2022-01-25 21:46:14 +03:00
#include "lrgridlineschart.h"
namespace LimeReport {
void GridLinesChart::paintChart(QPainter *painter, QRectF chartRect)
const qreal hPadding = this->hPadding(chartRect);
const qreal vPadding = this->vPadding(chartRect);
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const qreal valuesVMargin = this->valuesVMargin(painter);
QRectF gridRect = chartRect.adjusted(
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vPadding + valuesVMargin * 2,
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-hPadding * 3,
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-vPadding * 3
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if (!m_chartItem->horizontalAxisOnTop()) {
// If horizontal axis is on the bottom, move grid a little up
gridRect.adjust(0, -valuesVMargin, 0 , -valuesVMargin);
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// Adapt font for horizontal axis
painter->setFont(adaptFont((gridRect.width() - this->valuesHMargin(painter)) / xAxisData().segmentCount() * 0.8,
const qreal valuesHMargin = this->valuesHMargin(painter);
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// Adjust vertical axis labels padding
gridRect.adjust(valuesHMargin * 0.2, 0, 0, 0);
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paintGrid(painter, gridRect);
gridRect.adjusted(hPadding + valuesHMargin, 0, 0, 0)
void GridLinesChart::paintSerialLines(QPainter* painter, QRectF barsRect)
if (valuesCount() == 0) return;
const AxisData &yAxisData = this->yAxisData();
const qreal delta = yAxisData.delta();
if (m_chartItem->itemMode() == DesignMode){
const qreal hStep = barsRect.width() / valuesCount();
const qreal vStep = barsRect.height() / delta;
const qreal topShift = (delta - (maxValue() - minValue())) * vStep + barsRect.top();
drawDesignMode(painter, hStep, vStep, topShift, barsRect);
const AxisData &xAxisData = this->xAxisData();
const qreal hStep = barsRect.width() / (xAxisData.rangeMax() - xAxisData.rangeMin());
qreal leftMargin = 0;
const qreal topMargin = barsRect.top();
for (SeriesItem* series : m_chartItem->series()) {
QPen pen(series->color());
const QList<qreal> &xAxisValues = series->data()->xAxisValues();
const QList<qreal> &values = series->data()->values();
const int xAxisValuesSize = xAxisValues.size();
qreal lastXPos = 0;
qreal lastYPos = 0;
if (!values.isEmpty()) {
// Calculate first point position on plot before loop
lastYPos = calculatePos(yAxisData, values.first(), barsRect.height());
if (xAxisValues.isEmpty()) {
leftMargin = barsRect.left();
} else {
leftMargin = barsRect.left();
lastXPos = calculatePos(xAxisData, xAxisValues.first(), barsRect.width());
for (int i = 0; i < values.count() - 1; ++i ) {
const qreal startY = lastYPos;
const qreal endY = calculatePos(yAxisData, values.at(i+1), barsRect.height());
// Record last used Y position to only calculate new one
lastYPos = endY;
qreal startX = lastXPos;
qreal endX = 0;
if (i + 1 < xAxisValuesSize) {
endX = calculatePos(xAxisData, xAxisValues.at(i+1), barsRect.width());
} else {
endX = startX + hStep;
// Record last used X position to only calculate new one
lastXPos = endX;
QPoint startPoint = QPoint(startX + leftMargin, startY + topMargin);
QPoint endPoint = QPoint(endX + leftMargin, endY + topMargin);
drawSegment(painter, startPoint, endPoint, series->color());