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* This file is part of the Lime Report project *
* Copyright (C) 2015 by Alexander Arin *
* arin_a@bk.ru *
* *
** GNU General Public License Usage **
* *
* This library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. *
* *
** GNU Lesser General Public License **
* *
* This library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as *
* published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the *
* License, or (at your option) any later version. *
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public *
* License along with this library. *
* If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. *
* *
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
* GNU General Public License for more details. *
#include <QObject>
#include <QFrame>
#include <QGraphicsItem>
#include <QtGui>
#include <QtXml>
#include "lrcollection.h"
#include "lrglobal.h"
#include "serializators/lrstorageintf.h"
namespace LimeReport {
enum ItemModes{ DesignMode=1, PreviewMode=2, PrintMode=4, EditMode=8, LayoutEditMode=16 };
class ReportEnginePrivate;
class PageDesignIntf;
class BaseDesignIntf;
class Marker : public QGraphicsItem{
Marker(QGraphicsItem* parent=0):QGraphicsItem(parent){}
QRectF boundingRect() const;
void paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *, QWidget *);
void setRect(QRectF rect){prepareGeometryChange();m_rect=rect;}
void setColor(QColor color){m_color=color;}
QRectF rect() const;
QColor color() const;
BaseDesignIntf *object() const;
QRectF m_rect;
QColor m_color;
BaseDesignIntf* m_object;
class SelectionMarker : public Marker{
SelectionMarker(QGraphicsItem* parent=0);
void hoverMoveEvent(QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent *event);
void mousePressEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event);
void mouseReleaseEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event);
void mouseDoubleClickEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event);
void mouseMoveEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event);
class DataSourceManager;
class BaseDesignIntf :
public QObject, public QGraphicsItem, public ICollectionContainer, public ObjectLoadingStateIntf {
Q_PROPERTY(QRectF geometry READ geometry WRITE setGeometryProperty NOTIFY geometryChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(ACollectionProperty children READ fakeCollectionReader DESIGNABLE false)
Q_PROPERTY(qreal zOrder READ zValue WRITE setZValueProperty DESIGNABLE false)
Q_PROPERTY(BorderLines borders READ borderLines WRITE setBorderLinesFlags)
Q_PROPERTY(QString parentName READ parentReportItemName WRITE setParentReportItem DESIGNABLE false)
Q_PROPERTY(int borderLineSize READ borderLineSize WRITE setBorderLineSize)
Q_PROPERTY(bool isVisible READ isVisible WRITE setItemVisible DESIGNABLE false)
Q_PROPERTY(QColor borderColor READ borderColor WRITE setBorderColor)
enum BGMode { TransparentMode,OpaqueMode};
enum BrushMode{Solid,None};
enum ResizeFlags { Fixed = 0,
ResizeLeft = 1,
ResizeRight = 2,
ResizeTop = 4,
ResizeBottom = 8,
AllDirections = 15
enum MoveFlags { LeftRight=1,
enum BorderSide { TopLine = 1,
BottomLine = 2,
LeftLine = 4,
RightLine = 8
enum ObjectState {ObjectLoading, ObjectLoaded, ObjectCreated};
enum ItemAlign {LeftItemAlign,RightItemAlign,CenterItemAlign,ParentWidthItemAlign,DesignedItemAlign};
Q_DECLARE_FLAGS(BorderLines, BorderSide)
friend class SelectionMarker;
BaseDesignIntf(const QString& storageTypeName, QObject* owner = 0, QGraphicsItem* parent = 0);
virtual ~BaseDesignIntf();
void setParentReportItem(const QString& value);
QString parentReportItemName();
BrushMode backgroundBrushMode(){return m_backgroundBrush;}
void setBackgroundBrushMode(BrushMode value);
QColor backgroundColor(){return m_backgroundBrushcolor;}
void setBackgroundColor(QColor value);
QPen pen() const;
void setPen(QPen& pen);
QFont font() const;
void setFont(QFont& font);
QColor fontColor(){return m_fontColor;}
void setFontColor(QColor value){m_fontColor=value;}
virtual BGMode backgroundMode() const;
virtual void setBackgroundMode(BGMode bgMode);
virtual qreal width() const;
virtual qreal widthMM() const;
virtual void setWidth(qreal width);
virtual qreal height() const;
virtual qreal heightMM() const;
virtual void setHeight(qreal height);
virtual QPointF posMM() const;
virtual int opacity() const;
virtual void setOpacity(int opacity);
virtual void setSize(QSizeF size);
virtual QSizeF size() const;
virtual QSizeF sizeMM() const;
void paint(QPainter* ppainter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem* option, QWidget* widget);
void prepareRect(QPainter* ppainter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem*, QWidget*);
virtual QPainterPath shape() const;
void setFixedPos(bool fixedPos);
int resizeHandleSize() const;
void setMMFactor(qreal mmFactor);
qreal mmFactor() const;
virtual QRectF geometry() const;
void setGeometry(QRectF rect);
QRectF rect()const;
void setupPainter(QPainter* painter) const;
virtual QRectF boundingRect() const;
virtual void moveRight();
virtual void moveLeft();
virtual void moveDown();
virtual void moveUp();
virtual void sizeRight();
virtual void sizeLeft();
virtual void sizeUp();
virtual void sizeDown();
void setItemPos(const QPointF &newPos);
void setItemPos(qreal x, qreal y);
void setItemMode(LimeReport::BaseDesignIntf::ItemMode mode);
ItemMode itemMode() const {return m_itemMode;}
virtual void setBorderLinesFlags(LimeReport::BaseDesignIntf::BorderLines flags);
void setGeometryProperty(QRectF rect);
PageDesignIntf* page();
BorderLines borderLines() const;
QString storageTypeName() const {return m_storageTypeName;}
ReportEnginePrivate *reportEditor();
virtual void updateItemSize(DataSourceManager* dataManager, RenderPass pass=FirstPass, int maxHeight=0);
virtual bool isNeedUpdateSize(RenderPass) const;
virtual BaseDesignIntf* cloneItem(LimeReport::BaseDesignIntf::ItemMode mode, QObject* owner=0, QGraphicsItem* parent=0);
virtual BaseDesignIntf* cloneItemWOChild(LimeReport::BaseDesignIntf::ItemMode mode, QObject* owner=0, QGraphicsItem* parent=0);
virtual BaseDesignIntf* createSameTypeItem(QObject* owner=0, QGraphicsItem* parent=0) = 0;
void initFromItem(BaseDesignIntf* source);
virtual bool canBeSplitted(int height) const;
virtual qreal minHeight() const {return 0;}
virtual bool isSplittable() const {return false;}
virtual bool isEmpty() const;
virtual BaseDesignIntf* cloneUpperPart(int height, QObject* owner=0, QGraphicsItem* parent=0);
virtual BaseDesignIntf* cloneBottomPart(int height, QObject* owner=0, QGraphicsItem* parent=0);
virtual BaseDesignIntf* cloneEmpty(int height, QObject* owner=0, QGraphicsItem* parent=0);
bool isLoaded(){return m_objectState==ObjectLoaded;}
bool isLoading(){return m_objectState==ObjectLoading;}
void objectLoadStarted();
void objectLoadFinished();
virtual void parentObjectLoadFinished();
virtual void beforeDelete();
QList<BaseDesignIntf*> childBaseItems();
BaseDesignIntf* childByName(const QString& name);
virtual QWidget *defaultEditor();
void notify(const QString &propertyName, const QVariant &oldValue, const QVariant &newValue);
void notify(const QVector<QString> &propertyNames);
int posibleResizeDirectionFlags() const;
void setPosibleResizeDirectionFlags(int directionsFlags);
int posibleMoveDirectionFlags() const;
void setPosibleMoveFlags(int directionsFlags);
int marginSize() const {return m_margin;}
void setMarginSize(int value);
QString itemTypeName() const;
void setItemTypeName(const QString &itemTypeName);
void emitObjectNamePropertyChanged(const QString& oldName, const QString& newName);
int borderLineSize() const;
void setBorderLineSize(int value);
void showEditorDialog();
ItemAlign itemAlign() const;
virtual void setItemAlign(const ItemAlign &itemAlign);
void updateItemAlign();
QPointF modifyPosForAlignedItem(const QPointF &pos);
void turnOnJoinMarker(bool value);
virtual bool isBand(){return false;}
QColor borderColor() const;
void setBorderColor(const QColor &borderColor);
void setItemVisible(const bool& value);
virtual bool canContainChildren(){ return false;}
ReportSettings* reportSettings() const;
void setReportSettings(ReportSettings *reportSettings);
Q_INVOKABLE QString setItemWidth(qreal width);
Q_INVOKABLE QString setItemHeight(qreal height);
Q_INVOKABLE qreal getItemWidth();
Q_INVOKABLE qreal getItemHeight();
Q_INVOKABLE qreal getItemPosX();
Q_INVOKABLE qreal getItemPosY();
Q_INVOKABLE QString setItemPosX(qreal xValue);
Q_INVOKABLE QString setItemPosY(qreal yValue);
QObject* createElement(const QString&, const QString& elementType);
int elementsCount(const QString&);
QObject* elementAt(const QString&, int index);
void collectionLoadFinished(const QString& collectionName);
void mousePressEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent* event);
void hoverMoveEvent(QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent* event);
void hoverLeaveEvent(QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent *event);
//void virtual hoverEnterEvent(QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent *event);
void mouseMoveEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent* event);
void mouseReleaseEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event);
void mouseDoubleClickEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event);
virtual void geometryChangedEvent(QRectF newRect, QRectF oldRect);
virtual QPen borderPen(BorderSide side) const;
virtual QColor selectionColor() const;
virtual void initFlags();
virtual void initMode(LimeReport::BaseDesignIntf::ItemMode mode);
virtual QVariant itemChange(GraphicsItemChange change, const QVariant &value);
virtual void childAddedEvent(BaseDesignIntf* child);
virtual void parentChangedEvent(BaseDesignIntf*);
void drawTopLine(QPainter *painter, QRectF rect) const;
void drawBootomLine(QPainter *painter, QRectF rect) const;
void drawRightLine(QPainter *painter, QRectF rect) const;
void drawLeftLine(QPainter *painter, QRectF rect) const;
void drawBorder(QPainter* painter, QRectF rect) const;
void drawDesignModeBorder(QPainter* painter, QRectF rect) const;
void drawRenderModeBorder(QPainter *painter, QRectF rect) const;
void drawResizeZone(QPainter*);
void drawSelection(QPainter* painter, QRectF) const;
void drawPinArea(QPainter* painter) const;
void initResizeZones();
void invalidateRect(const QRectF &rect);
void invalidateRects(QVector<QRectF*> rects);
QFont transformToSceneFont(const QFont &value) const;
RenderPass currentRenderPass(){return m_currentPass;}
virtual bool drawDesignBorders() const {return true;}
virtual QColor selectionMarkerColor(){ return Const::SELECTION_COLOR;}
void updateSelectionMarker();
int resizeDirectionFlags(QPointF position);
void moveSelectedItems(QPointF delta);
Qt::CursorShape getPosibleCursor(int cursorFlags);
void setZValueProperty(qreal value);
void updatePosibleDirectionFlags();
void turnOnSelectionMarker(bool value);
QPointF m_startPos;
//QPointF m_startScenePos;
int m_resizeHandleSize;
int m_selectionPenSize;
int m_posibleResizeDirectionFlags;
int m_posibleMoveDirectionFlags;
int m_resizeDirectionFlags;
qreal m_width, m_height;
QPen m_pen;
QFont m_font;
QColor m_fontColor;
qreal m_mmFactor;
bool m_fixedPos;
int m_borderLineSize;
QRectF m_rect;
mutable QRectF m_boundingRect;
QRectF m_oldGeometry;
BGMode m_BGMode;
int m_opacity;
BorderLines m_borderLinesFlags;
QRectF m_bottomRect;
QRectF m_topRect;
QRectF m_leftRect;
QRectF m_rightRect;
QVector<QRectF*> m_resizeAreas;
QFrame* m_hintFrame;
QString m_storageTypeName;
ItemMode m_itemMode;
ObjectState m_objectState;
SelectionMarker* m_selectionMarker;
Marker* m_joinMarker;
BrushMode m_backgroundBrush;
QColor m_backgroundBrushcolor;
RenderPass m_currentPass;
int m_margin;
QString m_itemTypeName;
ItemAlign m_itemAlign;
bool m_changingItemAlign;
QColor m_borderColor;
ReportSettings* m_reportSettings;
void geometryChanged(QObject* object, QRectF newGeometry, QRectF oldGeometry);
void posChanged(QObject* object, QPointF newPos, QPointF oldPos);
void itemSelected(LimeReport::BaseDesignIntf *item);
void loadCollectionFinished(const QString& collectionName);
void objectLoaded(QObject* object);
void objectChanged(QObject* object);
void propertyChanged(const QString& propertName, const QVariant& oldValue,const QVariant& newValue);
void propertyObjectNameChanged(const QString& oldValue, const QString& newValue);
void propertyesChanged(QVector<QString> propertyNames);
void itemAlignChanged(BaseDesignIntf* item, const ItemAlign& oldValue, const ItemAlign& newValue);
void itemVisibleHasChanged(BaseDesignIntf* item);
} //namespace LimeReport