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* This file is part of the Lime Report project *
* Copyright (C) 2021 by Alexander Arin *
* arin_a@bk.ru *
* *
** GNU General Public License Usage **
* *
* This library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. *
* *
** GNU Lesser General Public License **
* *
* This library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as *
* published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the *
* License, or (at your option) any later version. *
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public *
* License along with this library. *
* If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. *
* *
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
* GNU General Public License for more details. *
#include "lrcollection.h"
#include "lrdatadesignintf.h"
#include "lrdatasourceintf.h"
#include "lrdatasourcemanagerintf.h"
#include "lrglobal.h"
#include "lrgroupfunctions.h"
#include "lrvariablesholder.h"
#include <QIcon>
#include <QObject>
namespace LimeReport {
class DataSourceManager;
class DataNode {
enum NodeType {
DataNode(const QString& name = "", NodeType type = Root, DataNode* parent = 0,
const QIcon& icon = QIcon()):
virtual ~DataNode();
int childCount() { return m_childs.count(); }
DataNode* child(int index) { return m_childs[index]; }
DataNode* parent() { return m_parent; }
DataNode* addChild(const QString& name = "", NodeType type = Root, const QIcon& icon = QIcon());
int row();
QString name() { return m_name; }
QIcon icon() { return m_icon; }
void clear();
NodeType type() { return m_type; }
QString m_name;
QIcon m_icon;
NodeType m_type;
DataNode* m_parent;
QVector<DataNode*> m_childs;
class DataSourceModel: public QAbstractItemModel {
friend class DataSourceManager;
DataSourceModel(): m_dataManager(NULL), m_rootNode(new DataNode()) { }
DataSourceModel(DataSourceManager* dataManager);
QModelIndex index(int row, int column, const QModelIndex& parent) const;
QModelIndex parent(const QModelIndex& child) const;
int rowCount(const QModelIndex& parent) const;
int columnCount(const QModelIndex& parent) const;
QVariant data(const QModelIndex& index, int role) const;
void setDataSourceManager(DataSourceManager* dataManager);
private slots:
void slotDatasourcesChanged();
DataNode* nodeFromIndex(const QModelIndex& index) const;
void fillFields(DataNode* parent);
void updateModel();
DataSourceManager* m_dataManager;
DataNode* m_rootNode;
class DataSourceManager:
public QObject,
public ICollectionContainer,
public IVariablesContainer,
public IDataSourceManager {
Q_PROPERTY(ACollectionProperty connections READ fakeCollectionReader)
Q_PROPERTY(ACollectionProperty queries READ fakeCollectionReader)
Q_PROPERTY(ACollectionProperty subqueries READ fakeCollectionReader)
Q_PROPERTY(ACollectionProperty subproxies READ fakeCollectionReader)
Q_PROPERTY(ACollectionProperty variables READ fakeCollectionReader)
Q_PROPERTY(ACollectionProperty csvs READ fakeCollectionReader)
friend class ReportEnginePrivate;
friend class ReportRender;
typedef QHash<QString, IDataSourceHolder*> DataSourcesMap;
enum ClearMethod {
void connectAllDatabases();
void addConnection(const QString& connectionName);
void addConnectionDesc(ConnectionDesc*);
bool checkConnectionDesc(ConnectionDesc* connection);
void addQuery(const QString& name, const QString& sqlText, const QString& connectionName = "");
void addSubQuery(const QString& name, const QString& sqlText, const QString& connectionName,
const QString& masterDatasource);
void addProxy(const QString& name, const QString& master, const QString& detail,
QList<FieldsCorrelation> fields);
void addCSV(const QString& name, const QString& csvText, const QString& separator,
bool firstRowIsHeader);
bool addModel(const QString& name, QAbstractItemModel* model, bool owned);
void removeModel(const QString& name);
ICallbackDatasource* createCallbackDatasource(const QString& name);
void registerDbCredentialsProvider(IDbCredentialsProvider* provider);
void addCallbackDatasource(ICallbackDatasource* datasource, const QString& name);
void setReportVariable(const QString& name, const QVariant& value);
void deleteVariable(const QString& name);
bool containsVariable(const QString& variableName);
void clearUserVariables();
void addVariable(const QString& name, const QVariant& value,
VarDesc::VarType type = VarDesc::User, RenderPass pass = FirstPass);
void changeVariable(const QString& name, const QVariant& value);
QVariant variable(const QString& variableName);
RenderPass variablePass(const QString& name);
QStringList variableNames();
QStringList variableNamesByRenderPass(RenderPass pass);
QStringList userVariableNames();
VarDesc::VarType variableType(const QString& name);
VariableDataType variableDataType(const QString& name);
void setVariableDataType(const QString& name, VariableDataType value);
bool variableIsSystem(const QString& name);
bool variableIsMandatory(const QString& name);
void setVarableMandatory(const QString& name, bool value);
QString queryText(const QString& dataSourceName);
QString connectionName(const QString& dataSourceName);
void removeDatasource(const QString& name);
void removeConnection(const QString& connectionName);
bool isQuery(const QString& dataSourceName);
bool containsDatasource(const QString& dataSourceName);
bool isSubQuery(const QString& dataSourceName);
bool isProxy(const QString& dataSourceName);
bool isCSV(const QString& datasourceName);
bool isConnection(const QString& connectionName);
bool isConnectionConnected(const QString& connectionName);
bool connectConnection(const QString& connectionName);
void connectAutoConnections();
void disconnectConnection(const QString& connectionName);
QueryDesc* queryByName(const QString& datasourceName);
SubQueryDesc* subQueryByName(const QString& datasourceName);
ProxyDesc* proxyByName(const QString& datasourceName);
CSVDesc* csvByName(const QString& datasourceName);
ConnectionDesc* connectionByName(const QString& connectionName);
int queryIndexByName(const QString& dataSourceName);
int subQueryIndexByName(const QString& dataSourceName);
int proxyIndexByName(const QString& dataSourceName);
int csvIndexByName(const QString& dataSourceName);
int connectionIndexByName(const QString& connectionName);
QList<ConnectionDesc*>& conections();
bool dataSourceIsValid(const QString& name);
IDataSource* dataSource(const QString& name);
IDataSourceHolder* dataSourceHolder(const QString& name);
QStringList dataSourceNames();
QStringList dataSourceNames(const QString& connectionName);
QStringList connectionNames();
QStringList fieldNames(const QString& datasourceName);
bool containsField(const QString& fieldName);
QVariant fieldData(const QString& fieldName);
QVariant fieldDataByRowIndex(const QString& fieldName, int rowIndex);
QVariant fieldDataByRowIndex(const QString& fieldName, int rowIndex, int role);
QVariant fieldDataByRowIndex(const QString& fieldName, int rowIndex, const QString& roleName);
QVariant fieldDataByKey(const QString& datasourceName, const QString& valueFieldName,
const QString& keyFieldName, QVariant keyValue);
QVariant headerData(const QString& fieldName, const QString& roleName);
QString columnName(const QString& datasourceName, int index);
int columnCount(const QString& datasourceName);
void reopenDatasource(const QString& datasourceName);
QString extractDataSource(const QString& fieldName);
QString extractFieldName(const QString& fieldName);
void setAllDatasourcesToFirst();
void clear(ClearMethod method);
void clearGroupFunction();
void clearGroupFunctionValues(const QString& bandObjectName);
QList<QString> groupFunctionNames() { return m_groupFunctionFactory.functionNames(); }
GroupFunction* addGroupFunction(const QString& name, const QString& expression,
const QString& band, const QString& dataBand);
GroupFunction* groupFunction(const QString& name, const QString& expression,
const QString& band);
QList<GroupFunction*> groupFunctionsByBand(const QString& band);
void updateChildrenData(const QString& datasourceName);
DataSourceModel* datasourcesModel() { return &m_datasourcesModel; }
QString lastError() const { return m_lastError; }
void putError(QString error)
if (!m_errorsList.contains(error))
void clearErrors()
m_lastError = "";
QStringList errorsList() { return m_errorsList; }
bool designTime() const;
void setDesignTime(bool designTime);
QString extractField(QString source);
QString replaceVariables(QString query, QMap<QString, QString>& aliasesToParam);
QString replaceVariables(QString value);
QString replaceFields(QString query, QMap<QString, QString>& aliasesToParam,
QString masterDatasource = "");
QSharedPointer<QAbstractItemModel> previewSQL(const QString& connectionName,
const QString& sqlText,
QString masterDatasource = "");
void updateDatasourceModel();
bool isNeedUpdateDatasourceModel() { return m_needUpdate; }
QString defaultDatabasePath() const;
void setDefaultDatabasePath(const QString& defaultDatabasePath);
QString putGroupFunctionsExpressions(QString expression);
void clearGroupFuntionsExpressions();
QString getExpression(QString index);
ReportSettings* reportSettings() const;
void setReportSettings(ReportSettings* reportSettings);
bool hasChanges() { return m_hasChanges; }
void dropChanges() { m_hasChanges = false; }
void loadCollectionFinished(const QString& collectionName);
void cleared();
void datasourcesChanged();
void putHolder(const QString& name, LimeReport::IDataSourceHolder* dataSource);
void putQueryDesc(QueryDesc* queryDesc);
void putSubQueryDesc(SubQueryDesc* subQueryDesc);
void putProxyDesc(ProxyDesc* proxyDesc);
void putCSVDesc(CSVDesc* csvDesc);
bool connectConnection(ConnectionDesc* connectionDesc);
void clearReportVariables();
QList<QString> childDatasources(const QString& datasourceName);
void invalidateChildren(const QString& parentDatasourceName);
// ICollectionContainer
virtual QObject* createElement(const QString& collectionName, const QString&);
virtual int elementsCount(const QString& collectionName);
virtual QObject* elementAt(const QString& collectionName, int index);
virtual void collectionLoadFinished(const QString& collectionName);
void setSystemVariable(const QString& name, const QVariant& value, RenderPass pass);
void setLastError(const QString& value);
void invalidateLinkedDatasources(QString datasourceName);
bool checkConnection(QSqlDatabase db);
void invalidateQueriesContainsVariable(const QString& variableName);
private slots:
void slotConnectionRenamed(const QString& oldName, const QString& newName);
void slotQueryTextChanged(const QString& queryName, const QString& queryText);
void slotVariableHasBeenAdded(const QString& variableName);
void slotVariableHasBeenChanged(const QString& variableName);
void slotCSVTextChanged(const QString& csvName, const QString& csvText);
explicit DataSourceManager(QObject* parent = 0);
bool initAndOpenDB(QSqlDatabase& db, ConnectionDesc& connectionDesc);
QList<ConnectionDesc*> m_connections;
QList<QueryDesc*> m_queries;
QList<SubQueryDesc*> m_subqueries;
QList<ProxyDesc*> m_proxies;
QList<VarDesc*> m_tempVars;
QList<CSVDesc*> m_csvs;
QMultiMap<QString, GroupFunction*> m_groupFunctions;
GroupFunctionFactory m_groupFunctionFactory;
VariablesHolder m_reportVariables;
VariablesHolder m_userVariables;
DataSourcesMap m_datasources;
DataSourceModel m_datasourcesModel;
QString m_lastError;
QStringList m_errorsList;
bool m_designTime;
bool m_needUpdate;
QString m_defaultDatabasePath;
ReportSettings* m_reportSettings;
QHash<QString, int> m_groupFunctionsExpressionsMap;
QVector<QString> m_groupFunctionsExpressions;
IDbCredentialsProvider* m_dbCredentialsProvider;
QMap<QString, QVector<QString>> m_varToDataSource;
bool m_hasChanges;
} // namespace LimeReport