mirror of https://github.com/fralx/LimeReport.git synced 2024-12-23 16:22:58 +03:00
Андрей Лухнов 0fca7169d3 Define code style and format all source file using clang-format-14
except those placed in 3rdparty directories.
2024-09-19 21:09:38 +03:00

42 lines
1.4 KiB

BasedOnStyle: WebKit
Language: Cpp
AlignAfterOpenBracket: Align
AllowShortEnumsOnASingleLine: false
BreakInheritanceList: AfterColon
BreakConstructorInitializers: AfterColon
SpaceBeforeCtorInitializerColon: false
ConstructorInitializerAllOnOneLineOrOnePerLine: true
AllowAllConstructorInitializersOnNextLine: false
SpaceBeforeInheritanceColon: false
PointerAlignment: Left
ReflowComments: true
FixNamespaceComments: true
SortIncludes: true
SortUsingDeclarations: true
IncludeBlocks: Regroup
# regular expressions are matched against the filename of an include (including the <> or “”) in order:
# topmost: main header file (the one that has the same name as .cpp-file) and ui_XXX.h, if exists
# second group: local header files (i.e. "something.h")
# third group: external header files (i.e. <smth/other.h>)
# fourth group: Qt toolkit headers (actually, anything that starts with a 'Q')
# last group: all other external header files
# headers in all groups are sorted by name
- Regex: '"ui_.*'
Priority: 0
- Regex: '^".*'
Priority: 1
- Regex: '^<Qt.*'
Priority: 3
- Regex: '^<.*/.*\.h>'
Priority: 2
- Regex: '^<Q.*'
Priority: 3
- Regex: '^<.*'
Priority: 4
ColumnLimit: 100
TabWidth: 4
UseTab: Never
MaxEmptyLinesToKeep: 1