mirror of
synced 2025-03-20 17:23:47 +03:00
Example: $D{appdata.Column_1} $S{ var vRow = line('DataBand1') - 1; // 8 - Qt::BackgroundRole var vColor = getFieldByRowIndexEx('appdata.Column_1', vRow, 8); THIS.backgroundColor = LimeReport.color('lightgray'); if(vColor > '') { THIS.backgroundColor = vColor; } '' } Added several functions to get extended information from the model - getFieldByRowIndexEx2(fieldName, rowIndex, roleName), default: Qt::DisplayRole - getHeaderData(fieldName, roleName), default: Qt::DisplayRole - getHeaderColumnNameByIndex(datasourceName, columnIndex), default: Qt::UserRole or Qt::DisplayRole - getColumnCount(datasourceName), default: -1
620 lines
25 KiB
620 lines
25 KiB
* This file is part of the Lime Report project *
* Copyright (C) 2021 by Alexander Arin *
* arin_a@bk.ru *
* *
** GNU General Public License Usage **
* *
* This library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. *
* *
** GNU Lesser General Public License **
* *
* This library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as *
* published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the *
* License, or (at your option) any later version. *
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public *
* License along with this library. *
* If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. *
* *
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
* GNU General Public License for more details. *
#include <QtScript/QScriptEngine>
#include <QScriptable>
#include <QVector>
#include <QIcon>
#include <QAbstractItemModel>
#include <QDebug>
#include <QtGlobal>
#include <QFont>
#include <QComboBox>
//#include <QJSEngine>
#include <QDialog>
#include "base/lrsingleton.h"
#include "lrglobal.h"
#include "lrscriptenginemanagerintf.h"
#include "lrcallbackdatasourceintf.h"
#include "lrcollection.h"
#include "lrdatasourceintf.h"
#include "lrdatasourcemanagerintf.h"
#include "lrhorizontallayout.h"
#include "lrverticallayout.h"
namespace LimeReport{
class DataSourceManager;
class BaseDesignIntf;
class PageItemDesignIntf;
class BandDesignIntf;
struct ContentItem {
QString content;
int indent;
int pageNumber;
QString uniqKey;
class TableOfContents : public QObject{
TableOfContents(QObject* parent = 0):QObject(parent){}
void setItem(const QString& uniqKey, const QString& content, int pageNumber, int indent = 0);
void clear();
bool isEmpty(){ return m_tableOfContents.isEmpty();}
private slots:
void slotOneSlotDS(LimeReport::CallbackInfo info, QVariant &data);
QVector<ContentItem*> m_tableOfContents;
QHash<QString, ContentItem* > m_hash;
struct ScriptFunctionDesc{
enum FuncType {Native,Script};
ScriptValueType scriptValue;
QString name;
QString description;
QString category;
FuncType type;
class ScriptEngineNode {
enum NodeType{Root, Category, Function, Dialog, DialogElement};
ScriptEngineNode(const QString& name = "", const QString& description = "", NodeType type = Root,
ScriptEngineNode* parent = 0, const QIcon& icon = QIcon());
virtual ~ScriptEngineNode();
int childCount(){return m_childs.count();}
ScriptEngineNode* child(int index){return m_childs[index];}
ScriptEngineNode* parent(){return m_parent;}
ScriptEngineNode* addChild(const QString& name = "", const QString &description = "",
NodeType type = Root, const QIcon& icon = QIcon());
int row();
QString name(){return m_name;}
QString description(){return m_description;}
QIcon icon(){return m_icon;}
void clear();
NodeType type(){return m_type;}
QString m_name;
QString m_description;
QIcon m_icon;
NodeType m_type;
ScriptEngineNode* m_parent;
QVector<ScriptEngineNode*> m_childs;
class ScriptEngineManager;
class ScriptEngineModel : public QAbstractItemModel{
friend class ScriptEngineManager;
explicit ScriptEngineModel():m_scriptManager(0), m_rootNode(new ScriptEngineNode()){}
explicit ScriptEngineModel(ScriptEngineManager* scriptManager);
QModelIndex parent(const QModelIndex &child) const;
QModelIndex index(int row, int column, const QModelIndex &parent) const;
int rowCount(const QModelIndex &parent) const;
int columnCount(const QModelIndex &parent) const;
QVariant data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const;
void setScriptEngineManager(ScriptEngineManager* scriptManager);
inline ScriptEngineManager* scriptEngineManager(){return m_scriptManager;}
private slots:
void slotScriptEngineChanged();
ScriptEngineNode* nodeFromIndex(const QModelIndex &index) const;
void updateModel();
ScriptEngineManager* m_scriptManager;
ScriptEngineNode* m_rootNode;
class DialogDescriber : public QObject
Q_PROPERTY(QString name READ name WRITE setName)
Q_PROPERTY(QByteArray description READ description WRITE setDescription)
typedef QSharedPointer<DialogDescriber> Ptr;
static Ptr create(const QString& name, const QByteArray &desc);
static Ptr create(){return Ptr(new DialogDescriber);}
QString name() const;
void setName(const QString& name);
QByteArray description() const;
void setDescription(const QByteArray& description);
private :
QString m_name;
QByteArray m_description;
typedef QList< QSharedPointer<PageItemDesignIntf> > ReportPages;
class ScriptEngineContext : public QObject, public ICollectionContainer
Q_PROPERTY(ACollectionProperty dialogs READ fakeCollectionReader)
Q_PROPERTY(QString initScript READ initScript WRITE setInitScript)
typedef QSharedPointer<QDialog> DialogPtr;
explicit ScriptEngineContext(QObject* parent=0):
QObject(parent), m_currentBand(0), m_currentPage(0),
m_tableOfContents(new TableOfContents(this)), m_hasChanges(false) {}
void addDialog(const QString& name, const QByteArray& description);
bool changeDialog(const QString& name, const QByteArray &description);
bool changeDialogName(const QString& oldName, const QString& newName);
bool previewDialog(const QString& dialogName);
bool containsDialog(const QString& dialogName);
const QVector<DialogDescriber::Ptr>& dialogDescribers(){return m_dialogs;}
void deleteDialog(const QString& dialogName);
QDialog *getDialog(const QString &dialogName);
QString getNewDialogName();
void initDialogs();
void baseDesignIntfToScript(const QString& pageName, BaseDesignIntf *item);
void qobjectToScript(const QString &name, QObject* item);
void clear();
QString initScript() const;
void setInitScript(const QString& initScript);
bool runInitScript();
BandDesignIntf* currentBand() const;
void setCurrentBand(BandDesignIntf* currentBand);
PageItemDesignIntf* currentPage() const;
void setCurrentPage(PageItemDesignIntf* currentPage);
TableOfContents* tableOfContents() const;
void setTableOfContents(TableOfContents* tableOfContents);
void dropChanges(){ m_hasChanges = false;}
bool hasChanges(){ return m_hasChanges;}
ReportPages* reportPages() const;
void setReportPages(ReportPages* value);
void dialogNameChanged(QString dialogName);
void dialogDeleted(QString dialogName);
void dialogAdded(QString dialogName);
QObject* createElement(const QString& collectionName,const QString& elementType);
int elementsCount(const QString& collectionName);
QObject* elementAt(const QString& collectionName,int index);
void collectionLoadFinished(const QString &collectionName);
QDialog *createDialog(DialogDescriber *cont);
QDialog *findDialog(const QString &dialogName);
DialogDescriber* findDialogContainer(const QString& dialogName);
QVector<DialogDescriber::Ptr> m_dialogs;
QList<DialogPtr> m_createdDialogs;
QString m_lastError;
QString m_initScript;
BandDesignIntf* m_currentBand;
PageItemDesignIntf* m_currentPage;
TableOfContents* m_tableOfContents;
bool m_hasChanges;
ReportPages* m_reportPages;
class JSFunctionDesc{
JSFunctionDesc(const QString& functionName,
const QString& functionCategory,
const QString& functionDescription,
const QString& functionManagerName,
QObject* functionManager,
const QString& functionScriptWrapper
): m_name(functionName), m_category(functionCategory), m_description(functionDescription),
m_managerName(functionManagerName), m_manager(functionManager), m_scriptWrapper(functionScriptWrapper)
QString name() const;
void setName(const QString &name);
QString category() const;
void setCategory(const QString &category);
QString description() const;
void setDescription(const QString &description);
QString managerName() const;
void setManagerName(const QString &managerName);
QObject *manager() const;
void setManager(QObject *manager);
QString scriptWrapper() const;
void setScriptWrapper(const QString &scriptWrapper);
QString m_name;
QString m_category;
QString m_description;
QString m_managerName;
QObject* m_manager;
QString m_scriptWrapper;
class ComboBoxPrototype : public QObject, public QScriptable{
ComboBoxPrototype(QObject* parent = 0):QObject(parent){}
public slots:
void addItem( const QString& text);
void addItems(const QStringList& texts);
class IWrapperCreator{
virtual QObject* createWrapper(QObject* item) = 0;
virtual ~IWrapperCreator(){}
class ComboBoxWrapper : public QObject{
ComboBoxWrapper(QComboBox* comboBox, QObject* parent = 0) : QObject(parent), m_comboBox(comboBox){}
Q_INVOKABLE void addItems(const QStringList& texts){ m_comboBox->addItems(texts);}
Q_INVOKABLE void addItem(const QString& text){ m_comboBox->addItem(text);}
QComboBox* m_comboBox;
class ComboBoxWrapperCreator: public IWrapperCreator{
QObject* createWrapper(QObject* item);
class TableBuilder: public QObject{
TableBuilder(LimeReport::HorizontalLayout* layout, DataSourceManager* dataManager);
~TableBuilder(){delete m_patternLayout;}
Q_INVOKABLE QObject* addRow();
Q_INVOKABLE QObject* currentRow();
Q_INVOKABLE void fillInRowData(QObject* row);
Q_INVOKABLE void buildTable(const QString& datasourceName);
void checkBaseLayout();
LimeReport::HorizontalLayout* m_horizontalLayout;
LimeReport::HorizontalLayout* m_patternLayout;
LimeReport::VerticalLayout* m_baseLayout;
DataSourceManager* m_dataManager;
class DatasourceFunctions : public QObject{
explicit DatasourceFunctions(IDataSourceManager* dataManager)
: m_dataManager(dynamic_cast<DataSourceManager*>(dataManager)){}
Q_INVOKABLE bool first(const QString& datasourceName);
Q_INVOKABLE bool next(const QString& datasourceName);
Q_INVOKABLE bool prior(const QString& datasourceName);
Q_INVOKABLE bool isEOF(const QString& datasourceName);
Q_INVOKABLE int rowCount(const QString& datasourceName);
Q_INVOKABLE bool invalidate(const QString& datasourceName);
Q_INVOKABLE QObject *createTableBuilder(QObject *horizontalLayout);
DataSourceManager* m_dataManager;
class ScriptFunctionsManager : public QObject{
explicit ScriptFunctionsManager(QObject* parent = 0):QObject(parent){
m_wrappersFactory.insert("QComboBox",new ComboBoxWrapperCreator());
foreach(IWrapperCreator* wrapper, m_wrappersFactory.values()){ delete wrapper;} m_wrappersFactory.clear();
Q_INVOKABLE QVariant calcGroupFunction(const QString& name, const QString& expressionID, const QString& bandName, QObject* currentPage);
Q_INVOKABLE QVariant calcGroupFunction(const QString& name, const QString& expressionID, const QString& bandName);
Q_INVOKABLE QVariant line(const QString& bandName);
Q_INVOKABLE QVariant numberFormat(QVariant value, const char &format, int precision, const QString& locale);
Q_INVOKABLE QVariant dateFormat(QVariant value, const QString& format, const QString& locale);
Q_INVOKABLE QVariant timeFormat(QVariant value, const QString& format);
Q_INVOKABLE QVariant dateTimeFormat(QVariant value, const QString& format, const QString& locale);
Q_INVOKABLE QVariant sectotimeFormat(QVariant value, const QString& format);
Q_INVOKABLE QVariant date();
Q_INVOKABLE QVariant now();
Q_INVOKABLE QVariant currencyFormat(QVariant value, const QString& locale);
Q_INVOKABLE QVariant currencyUSBasedFormat(QVariant value, const QString& currencySymbol);
Q_INVOKABLE void setVariable(const QString& name, QVariant value);
Q_INVOKABLE QVariant getVariable(const QString& name);
Q_INVOKABLE QVariant getField(const QString& field);
Q_INVOKABLE QVariant getFieldByKeyField(const QString& datasourceName, const QString& valueFieldName, const QString& keyFieldName, QVariant keyValue);
Q_INVOKABLE QVariant getFieldByRowIndex(const QString& fieldName, int rowIndex);
Q_INVOKABLE void reopenDatasource(const QString& datasourceName);
Q_INVOKABLE QVariant color(const QString& color){ return QColor(color);}
Q_INVOKABLE void addBookmark(const QString& uniqKey, const QString& content);
Q_INVOKABLE int findPageIndexByBookmark(const QString &uniqKey);
Q_INVOKABLE void addTableOfContentsItem(const QString& uniqKey, const QString& content, int indent = 0);
Q_INVOKABLE void clearTableOfContents();
Q_INVOKABLE QFont font(const QString& family, int pointSize = -1, bool bold = false, bool italic = false, bool underLine = false);
* \brief getFieldByRowIndexEx Выдает для поля значение заданной роли
* \param fieldName имя источника данных + имя поля
* \param rowIndex индекс строки
* \param role код роли
* \return
Q_INVOKABLE QVariant getFieldByRowIndexEx(const QString &fieldName, int rowIndex, const int role);
* \brief getFieldByRowIndexEx2 Выдает для поля значение заданной роли
* \param fieldName имя источника данных + имя поля
* \param rowIndex индекс строки
* \param roleName имя роли из roleNames()
* \return
Q_INVOKABLE QVariant getFieldByRowIndexEx2(const QString &fieldName, int rowIndex, const QString &roleName);
* \brief getHeaderData Выдает для поля заголовка значение заданной роли
* \param fieldName имя источника данных + имя поля
* \param role имя роли из roleNames()
* \return
Q_INVOKABLE QVariant getHeaderData(const QString &fieldName, const QString &roleName);
* \brief getHeaderColumnNameByIndex Выдает имя колонки по ее индексу (имя используемое LR)
* \param datasourceName имя источника данных
* \param columnIndex индекс колонки
* \return
Q_INVOKABLE QVariant getHeaderColumnNameByIndex(const QString &datasourceName, const int columnIndex);
* \brief getColumnCount Выдает число столбцов в источнике данных
* \param datasourceName имя источника данных
* \return возможно -1 при ошибке
Q_INVOKABLE int getColumnCount(const QString &datasourceName);
Q_INVOKABLE void addItemsToComboBox(QJSValue object, const QStringList& values);
Q_INVOKABLE void addItemToComboBox(QJSValue object, const QString& value);
Q_INVOKABLE QJSValue createComboBoxWrapper(QJSValue comboBox);
Q_INVOKABLE QJSValue createWrapper(QJSValue item);
Q_INVOKABLE void addItemsToComboBox(QScriptValue object, const QStringList& values);
Q_INVOKABLE void addItemToComboBox(QScriptValue object, const QString& value);
Q_INVOKABLE QScriptValue createComboBoxWrapper(QScriptValue comboBox);
Q_INVOKABLE QScriptValue createWrapper(QScriptValue item);
Q_INVOKABLE QFont font(QVariantMap params);
Q_INVOKABLE int getPageFreeSpace(QObject *page);
ScriptEngineManager *scriptEngineManager() const;
void setScriptEngineManager(ScriptEngineManager *scriptEngineManager);
static QColor createQColor(const QString& color){ return QColor(color);}
ScriptEngineManager* m_scriptEngineManager;
QMap<QString, IWrapperCreator*> m_wrappersFactory;
class ScriptNode{
typedef QSharedPointer<ScriptNode> Ptr;
QString body(){
if (m_body.isEmpty() && m_children.count() > 0)
return m_children.at(0)->body();
return m_body;
void setBody(const QString& body){ m_body = body;}
void setStartLex(const QString startLex){ m_startLex = startLex;}
QString script(){return m_startLex + m_body + '}';}
Ptr createChildNode(){
Ptr result = Ptr(new ScriptNode());
return result;
QVector<Ptr> children() const {return m_children;}
QVector<Ptr> m_children;
QString m_body;
QString m_startLex;
class ScriptExtractor
enum State{None,BuksFound,SFound,StartScriptFound,OpenBracketFound,CloseBracketFound,DFound,VFound, SignFound};
explicit ScriptExtractor(const QString& value):
m_context(value), m_scriptTree(ScriptNode::Ptr(new ScriptNode())){}
bool parse();
ScriptNode::Ptr scriptTree(){return m_scriptTree;}
bool isStartLexem(int &curPos, QChar value);
bool parse(int& curPos, const State &state, ScriptNode::Ptr scriptNode);
void skipField(int &curPos);
void extractScript(int& curPos, const QString &startStr, ScriptNode::Ptr scriptNode);
bool extractBracket(int& curPos, ScriptNode::Ptr scriptNode);
bool isStartScriptLexem(int &curPos);
bool isStartFieldLexem(int &curPos);
bool isStartVariableLexem(int &curPos);
QString substring(const QString& value, int start, int end);
QString m_context;
ScriptNode::Ptr m_scriptTree;
class ScriptEngineManager : public QObject, public Singleton<ScriptEngineManager>, public IScriptEngineManager
friend class Singleton<ScriptEngineManager>;
ScriptEngineType* scriptEngine(){return m_scriptEngine;}
bool isFunctionExists(const QString& functionName) const;
void deleteFunction(const QString& functionsName);
bool addFunction(const JSFunctionDesc& functionsDescriber);
bool addFunction(const QString &name, QScriptEngine::FunctionSignature function, const QString &category, const QString &description);
bool addFunction(const QString &name, const QString& script,
const QString &category="", const QString &description="");
const QString& lastError() const {return m_lastError;}
QStringList functionsNames();
const QHash<QString,ScriptFunctionDesc>& functionsDescribers(){return m_functions;}
ScriptEngineModel* model(){return m_model;}
void setContext(ScriptEngineContext* context){m_context=context;}
DataSourceManager* dataManager() const {return m_dataManager;}
void setDataManager(DataSourceManager* dataManager);
QString expandUserVariables(QString context, RenderPass pass, ExpandType expandType, QVariant &varValue);
QString expandDataFields(QString context, ExpandType expandType, QVariant &varValue, QObject* reportItem);
QString expandScripts(QString context, QVariant &varValue, QObject* reportItem);
QString replaceScripts(QString context, QVariant& varValue, QObject *reportItem, ScriptEngineType *se, ScriptNode::Ptr scriptTree);
QVariant evaluateScript(const QString &script);
void addBookMark(const QString &uniqKey, const QString &content);
int findPageIndexByBookmark(const QString& uniqKey);
void addTableOfContentsItem(const QString& uniqKey, const QString& content, int indent);
void clearTableOfContents();
int getPageFreeSpace(PageItemDesignIntf *page);
ScriptValueType moveQObjectToScript(QObject* object, const QString objectName);
void updateModel();
bool createLineFunction();
bool createNumberFomatFunction();
bool createDateFormatFunction();
bool createTimeFormatFunction();
bool createDateTimeFormatFunction();
bool createSectotimeFormatFunction();
bool createDateFunction();
bool createNowFunction();
bool createCurrencyFormatFunction();
bool createCurrencyUSBasedFormatFunction();
bool createSetVariableFunction();
bool createGetVariableFunction();
bool createGetFieldFunction();
bool createGetFieldByKeyFunction();
bool createGetFieldByRowIndex();
bool createAddBookmarkFunction();
bool createFindPageIndexByBookmark();
bool createAddTableOfContentsItemFunction();
bool createClearTableOfContentsFunction();
bool createReopenDatasourceFunction();
bool createGetFieldByRowIndexEx();
bool createGetFieldByRowIndexEx2();
bool createHeaderData();
bool createHeaderColumnNameByIndex();
bool createColumnCount();
ScriptEngineType* m_scriptEngine;
QString m_lastError;
QHash<QString,ScriptFunctionDesc> m_functions;
ScriptEngineModel* m_model;
ScriptEngineContext* m_context;
DataSourceManager* m_dataManager;
ScriptFunctionsManager* m_functionManager;
class QFontPrototype : public QObject, public QScriptable {
Q_PROPERTY(QString family READ family)
Q_PROPERTY(int size READ size)
Q_PROPERTY(bool bold READ bold)
Q_PROPERTY(bool italic READ italic)
Q_PROPERTY(bool underline READ underline)
QFontPrototype(QObject * parent = NULL) : QObject(parent) , QScriptable() {
QString family() const {
QFont font(qScriptValueToValue<QFont>(this->thisObject()));
return font.family();
int size(){
QFont font = qScriptValueToValue<QFont>(thisObject());
return font.pointSize();
bool bold(){
QFont font = qScriptValueToValue<QFont>(thisObject());
return font.bold();
bool italic(){
QFont font = qScriptValueToValue<QFont>(thisObject());
return font.italic();
bool underline(){
QFont font = qScriptValueToValue<QFont>(thisObject());
return font.underline();
static QScriptValue constructorQFont(QScriptContext * context, QScriptEngine * engine) {
QFont font;
switch (context->argumentCount()) {
case 5: font.setUnderline(qScriptValueToValue<bool>(context->argument(4)));
case 4: font.setBold(qScriptValueToValue<bool>(context->argument(3)));
case 3: font.setItalic(qScriptValueToValue<bool>(context->argument(2)));
case 2: font.setPointSize(qScriptValueToValue<int>(context->argument(1)));
case 1: font.setFamily(qScriptValueToValue<QString>(context->argument(0)));
case 0: break;
return qScriptValueFromValue<QFont>(engine, font);