setPossibleResizeDirectionFlags(AllDirections); } update(); notify("autoSize",!autoSize,autoSize); } } QString ImageItem::field() const { return m_field; } void ImageItem::setField(const QString &field) { if (m_field != field){ QString oldValue = m_field; m_field = field; update(); notify("field",oldValue,field); } } QString ImageItem::datasource() const { return m_datasource; } void ImageItem::setDatasource(const QString &datasource) { if (m_datasource != datasource){ QString oldValue = m_datasource; m_datasource = datasource; update(); notify("datasource",oldValue,datasource); } } void ImageItem::paint(QPainter *ppainter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *option, QWidget *widget) { ppainter->save(); if (isSelected()) ppainter->setOpacity(Const::SELECTION_OPACITY); else ppainter->setOpacity(qreal(opacity())/100); QPointF point = rect().topLeft(); QImage img; if (m_scale && !image().isNull()){ img = image().scaled(rect().width(), rect().height(), keepAspectRatio() ? Qt::KeepAspectRatio : Qt::IgnoreAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation); } else { img = image(); } qreal shiftHeight = rect().height() - img.height(); qreal shiftWidth = rect().width() - img.width(); if (m_center){ if (shiftHeight<0 || shiftWidth<0){ qreal cutX = 0; qreal cutY = 0; qreal cutWidth = img.width(); qreal cutHeigth = img.height(); if (shiftWidth > 0){ point.setX(point.x()+shiftWidth/2); } else { cutX = fabs(shiftWidth/2); cutWidth += shiftWidth; } if (shiftHeight > 0){ point.setY(point.x()+shiftHeight/2); } else { cutY = fabs(shiftHeight/2); cutHeigth += shiftHeight; } img = img.copy(cutX,cutY,cutWidth,cutHeigth); } else { point.setX(point.x()+shiftWidth/2); point.setY(point.y()+shiftHeight/2); } } if (img.isNull() && itemMode()==DesignMode){ QString text; ppainter->setFont(transformToSceneFont(QFont("Arial",10))); ppainter->setPen(Qt::black); if (!datasource().isEmpty() && !field().isEmpty()) text = datasource()+"."+field(); else text = tr("Image"); ppainter->drawText(rect().adjusted(4,4,-4,-4), Qt::AlignCenter, text ); } else { ppainter->drawImage(point,img); } ItemDesignIntf::paint(ppainter,option,widget); ppainter->restore(); } void ImageItem::setImage(QImage value) { if (m_picture!=value){ QImage oldValue = m_picture; m_picture=value; if (m_autoSize){ setWidth(m_picture.width()); setHeight(m_picture.height()); } update(); notify("image",oldValue,value); } } ImageItem::Format ImageItem::format() const { return m_format; } void ImageItem::setFormat(Format format) { if (m_format!=format){ Format oldValue = m_format; m_format=format; update(); notify("format",oldValue,format); } } }