/************************************************************************ * file name : easy_graphics_scrollbar.cpp * ----------------- : * creation time : 2016/07/04 * author : Victor Zarubkin * email : v.s.zarubkin@gmail.com * ----------------- : * description : . * ----------------- : * change log : * 2016/07/04 Victor Zarubkin: Initial commit. * : * : * * ----------------- : * license : Lightweight profiler library for c++ * : Copyright(C) 2016-2017 Sergey Yagovtsev, Victor Zarubkin * : * : Licensed under either of * : * MIT license (LICENSE.MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT) * : * Apache License, Version 2.0, (LICENSE.APACHE or http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0) * : at your option. * : * : The MIT License * : * : Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * : of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * : in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * : to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies * : of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished * : to do so, subject to the following conditions: * : * : The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all * : copies or substantial portions of the Software. * : * : THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, * : INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * : PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE * : LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, * : TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE * : USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. * : * : The Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License") * : * : You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * : You may obtain a copy of the License at * : * : http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * : * : Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * : distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * : WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * : See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * : limitations under the License. ************************************************************************/ #include <algorithm> #include <QGraphicsScene> #include <QWheelEvent> #include <QMouseEvent> #include <QResizeEvent> #include <QContextMenuEvent> #include <QMenu> #include <easy/utility.h> #include "easy_graphics_scrollbar.h" #include "globals.h" // TODO: use profiler_core/spin_lock.h #if defined(_WIN32) && defined(EASY_GUI_USE_CRITICAL_SECTION) # include <Windows.h> # ifdef min # undef min # endif # ifdef max # undef max # endif namespace profiler_gui { void spin_lock::lock() { EnterCriticalSection((CRITICAL_SECTION*)m_lock); } void spin_lock::unlock() { LeaveCriticalSection((CRITICAL_SECTION*)m_lock); } spin_lock::spin_lock() : m_lock(new CRITICAL_SECTION) { InitializeCriticalSection((CRITICAL_SECTION*)m_lock); } spin_lock::~spin_lock() { DeleteCriticalSection((CRITICAL_SECTION*)m_lock); delete ((CRITICAL_SECTION*)m_lock); } } #endif ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// EASY_CONSTEXPR int DEFAULT_TOP = -40; EASY_CONSTEXPR int DEFAULT_HEIGHT = 80; EASY_CONSTEXPR int INDICATOR_SIZE = 6; EASY_CONSTEXPR int INDICATOR_SIZE_x2 = INDICATOR_SIZE << 1; EASY_CONSTEXPR int HIST_COLUMN_MIN_HEIGHT = 2; EASY_CONSTEXPR int WORKER_THREAD_CHECK_INTERVAL = 40; EASY_CONSTEXPR int BOUNDARY_TIMER_INTERVAL = 100; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// using estd::sqr; inline qreal calculate_color1(qreal h, qreal, qreal k) { return std::min(h * k, 0.9999999); } inline qreal calculate_color2(qreal, qreal duration, qreal k) { return std::min(sqr(sqr(duration)) * k, 0.9999999); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// EasyGraphicsSliderItem::EasyGraphicsSliderItem(bool _main) : Parent(), m_halfwidth(0), m_bMain(_main) { m_indicator.reserve(3); if (_main) { m_indicator.push_back(QPointF(0, DEFAULT_TOP + INDICATOR_SIZE)); m_indicator.push_back(QPointF(-INDICATOR_SIZE, DEFAULT_TOP)); m_indicator.push_back(QPointF(INDICATOR_SIZE, DEFAULT_TOP)); } else { m_indicator.push_back(QPointF(0, DEFAULT_TOP + DEFAULT_HEIGHT - INDICATOR_SIZE)); m_indicator.push_back(QPointF(-INDICATOR_SIZE, DEFAULT_TOP + DEFAULT_HEIGHT)); m_indicator.push_back(QPointF(INDICATOR_SIZE, DEFAULT_TOP + DEFAULT_HEIGHT)); } setWidth(1); setBrush(Qt::SolidPattern); } EasyGraphicsSliderItem::~EasyGraphicsSliderItem() { } void EasyGraphicsSliderItem::paint(QPainter* _painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem* _option, QWidget* _widget) { if (static_cast<const EasyGraphicsScrollbar*>(scene()->parent())->bindMode()) { return; } const auto currentScale = static_cast<const EasyGraphicsScrollbar*>(scene()->parent())->getWindowScale(); const auto br = rect(); qreal w = width() * currentScale; QRectF r(br.left() * currentScale, br.top() + INDICATOR_SIZE, w, br.height() - INDICATOR_SIZE_x2); const auto r_right = r.right(); const auto r_bottom = r.bottom(); auto b = brush(); _painter->save(); _painter->setTransform(QTransform::fromScale(1.0 / currentScale, 1), true); _painter->setBrush(b); if (w > 1) { _painter->setPen(Qt::NoPen); _painter->drawRect(r); // Draw left and right borders auto cmode = _painter->compositionMode(); if (m_bMain) _painter->setCompositionMode(QPainter::CompositionMode_Exclusion); _painter->setPen(QColor::fromRgba(0xe0000000 | b.color().rgb())); _painter->drawLine(QPointF(r.left(), r.top()), QPointF(r.left(), r_bottom)); _painter->drawLine(QPointF(r_right, r.top()), QPointF(r_right, r_bottom)); if (!m_bMain) _painter->setCompositionMode(cmode); } else { _painter->setPen(QColor::fromRgba(0xe0000000 | b.color().rgb())); _painter->drawLine(QPointF(r.left(), r.top()), QPointF(r.left(), r_bottom)); if (m_bMain) _painter->setCompositionMode(QPainter::CompositionMode_Exclusion); } // Draw triangle indicators for small slider _painter->setTransform(QTransform::fromTranslate(r.left() + w * 0.5, 0), true); _painter->setPen(b.color().rgb()); _painter->drawPolygon(m_indicator); _painter->restore(); } qreal EasyGraphicsSliderItem::width() const { return m_halfwidth * 2.0; } qreal EasyGraphicsSliderItem::halfwidth() const { return m_halfwidth; } void EasyGraphicsSliderItem::setWidth(qreal _width) { m_halfwidth = _width * 0.5; setRect(-m_halfwidth, DEFAULT_TOP, _width, DEFAULT_HEIGHT); } void EasyGraphicsSliderItem::setHalfwidth(qreal _halfwidth) { m_halfwidth = _halfwidth; setRect(-m_halfwidth, DEFAULT_TOP, m_halfwidth * 2.0, DEFAULT_HEIGHT); } void EasyGraphicsSliderItem::setColor(QRgb _color) { setColor(QColor::fromRgba(_color)); } void EasyGraphicsSliderItem::setColor(const QColor& _color) { auto b = brush(); b.setColor(_color); setBrush(b); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// EasyHistogramItem::EasyHistogramItem() : Parent(nullptr) , m_threadDuration(0) , m_threadProfiledTime(0) , m_threadWaitTime(0) , m_pSource(nullptr) , m_workerImage(nullptr) , m_topDuration(0) , m_maxDuration(0) , m_minDuration(0) , m_imageOrigin(0) , m_imageScale(1) , m_workerImageOrigin(0) , m_workerImageScale(1) , m_workerTopDuration(0) , m_workerBottomDuration(0) , m_blockTotalDuraion(0) , m_timer(::std::bind(&This::onTimeout, this)) , m_boundaryTimer([this](){ updateImage(); }, true) , m_pProfilerThread(nullptr) , m_threadId(0) , m_blockId(::profiler_gui::numeric_max<decltype(m_blockId)>()) , m_timeouts(0) , m_timeUnits(::profiler_gui::TimeUnits_auto) , m_regime(Hist_Pointer) , m_bPermitImageUpdate(false) { m_bReady = ATOMIC_VAR_INIT(false); } EasyHistogramItem::~EasyHistogramItem() { m_bReady.store(true, ::std::memory_order_release); if (m_workerThread.joinable()) m_workerThread.join(); delete m_workerImage; } QRectF EasyHistogramItem::boundingRect() const { return m_boundingRect; } void EasyHistogramItem::paint(QPainter* _painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem* _option, QWidget* _widget) { if (!m_bPermitImageUpdate || (m_regime == Hist_Pointer && m_pSource == nullptr) || (m_regime == Hist_Id && (m_threadId == 0 || ::profiler_gui::is_max(m_blockId)))) return; if (m_regime == Hist_Pointer) paintByPtr(_painter); else paintById(_painter); } void EasyHistogramItem::paintBusyIndicator(QPainter* _painter, qreal _current_scale) { const auto width = m_boundingRect.width() * _current_scale; const auto h = _painter->fontMetrics().height(); _painter->setPen(::profiler_gui::TEXT_COLOR); _painter->drawText(QRectF(0, m_boundingRect.top(), width, m_boundingRect.height() - h), Qt::AlignCenter, "Generating image"); _painter->drawText(QRectF(0, m_boundingRect.top() + h, width, m_boundingRect.height() - h), Qt::AlignCenter, QString(m_timeouts, QChar('.'))); } void EasyHistogramItem::paintMouseIndicator(QPainter* _painter, qreal _top, qreal _bottom, qreal _width, qreal _height, qreal _top_width, qreal _mouse_y, qreal _delta_time, int _font_h) { if (_font_h != 0 && _top < _mouse_y && _mouse_y < _bottom) { const int half_font_h = _font_h >> 1; _painter->setPen(Qt::blue); const auto mouseStr = ::profiler_gui::timeStringReal(m_timeUnits, m_bottomDuration + _delta_time * (_bottom - _mouse_y) / _height, 3); qreal mouseIndicatorRight = _width; if (_mouse_y < _top + half_font_h) mouseIndicatorRight = _top_width; qreal mouseIndicatorLeft = 0; const QRectF rect(0, _mouse_y - _font_h, _width, _font_h << 1); if (_mouse_y > _bottom - half_font_h) { _painter->drawText(rect, Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignTop, mouseStr); } else if (_mouse_y < _top + half_font_h) { _painter->drawText(rect, Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignBottom, mouseStr); } else { _painter->drawText(rect, Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignVCenter, mouseStr); mouseIndicatorLeft = _painter->fontMetrics().width(mouseStr) + 3; } _painter->drawLine(QLineF(mouseIndicatorLeft, _mouse_y, mouseIndicatorRight, _mouse_y)); } } void EasyHistogramItem::paintByPtr(QPainter* _painter) { const auto widget = static_cast<const EasyGraphicsScrollbar*>(scene()->parent()); const bool bindMode = widget->bindMode(); const auto currentScale = widget->getWindowScale(); const auto bottom = m_boundingRect.bottom(); const auto width = m_boundingRect.width() * currentScale; const auto dtime = m_topDuration - m_bottomDuration; const auto maxColumnHeight = m_boundingRect.height(); const auto coeff = (m_boundingRect.height() - HIST_COLUMN_MIN_HEIGHT) / (dtime > 1e-3 ? dtime : 1.); QRectF rect; QBrush brush(Qt::SolidPattern); //QRgb previousColor = 0; _painter->save(); _painter->setTransform(QTransform::fromScale(1.0 / currentScale, 1), true); if (!m_pSource->empty()) { _painter->setPen(Qt::NoPen); if (!bindMode) _painter->drawImage(0, m_boundingRect.top(), m_mainImage); else { const auto range = widget->sliderWidth(); const auto minimum = widget->value(); const auto slider_k = widget->range() / range; /*if (false)//slider_k < 8) { _painter->setTransform(QTransform::fromScale(slider_k, 1), true); _painter->drawImage((widget->minimum() - minimum) * currentScale, m_boundingRect.top(), m_mainImage); _painter->setTransform(QTransform::fromScale(1. / slider_k, 1), true); } else*/ { const auto deltaScale = slider_k / m_imageScale; _painter->setTransform(QTransform::fromScale(deltaScale, 1), true); _painter->drawImage((widget->minimum() + m_imageOrigin - minimum) * currentScale * m_imageScale, m_boundingRect.top(), m_mainImage); _painter->setTransform(QTransform::fromScale(1. / deltaScale, 1), true); } /*if (false) { const bool gotFrame = EASY_GLOBALS.frame_time > 1e-6f; qreal frameCoeff = 1; if (gotFrame) { if (EASY_GLOBALS.frame_time <= m_bottomDuration) frameCoeff = m_boundingRect.height(); else frameCoeff = 0.9 / EASY_GLOBALS.frame_time; } auto const calculate_color = gotFrame ? calculate_color2 : calculate_color1; auto const k = gotFrame ? sqr(sqr(frameCoeff)) : 1.0 / m_boundingRect.height(); const auto& items = *m_pSource; const auto maximum = minimum + range; const auto realScale = currentScale * slider_k; const auto offset = minimum * realScale; auto first = ::std::lower_bound(items.begin(), items.end(), minimum, [](const ::profiler_gui::EasyBlockItem& _item, qreal _value) { return _item.left() < _value; }); if (first != items.end()) { if (first != items.begin()) --first; } else { first = items.begin() + items.size() - 1; } qreal previous_x = -1e30, previous_h = -1e30; for (auto it = first, end = items.end(); it != end; ++it) { // Draw rectangle if (it->left() > maximum) break; if (it->right() < minimum) continue; const qreal item_x = it->left() * realScale - offset; const qreal item_w = ::std::max(it->width() * realScale, 1.0); const qreal item_r = item_x + item_w; const qreal h = it->width() <= m_bottomDuration ? HIST_COLUMN_MIN_HEIGHT : (it->width() > m_topDuration ? maxColumnHeight : (HIST_COLUMN_MIN_HEIGHT + (it->width() - m_bottomDuration) * coeff)); if (h < previous_h && item_r < previous_x) continue; const auto col = calculate_color(h, it->width(), k); const auto color = 0x00ffffff & QColor::fromHsvF((1.0 - col) * 0.375, 0.85, 0.85).rgb(); if (previousColor != color) { // Set background color brush for rectangle previousColor = color; brush.setColor(QColor::fromRgba(0xc0000000 | color)); _painter->setBrush(brush); } rect.setRect(item_x, bottom - h, item_w, h); _painter->drawRect(rect); previous_x = item_r; previous_h = h; } }*/ } } //if (!m_bReady.load(::std::memory_order_acquire)) // paintBusyIndicator(_painter, currentScale); qreal top_width = width, bottom_width = width; int font_h = 0; if (!m_topDurationStr.isEmpty()) { rect.setRect(0, m_boundingRect.top() - INDICATOR_SIZE, width - 3, m_boundingRect.height() + INDICATOR_SIZE_x2); if (m_timeUnits != EASY_GLOBALS.time_units) { m_timeUnits = EASY_GLOBALS.time_units; m_topDurationStr = ::profiler_gui::timeStringReal(m_timeUnits, m_topDuration, 3); m_bottomDurationStr = ::profiler_gui::timeStringReal(m_timeUnits, m_bottomDuration, 3); } auto fm = _painter->fontMetrics(); font_h = fm.height(); //bottom_width -= fm.width(m_bottomDurationStr) + 7; top_width -= fm.width(m_topDurationStr) + 7; _painter->setPen(m_topDuration < m_maxDuration ? QColor(Qt::darkRed) : ::profiler_gui::TEXT_COLOR); _painter->drawText(rect, Qt::AlignRight | Qt::AlignTop, m_topDurationStr); rect.setRect(0, bottom, width - 3, font_h); _painter->setPen(m_bottomDuration > m_minDuration ? QColor(Qt::darkRed) : ::profiler_gui::TEXT_COLOR); _painter->drawText(rect, Qt::AlignRight | Qt::AlignTop, m_bottomDurationStr); } _painter->setPen(Qt::darkGray); _painter->drawLine(QLineF(0, bottom, bottom_width, bottom)); _painter->drawLine(QLineF(0, m_boundingRect.top(), top_width, m_boundingRect.top())); paintMouseIndicator(_painter, m_boundingRect.top(), bottom, width, maxColumnHeight - HIST_COLUMN_MIN_HEIGHT, top_width, m_mouseY, dtime, font_h); if (m_bottomDuration < EASY_GLOBALS.frame_time && EASY_GLOBALS.frame_time < m_topDuration) { // Draw marker displaying expected frame_time step const auto h = bottom - (EASY_GLOBALS.frame_time - m_bottomDuration) * coeff; _painter->setPen(Qt::DashLine); auto w = width; const auto boundary = INDICATOR_SIZE - font_h; if (h < (m_boundingRect.top() - boundary)) w = top_width; else if (h > (bottom + boundary)) w = bottom_width; _painter->drawLine(QLineF(0, h, w, h)); } _painter->setPen(::profiler_gui::TEXT_COLOR); rect.setRect(0, bottom + 2, width, widget->defaultFontHeight()); const auto eventsSize = m_pProfilerThread->events.size(); _painter->drawText(rect, Qt::AlignHCenter | Qt::TextDontClip, QString("%1 | duration: %2 | profiled: %3 (%4%) | wait: %5 (%6%) | %7 frames | %8 blocks | %9 markers") .arg(m_threadName) .arg(::profiler_gui::timeStringRealNs(EASY_GLOBALS.time_units, m_threadDuration)) .arg(::profiler_gui::timeStringRealNs(EASY_GLOBALS.time_units, m_threadProfiledTime)) .arg(m_threadDuration ? QString::number(100. * (double)m_threadProfiledTime / (double)m_threadDuration, 'f', 2) : QString("0")) .arg(::profiler_gui::timeStringRealNs(EASY_GLOBALS.time_units, m_threadWaitTime)) .arg(m_threadDuration ? QString::number(100. * (double)m_threadWaitTime / (double)m_threadDuration, 'f', 2) : QString("0")) .arg(m_pProfilerThread->frames_number) .arg(m_pProfilerThread->blocks_number - eventsSize) .arg(eventsSize)); _painter->drawText(rect, Qt::AlignLeft, bindMode ? " MODE: zoom" : " MODE: overview"); _painter->restore(); } void EasyHistogramItem::paintById(QPainter* _painter) { const auto widget = static_cast<const EasyGraphicsScrollbar*>(scene()->parent()); const bool bindMode = widget->bindMode(); const auto currentScale = widget->getWindowScale(); const auto bottom = m_boundingRect.bottom(); const auto width = m_boundingRect.width() * currentScale; const auto dtime = m_topDuration - m_bottomDuration; const auto maxColumnHeight = m_boundingRect.height(); const auto coeff = (m_boundingRect.height() - HIST_COLUMN_MIN_HEIGHT) / (dtime > 1e-3 ? dtime : 1.); QRectF rect; QBrush brush(Qt::SolidPattern); //QRgb previousColor = 0; _painter->save(); _painter->setTransform(QTransform::fromScale(1.0 / currentScale, 1), true); const auto& items = m_selectedBlocks; if (!items.empty()) { _painter->setPen(Qt::NoPen); if (!bindMode) _painter->drawImage(0, m_boundingRect.top(), m_mainImage); else { const auto range = widget->sliderWidth(); auto minimum = widget->value(); const auto slider_k = widget->range() / range; /*if (false)//slider_k < 8) { _painter->setTransform(QTransform::fromScale(slider_k, 1), true); _painter->drawImage((widget->minimum() - minimum) * currentScale, m_boundingRect.top(), m_mainImage); _painter->setTransform(QTransform::fromScale(1. / slider_k, 1), true); } else*/ { const auto deltaScale = slider_k / m_imageScale; _painter->setTransform(QTransform::fromScale(deltaScale, 1), true); _painter->drawImage((widget->minimum() + m_imageOrigin - minimum) * currentScale * m_imageScale, m_boundingRect.top(), m_mainImage); _painter->setTransform(QTransform::fromScale(1. / deltaScale, 1), true); } /*if (false) { minimum *= 1e3; const auto maximum = minimum + range * 1e3; const auto realScale = currentScale * slider_k; const auto offset = minimum * realScale; auto first = ::std::lower_bound(items.begin(), items.end(), minimum + EASY_GLOBALS.begin_time, [](::profiler::block_index_t _item, qreal _value) { return easyBlock(_item).tree.node->begin() < _value; }); if (first != items.end()) { if (first != items.begin()) --first; } else { first = items.begin() + (items.size() - 1); } auto last = ::std::upper_bound(first, items.end(), maximum + EASY_GLOBALS.begin_time, [](qreal _value, ::profiler::block_index_t _item) { return _value < easyBlock(_item).tree.node->begin(); }); const auto n = static_cast<uint32_t>(::std::distance(first, last)); if (n > 0) { const bool gotFrame = EASY_GLOBALS.frame_time > 1e-6f; qreal frameCoeff = 1; if (gotFrame) { if (EASY_GLOBALS.frame_time <= m_bottomDuration) frameCoeff = m_boundingRect.height(); else frameCoeff = 0.9 / EASY_GLOBALS.frame_time; } auto const calculate_color = gotFrame ? calculate_color2 : calculate_color1; auto const k = gotFrame ? sqr(sqr(frameCoeff)) : 1.0 / m_boundingRect.height(); const auto draw = [this, &previousColor, &brush, &_painter](qreal x, qreal y, qreal w, qreal h, QRgb color) { m_spin.lock(); if (previousColor != color) { // Set background color brush for rectangle previousColor = color; brush.setColor(QColor::fromRgba(0xc0000000 | color)); _painter->setBrush(brush); } _painter->drawRect(QRectF(x, y, w, h)); m_spin.unlock(); }; ::std::vector<::std::thread> threads; const auto n_threads = ::std::min(n, ::std::thread::hardware_concurrency()); threads.reserve(n_threads); const auto n_items = n / n_threads; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < n_threads; ++i) { auto begin = first + i * n_items; threads.emplace_back([this, &draw, &maximum, &minimum, &realScale, &offset, &coeff, &calculate_color, &k, &bottom, &maxColumnHeight](decltype(begin) it, decltype(begin) end) { qreal previous_x = -1e30, previous_h = -1e30; //for (auto it = first, end = items.end(); it != end; ++it) for (; it != end; ++it) { // Draw rectangle const auto item = easyBlock(*it).tree.node; const auto beginTime = item->begin() - EASY_GLOBALS.begin_time; if (beginTime > maximum) break; const auto endTime = item->end() - EASY_GLOBALS.begin_time; if (endTime < minimum) continue; const qreal duration = item->duration() * 1e-3; const qreal item_x = (beginTime * realScale - offset) * 1e-3; const qreal item_w = ::std::max(duration * realScale, 1.0); const qreal item_r = item_x + item_w; const qreal h = duration <= m_bottomDuration ? HIST_COLUMN_MIN_HEIGHT : (duration > m_topDuration ? maxColumnHeight : (HIST_COLUMN_MIN_HEIGHT + (duration - m_bottomDuration) * coeff)); if (h < previous_h && item_r < previous_x) continue; const auto col = calculate_color(h, duration, k); const auto color = 0x00ffffff & QColor::fromHsvF((1.0 - col) * 0.375, 0.85, 0.85).rgb(); draw(item_x, bottom - h, item_w, h, color); //if (previousColor != color) //{ // // Set background color brush for rectangle // previousColor = color; // brush.setColor(QColor::fromRgba(0xc0000000 | color)); // _painter->setBrush(brush); //} //rect.setRect(item_x, bottom - h, item_w, h); //_painter->drawRect(rect); previous_x = item_r; previous_h = h; } }, begin, i == (n_threads - 1) ? items.end() : begin + n_items); } for (auto& t : threads) t.join(); } }*/ } } //if (!m_bReady.load(::std::memory_order_acquire)) // paintBusyIndicator(_painter, currentScale); qreal top_width = width, bottom_width = width; int font_h = 0; if (!m_topDurationStr.isEmpty()) { rect.setRect(0, m_boundingRect.top() - INDICATOR_SIZE, width - 3, m_boundingRect.height() + INDICATOR_SIZE_x2); if (m_timeUnits != EASY_GLOBALS.time_units) { m_timeUnits = EASY_GLOBALS.time_units; m_topDurationStr = ::profiler_gui::timeStringReal(m_timeUnits, m_topDuration, 3); m_bottomDurationStr = ::profiler_gui::timeStringReal(m_timeUnits, m_bottomDuration, 3); } auto fm = _painter->fontMetrics(); font_h = fm.height(); //bottom_width -= fm.width(m_bottomDurationStr) + 7; top_width -= fm.width(m_topDurationStr) + 7; _painter->setPen(m_topDuration < m_maxDuration ? QColor(Qt::darkRed) : ::profiler_gui::TEXT_COLOR); _painter->drawText(rect, Qt::AlignRight | Qt::AlignTop, m_topDurationStr); rect.setRect(0, bottom, width - 3, font_h); _painter->setPen(m_bottomDuration > m_minDuration ? QColor(Qt::darkRed) : ::profiler_gui::TEXT_COLOR); _painter->drawText(rect, Qt::AlignRight | Qt::AlignTop, m_bottomDurationStr); } _painter->setPen(Qt::darkGray); _painter->drawLine(QLineF(0, bottom, bottom_width, bottom)); _painter->drawLine(QLineF(0, m_boundingRect.top(), top_width, m_boundingRect.top())); paintMouseIndicator(_painter, m_boundingRect.top(), bottom, width, maxColumnHeight - HIST_COLUMN_MIN_HEIGHT, top_width, m_mouseY, dtime, font_h); if (m_bottomDuration < EASY_GLOBALS.frame_time && EASY_GLOBALS.frame_time < m_topDuration) { // Draw marker displaying required frame_time step const auto h = bottom - (EASY_GLOBALS.frame_time - m_bottomDuration) * coeff; _painter->setPen(Qt::DashLine); auto w = width; const auto boundary = INDICATOR_SIZE - font_h; if (h < (m_boundingRect.top() - boundary)) w = top_width; else if (h >(bottom + boundary)) w = bottom_width; _painter->drawLine(QLineF(0, h, w, h)); } _painter->setPen(::profiler_gui::TEXT_COLOR); rect.setRect(0, bottom + 2, width, widget->defaultFontHeight()); if (!m_selectedBlocks.empty()) { _painter->drawText(rect, Qt::AlignHCenter | Qt::TextDontClip, QString("%1 | %2 | %3 calls | %4% of thread profiled time") .arg(m_threadName).arg(m_blockName).arg(m_selectedBlocks.size()) .arg(m_threadProfiledTime ? QString::number(100. * (double)m_blockTotalDuraion / (double)m_threadProfiledTime, 'f', 2) : QString("100"))); } else { _painter->drawText(rect, Qt::AlignHCenter | Qt::TextDontClip, QString("%1 | %2 | 0 calls").arg(m_threadName).arg(m_blockName)); } _painter->drawText(rect, Qt::AlignLeft, bindMode ? " MODE: zoom" : " MODE: overview"); _painter->restore(); } ::profiler::thread_id_t EasyHistogramItem::threadId() const { return m_threadId; } void EasyHistogramItem::setBoundingRect(const QRectF& _rect) { m_boundingRect = _rect; } void EasyHistogramItem::setBoundingRect(qreal x, qreal y, qreal w, qreal h) { m_boundingRect.setRect(x, y, w, h); } void EasyHistogramItem::rebuildSource(HistRegime _regime) { if (m_regime == _regime) rebuildSource(); } void EasyHistogramItem::rebuildSource() { if (m_regime == Hist_Id) { m_regime = Hist_Pointer; setSource(m_threadId, m_blockId); } else { m_regime = Hist_Id; setSource(m_threadId, m_pSource); } } void EasyHistogramItem::setSource(::profiler::thread_id_t _thread_id, const ::profiler_gui::EasyItems* _items) { if (m_regime == Hist_Pointer && m_threadId == _thread_id && m_pSource == _items) return; m_timer.stop(); m_boundaryTimer.stop(); m_bReady.store(true, ::std::memory_order_release); if (m_workerThread.joinable()) m_workerThread.join(); m_blockName.clear(); m_blockTotalDuraion = 0; delete m_workerImage; m_workerImage = nullptr; m_imageOriginUpdate = m_imageOrigin = 0; m_imageScaleUpdate = m_imageScale = 1; m_selectedBlocks.clear(); { ::profiler::BlocksTree::children_t().swap(m_selectedBlocks); } m_bPermitImageUpdate = false; m_regime = Hist_Pointer; m_pSource = _items; m_threadId = _thread_id; ::profiler_gui::set_max(m_blockId); if (m_pSource != nullptr) { if (m_pSource->empty()) { m_pSource = nullptr; } else { const auto& root = EASY_GLOBALS.profiler_blocks[_thread_id]; m_threadName = ::profiler_gui::decoratedThreadName(EASY_GLOBALS.use_decorated_thread_name, root, EASY_GLOBALS.hex_thread_id); if (root.children.empty()) m_threadDuration = 0; else m_threadDuration = easyBlock(root.children.back()).tree.node->end() - easyBlock(root.children.front()).tree.node->begin(); m_threadProfiledTime = root.profiled_time; m_threadWaitTime = root.wait_time; m_pProfilerThread = &root; m_timeUnits = EASY_GLOBALS.time_units; m_bReady.store(false, ::std::memory_order_release); m_workerThread = ::std::thread([this](const ::profiler_gui::EasyItems* _source) { m_maxDuration = 0; m_minDuration = 1e30; bool empty = true; for (const auto& item : *_source) { if (m_bReady.load(::std::memory_order_acquire)) return; if (easyDescriptor(easyBlock(item.block).tree.node->id()).type() == ::profiler::BlockType::Event) continue; const auto w = item.width(); if (w > m_maxDuration) m_maxDuration = w; if (w < m_minDuration) m_minDuration = w; empty = false; } if ((m_maxDuration - m_minDuration) < 1e-3) { if (m_minDuration > 0.1) { m_minDuration -= 0.1; } else { m_maxDuration = 0.1; m_minDuration = 0; } } m_topDuration = m_maxDuration; m_bottomDuration = m_minDuration; if (!empty) { m_topDurationStr = ::profiler_gui::timeStringReal(m_timeUnits, m_topDuration, 3); m_bottomDurationStr = ::profiler_gui::timeStringReal(m_timeUnits, m_bottomDuration, 3); } else { m_topDurationStr.clear(); m_bottomDurationStr.clear(); } m_bReady.store(true, ::std::memory_order_release); }, m_pSource); m_timeouts = 3; m_timer.start(WORKER_THREAD_CHECK_INTERVAL); show(); } } if (m_pSource == nullptr) { m_pProfilerThread = nullptr; m_topDurationStr.clear(); m_bottomDurationStr.clear(); m_threadName.clear(); hide(); } } void EasyHistogramItem::setSource(::profiler::thread_id_t _thread_id, ::profiler::block_id_t _block_id) { if (m_regime == Hist_Id && m_threadId == _thread_id && m_blockId == _block_id) return; m_bPermitImageUpdate = false; // Set to false because m_workerThread have to parse input data first. This will be set to true when m_workerThread finish - see onTimeout() m_regime = Hist_Id; m_timer.stop(); m_boundaryTimer.stop(); m_bReady.store(true, ::std::memory_order_release); if (m_workerThread.joinable()) m_workerThread.join(); m_pSource = nullptr; m_topDurationStr.clear(); m_bottomDurationStr.clear(); m_blockName.clear(); m_blockTotalDuraion = 0; delete m_workerImage; m_workerImage = nullptr; m_imageOriginUpdate = m_imageOrigin = 0; m_imageScaleUpdate = m_imageScale = 1; m_selectedBlocks.clear(); { ::profiler::BlocksTree::children_t().swap(m_selectedBlocks); } m_threadId = _thread_id; m_blockId = _block_id; if (m_threadId != 0 && !::profiler_gui::is_max(m_blockId)) { m_blockName = ::profiler_gui::toUnicode(easyDescriptor(m_blockId).name()); const auto& root = EASY_GLOBALS.profiler_blocks[_thread_id]; m_threadName = ::profiler_gui::decoratedThreadName(EASY_GLOBALS.use_decorated_thread_name, root, EASY_GLOBALS.hex_thread_id); m_pProfilerThread = &root; m_timeUnits = EASY_GLOBALS.time_units; if (root.children.empty()) { m_threadDuration = 0; m_threadProfiledTime = 0; m_threadWaitTime = 0; m_topDuration = m_maxDuration = 0; m_bottomDuration = m_minDuration = 1e30; m_bPermitImageUpdate = true; m_bReady.store(true, ::std::memory_order_release); } else { m_threadDuration = easyBlock(root.children.back()).tree.node->end() - easyBlock(root.children.front()).tree.node->begin(); m_threadProfiledTime = root.profiled_time; m_threadWaitTime = root.wait_time; m_bReady.store(false, ::std::memory_order_release); m_workerThread = ::std::thread([this](decltype(root) profiler_thread, ::profiler::block_index_t selected_block, bool _showOnlyTopLevelBlocks) { typedef ::std::vector<::std::pair<::profiler::block_index_t, ::profiler::block_index_t> > Stack; m_maxDuration = 0; m_minDuration = 1e30; //const auto& profiler_thread = EASY_GLOBALS.profiler_blocks[m_threadId]; Stack stack; stack.reserve(profiler_thread.depth); const bool has_selected_block = !::profiler_gui::is_max(selected_block); for (auto frame : profiler_thread.children) { const auto& frame_block = easyBlock(frame).tree; if (frame_block.node->id() == m_blockId || (!has_selected_block && m_blockId == easyDescriptor(frame_block.node->id()).id())) { m_selectedBlocks.push_back(frame); const auto w = frame_block.node->duration(); if (w > m_maxDuration) m_maxDuration = w; if (w < m_minDuration) m_minDuration = w; m_blockTotalDuraion += w; } if (_showOnlyTopLevelBlocks) continue; stack.push_back(::std::make_pair(frame, 0U)); while (!stack.empty()) { if (m_bReady.load(::std::memory_order_acquire)) return; auto& top = stack.back(); const auto& top_children = easyBlock(top.first).tree.children; const auto stack_size = stack.size(); for (auto end = top_children.size(); top.second < end; ++top.second) { if (m_bReady.load(::std::memory_order_acquire)) return; const auto child_index = top_children[top.second]; const auto& child = easyBlock(child_index).tree; if (child.node->id() == m_blockId || (!has_selected_block && m_blockId == easyDescriptor(child.node->id()).id())) { m_selectedBlocks.push_back(child_index); const auto w = child.node->duration(); if (w > m_maxDuration) m_maxDuration = w; if (w < m_minDuration) m_minDuration = w; m_blockTotalDuraion += w; } if (!child.children.empty()) { ++top.second; stack.push_back(::std::make_pair(child_index, 0U)); break; } } if (stack_size == stack.size()) { stack.pop_back(); } } } if (m_selectedBlocks.empty()) { m_topDurationStr.clear(); m_bottomDurationStr.clear(); } else { if (has_selected_block) { const auto& item = easyBlock(selected_block).tree; if (*item.node->name() != 0) m_blockName = ::profiler_gui::toUnicode(item.node->name()); } m_maxDuration *= 1e-3; m_minDuration *= 1e-3; if ((m_maxDuration - m_minDuration) < 1e-3) { if (m_minDuration > 0.1) { m_minDuration -= 0.1; } else { m_maxDuration = 0.1; m_minDuration = 0; } } m_topDurationStr = ::profiler_gui::timeStringReal(m_timeUnits, m_maxDuration, 3); m_bottomDurationStr = ::profiler_gui::timeStringReal(m_timeUnits, m_minDuration, 3); } m_topDuration = m_maxDuration; m_bottomDuration = m_minDuration; m_bReady.store(true, ::std::memory_order_release); }, std::ref(root), EASY_GLOBALS.selected_block, EASY_GLOBALS.display_only_frames_on_histogram); m_timeouts = 3; m_timer.start(WORKER_THREAD_CHECK_INTERVAL); } show(); } else { m_pProfilerThread = nullptr; m_threadName.clear(); hide(); } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void EasyHistogramItem::validateName() { if (m_threadName.isEmpty()) return; m_threadName = ::profiler_gui::decoratedThreadName(EASY_GLOBALS.use_decorated_thread_name, EASY_GLOBALS.profiler_blocks[m_threadId], EASY_GLOBALS.hex_thread_id); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void EasyHistogramItem::onTimeout() { if (!isVisible()) { m_timer.stop(); return; } if (++m_timeouts > 8) m_timeouts = 3; if (m_bReady.load(::std::memory_order_acquire)) { m_timer.stop(); if (!m_bPermitImageUpdate) { // Worker thread have finished parsing input data (when setSource(_block_id) was called) m_bPermitImageUpdate = true; // From now we can update an image updateImage(); } else { // Image updated if (m_workerThread.joinable()) m_workerThread.join(); m_workerImage->swap(m_mainImage); delete m_workerImage; m_workerImage = nullptr; m_imageOriginUpdate = m_imageOrigin = m_workerImageOrigin; m_imageScaleUpdate = m_imageScale = m_workerImageScale; if (EASY_GLOBALS.auto_adjust_histogram_height && !m_topDurationStr.isEmpty()) { m_topDuration = m_workerTopDuration; m_bottomDuration = m_workerBottomDuration; m_topDurationStr = ::profiler_gui::timeStringReal(m_timeUnits, m_topDuration, 3); m_bottomDurationStr = ::profiler_gui::timeStringReal(m_timeUnits, m_bottomDuration, 3); } } } scene()->update(); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void EasyHistogramItem::pickTopBoundary(qreal _y) { if (m_bPermitImageUpdate && m_boundingRect.top() < _y && _y < m_boundingRect.bottom() && !m_topDurationStr.isEmpty()) { m_topDuration = m_bottomDuration + (m_topDuration - m_bottomDuration) * (m_boundingRect.bottom() - _y) / (m_boundingRect.height() - HIST_COLUMN_MIN_HEIGHT); m_topDurationStr = ::profiler_gui::timeStringReal(m_timeUnits, m_topDuration, 3); m_boundaryTimer.stop(); updateImage(); scene()->update(); // to update top-boundary text right now } } void EasyHistogramItem::increaseTopBoundary() { if (m_bPermitImageUpdate && m_topDuration < m_maxDuration && !m_topDurationStr.isEmpty()) { auto step = 0.05 * (m_maxDuration - m_bottomDuration); if (m_topDuration < (m_bottomDuration + 1.25 * step)) step = 0.1 * (m_topDuration - m_bottomDuration); m_topDuration = std::min(m_maxDuration, m_topDuration + step); m_topDurationStr = ::profiler_gui::timeStringReal(m_timeUnits, m_topDuration, 3); updateImage(); scene()->update(); // to update top-boundary text right now m_boundaryTimer.stop(); m_boundaryTimer.start(BOUNDARY_TIMER_INTERVAL); } } void EasyHistogramItem::decreaseTopBoundary() { if (m_bPermitImageUpdate && m_topDuration > m_bottomDuration && !m_topDurationStr.isEmpty()) { auto step = 0.05 * (m_maxDuration - m_bottomDuration); if (m_topDuration < (m_bottomDuration + 1.25 * step)) step = std::max(0.1 * (m_topDuration - m_bottomDuration), 0.3); if (m_topDuration > (m_bottomDuration + 1.25 * step)) { m_topDuration = std::max(m_bottomDuration + step, m_topDuration - step); m_topDurationStr = ::profiler_gui::timeStringReal(m_timeUnits, m_topDuration, 3); scene()->update(); // to update top-boundary text right now m_boundaryTimer.stop(); m_boundaryTimer.start(BOUNDARY_TIMER_INTERVAL); } } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void EasyHistogramItem::pickBottomBoundary(qreal _y) { if (m_bPermitImageUpdate && m_boundingRect.top() < _y && _y < m_boundingRect.bottom() && !m_bottomDurationStr.isEmpty()) { m_bottomDuration = m_bottomDuration + (m_topDuration - m_bottomDuration) * (m_boundingRect.bottom() - _y) / (m_boundingRect.height() - HIST_COLUMN_MIN_HEIGHT); m_bottomDurationStr = ::profiler_gui::timeStringReal(m_timeUnits, m_bottomDuration, 3); m_boundaryTimer.stop(); updateImage(); scene()->update(); // to update top-boundary text right now } } void EasyHistogramItem::increaseBottomBoundary() { if (m_bPermitImageUpdate && m_bottomDuration < m_topDuration && !m_bottomDurationStr.isEmpty()) { auto step = 0.05 * (m_topDuration - m_minDuration); if (m_bottomDuration > (m_topDuration - 1.25 * step)) step = 0.1 * (m_topDuration - m_bottomDuration); if (m_bottomDuration < (m_topDuration - 1.25 * step)) { m_bottomDuration = std::min(m_topDuration - step, m_bottomDuration + step); m_bottomDurationStr = ::profiler_gui::timeStringReal(m_timeUnits, m_bottomDuration, 3); scene()->update(); // to update bottom-boundary text right now m_boundaryTimer.stop(); m_boundaryTimer.start(BOUNDARY_TIMER_INTERVAL); } } } void EasyHistogramItem::decreaseBottomBoundary() { if (m_bPermitImageUpdate && m_bottomDuration > m_minDuration && !m_bottomDurationStr.isEmpty()) { auto step = 0.05 * (m_topDuration - m_minDuration); if (m_bottomDuration > (m_topDuration - 1.25 * step)) step = std::max(0.1 * (m_topDuration - m_bottomDuration), 0.3); m_bottomDuration = std::max(m_minDuration, m_bottomDuration - step); m_bottomDurationStr = ::profiler_gui::timeStringReal(m_timeUnits, m_bottomDuration, 3); scene()->update(); // to update top-boundary text right now m_boundaryTimer.stop(); m_boundaryTimer.start(BOUNDARY_TIMER_INTERVAL); } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void EasyHistogramItem::setMouseY(qreal _mouseY) { m_mouseY = _mouseY; } void EasyHistogramItem::pickFrameTime(qreal _y) const { if (m_bPermitImageUpdate && m_boundingRect.top() < _y && _y < m_boundingRect.bottom() && !m_topDurationStr.isEmpty()) { EASY_GLOBALS.frame_time = m_bottomDuration + (m_topDuration - m_bottomDuration) * (m_boundingRect.bottom() - _y) / (m_boundingRect.height() - HIST_COLUMN_MIN_HEIGHT); emit EASY_GLOBALS.events.expectedFrameTimeChanged(); } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void EasyHistogramItem::onValueChanged() { const auto widget = static_cast<const EasyGraphicsScrollbar*>(scene()->parent()); if (!widget->bindMode()) return; m_boundaryTimer.stop(); const auto sliderWidth_inv = 1.0 / widget->sliderWidth(); const auto k = widget->range() * sliderWidth_inv; const auto deltaScale = m_imageScaleUpdate < k ? (k / m_imageScaleUpdate) : (m_imageScaleUpdate / k); if (deltaScale > 4) { updateImage(); return; } const auto deltaOffset = (widget->value() - m_imageOriginUpdate) * sliderWidth_inv; if (deltaOffset < 1.5 || deltaOffset > 4.5) { updateImage(); return; } m_boundaryTimer.start(BOUNDARY_TIMER_INTERVAL); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void EasyHistogramItem::onModeChanged() { if (!m_bPermitImageUpdate) return; const auto widget = static_cast<const EasyGraphicsScrollbar*>(scene()->parent()); if (!widget->bindMode() && EASY_GLOBALS.auto_adjust_histogram_height) { m_topDuration = m_maxDuration; m_bottomDuration = m_minDuration; } m_boundaryTimer.stop(); updateImage(); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void EasyHistogramItem::cancelImageUpdate() { if (!m_bPermitImageUpdate) return; m_bReady.store(true, ::std::memory_order_release); if (m_workerThread.joinable()) m_workerThread.join(); m_bReady.store(false, ::std::memory_order_release); delete m_workerImage; m_workerImage = nullptr; m_imageOriginUpdate = m_imageOrigin; m_imageScaleUpdate = m_imageScale; m_timer.stop(); } void EasyHistogramItem::updateImage() { if (!m_bPermitImageUpdate) return; const auto widget = static_cast<const EasyGraphicsScrollbar*>(scene()->parent()); m_bReady.store(true, ::std::memory_order_release); if (m_workerThread.joinable()) m_workerThread.join(); m_bReady.store(false, ::std::memory_order_release); delete m_workerImage; m_workerImage = nullptr; m_imageScaleUpdate = widget->range() / widget->sliderWidth(); m_imageOriginUpdate = widget->bindMode() ? (widget->value() - widget->sliderWidth() * 3) : widget->minimum(); m_workerThread = ::std::thread([this](QRectF _boundingRect, HistRegime _regime, qreal _current_scale, qreal _minimum, qreal _maximum, qreal _range, qreal _value, qreal _width, qreal _top_duration, qreal _bottom_duration, bool _bindMode, float _frame_time, ::profiler::timestamp_t _begin_time, qreal _origin, bool _autoAdjustHist) { updateImage(_boundingRect, _regime, _current_scale, _minimum, _maximum, _range, _value, _width, _top_duration, _bottom_duration, _bindMode, _frame_time, _begin_time, _origin, _autoAdjustHist); m_bReady.store(true, ::std::memory_order_release); }, m_boundingRect, m_regime, widget->getWindowScale(), widget->minimum(), widget->maximum(), widget->range(), widget->value(), widget->sliderWidth(), m_topDuration, m_bottomDuration, widget->bindMode(), EASY_GLOBALS.frame_time, EASY_GLOBALS.begin_time, m_imageOriginUpdate, EASY_GLOBALS.auto_adjust_histogram_height); m_timeouts = 3; m_timer.start(WORKER_THREAD_CHECK_INTERVAL); } void EasyHistogramItem::updateImage(QRectF _boundingRect, HistRegime _regime, qreal _current_scale, qreal _minimum, qreal _maximum, qreal _range, qreal _value, qreal _width, qreal _top_duration, qreal _bottom_duration, bool _bindMode, float _frame_time, ::profiler::timestamp_t _begin_time, qreal _origin, bool _autoAdjustHist) { const auto bottom = _boundingRect.height();//_boundingRect.bottom(); const auto screenWidth = _boundingRect.width() * _current_scale; const auto maxColumnHeight = _boundingRect.height(); const auto viewScale = _range / _width; if (_bindMode) { m_workerImageScale = viewScale; m_workerImageOrigin = _value - _width * 3; m_workerImage = new QImage(screenWidth * 7 + 0.5, _boundingRect.height(), QImage::Format_ARGB32); } else { m_workerImageScale = 1; m_workerImageOrigin = _minimum; m_workerImage = new QImage(screenWidth + 0.5, _boundingRect.height(), QImage::Format_ARGB32); } m_workerImage->fill(0); QPainter p(m_workerImage); p.setPen(Qt::NoPen); QRectF rect; QBrush brush(Qt::SolidPattern); QRgb previousColor = 0; qreal previous_x = -1e30, previous_h = -1e30, offset = 0.; auto realScale = _current_scale; const bool gotFrame = _frame_time > 1e-6f; qreal frameCoeff = 1; if (gotFrame) { if (_frame_time <= _bottom_duration) frameCoeff = _boundingRect.height(); else frameCoeff = 0.9 / _frame_time; } auto const calculate_color = gotFrame ? calculate_color2 : calculate_color1; auto const k = gotFrame ? sqr(sqr(frameCoeff)) : 1.0 / _boundingRect.height(); if (_regime == Hist_Pointer) { const auto& items = *m_pSource; if (items.empty()) return; auto first = items.begin(); if (_bindMode) { _minimum = m_workerImageOrigin; _maximum = m_workerImageOrigin + _width * 7; realScale *= viewScale; offset = _minimum * realScale; first = ::std::lower_bound(items.begin(), items.end(), _minimum, [](const ::profiler_gui::EasyBlockItem& _item, qreal _value) { return _item.left() < _value; }); if (first != items.end()) { if (first != items.begin()) --first; } else { first = items.begin() + items.size() - 1; } if (_autoAdjustHist) { const auto maxVal = _value + _width; decltype(_top_duration) maxDuration = 0; decltype(_bottom_duration) minDuration = 1e30; size_t iterations = 0; for (auto it = first, end = items.end(); it != end; ++it) { // Draw rectangle if (it->left() > maxVal) break; if (it->right() < _value) continue; if (maxDuration < it->width()) maxDuration = it->width(); if (minDuration > it->width()) minDuration = it->width(); ++iterations; } if (iterations) { _top_duration = maxDuration; _bottom_duration = minDuration; if ((_top_duration - _bottom_duration) < 1e-3) { if (_bottom_duration > 0.1) { _bottom_duration -= 0.1; } else { _top_duration = 0.1; _bottom_duration = 0; } } } } } const auto dtime = _top_duration - _bottom_duration; const auto coeff = (_boundingRect.height() - HIST_COLUMN_MIN_HEIGHT) / (dtime > 1e-3 ? dtime : 1.); for (auto it = first, end = items.end(); it != end; ++it) { // Draw rectangle if (it->left() > _maximum) break; if (it->right() < _minimum) continue; const qreal item_x = it->left() * realScale - offset; const qreal item_w = ::std::max(it->width() * realScale, 1.0); const qreal item_r = item_x + item_w; const qreal h = it->width() <= _bottom_duration ? HIST_COLUMN_MIN_HEIGHT : (it->width() > _top_duration ? maxColumnHeight : (HIST_COLUMN_MIN_HEIGHT + (it->width() - _bottom_duration) * coeff)); if (h < previous_h && item_r < previous_x) continue; const auto col = calculate_color(h, it->width(), k); const auto color = 0x00ffffff & QColor::fromHsvF((1.0 - col) * 0.375, 0.85, 0.85).rgb(); if (previousColor != color) { // Set background color brush for rectangle previousColor = color; brush.setColor(QColor::fromRgba(0xc0000000 | color)); p.setBrush(brush); } rect.setRect(item_x, bottom - h, item_w, h); p.drawRect(rect); previous_x = item_r; previous_h = h; } } else { auto first = m_selectedBlocks.begin(); if (_bindMode) { _minimum = m_workerImageOrigin; _maximum = m_workerImageOrigin + _width * 7; realScale *= viewScale; offset = _minimum * 1e3 * realScale; first = ::std::lower_bound(m_selectedBlocks.begin(), m_selectedBlocks.end(), _minimum * 1e3 + _begin_time, [](::profiler::block_index_t _item, qreal _value) { return easyBlock(_item).tree.node->begin() < _value; }); if (first != m_selectedBlocks.end()) { if (first != m_selectedBlocks.begin()) --first; } else { first = m_selectedBlocks.begin() + m_selectedBlocks.size() - 1; } _minimum *= 1e3; _maximum *= 1e3; if (_autoAdjustHist) { const auto minVal = _value * 1e3, maxVal = (_value + _width) * 1e3; decltype(_top_duration) maxDuration = 0; decltype(_bottom_duration) minDuration = 1e30; size_t iterations = 0; for (auto it = first, end = m_selectedBlocks.end(); it != end; ++it) { const auto item = easyBlock(*it).tree.node; const auto beginTime = item->begin() - _begin_time; if (beginTime > maxVal) break; const auto endTime = item->end() - _begin_time; if (endTime < minVal) continue; const qreal duration = item->duration() * 1e-3; if (maxDuration < duration) maxDuration = duration; if (minDuration > duration) minDuration = duration; ++iterations; } if (iterations) { _top_duration = maxDuration; _bottom_duration = minDuration; if ((_top_duration - _bottom_duration) < 1e-3) { if (_bottom_duration > 0.1) { _bottom_duration -= 0.1; } else { _top_duration = 0.1; _bottom_duration = 0; } } } } } else { _minimum *= 1e3; _maximum *= 1e3; } const auto dtime = _top_duration - _bottom_duration; const auto coeff = (_boundingRect.height() - HIST_COLUMN_MIN_HEIGHT) / (dtime > 1e-3 ? dtime : 1.); for (auto it = first, end = m_selectedBlocks.end(); it != end; ++it) { // Draw rectangle const auto item = easyBlock(*it).tree.node; const auto beginTime = item->begin() - _begin_time; if (beginTime > _maximum) break; const auto endTime = item->end() - _begin_time; if (endTime < _minimum) continue; const qreal duration = item->duration() * 1e-3; const qreal item_x = (beginTime * realScale - offset) * 1e-3; const qreal item_w = ::std::max(duration * realScale, 1.0); const qreal item_r = item_x + item_w; const auto h = duration <= _bottom_duration ? HIST_COLUMN_MIN_HEIGHT : (duration > _top_duration ? maxColumnHeight : (HIST_COLUMN_MIN_HEIGHT + (duration - _bottom_duration) * coeff)); if (h < previous_h && item_r < previous_x) continue; const auto col = calculate_color(h, duration, k); const auto color = 0x00ffffff & QColor::fromHsvF((1.0 - col) * 0.375, 0.85, 0.85).rgb(); if (previousColor != color) { // Set background color brush for rectangle previousColor = color; brush.setColor(QColor::fromRgba(0xc0000000 | color)); p.setBrush(brush); } rect.setRect(item_x, bottom - h, item_w, h); p.drawRect(rect); previous_x = item_r; previous_h = h; } } m_workerTopDuration = _top_duration; m_workerBottomDuration = _bottom_duration; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// EasyGraphicsScrollbar::EasyGraphicsScrollbar(QWidget* _parent) : Parent(_parent) , m_minimumValue(0) , m_maximumValue(500) , m_value(10) , m_windowScale(1) , m_mouseButtons(Qt::NoButton) , m_slider(nullptr) , m_chronometerIndicator(nullptr) , m_histogramItem(nullptr) , m_defaultFontHeight(0) , m_bScrolling(false) , m_bBindMode(false) , m_bLocked(false) { setCacheMode(QGraphicsView::CacheNone); setTransformationAnchor(QGraphicsView::AnchorUnderMouse); //setViewportUpdateMode(QGraphicsView::BoundingRectViewportUpdate); setViewportUpdateMode(QGraphicsView::FullViewportUpdate); setOptimizationFlag(QGraphicsView::DontSavePainterState, true); setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOff); setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOff); setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0); auto selfScene = new QGraphicsScene(this); m_defaultFontHeight = QFontMetrics(selfScene->font()).height(); selfScene->setSceneRect(0, DEFAULT_TOP, 500, DEFAULT_HEIGHT + m_defaultFontHeight + 2); setFixedHeight(DEFAULT_HEIGHT + m_defaultFontHeight + 2); setScene(selfScene); m_histogramItem = new EasyHistogramItem(); m_histogramItem->setPos(0, 0); m_histogramItem->setBoundingRect(0, DEFAULT_TOP + INDICATOR_SIZE, scene()->width(), DEFAULT_HEIGHT - INDICATOR_SIZE_x2); selfScene->addItem(m_histogramItem); m_histogramItem->hide(); m_chronometerIndicator = new EasyGraphicsSliderItem(false); m_chronometerIndicator->setPos(0, 0); m_chronometerIndicator->setColor(0x40000000 | ::profiler_gui::CHRONOMETER_COLOR.rgba()); selfScene->addItem(m_chronometerIndicator); m_chronometerIndicator->hide(); m_slider = new EasyGraphicsSliderItem(true); m_slider->setPos(0, 0); m_slider->setColor(0x40c0c0c0); selfScene->addItem(m_slider); m_slider->hide(); connect(&EASY_GLOBALS.events, &::profiler_gui::EasyGlobalSignals::expectedFrameTimeChanged, [this]() { if (m_histogramItem->isVisible()) { m_histogramItem->updateImage(); scene()->update(); } }); connect(&EASY_GLOBALS.events, &::profiler_gui::EasyGlobalSignals::autoAdjustHistogramChanged, [this]() { if (m_histogramItem->isVisible()) m_histogramItem->onModeChanged(); }); connect(&EASY_GLOBALS.events, &::profiler_gui::EasyGlobalSignals::displayOnlyFramesOnHistogramChanged, [this]() { if (m_histogramItem->isVisible()) m_histogramItem->rebuildSource(EasyHistogramItem::Hist_Id); }); connect(&EASY_GLOBALS.events, &::profiler_gui::EasyGlobalSignals::threadNameDecorationChanged, this, &This::onThreadViewChanged); connect(&EASY_GLOBALS.events, &::profiler_gui::EasyGlobalSignals::hexThreadIdChanged, this, &This::onThreadViewChanged); centerOn(0, 0); } EasyGraphicsScrollbar::~EasyGraphicsScrollbar() { } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void EasyGraphicsScrollbar::onThreadViewChanged() { if (m_histogramItem->isVisible()) { m_histogramItem->validateName(); scene()->update(); } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void EasyGraphicsScrollbar::clear() { setHistogramSource(0, nullptr); hideChrono(); setRange(0, 100); setSliderWidth(2); setValue(0); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool EasyGraphicsScrollbar::bindMode() const { return m_bBindMode; } qreal EasyGraphicsScrollbar::getWindowScale() const { return m_windowScale; } ::profiler::thread_id_t EasyGraphicsScrollbar::hystThread() const { return m_histogramItem->threadId(); } qreal EasyGraphicsScrollbar::minimum() const { return m_minimumValue; } qreal EasyGraphicsScrollbar::maximum() const { return m_maximumValue; } qreal EasyGraphicsScrollbar::range() const { return m_maximumValue - m_minimumValue; } qreal EasyGraphicsScrollbar::value() const { return m_value; } qreal EasyGraphicsScrollbar::sliderWidth() const { return m_slider->width(); } qreal EasyGraphicsScrollbar::sliderHalfWidth() const { return m_slider->halfwidth(); } int EasyGraphicsScrollbar::defaultFontHeight() const { return m_defaultFontHeight; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void EasyGraphicsScrollbar::setValue(qreal _value) { using estd::clamp; m_value = clamp(m_minimumValue, _value, ::std::max(m_minimumValue, m_maximumValue - m_slider->width())); m_slider->setX(m_value + m_slider->halfwidth()); emit valueChanged(m_value); if (m_histogramItem->isVisible()) m_histogramItem->onValueChanged(); } void EasyGraphicsScrollbar::setRange(qreal _minValue, qreal _maxValue) { const auto oldRange = range(); const auto oldValue = oldRange < 1e-3 ? 0.0 : m_value / oldRange; m_minimumValue = _minValue; m_maximumValue = _maxValue; const auto range = this->range(); scene()->setSceneRect(_minValue, DEFAULT_TOP, range, DEFAULT_HEIGHT + m_defaultFontHeight + 4); m_histogramItem->cancelImageUpdate(); m_histogramItem->setBoundingRect(_minValue, DEFAULT_TOP + INDICATOR_SIZE, range, DEFAULT_HEIGHT - INDICATOR_SIZE_x2); emit rangeChanged(); setValue(_minValue + oldValue * range); onWindowWidthChange(width()); if (m_histogramItem->isVisible()) m_histogramItem->updateImage(); } void EasyGraphicsScrollbar::setSliderWidth(qreal _width) { m_slider->setWidth(_width); setValue(m_value); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void EasyGraphicsScrollbar::setChronoPos(qreal _left, qreal _right) { m_chronometerIndicator->setWidth(_right - _left); m_chronometerIndicator->setX(_left + m_chronometerIndicator->halfwidth()); } void EasyGraphicsScrollbar::showChrono() { m_chronometerIndicator->show(); } void EasyGraphicsScrollbar::hideChrono() { m_chronometerIndicator->hide(); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void EasyGraphicsScrollbar::setHistogramSource(::profiler::thread_id_t _thread_id, const ::profiler_gui::EasyItems* _items) { if (m_bLocked) return; m_histogramItem->setSource(_thread_id, _items); m_slider->setVisible(m_histogramItem->isVisible()); scene()->update(); } void EasyGraphicsScrollbar::setHistogramSource(::profiler::thread_id_t _thread_id, ::profiler::block_id_t _block_id) { if (m_bLocked) return; m_histogramItem->setSource(_thread_id, _block_id); m_slider->setVisible(m_histogramItem->isVisible()); scene()->update(); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void EasyGraphicsScrollbar::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent* _event) { _event->accept(); m_mouseButtons = _event->buttons(); if (m_mouseButtons & Qt::LeftButton) { if (_event->modifiers() & Qt::ControlModifier) { m_histogramItem->pickBottomBoundary(mapToScene(_event->pos()).y()); } else if (_event->modifiers() & Qt::ShiftModifier) { m_histogramItem->pickTopBoundary(mapToScene(_event->pos()).y()); } else { m_bScrolling = true; m_mousePressPos = _event->pos(); if (!m_bBindMode) setValue(mapToScene(m_mousePressPos).x() - m_minimumValue - m_slider->halfwidth()); } } if (m_mouseButtons & Qt::RightButton) { if (_event->modifiers()) { m_histogramItem->pickFrameTime(mapToScene(_event->pos()).y()); } else { m_bBindMode = !m_bBindMode; if (m_histogramItem->isVisible()) m_histogramItem->onModeChanged(); } } //QGraphicsView::mousePressEvent(_event); } void EasyGraphicsScrollbar::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent* _event) { m_mouseButtons = _event->buttons(); m_bScrolling = false; _event->accept(); //QGraphicsView::mouseReleaseEvent(_event); } void EasyGraphicsScrollbar::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent* _event) { const auto pos = _event->pos(); if (m_mouseButtons & Qt::LeftButton) { const auto delta = pos - m_mousePressPos; m_mousePressPos = pos; if (m_bScrolling) { auto realScale = m_windowScale; if (m_bBindMode) realScale *= -range() / sliderWidth(); setValue(m_value + delta.x() / realScale); } } if (m_histogramItem->isVisible()) { m_histogramItem->setMouseY(mapToScene(pos).y()); scene()->update(); } } void EasyGraphicsScrollbar::wheelEvent(QWheelEvent* _event) { _event->accept(); if (_event->modifiers() & Qt::ShiftModifier) { // Shift + mouse wheel will change histogram top boundary if (m_histogramItem->isVisible()) { if (_event->delta() > 0) m_histogramItem->increaseTopBoundary(); else m_histogramItem->decreaseTopBoundary(); } return; } if (_event->modifiers() & Qt::ControlModifier) { // Ctrl + mouse wheel will change histogram bottom boundary if (m_histogramItem->isVisible()) { if (_event->delta() > 0) m_histogramItem->increaseBottomBoundary(); else m_histogramItem->decreaseBottomBoundary(); } return; } if (!m_bBindMode) { const auto w = m_slider->halfwidth() * (_event->delta() < 0 ? ::profiler_gui::SCALING_COEFFICIENT : ::profiler_gui::SCALING_COEFFICIENT_INV); setValue(mapToScene(_event->pos()).x() - m_minimumValue - w); emit wheeled(w * m_windowScale, _event->delta()); } else { const auto x = (mapToScene(_event->pos()).x() - m_minimumValue) * m_windowScale; emit wheeled(x, _event->delta()); } } void EasyGraphicsScrollbar::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent* _event) { onWindowWidthChange(_event->size().width()); if (m_histogramItem->isVisible()) m_histogramItem->updateImage(); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void EasyGraphicsScrollbar::onWindowWidthChange(qreal _width) { const auto oldScale = m_windowScale; const auto scrollingRange = range(); if (scrollingRange < 1e-3) { m_windowScale = 1; } else { m_windowScale = _width / scrollingRange; } scale(m_windowScale / oldScale, 1); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////