/*************************************************************************** * This file is part of the Lime Report project * * Copyright (C) 2015 by Alexander Arin * * arin_a@bk.ru * * * ** GNU General Public License Usage ** * * * This library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. * * * ** GNU Lesser General Public License ** * * * This library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as * * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * * License along with this library. * * If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. * * * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * ****************************************************************************/ #include "lrhorizontallayout.h" #include "lrdesignelementsfactory.h" #include <QDebug> #include <QObject> #include <QGraphicsScene> #include <QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent> #include "lrbasedesignintf.h" const QString xmlTag = "HLayout"; namespace { LimeReport::BaseDesignIntf *createHLayout(QObject *owner, LimeReport::BaseDesignIntf *parent) { return new LimeReport::HorizontalLayout(owner, parent); } bool VARIABLE_IS_NOT_USED registred = LimeReport::DesignElementsFactory::instance().registerCreator( xmlTag, LimeReport::ItemAttribs(QObject::tr("HLayout"), LimeReport::Const::bandTAG), createHLayout ); } namespace LimeReport { bool horizontalLessThen(BaseDesignIntf *c1, BaseDesignIntf* c2){ return c1->pos().x()<c2->pos().x(); } HorizontalLayout::HorizontalLayout(QObject *owner, QGraphicsItem *parent) : AbstractLayout(xmlTag, owner, parent) {} HorizontalLayout::~HorizontalLayout() {} BaseDesignIntf *HorizontalLayout::createSameTypeItem(QObject *owner, QGraphicsItem *parent) { return new LimeReport::HorizontalLayout(owner, parent); } bool HorizontalLayout::canBeSplitted(int height) const { foreach(QGraphicsItem* qgItem,childItems()){ BaseDesignIntf* item=dynamic_cast<BaseDesignIntf*>(qgItem); if (item) if (!item->canBeSplitted(height - item->pos().y())) return false; } return true; } BaseDesignIntf *HorizontalLayout::cloneUpperPart(int height, QObject *owner, QGraphicsItem *parent) { HorizontalLayout* upperPart = dynamic_cast<HorizontalLayout*>(createSameTypeItem(owner,parent)); upperPart->initFromItem(this); qreal maxHeight = 0; foreach(BaseDesignIntf* item,childBaseItems()){ if ((item->geometry().top()<height) && (item->geometry().bottom()>height)){ int sliceHeight = height-item->geometry().top(); if (item->canBeSplitted(sliceHeight)){ BaseDesignIntf* slicedPart = item->cloneUpperPart(sliceHeight,upperPart,upperPart); if (maxHeight<slicedPart->height()) maxHeight = slicedPart->height(); } else { item->cloneEmpty(sliceHeight,upperPart,upperPart); item->setPos(item->pos().x(),item->pos().y()+((height+1)-item->geometry().top())); } } } foreach(BaseDesignIntf* item, upperPart->childBaseItems()){ item->setHeight((maxHeight<height)?maxHeight:height); } upperPart->setHeight(height); return upperPart; } BaseDesignIntf *HorizontalLayout::cloneBottomPart(int height, QObject *owner, QGraphicsItem *parent) { qreal maxHeight = 0; HorizontalLayout* bottomPart = dynamic_cast<HorizontalLayout*>(createSameTypeItem(owner,parent)); bottomPart->initFromItem(this); foreach(BaseDesignIntf* item,childBaseItems()){ if ((item->geometry().top()<height) && (item->geometry().bottom()>height)){ BaseDesignIntf* tmpItem=item->cloneBottomPart(height,bottomPart,bottomPart); tmpItem->setPos(tmpItem->pos().x(),0); if (maxHeight<tmpItem->height()) maxHeight = tmpItem->height(); } } if (!bottomPart->isEmpty()){ foreach (BaseDesignIntf* item, bottomPart->childBaseItems()) { item->setHeight(maxHeight); } bottomPart->setHeight(maxHeight); } return bottomPart; } void HorizontalLayout::setItemAlign(const BaseDesignIntf::ItemAlign &itemAlign) { if (itemAlign == ParentWidthItemAlign) setLayoutType(Table); BaseDesignIntf::setItemAlign(itemAlign); } void HorizontalLayout::updateLayoutSize() { int spaceBorder = (borderLines() != 0) ? borderLineSize() : 0; qreal w = spaceBorder*2; qreal h = 0; foreach(BaseDesignIntf* item, layoutsChildren()){ if (item->isEmpty() && hideEmptyItems()) item->setVisible(false); if (item->isVisible()){ if (h<item->height()) h=item->height(); w+=item->width(); } } if (h>0) setHeight(h+spaceBorder*2); if (layoutType() == Layout) setWidth(w); else{ relocateChildren(); if (!isRelocating()){ divideSpace(); } } } void HorizontalLayout::relocateChildren() { int spaceBorder = (borderLines() != 0) ? borderLineSize() : 0; if (layoutsChildren().count()<childItems().size()-1){ layoutsChildren().clear(); foreach (BaseDesignIntf* item, childBaseItems()) { layoutsChildren().append(item); } } qSort(layoutsChildren().begin(),layoutsChildren().end(),horizontalLessThen); qreal curX = spaceBorder; setIsRelocating(true); foreach (BaseDesignIntf* item, layoutsChildren()) { if (item->isVisible() || itemMode() == DesignMode){ item->setPos(curX,spaceBorder); curX+=item->width(); item->setHeight(height()-(spaceBorder * 2)); } } setIsRelocating(false); } BaseDesignIntf* HorizontalLayout::findNext(BaseDesignIntf* item){ if (layoutsChildren().count() < childItems().size()-1){ layoutsChildren().clear(); foreach (BaseDesignIntf* childItem, childBaseItems()) { layoutsChildren().append(childItem); } } qSort(layoutsChildren().begin(),layoutsChildren().end(),horizontalLessThen); for (int i=0; i<layoutsChildren().count();++i){ if (layoutsChildren()[i]==item && layoutsChildren().size()>i+1){ return layoutsChildren()[i+1];} } return 0; } BaseDesignIntf* HorizontalLayout::findPrior(BaseDesignIntf* item){ if (layoutsChildren().count()<childItems().size()-1){ layoutsChildren().clear(); foreach (BaseDesignIntf* childItem, childBaseItems()) { layoutsChildren().append(childItem); } } qSort(layoutsChildren().begin(),layoutsChildren().end(),horizontalLessThen); for (int i=0; i<layoutsChildren().count();++i){ if (layoutsChildren()[i]==item && i!=0){ return layoutsChildren()[i-1];} } return 0; } void HorizontalLayout::divideSpace(){ setIsRelocating(true); qreal itemsSumSize = 0; int visibleItemsCount = 0; int spaceBorder = (borderLines() != 0) ? borderLineSize() : 0; foreach(BaseDesignIntf* item, layoutsChildren()){ if (item->isVisible() || itemMode() == DesignMode ){ itemsSumSize += item->width(); visibleItemsCount++; } } if (itemMode() == DesignMode && !layoutsChildren().isEmpty()){ qreal delta = (width() - (itemsSumSize+spaceBorder*2)); layoutsChildren().last()->setWidth(layoutsChildren().last()->width()+delta); } else { qreal delta = (width() - (itemsSumSize+spaceBorder*2)) / (visibleItemsCount!=0 ? visibleItemsCount : 1); for (int i=0; i<layoutsChildren().size(); ++i){ if (layoutsChildren()[i]->isVisible() || itemMode() == DesignMode) layoutsChildren()[i]->setWidth(layoutsChildren()[i]->width()+delta); if ((i+1)<layoutsChildren().size()) if (layoutsChildren()[i+1]->isVisible() || itemMode() == DesignMode) layoutsChildren()[i+1]->setPos(layoutsChildren()[i+1]->pos().x()+delta*(i+1),layoutsChildren()[i+1]->pos().y()); } } setIsRelocating(false); } void HorizontalLayout::placeItemInLayout(BaseDesignIntf* item) { if (layoutsChildren().count() > 0) item->setPos(layoutsChildren().last()->pos().x() + layoutsChildren().last()->width(), 0); else item->setPos(0, 0); } void HorizontalLayout::insertItemInLayout(BaseDesignIntf* item) { foreach (BaseDesignIntf* child, childBaseItems()) { if (child->pos() == item->pos()){ int index = layoutsChildren().indexOf(child)-1; layoutsChildren().insert(index, item); child->setPos(item->pos().x()+item->width(), 0); break; } } } } // namespace LimeReport