/* code1.c - USS Code One */ /* libzint - the open source barcode library Copyright (C) 2009 Robin Stuart <robin@zint.org.uk> This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include "common.h" #include "code1.h" #include "reedsol.h" #include "large.h" #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #ifdef __APPLE__ #include <sys/malloc.h> #else #include <malloc.h> #endif void horiz(struct zint_symbol *symbol, int row_no, int full) { int i; if(full) { for(i = 0; i < symbol->width; i++) { set_module(symbol, row_no, i); } } else { for(i = 1; i < symbol->width - 1; i++) { set_module(symbol, row_no, i); } } } void central_finder(struct zint_symbol *symbol, int start_row, int row_count, int full_rows) { int i; for(i = 0; i < row_count; i++) { if(i < full_rows) { horiz(symbol, start_row + (i * 2), 1); } else { horiz(symbol, start_row + (i * 2), 0); if(i != row_count - 1) { set_module(symbol, start_row + (i * 2) + 1, 1); set_module(symbol, start_row + (i * 2) + 1, symbol->width - 2); } } } } void vert(struct zint_symbol *symbol, int column, int height, int top) { int i; if(top) { for (i = 0; i < height; i++) { set_module(symbol, i, column); } } else { for (i = 0; i < height; i++) { set_module(symbol, symbol->rows - i - 1, column); } } } void spigot(struct zint_symbol *symbol, int row_no) { int i; for(i = symbol->width - 1; i > 0; i--) { if(module_is_set(symbol, row_no, i - 1)) { set_module(symbol, row_no, i); } } } int isedi(unsigned char input) { int result = 0; if(input == 13) { result = 1; } if(input == '*') { result = 1; } if(input == '>') { result = 1; } if(input == ' ') { result = 1; } if((input >= '0') && (input <= '9')) { result = 1; } if((input >= 'A') && (input <= 'Z')) { result = 1; } return result; } int dq4bi(unsigned char source[], int sourcelen, int position) { int i; for(i = position; isedi(source[position + i]) && ((position + i) < sourcelen); i++); if((position + i) == sourcelen) { /* Reached end of input */ return 0; } if (source[position + i - 1] == 13) { return 1; } if (source[position + i - 1] == '*') { return 1; } if (source[position + i - 1] == '>') { return 1; } return 0; } int c1_look_ahead_test(unsigned char source[], int sourcelen, int position, int current_mode, int gs1) { float ascii_count, c40_count, text_count, edi_count, byte_count; char reduced_char; int done, best_scheme, best_count, sp; /* Step J */ if(current_mode == C1_ASCII) { ascii_count = 0.0; c40_count = 1.0; text_count = 1.0; edi_count = 1.0; byte_count = 2.0; } else { ascii_count = 1.0; c40_count = 2.0; text_count = 2.0; edi_count = 2.0; byte_count = 3.0; } switch(current_mode) { case C1_C40: c40_count = 0.0; break; case C1_TEXT: text_count = 0.0; break; case C1_BYTE: byte_count = 0.0; break; case C1_EDI: edi_count = 0.0; break; } for(sp = position; (sp < sourcelen) && (sp <= (position + 8)); sp++) { if(source[sp] <= 127) { reduced_char = source[sp]; } else { reduced_char = source[sp] - 127; } /* Step L */ if((source[sp] >= '0') && (source[sp] <= '9')) { ascii_count += 0.5; } else { ascii_count = froundup(ascii_count); if(source[sp] > 127) { ascii_count += 2.0; } else { ascii_count += 1.0; } } /* Step M */ done = 0; if(reduced_char == ' ') { c40_count += (2.0 / 3.0); done = 1; } if((reduced_char >= '0') && (reduced_char <= '9')) { c40_count += (2.0 / 3.0); done = 1; } if((reduced_char >= 'A') && (reduced_char <= 'Z')) { c40_count += (2.0 / 3.0); done = 1; } if(source[sp] > 127) { c40_count += (4.0 / 3.0); } if(done == 0) { c40_count += (4.0 / 3.0); } /* Step N */ done = 0; if(reduced_char == ' ') { text_count += (2.0 / 3.0); done = 1; } if((reduced_char >= '0') && (reduced_char <= '9')) { text_count += (2.0 / 3.0); done = 1; } if((reduced_char >= 'a') && (reduced_char <= 'z')) { text_count += (2.0 / 3.0); done = 1; } if(source[sp] > 127) { text_count += (4.0 / 3.0); } if(done == 0) { text_count += (4.0 / 3.0); } /* Step O */ done = 0; if(source[sp] == 13) { edi_count += (2.0 / 3.0); done = 1; } if(source[sp] == '*') { edi_count += (2.0 / 3.0); done = 1; } if(source[sp] == '>') { edi_count += (2.0 / 3.0); done = 1; } if(source[sp] == ' ') { edi_count += (2.0 / 3.0); done = 1; } if((source[sp] >= '0') && (source[sp] <= '9')) { edi_count += (2.0 / 3.0); done = 1; } if((source[sp] >= 'A') && (source[sp] <= 'Z')) { edi_count += (2.0 / 3.0); done = 1; } if(source[sp] > 127) { edi_count += (13.0 / 3.0); } else { if(done == 0) { edi_count += (10.0 / 3.0); } } /* Step P */ if(gs1 && (source[sp] == '[')) { byte_count += 3.0; } else { byte_count += 1.0; } } ascii_count = froundup(ascii_count); c40_count = froundup(c40_count); text_count = froundup(text_count); edi_count = froundup(edi_count); byte_count = froundup(byte_count); best_scheme = C1_ASCII; if(sp == sourcelen) { /* Step K */ best_count = edi_count; if(text_count <= best_count) { best_count = text_count; best_scheme = C1_TEXT; } if(c40_count <= best_count) { best_count = c40_count; best_scheme = C1_C40; } if(ascii_count <= best_count) { best_count = ascii_count; best_scheme = C1_ASCII; } if(byte_count <= best_count) { best_count = byte_count; best_scheme = C1_BYTE; } } else { /* Step Q */ if(((edi_count + 1.0 <= ascii_count) && (edi_count + 1.0 <= c40_count)) && ((edi_count + 1.0 <= byte_count) && (edi_count + 1.0 <= text_count))) { best_scheme = C1_EDI; } if((c40_count + 1.0 <= ascii_count) && (c40_count + 1.0 <= text_count)) { if(c40_count < edi_count) { best_scheme = C1_C40; } else { done = 0; if(c40_count == edi_count) { if(dq4bi(source, sourcelen, position)) { best_scheme = C1_EDI; } else { best_scheme = C1_C40; } } } } if(((text_count + 1.0 <= ascii_count) && (text_count + 1.0 <= c40_count)) && ((text_count + 1.0 <= byte_count) && (text_count + 1.0 <= edi_count))) { best_scheme = C1_TEXT; } if(((ascii_count + 1.0 <= byte_count) && (ascii_count + 1.0 <= c40_count)) && ((ascii_count + 1.0 <= text_count) && (ascii_count + 1.0 <= edi_count))) { best_scheme = C1_ASCII; } if(((byte_count + 1.0 <= ascii_count) && (byte_count + 1.0 <= c40_count)) && ((byte_count + 1.0 <= text_count) && (byte_count + 1.0 <= edi_count))) { best_scheme = C1_BYTE; } } //printf("\n> scores: ASCII %.2f C40 %.2f TEXT %.2f EDI %.2f BYTE %.2f\n", ascii_count, c40_count, text_count, edi_count, byte_count); return best_scheme; } int c1_encode(struct zint_symbol *symbol, unsigned char source[], unsigned int target[], int length) { int current_mode, next_mode; int sp, tp, gs1, i, j, latch; int c40_buffer[6], c40_p; int text_buffer[6], text_p; int edi_buffer[6], edi_p; char decimal_binary[40]; int byte_start = 0; sp = 0; tp = 0; latch = 0; memset(c40_buffer, 0, 6); c40_p = 0; memset(text_buffer, 0, 6); text_p = 0; memset(edi_buffer, 0, 6); edi_p = 0; strcpy(decimal_binary, ""); if(symbol->input_mode == GS1_MODE) { gs1 = 1; } else { gs1 = 0; } if(gs1) { target[tp] = 232; tp++; } /* FNC1 */ /* Step A */ current_mode = C1_ASCII; next_mode = C1_ASCII; do { if(current_mode != next_mode) { /* Change mode */ switch(next_mode) { case C1_C40: target[tp] = 230; tp++; break; case C1_TEXT: target[tp] = 239; tp++; break; case C1_EDI: target[tp] = 238; tp++; break; case C1_BYTE: target[tp] = 231; tp++; break; } } if((current_mode != C1_BYTE) && (next_mode == C1_BYTE)) { byte_start = tp; } current_mode = next_mode; if(current_mode == C1_ASCII) { /* Step B - ASCII encodation */ next_mode = C1_ASCII; if((length - sp) >= 21) { /* Step B1 */ j = 0; for(i = 0; i < 21; i++) { if((source[sp + i] >= '0') && (source[sp + i] <= '9')) { j++; } } if (j == 21) { next_mode = C1_DECIMAL; strcpy(decimal_binary, "1111"); } } if((next_mode == C1_ASCII) && ((length - sp) >= 13)) { /* Step B2 */ j = 0; for(i = 0; i < 13; i++) { if((source[sp + i] >= '0') && (source[sp + i] <= '9')) { j++; } } if (j == 13) { latch = 0; for(i = sp + 13; i < length; i++) { if(!((source[sp + i] >= '0') && (source[sp + i] <= '9'))) { latch = 1; } } if(!(latch)) { next_mode = C1_DECIMAL; strcpy(decimal_binary, "1111"); } } } if(next_mode == C1_ASCII) { /* Step B3 */ if(istwodigits(source, sp) && ((sp + 1) != length)) { target[tp] = (10 * ctoi(source[sp])) + ctoi(source[sp + 1]) + 130; tp++; sp += 2; } else { if((gs1) && (source[sp] == '[')) { if((length - sp) >= 15) { /* Step B4 */ j = 0; for(i = 0; i < 15; i++) { if((source[sp + i] >= '0') && (source[sp + i] <= '9')) { j++; } } if (j == 15) { target[tp] = 236; /* FNC1 and change to Decimal */ tp++; sp++; next_mode = C1_DECIMAL; } } if((length - sp) >= 7) { /* Step B5 */ j = 0; for(i = 0; i < 7; i++) { if((source[sp + i] >= '0') && (source[sp + i] <= '9')) { j++; } } if (j == 7) { latch = 0; for(i = sp + 7; i < length; i++) { if(!((source[sp + i] >= '0') && (source[sp + i] <= '9'))) { latch = 1; } } if(!(latch)) { target[tp] = 236; /* FNC1 and change to Decimal */ tp++; sp++; next_mode = C1_DECIMAL; } } } } if(next_mode == C1_ASCII) { /* Step B6 */ next_mode = c1_look_ahead_test(source, length, sp, current_mode, gs1); if(next_mode == C1_ASCII) { if(source[sp] > 127) { /* Step B7 */ target[tp] = 235; tp++; /* FNC4 */ target[tp] = (source[sp] - 128) + 1; tp++; sp++; } else { /* Step B8 */ if((gs1) && (source[sp] == '[')) { target[tp] = 232; tp++; sp++; /* FNC1 */ } else { target[tp] = source[sp] + 1; tp++; sp++; } } } } } } } if(current_mode == C1_C40) { /* Step C - C40 encodation */ int shift_set, value, done = 0, latch = 0; next_mode = C1_C40; if(c40_p == 0) { if((length - sp) >= 12) { j = 0; for(i = 0; i < 12; i++) { if((source[sp + i] >= '0') && (source[sp + i] <= '9')) { j++; } } if (j == 12) { next_mode = C1_ASCII; done = 1; } } if((length - sp) >= 8) { j = 0; for(i = 0; i < 8; i++) { if((source[sp + i] >= '0') && (source[sp + i] <= '9')) { j++; } } if((length - sp) == 8) { latch = 1; } else { latch = 1; for(j = sp + 8; j < length; j++) { if((source[j] <= '0') || (source[j] >= '9')) { latch = 0; } } } if ((j == 8) && latch) { next_mode = C1_ASCII; done = 1; } } if(!(done)) { next_mode = c1_look_ahead_test(source, length, sp, current_mode, gs1); } } if(next_mode != C1_C40) { target[tp] = 255; tp++; /* Unlatch */ } else { if(source[sp] > 127) { c40_buffer[c40_p] = 1; c40_p++; c40_buffer[c40_p] = 30; c40_p++; /* Upper Shift */ shift_set = c40_shift[source[sp] - 128]; value = c40_value[source[sp] - 128]; } else { shift_set = c40_shift[source[sp]]; value = c40_value[source[sp]]; } if(gs1 && (source[sp] == '[')) { shift_set = 2; value = 27; /* FNC1 */ } if(shift_set != 0) { c40_buffer[c40_p] = shift_set - 1; c40_p++; } c40_buffer[c40_p] = value; c40_p++; if(c40_p >= 3) { int iv; iv = (1600 * c40_buffer[0]) + (40 * c40_buffer[1]) + (c40_buffer[2]) + 1; target[tp] = iv / 256; tp++; target[tp] = iv % 256; tp++; c40_buffer[0] = c40_buffer[3]; c40_buffer[1] = c40_buffer[4]; c40_buffer[2] = c40_buffer[5]; c40_buffer[3] = 0; c40_buffer[4] = 0; c40_buffer[5] = 0; c40_p -= 3; } sp++; } } if(current_mode == C1_TEXT) { /* Step D - Text encodation */ int shift_set, value, done = 0, latch = 0; next_mode = C1_TEXT; if(text_p == 0) { if((length - sp) >= 12) { j = 0; for(i = 0; i < 12; i++) { if((source[sp + i] >= '0') && (source[sp + i] <= '9')) { j++; } } if (j == 12) { next_mode = C1_ASCII; done = 1; } } if((length - sp) >= 8) { j = 0; for(i = 0; i < 8; i++) { if((source[sp + i] >= '0') && (source[sp + i] <= '9')) { j++; } } if((length - sp) == 8) { latch = 1; } else { latch = 1; for(j = sp + 8; j < length; j++) { if((source[j] <= '0') || (source[j] >= '9')) { latch = 0; } } } if ((j == 8) && latch) { next_mode = C1_ASCII; done = 1; } } if(!(done)) { next_mode = c1_look_ahead_test(source, length, sp, current_mode, gs1); } } if(next_mode != C1_TEXT) { target[tp] = 255; tp++; /* Unlatch */ } else { if(source[sp] > 127) { text_buffer[text_p] = 1; text_p++; text_buffer[text_p] = 30; text_p++; /* Upper Shift */ shift_set = text_shift[source[sp] - 128]; value = text_value[source[sp] - 128]; } else { shift_set = text_shift[source[sp]]; value = text_value[source[sp]]; } if(gs1 && (source[sp] == '[')) { shift_set = 2; value = 27; /* FNC1 */ } if(shift_set != 0) { text_buffer[text_p] = shift_set - 1; text_p++; } text_buffer[text_p] = value; text_p++; if(text_p >= 3) { int iv; iv = (1600 * text_buffer[0]) + (40 * text_buffer[1]) + (text_buffer[2]) + 1; target[tp] = iv / 256; tp++; target[tp] = iv % 256; tp++; text_buffer[0] = text_buffer[3]; text_buffer[1] = text_buffer[4]; text_buffer[2] = text_buffer[5]; text_buffer[3] = 0; text_buffer[4] = 0; text_buffer[5] = 0; text_p -= 3; } sp++; } } if(current_mode == C1_EDI) { /* Step E - EDI Encodation */ int value = 0, done = 0, latch = 0; next_mode = C1_EDI; if(edi_p == 0) { if((length - sp) >= 12) { j = 0; for(i = 0; i < 12; i++) { if((source[sp + i] >= '0') && (source[sp + i] <= '9')) { j++; } } if (j == 12) { next_mode = C1_ASCII; done = 1; } } if((length - sp) >= 8) { j = 0; for(i = 0; i < 8; i++) { if((source[sp + i] >= '0') && (source[sp + i] <= '9')) { j++; } } if((length - sp) == 8) { latch = 1; } else { latch = 1; for(j = sp + 8; j < length; j++) { if((source[j] <= '0') || (source[j] >= '9')) { latch = 0; } } } if ((j == 8) && latch) { next_mode = C1_ASCII; done = 1; } } if(!((isedi(source[sp]) && isedi(source[sp + 1])) && isedi(source[sp + 2]))) { next_mode = C1_ASCII; } } if(next_mode != C1_EDI) { target[tp] = 255; tp++; /* Unlatch */ } else { if(source[sp] == 13) { value = 0; } if(source[sp] == '*') { value = 1; } if(source[sp] == '>') { value = 2; } if(source[sp] == ' ') { value = 3; } if((source[sp] >= '0') && (source[sp] <= '9')) { value = source[sp] - '0' + 4; } if((source[sp] >= 'A') && (source[sp] <= 'Z')) { value = source[sp] - 'A' + 14; } edi_buffer[edi_p] = value; edi_p++; if(edi_p >= 3) { int iv; iv = (1600 * edi_buffer[0]) + (40 * edi_buffer[1]) + (edi_buffer[2]) + 1; target[tp] = iv / 256; tp++; target[tp] = iv % 256; tp++; edi_buffer[0] = edi_buffer[3]; edi_buffer[1] = edi_buffer[4]; edi_buffer[2] = edi_buffer[5]; edi_buffer[3] = 0; edi_buffer[4] = 0; edi_buffer[5] = 0; edi_p -= 3; } sp++; } } if(current_mode == C1_DECIMAL) { /* Step F - Decimal encodation */ int value, decimal_count, data_left; next_mode = C1_DECIMAL; data_left = length - sp; decimal_count = 0; if(data_left >= 1) { if((source[sp] >= '0') && (source[sp] <= '9')) { decimal_count = 1; } } if(data_left >= 2) { if((decimal_count == 1) && ((source[sp + 1] >= '0') && (source[sp + 1] <= '9'))) { decimal_count = 2; } } if(data_left >= 3) { if((decimal_count == 2) && ((source[sp + 2] >= '0') && (source[sp + 2] <= '9'))) { decimal_count = 3; } } if(decimal_count != 3) { int bits_left_in_byte, target_count; int sub_target; /* Finish Decimal mode and go back to ASCII */ concat(decimal_binary, "111111"); /* Unlatch */ target_count = 3; if(strlen(decimal_binary) <= 16) { target_count = 2; } if(strlen(decimal_binary) <= 8) { target_count = 1; } bits_left_in_byte = (8 * target_count) - strlen(decimal_binary); if(bits_left_in_byte == 8) { bits_left_in_byte = 0; } if(bits_left_in_byte == 2) { concat(decimal_binary, "01"); } if((bits_left_in_byte == 4) || (bits_left_in_byte == 6)) { if(decimal_count >= 1) { int sub_value = ctoi(source[sp]) + 1; if(sub_value & 0x08) { concat(decimal_binary, "1"); } else { concat(decimal_binary, "0"); } if(sub_value & 0x04) { concat(decimal_binary, "1"); } else { concat(decimal_binary, "0"); } if(sub_value & 0x02) { concat(decimal_binary, "1"); } else { concat(decimal_binary, "0"); } if(sub_value & 0x01) { concat(decimal_binary, "1"); } else { concat(decimal_binary, "0"); } sp++; } else { concat(decimal_binary, "1111"); } } if(bits_left_in_byte == 6) { concat(decimal_binary, "01"); } /* Binary buffer is full - transfer to target */ if(target_count >= 1) { sub_target = 0; if(decimal_binary[0] == '1') { sub_target += 128; } if(decimal_binary[1] == '1') { sub_target += 64; } if(decimal_binary[2] == '1') { sub_target += 32; } if(decimal_binary[3] == '1') { sub_target += 16; } if(decimal_binary[4] == '1') { sub_target += 8; } if(decimal_binary[5] == '1') { sub_target += 4; } if(decimal_binary[6] == '1') { sub_target += 2; } if(decimal_binary[7] == '1') { sub_target += 1; } target[tp] = sub_target; tp++; } if(target_count >= 2) { sub_target = 0; if(decimal_binary[8] == '1') { sub_target += 128; } if(decimal_binary[9] == '1') { sub_target += 64; } if(decimal_binary[10] == '1') { sub_target += 32; } if(decimal_binary[11] == '1') { sub_target += 16; } if(decimal_binary[12] == '1') { sub_target += 8; } if(decimal_binary[13] == '1') { sub_target += 4; } if(decimal_binary[14] == '1') { sub_target += 2; } if(decimal_binary[15] == '1') { sub_target += 1; } target[tp] = sub_target; tp++; } if(target_count == 3) { sub_target = 0; if(decimal_binary[16] == '1') { sub_target += 128; } if(decimal_binary[17] == '1') { sub_target += 64; } if(decimal_binary[18] == '1') { sub_target += 32; } if(decimal_binary[19] == '1') { sub_target += 16; } if(decimal_binary[20] == '1') { sub_target += 8; } if(decimal_binary[21] == '1') { sub_target += 4; } if(decimal_binary[22] == '1') { sub_target += 2; } if(decimal_binary[23] == '1') { sub_target += 1; } target[tp] = sub_target; tp++; } next_mode = C1_ASCII; } else { /* There are three digits - convert the value to binary */ value = (100 * ctoi(source[sp])) + (10 * ctoi(source[sp + 1])) + ctoi(source[sp + 2]) + 1; if(value & 0x200) { concat(decimal_binary, "1"); } else { concat(decimal_binary, "0"); } if(value & 0x100) { concat(decimal_binary, "1"); } else { concat(decimal_binary, "0"); } if(value & 0x80) { concat(decimal_binary, "1"); } else { concat(decimal_binary, "0"); } if(value & 0x40) { concat(decimal_binary, "1"); } else { concat(decimal_binary, "0"); } if(value & 0x20) { concat(decimal_binary, "1"); } else { concat(decimal_binary, "0"); } if(value & 0x10) { concat(decimal_binary, "1"); } else { concat(decimal_binary, "0"); } if(value & 0x08) { concat(decimal_binary, "1"); } else { concat(decimal_binary, "0"); } if(value & 0x04) { concat(decimal_binary, "1"); } else { concat(decimal_binary, "0"); } if(value & 0x02) { concat(decimal_binary, "1"); } else { concat(decimal_binary, "0"); } if(value & 0x01) { concat(decimal_binary, "1"); } else { concat(decimal_binary, "0"); } sp+= 3; } if(strlen(decimal_binary) >= 24) { int target1 = 0, target2 = 0, target3 = 0; char temp_binary[40]; /* Binary buffer is full - transfer to target */ if(decimal_binary[0] == '1') { target1 += 128; } if(decimal_binary[1] == '1') { target1 += 64; } if(decimal_binary[2] == '1') { target1 += 32; } if(decimal_binary[3] == '1') { target1 += 16; } if(decimal_binary[4] == '1') { target1 += 8; } if(decimal_binary[5] == '1') { target1 += 4; } if(decimal_binary[6] == '1') { target1 += 2; } if(decimal_binary[7] == '1') { target1 += 1; } if(decimal_binary[8] == '1') { target2 += 128; } if(decimal_binary[9] == '1') { target2 += 64; } if(decimal_binary[10] == '1') { target2 += 32; } if(decimal_binary[11] == '1') { target2 += 16; } if(decimal_binary[12] == '1') { target2 += 8; } if(decimal_binary[13] == '1') { target2 += 4; } if(decimal_binary[14] == '1') { target2 += 2; } if(decimal_binary[15] == '1') { target2 += 1; } if(decimal_binary[16] == '1') { target3 += 128; } if(decimal_binary[17] == '1') { target3 += 64; } if(decimal_binary[18] == '1') { target3 += 32; } if(decimal_binary[19] == '1') { target3 += 16; } if(decimal_binary[20] == '1') { target3 += 8; } if(decimal_binary[21] == '1') { target3 += 4; } if(decimal_binary[22] == '1') { target3 += 2; } if(decimal_binary[23] == '1') { target3 += 1; } target[tp] = target1; tp++; target[tp] = target2; tp++; target[tp] = target3; tp++; strcpy(temp_binary, ""); if(strlen(decimal_binary) > 24) { for(i = 0; i <= (strlen(decimal_binary) - 24); i++) { temp_binary[i] = decimal_binary[i + 24]; } strcpy(decimal_binary, temp_binary); } } } if(current_mode == C1_BYTE) { next_mode = C1_BYTE; if(gs1 && (source[sp] == '[')) { next_mode = C1_ASCII; } else { if(source[sp] <= 127) { next_mode = c1_look_ahead_test(source, length, sp, current_mode, gs1); } } if(next_mode != C1_BYTE) { /* Insert byte field length */ if((tp - byte_start) <= 249) { for(i = tp; i >= byte_start; i--) { target[i + 1] = target[i]; } target[byte_start] = (tp - byte_start); tp++; } else { for(i = tp; i >= byte_start; i--) { target[i + 2] = target[i]; } target[byte_start] = 249 + ((tp - byte_start) / 250); target[byte_start + 1] = ((tp - byte_start) % 250); tp += 2; } } else { target[tp] = source[sp]; tp++; sp++; } } if(tp > 1480) { /* Data is too large for symbol */ strcpy(symbol->errtxt, "Input data too long"); return 0; } } while (sp < length); /* Empty buffers */ if(c40_p == 2) { int iv; c40_buffer[2] = 1; iv = (1600 * c40_buffer[0]) + (40 * c40_buffer[1]) + (c40_buffer[2]) + 1; target[tp] = iv / 256; tp++; target[tp] = iv % 256; tp++; target[tp] = 255; tp++; /* Unlatch */ } if(c40_p == 1) { int iv; c40_buffer[1] = 1; c40_buffer[2] = 31; /* Pad */ iv = (1600 * c40_buffer[0]) + (40 * c40_buffer[1]) + (c40_buffer[2]) + 1; target[tp] = iv / 256; tp++; target[tp] = iv % 256; tp++; target[tp] = 255; tp++; /* Unlatch */ } if(text_p == 2) { int iv; text_buffer[2] = 1; iv = (1600 * text_buffer[0]) + (40 * text_buffer[1]) + (text_buffer[2]) + 1; target[tp] = iv / 256; tp++; target[tp] = iv % 256; tp++; target[tp] = 255; tp++; /* Unlatch */ } if(text_p == 1) { int iv; text_buffer[1] = 1; text_buffer[2] = 31; /* Pad */ iv = (1600 * text_buffer[0]) + (40 * text_buffer[1]) + (text_buffer[2]) + 1; target[tp] = iv / 256; tp++; target[tp] = iv % 256; tp++; target[tp] = 255; tp++; /* Unlatch */ } if(current_mode == C1_DECIMAL) { int bits_left_in_byte, target_count; int sub_target; /* Finish Decimal mode and go back to ASCII */ concat(decimal_binary, "111111"); /* Unlatch */ target_count = 3; if(strlen(decimal_binary) <= 16) { target_count = 2; } if(strlen(decimal_binary) <= 8) { target_count = 1; } bits_left_in_byte = (8 * target_count) - strlen(decimal_binary); if(bits_left_in_byte == 8) { bits_left_in_byte = 0; } if(bits_left_in_byte == 2) { concat(decimal_binary, "01"); } if((bits_left_in_byte == 4) || (bits_left_in_byte == 6)) { concat(decimal_binary, "1111"); } if(bits_left_in_byte == 6) { concat(decimal_binary, "01"); } /* Binary buffer is full - transfer to target */ if(target_count >= 1) { sub_target = 0; if(decimal_binary[0] == '1') { sub_target += 128; } if(decimal_binary[1] == '1') { sub_target += 64; } if(decimal_binary[2] == '1') { sub_target += 32; } if(decimal_binary[3] == '1') { sub_target += 16; } if(decimal_binary[4] == '1') { sub_target += 8; } if(decimal_binary[5] == '1') { sub_target += 4; } if(decimal_binary[6] == '1') { sub_target += 2; } if(decimal_binary[7] == '1') { sub_target += 1; } target[tp] = sub_target; tp++; } if(target_count >= 2) { sub_target = 0; if(decimal_binary[8] == '1') { sub_target += 128; } if(decimal_binary[9] == '1') { sub_target += 64; } if(decimal_binary[10] == '1') { sub_target += 32; } if(decimal_binary[11] == '1') { sub_target += 16; } if(decimal_binary[12] == '1') { sub_target += 8; } if(decimal_binary[13] == '1') { sub_target += 4; } if(decimal_binary[14] == '1') { sub_target += 2; } if(decimal_binary[15] == '1') { sub_target += 1; } target[tp] = sub_target; tp++; } if(target_count == 3) { sub_target = 0; if(decimal_binary[16] == '1') { sub_target += 128; } if(decimal_binary[17] == '1') { sub_target += 64; } if(decimal_binary[18] == '1') { sub_target += 32; } if(decimal_binary[19] == '1') { sub_target += 16; } if(decimal_binary[20] == '1') { sub_target += 8; } if(decimal_binary[21] == '1') { sub_target += 4; } if(decimal_binary[22] == '1') { sub_target += 2; } if(decimal_binary[23] == '1') { sub_target += 1; } target[tp] = sub_target; tp++; } } if(current_mode == C1_BYTE) { /* Insert byte field length */ if((tp - byte_start) <= 249) { for(i = tp; i >= byte_start; i--) { target[i + 1] = target[i]; } target[byte_start] = (tp - byte_start); tp++; } else { for(i = tp; i >= byte_start; i--) { target[i + 2] = target[i]; } target[byte_start] = 249 + ((tp - byte_start) / 250); target[byte_start + 1] = ((tp - byte_start) % 250); tp += 2; } } /* Re-check length of data */ if(tp > 1480) { /* Data is too large for symbol */ strcpy(symbol->errtxt, "Input data too long"); return 0; } /* printf("targets:\n"); for(i = 0; i < tp; i++) { printf("[%d]", target[i]); } printf("\n"); */ return tp; } void block_copy(struct zint_symbol *symbol, char grid[][120], int start_row, int start_col, int height, int width, int row_offset, int col_offset) { int i, j; for(i = start_row; i < (start_row + height); i++) { for(j = start_col; j < (start_col + width); j++) { if(grid[i][j] == '1') { set_module(symbol, i + row_offset, j + col_offset); } } } } int code_one(struct zint_symbol *symbol, unsigned char source[], int length) { int size = 1, i, j, data_blocks; char datagrid[136][120]; int row, col; int sub_version = 0; if((symbol->option_2 < 0) || (symbol->option_2 > 10)) { strcpy(symbol->errtxt, "Invalid symbol size"); return ERROR_INVALID_OPTION; } if(symbol->option_2 == 9) { /* Version S */ int codewords; short int elreg[112]; unsigned int data[15], ecc[15]; int stream[30]; int block_width; if(length > 18) { strcpy(symbol->errtxt, "Input data too long"); return ERROR_TOO_LONG; } if(is_sane(NEON, source, length) == ERROR_INVALID_DATA1) { strcpy(symbol->errtxt, "Invalid input data (Version S encodes numeric input only)"); return ERROR_INVALID_DATA1; } sub_version = 3; codewords = 12; block_width = 6; /* Version S-30 */ if(length <= 12) { sub_version = 2; codewords = 8; block_width = 4; } /* Version S-20 */ if(length <= 6) { sub_version = 1; codewords = 4; block_width = 2; } /* Version S-10 */ binary_load(elreg, (char *)source, length); hex_dump(elreg); for(i = 0; i < 15; i++) { data[i] = 0; ecc[i] = 0; } for(i = 0; i < codewords; i++) { data[codewords - i - 1] += 1 * elreg[(i * 5)]; data[codewords - i - 1] += 2 * elreg[(i * 5) + 1]; data[codewords - i - 1] += 4 * elreg[(i * 5) + 2]; data[codewords - i - 1] += 8 * elreg[(i * 5) + 3]; data[codewords - i - 1] += 16 * elreg[(i * 5) + 4]; } rs_init_gf(0x25); rs_init_code(codewords, 1); rs_encode_long(codewords, data, ecc); rs_free(); for(i = 0; i < codewords; i++) { stream[i] = data[i]; stream[i + codewords] = ecc[codewords - i - 1]; } for(i = 0; i < 136; i++) { for(j = 0; j < 120; j++) { datagrid[i][j] = '0'; } } i = 0; for(row = 0; row < 2; row++) { for(col = 0; col < block_width; col++) { if(stream[i] & 0x10) { datagrid[row * 2][col * 5] = '1'; } if(stream[i] & 0x08) { datagrid[row * 2][(col * 5) + 1] = '1'; } if(stream[i] & 0x04) { datagrid[row * 2][(col * 5) + 2] = '1'; } if(stream[i] & 0x02) { datagrid[(row * 2) + 1][col * 5] = '1'; } if(stream[i] & 0x01) { datagrid[(row * 2) + 1][(col * 5) + 1] = '1'; } if(stream[i + 1] & 0x10) { datagrid[row * 2][(col * 5) + 3] = '1'; } if(stream[i + 1] & 0x08) { datagrid[row * 2][(col * 5) + 4] = '1'; } if(stream[i + 1] & 0x04) { datagrid[(row * 2) + 1][(col * 5) + 2] = '1'; } if(stream[i + 1] & 0x02) { datagrid[(row * 2) + 1][(col * 5) + 3] = '1'; } if(stream[i + 1] & 0x01) { datagrid[(row * 2) + 1][(col * 5) + 4] = '1'; } i += 2; } } size = 9; symbol->rows = 8; symbol->width = 10 * sub_version + 1; } if(symbol->option_2 == 10) { /* Version T */ unsigned int data[40], ecc[25]; unsigned int stream[65]; int data_length; int data_cw, ecc_cw, block_width; for(i = 0; i < 40; i++) { data[i] = 0; } data_length = c1_encode(symbol, source, data, length); if(data_length == 0) { return ERROR_TOO_LONG; } if(data_length > 38) { strcpy(symbol->errtxt, "Input data too long"); return ERROR_TOO_LONG; } size = 10; sub_version = 3; data_cw = 38; ecc_cw = 22; block_width = 12; if(data_length <= 24) { sub_version = 2; data_cw = 24; ecc_cw = 16; block_width = 8; } if(data_length <= 10) { sub_version = 1; data_cw = 10; ecc_cw = 10; block_width = 4; } for(i = data_length; i < data_cw; i++) { data[i] = 129; /* Pad */ } /* Calculate error correction data */ rs_init_gf(0x12d); rs_init_code(ecc_cw, 1); rs_encode_long(data_cw, data, ecc); rs_free(); /* "Stream" combines data and error correction data */ for(i = 0; i < data_cw; i++) { stream[i] = data[i]; } for(i = 0; i < ecc_cw; i++) { stream[data_cw + i] = ecc[ecc_cw - i - 1]; } for(i = 0; i < 136; i++) { for(j = 0; j < 120; j++) { datagrid[i][j] = '0'; } } i = 0; for(row = 0; row < 5; row++) { for(col = 0; col < block_width; col++) { if(stream[i] & 0x80) { datagrid[row * 2][col * 4] = '1'; } if(stream[i] & 0x40) { datagrid[row * 2][(col * 4) + 1] = '1'; } if(stream[i] & 0x20) { datagrid[row * 2][(col * 4) + 2] = '1'; } if(stream[i] & 0x10) { datagrid[row * 2][(col * 4) + 3] = '1'; } if(stream[i] & 0x08) { datagrid[(row * 2) + 1][col * 4] = '1'; } if(stream[i] & 0x04) { datagrid[(row * 2) + 1][(col * 4) + 1] = '1'; } if(stream[i] & 0x02) { datagrid[(row * 2) + 1][(col * 4) + 2] = '1'; } if(stream[i] & 0x01) { datagrid[(row * 2) + 1][(col * 4) + 3] = '1'; } i++; } } symbol->rows = 16; symbol->width = (sub_version * 16) + 1; } if((symbol->option_2 != 9) && (symbol->option_2 != 10)) { /* Version A to H */ unsigned int data[1500], ecc[600]; unsigned int sub_data[190], sub_ecc[75]; unsigned int stream[2100]; int data_length; for(i = 0; i < 1500; i++) { data[i] = 0; } data_length = c1_encode(symbol, source, data, length); if(data_length == 0) { return ERROR_TOO_LONG; } for(i = 7; i >= 0; i--) { if(c1_data_length[i] >= data_length) { size = i + 1; } } if(symbol->option_2 > size) { size = symbol->option_2; } for(i = data_length; i < c1_data_length[size - 1]; i++) { data[i] = 129; /* Pad */ } /* Calculate error correction data */ data_length = c1_data_length[size - 1]; for(i = 0; i < 190; i++) { sub_data[i] = 0; } for(i = 0; i < 75; i++) { sub_ecc[i] = 0; } data_blocks = c1_blocks[size - 1]; rs_init_gf(0x12d); rs_init_code(c1_ecc_blocks[size - 1], 0); for(i = 0; i < data_blocks; i++) { for(j = 0; j < c1_data_blocks[size - 1]; j++) { sub_data[j] = data[j * data_blocks + i]; } rs_encode_long(c1_data_blocks[size - 1], sub_data, sub_ecc); for(j = 0; j < c1_ecc_blocks[size - 1]; j++) { ecc[c1_ecc_length[size - 1] - (j * data_blocks + i) - 1] = sub_ecc[j]; } } rs_free(); /* "Stream" combines data and error correction data */ for(i = 0; i < data_length; i++) { stream[i] = data[i]; } for(i = 0; i < c1_ecc_length[size - 1]; i++) { stream[data_length + i] = ecc[i]; } for(i = 0; i < 136; i++) { for(j = 0; j < 120; j++) { datagrid[i][j] = '0'; } } i = 0; for(row = 0; row < c1_grid_height[size - 1]; row++) { for(col = 0; col < c1_grid_width[size - 1]; col++) { if(stream[i] & 0x80) { datagrid[row * 2][col * 4] = '1'; } if(stream[i] & 0x40) { datagrid[row * 2][(col * 4) + 1] = '1'; } if(stream[i] & 0x20) { datagrid[row * 2][(col * 4) + 2] = '1'; } if(stream[i] & 0x10) { datagrid[row * 2][(col * 4) + 3] = '1'; } if(stream[i] & 0x08) { datagrid[(row * 2) + 1][col * 4] = '1'; } if(stream[i] & 0x04) { datagrid[(row * 2) + 1][(col * 4) + 1] = '1'; } if(stream[i] & 0x02) { datagrid[(row * 2) + 1][(col * 4) + 2] = '1'; } if(stream[i] & 0x01) { datagrid[(row * 2) + 1][(col * 4) + 3] = '1'; } i++; } } /* for(i = 0; i < (c1_grid_height[size - 1] * 2); i++) { for(j = 0; j < (c1_grid_width[size - 1] * 4); j++) { printf("%c", datagrid[i][j]); } printf("\n"); } */ symbol->rows = c1_height[size - 1]; symbol->width = c1_width[size - 1]; } switch(size) { case 1: /* Version A */ central_finder(symbol, 6, 3, 1); vert(symbol, 4, 6, 1); vert(symbol, 12, 5, 0); set_module(symbol, 5, 12); spigot(symbol, 0); spigot(symbol, 15); block_copy(symbol, datagrid, 0, 0, 5, 4, 0, 0); block_copy(symbol, datagrid, 0, 4, 5, 12, 0, 2); block_copy(symbol, datagrid, 5, 0, 5, 12, 6, 0); block_copy(symbol, datagrid, 5, 12, 5, 4, 6, 2); break; case 2: /* Version B */ central_finder(symbol, 8, 4, 1); vert(symbol, 4, 8, 1); vert(symbol, 16, 7, 0); set_module(symbol, 7, 16); spigot(symbol, 0); spigot(symbol, 21); block_copy(symbol, datagrid, 0, 0, 7, 4, 0, 0); block_copy(symbol, datagrid, 0, 4, 7, 16, 0, 2); block_copy(symbol, datagrid, 7, 0, 7, 16, 8, 0); block_copy(symbol, datagrid, 7, 16, 7, 4, 8, 2); break; case 3: /* Version C */ central_finder(symbol, 11, 4, 2); vert(symbol, 4, 11, 1); vert(symbol, 26, 13, 1); vert(symbol, 4, 10, 0); vert(symbol, 26, 10, 0); spigot(symbol, 0); spigot(symbol, 27); block_copy(symbol, datagrid, 0, 0, 10, 4, 0, 0); block_copy(symbol, datagrid, 0, 4, 10, 20, 0, 2); block_copy(symbol, datagrid, 0, 24, 10, 4, 0, 4); block_copy(symbol, datagrid, 10, 0, 10, 4, 8, 0); block_copy(symbol, datagrid, 10, 4, 10, 20, 8, 2); block_copy(symbol, datagrid, 10, 24, 10, 4, 8, 4); break; case 4: /* Version D */ central_finder(symbol, 16, 5, 1); vert(symbol, 4, 16, 1); vert(symbol, 20, 16, 1); vert(symbol, 36, 16, 1); vert(symbol, 4, 15, 0); vert(symbol, 20, 15, 0); vert(symbol, 36, 15, 0); spigot(symbol, 0); spigot(symbol, 12); spigot(symbol, 27); spigot(symbol, 39); block_copy(symbol, datagrid, 0, 0, 15, 4, 0, 0); block_copy(symbol, datagrid, 0, 4, 15, 14, 0, 2); block_copy(symbol, datagrid, 0, 18, 15, 14, 0, 4); block_copy(symbol, datagrid, 0, 32, 15, 4, 0, 6); block_copy(symbol, datagrid, 15, 0, 15, 4, 10, 0); block_copy(symbol, datagrid, 15, 4, 15, 14, 10, 2); block_copy(symbol, datagrid, 15, 18, 15, 14, 10, 4); block_copy(symbol, datagrid, 15, 32, 15, 4, 10, 6); break; case 5: /* Version E */ central_finder(symbol, 22, 5, 2); vert(symbol, 4, 22, 1); vert(symbol, 26, 24, 1); vert(symbol, 48, 22, 1); vert(symbol, 4, 21, 0); vert(symbol, 26, 21, 0); vert(symbol, 48, 21, 0); spigot(symbol, 0); spigot(symbol, 12); spigot(symbol, 39); spigot(symbol, 51); block_copy(symbol, datagrid, 0, 0, 21, 4, 0, 0); block_copy(symbol, datagrid, 0, 4, 21, 20, 0, 2); block_copy(symbol, datagrid, 0, 24, 21, 20, 0, 4); block_copy(symbol, datagrid, 0, 44, 21, 4, 0, 6); block_copy(symbol, datagrid, 21, 0, 21, 4, 10, 0); block_copy(symbol, datagrid, 21, 4, 21, 20, 10, 2); block_copy(symbol, datagrid, 21, 24, 21, 20, 10, 4); block_copy(symbol, datagrid, 21, 44, 21, 4, 10, 6); break; case 6: /* Version F */ central_finder(symbol, 31, 5, 3); vert(symbol, 4, 31, 1); vert(symbol, 26, 35, 1); vert(symbol, 48, 31, 1); vert(symbol, 70, 35, 1); vert(symbol, 4, 30, 0); vert(symbol, 26, 30, 0); vert(symbol, 48, 30, 0); vert(symbol, 70, 30, 0); spigot(symbol, 0); spigot(symbol, 12); spigot(symbol, 24); spigot(symbol, 45); spigot(symbol, 57); spigot(symbol, 69); block_copy(symbol, datagrid, 0, 0, 30, 4, 0, 0); block_copy(symbol, datagrid, 0, 4, 30, 20, 0, 2); block_copy(symbol, datagrid, 0, 24, 30, 20, 0, 4); block_copy(symbol, datagrid, 0, 44, 30, 20, 0, 6); block_copy(symbol, datagrid, 0, 64, 30, 4, 0, 8); block_copy(symbol, datagrid, 30, 0, 30, 4, 10, 0); block_copy(symbol, datagrid, 30, 4, 30, 20, 10, 2); block_copy(symbol, datagrid, 30, 24, 30, 20, 10, 4); block_copy(symbol, datagrid, 30, 44, 30, 20, 10, 6); block_copy(symbol, datagrid, 30, 64, 30, 4, 10, 8); break; case 7: /* Version G */ central_finder(symbol, 47, 6, 2); vert(symbol, 6, 47, 1); vert(symbol, 27, 49, 1); vert(symbol, 48, 47, 1); vert(symbol, 69, 49, 1); vert(symbol, 90, 47, 1); vert(symbol, 6, 46, 0); vert(symbol, 27, 46, 0); vert(symbol, 48, 46, 0); vert(symbol, 69, 46, 0); vert(symbol, 90, 46, 0); spigot(symbol, 0); spigot(symbol, 12); spigot(symbol, 24); spigot(symbol, 36); spigot(symbol, 67); spigot(symbol, 79); spigot(symbol, 91); spigot(symbol, 103); block_copy(symbol, datagrid, 0, 0, 46, 6, 0, 0); block_copy(symbol, datagrid, 0, 6, 46, 19, 0, 2); block_copy(symbol, datagrid, 0, 25, 46, 19, 0, 4); block_copy(symbol, datagrid, 0, 44, 46, 19, 0, 6); block_copy(symbol, datagrid, 0, 63, 46, 19, 0, 8); block_copy(symbol, datagrid, 0, 82, 46, 6, 0, 10); block_copy(symbol, datagrid, 46, 0, 46, 6, 12, 0); block_copy(symbol, datagrid, 46, 6, 46, 19, 12, 2); block_copy(symbol, datagrid, 46, 25, 46, 19, 12, 4); block_copy(symbol, datagrid, 46, 44, 46, 19, 12, 6); block_copy(symbol, datagrid, 46, 63, 46, 19, 12, 8); block_copy(symbol, datagrid, 46, 82, 46, 6, 12, 10); break; case 8: /* Version H */ central_finder(symbol, 69, 6, 3); vert(symbol, 6, 69, 1); vert(symbol, 26, 73, 1); vert(symbol, 46, 69, 1); vert(symbol, 66, 73, 1); vert(symbol, 86, 69, 1); vert(symbol, 106, 73, 1); vert(symbol, 126, 69, 1); vert(symbol, 6, 68, 0); vert(symbol, 26, 68, 0); vert(symbol, 46, 68, 0); vert(symbol, 66, 68, 0); vert(symbol, 86, 68, 0); vert(symbol, 106, 68, 0); vert(symbol, 126, 68, 0); spigot(symbol, 0); spigot(symbol, 12); spigot(symbol, 24); spigot(symbol, 36); spigot(symbol, 48); spigot(symbol, 60); spigot(symbol, 87); spigot(symbol, 99); spigot(symbol, 111); spigot(symbol, 123); spigot(symbol, 135); spigot(symbol, 147); block_copy(symbol, datagrid, 0, 0, 68, 6, 0, 0); block_copy(symbol, datagrid, 0, 6, 68, 18, 0, 2); block_copy(symbol, datagrid, 0, 24, 68, 18, 0, 4); block_copy(symbol, datagrid, 0, 42, 68, 18, 0, 6); block_copy(symbol, datagrid, 0, 60, 68, 18, 0, 8); block_copy(symbol, datagrid, 0, 78, 68, 18, 0, 10); block_copy(symbol, datagrid, 0, 96, 68, 18, 0, 12); block_copy(symbol, datagrid, 0, 114, 68, 6, 0, 14); block_copy(symbol, datagrid, 68, 0, 68, 6, 12, 0); block_copy(symbol, datagrid, 68, 6, 68, 18, 12, 2); block_copy(symbol, datagrid, 68, 24, 68, 18, 12, 4); block_copy(symbol, datagrid, 68, 42, 68, 18, 12, 6); block_copy(symbol, datagrid, 68, 60, 68, 18, 12, 8); block_copy(symbol, datagrid, 68, 78, 68, 18, 12, 10); block_copy(symbol, datagrid, 68, 96, 68, 18, 12, 12); block_copy(symbol, datagrid, 68, 114, 68, 6, 12, 14); break; case 9: /* Version S */ horiz(symbol, 5, 1); horiz(symbol, 7, 1); set_module(symbol, 6, 0); set_module(symbol, 6, symbol->width - 1); unset_module(symbol, 7, 1); unset_module(symbol, 7, symbol->width - 2); switch(sub_version) { case 1: /* Version S-10 */ set_module(symbol, 0, 5); block_copy(symbol, datagrid, 0, 0, 4, 5, 0, 0); block_copy(symbol, datagrid, 0, 5, 4, 5, 0, 1); break; case 2: /* Version S-20 */ set_module(symbol, 0, 10); set_module(symbol, 4, 10); block_copy(symbol, datagrid, 0, 0, 4, 10, 0, 0); block_copy(symbol, datagrid, 0, 10, 4, 10, 0, 1); break; case 3: /* Version S-30 */ set_module(symbol, 0, 15); set_module(symbol, 4, 15); set_module(symbol, 6, 15); block_copy(symbol, datagrid, 0, 0, 4, 15, 0, 0); block_copy(symbol, datagrid, 0, 15, 4, 15, 0, 1); break; } break; case 10: /* Version T */ horiz(symbol, 11, 1); horiz(symbol, 13, 1); horiz(symbol, 15, 1); set_module(symbol, 12, 0); set_module(symbol, 12, symbol->width - 1); set_module(symbol, 14, 0); set_module(symbol, 14, symbol->width - 1); unset_module(symbol, 13, 1); unset_module(symbol, 13, symbol->width - 2); unset_module(symbol, 15, 1); unset_module(symbol, 15, symbol->width - 2); switch(sub_version) { case 1: /* Version T-16 */ set_module(symbol, 0, 8); set_module(symbol, 10, 8); block_copy(symbol, datagrid, 0, 0, 10, 8, 0, 0); block_copy(symbol, datagrid, 0, 8, 10, 8, 0, 1); break; case 2: /* Version T-32 */ set_module(symbol, 0, 16); set_module(symbol, 10, 16); set_module(symbol, 12, 16); block_copy(symbol, datagrid, 0, 0, 10, 16, 0, 0); block_copy(symbol, datagrid, 0, 16, 10, 16, 0, 1); break; case 3: /* Verion T-48 */ set_module(symbol, 0, 24); set_module(symbol, 10, 24); set_module(symbol, 12, 24); set_module(symbol, 14, 24); block_copy(symbol, datagrid, 0, 0, 10, 24, 0, 0); block_copy(symbol, datagrid, 0, 24, 10, 24, 0, 1); break; } break; } for(i = 0; i < symbol->rows; i++) { symbol->row_height[i] = 1; } return 0; }