/*************************************************************************** * This file is part of the Lime Report project * * Copyright (C) 2015 by Alexander Arin * * arin_a@bk.ru * * * ** GNU General Public License Usage ** * * * This library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. * * * ** GNU Lesser General Public License ** * * * This library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as * * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * * License along with this library. * * If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. * * * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * ****************************************************************************/ #include "lrbarcodeitem.h" #include "lrdesignelementsfactory.h" #include "qzint.h" #include "lrglobal.h" namespace{ const QString xmlTag = "BarcodeItem"; LimeReport::BaseDesignIntf * createBarcodeItem(QObject* owner, LimeReport::BaseDesignIntf* parent){ return new LimeReport::BarcodeItem(owner,parent); } bool VARIABLE_IS_NOT_USED registred = LimeReport::DesignElementsFactory::instance().registerCreator(xmlTag, LimeReport::ItemAttribs(QObject::tr("Barcode Item"),"Item"), createBarcodeItem); } namespace LimeReport{ BarcodeItem::BarcodeItem(QObject* owner,QGraphicsItem* parent) : ContentItemDesignIntf(xmlTag,owner,parent),m_designTestValue("1"), m_barcodeType(CODE128), m_foregroundColor(Qt::black), m_backgroundColor(Qt::white), m_whitespace(10), m_angle(Angle0), m_barcodeWidth(0), m_securityLevel(0), m_pdf417CodeWords(928), m_inputMode(UNICODE_INPUT_MODE) {} BarcodeItem::~BarcodeItem() {} BaseDesignIntf *BarcodeItem::createSameTypeItem(QObject *owner, QGraphicsItem *parent) { return new BarcodeItem(owner,parent); } void BarcodeItem::paint(QPainter *ppainter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *option, QWidget *widget) { ppainter->save(); Zint::QZint bc; if (itemMode() & DesignMode) bc.setText(m_designTestValue); else bc.setText(m_content); bc.setInputMode(m_inputMode); bc.setSymbol(m_barcodeType); bc.setWhitespace(m_whitespace); bc.setFgColor(m_foregroundColor); bc.setBgColor(m_backgroundColor); bc.setWidth(m_barcodeWidth); bc.setSecurityLevel(m_securityLevel); bc.setPdf417CodeWords(m_pdf417CodeWords); bc.setHideText(m_hideText); if (isSelected()) ppainter->setOpacity(Const::SELECTION_OPACITY); QRectF bcRect; switch (m_angle) { case Angle0: bcRect = rect(); break; case Angle90: ppainter->translate(width(),0); ppainter->rotate(90); bcRect = QRectF(0,0,height(),width()); break; case Angle180: bcRect = rect(); ppainter->translate(width(),height()); ppainter->rotate(180); break; case Angle270: ppainter->translate(0,height()); ppainter->rotate(270); bcRect = QRectF(0,0,height(),width()); break; } bc.render(*ppainter,bcRect); ppainter->restore(); ItemDesignIntf::paint(ppainter,option,widget); } void BarcodeItem::setContent(const QString &content) { if (m_content!=content){ QString oldValue = m_content; m_content=content; update(); notify("content",oldValue,m_content); } } void BarcodeItem::setBarcodeType(BarcodeItem::BarcodeType value) { if (m_barcodeType!=value){ BarcodeType oldValue = m_barcodeType; m_barcodeType = value; update(); notify("barcodeType",oldValue,value); } } void BarcodeItem::setDesignTestValue(QString value) { if (m_designTestValue!=value){ QString oldValue = m_designTestValue; m_designTestValue=value; update(); notify("testValue",oldValue,value); } } void BarcodeItem::setForegroundColor(QColor value) { if (m_foregroundColor != value){ QColor oldValue = m_foregroundColor; m_foregroundColor=value; update(); notify("foregroundColor",oldValue,value); } } void BarcodeItem::setBackgroundColor(QColor value) { if (m_backgroundColor != value){ QColor oldValue = m_backgroundColor; m_backgroundColor=value; update(); notify("backgroundColor",oldValue,value); } } void BarcodeItem::setWhitespace(int value) { if (m_whitespace != value){ int oldValue = m_whitespace; m_whitespace = value; update(); notify("whitespace",oldValue,value); } } BarcodeItem::AngleType BarcodeItem::angle() const { return m_angle; } void BarcodeItem::setAngle(const AngleType &angle) { if (m_angle!=angle){ AngleType oldValue = m_angle; m_angle = angle; if (!isLoading()){ update(); notify("angle",oldValue,angle); } } } int BarcodeItem::barcodeWidth() const { return m_barcodeWidth; } void BarcodeItem::setBarcodeWidth(int barcodeWidth) { if (m_barcodeWidth != barcodeWidth){ int oldValue = m_barcodeWidth; m_barcodeWidth = barcodeWidth; if (!isLoading()){ update(); notify("barcodeWidth",oldValue,m_barcodeWidth); } } } int BarcodeItem::securityLevel() const { return m_securityLevel; } void BarcodeItem::setSecurityLevel(int securityLevel) { if (m_securityLevel != securityLevel){ int oldValue = m_securityLevel; m_securityLevel = securityLevel; if (!isLoading()){ update(); notify("securityLevel",oldValue,m_securityLevel); } } } int BarcodeItem::pdf417CodeWords() const { return m_pdf417CodeWords; } void BarcodeItem::setPdf417CodeWords(int pdf417CodeWords) { if (m_pdf417CodeWords != pdf417CodeWords){ int oldValue = m_pdf417CodeWords; m_pdf417CodeWords = pdf417CodeWords; if (!isLoading()){ update(); notify("pdf417CodeWords",oldValue,m_pdf417CodeWords); } } } BarcodeItem::InputMode BarcodeItem::inputMode() const { return m_inputMode; } void BarcodeItem::setInputMode(const InputMode &inputMode) { if (m_inputMode != inputMode){ InputMode oldValue = m_inputMode; m_inputMode = inputMode; if (!isLoading()){ update(); notify("inputMode",oldValue,inputMode); } } } bool BarcodeItem::hideText() const { return m_hideText; } void BarcodeItem::setHideText(bool hideText) { if (m_hideText != hideText){ m_hideText = hideText; if (!isLoading()){ update(); notify("hideText",!m_hideText,m_hideText); } } } void BarcodeItem::updateItemSize(DataSourceManager* dataManager, RenderPass pass, int maxHeight) { switch(pass){ case FirstPass: setContent(expandUserVariables(content(),pass,NoEscapeSymbols, dataManager)); setContent(expandDataFields(content(), NoEscapeSymbols, dataManager)); break; default:; } BaseDesignIntf::updateItemSize(dataManager, pass, maxHeight); } bool BarcodeItem::isNeedUpdateSize(RenderPass pass) const {return (pass==FirstPass)?true:false;} }