This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,553 @@
#include "BleFingerprint.h"
#include "MiFloraHandler.h"
#include "NameModelHandler.h"
#include "BleFingerprintCollection.h"
#include "mbedtls/aes.h"
#include "rssi.h"
#include "string_utils.h"
#include "util.h"
class ClientCallbacks : public BLEClientCallbacks {
bool onConnParamsUpdateRequest(NimBLEClient *pClient, const ble_gap_upd_params *params) {
return true;
static ClientCallbacks clientCB;
BleFingerprint::BleFingerprint(BLEAdvertisedDevice *advertisedDevice, float fcmin, float beta, float dcutoff) : filteredDistance{FilteredDistance(fcmin, beta, dcutoff)} {
firstSeenMillis = millis();
address = NimBLEAddress(advertisedDevice->getAddress());
addressType = advertisedDevice->getAddressType();
rssi = advertisedDevice->getRSSI();
raw = dist = pow(10, float(get1mRssi() - rssi) / (10.0f * BleFingerprintCollection::absorption));
seenCount = 1;
queryReport = nullptr;
void BleFingerprint::setInitial(const BleFingerprint &other) {
rssi = other.rssi;
dist = other.dist;
raw = other.raw;
filteredDistance = other.filteredDistance;
bool BleFingerprint::shouldHide(const std::string &s) {
if (BleFingerprintCollection::include.length() > 0 && !prefixExists(BleFingerprintCollection::include, s)) return true;
return (BleFingerprintCollection::exclude.length() > 0 && prefixExists(BleFingerprintCollection::exclude, s));
bool BleFingerprint::setId(const std::string &newId, short newIdType, const std::string &newName) {
if (idType < 0 && newIdType < 0 && newIdType >= idType) return false;
if (idType > 0 && newIdType <= idType) return false;
// Serial.printf("setId: %s %d %s OLD idType: %d\r\n", newId.c_str(), newIdType, newName.c_str(), idType);
ignore = newIdType < 0;
idType = newIdType;
DeviceConfig dc;
if (BleFingerprintCollection::FindDeviceConfig(newId, dc)) {
if (dc.calRssi != NO_RSSI)
calRssi = dc.calRssi;
if (!dc.alias.isEmpty())
return setId(dc.alias, ID_TYPE_ALIAS, dc.name);
if (!dc.name.isEmpty())
name = dc.name;
} else if (!newName.isEmpty() && name != newName)
name = newName;
if (id != newId) {
bool newHidden = shouldHide(newId);
countable = !ignore && !hidden && !BleFingerprintCollection::countIds.isEmpty() && prefixExists(BleFingerprintCollection::countIds, newId);
bool newQuery = !ignore && !BleFingerprintCollection::query.isEmpty() && prefixExists(BleFingerprintCollection::query, newId);
if (newQuery != allowQuery) {
allowQuery = newQuery;
if (allowQuery) {
qryAttempts = 0;
if (rssi < -80) {
qryDelayMillis = 30000;
lastQryMillis = millis();
} else if (rssi < -70) {
qryDelayMillis = 5000;
lastQryMillis = millis();
id = newId;
hidden = newHidden;
added = false;
return true;
const std::string BleFingerprint::getMac() const {
const auto nativeAddress = address.getNative();
return Sprintf("%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x", nativeAddress[5], nativeAddress[4], nativeAddress[3], nativeAddress[2], nativeAddress[1], nativeAddress[0]);
const int BleFingerprint::get1mRssi() const {
if (calRssi != NO_RSSI) return calRssi + BleFingerprintCollection::rxAdjRssi;
if (bcnRssi != NO_RSSI) return bcnRssi + BleFingerprintCollection::rxAdjRssi;
if (mdRssi != NO_RSSI) return mdRssi + BleFingerprintCollection::rxAdjRssi;
if (asRssi != NO_RSSI) return asRssi + BleFingerprintCollection::rxAdjRssi;
return BleFingerprintCollection::rxRefRssi + DEFAULT_TX + BleFingerprintCollection::rxAdjRssi;
void BleFingerprint::fingerprint(NimBLEAdvertisedDevice *advertisedDevice) {
if (advertisedDevice->haveName()) {
const std::string name = advertisedDevice->getName();
if (!name.empty()) setId(std::string("name:") + kebabify(name).c_str(), ID_TYPE_NAME, std::string(name.c_str()));
if (advertisedDevice->getAdvType() > 0)
connectable = true;
size_t serviceAdvCount = advertisedDevice->getServiceUUIDCount();
size_t serviceDataCount = advertisedDevice->getServiceDataCount();
bool haveTxPower = advertisedDevice->haveTXPower();
int8_t txPower = advertisedDevice->getTXPower();
if (serviceAdvCount > 0) fingerprintServiceAdvertisements(advertisedDevice, serviceAdvCount, haveTxPower, txPower);
if (serviceDataCount > 0) fingerprintServiceData(advertisedDevice, serviceDataCount, haveTxPower, txPower);
if (advertisedDevice->haveManufacturerData()) fingerprintManufactureData(advertisedDevice, haveTxPower, txPower);
int bt_encrypt_be(const uint8_t *key, const uint8_t *plaintext, uint8_t *enc_data) {
mbedtls_aes_context ctx;
if (mbedtls_aes_setkey_enc(&ctx, key, 128) != 0) {
if (mbedtls_aes_crypt_ecb(&ctx, MBEDTLS_AES_ENCRYPT, plaintext, enc_data) != 0) {
return 0;
struct encryption_block {
uint8_t key[16];
uint8_t plain_text[16];
uint8_t cipher_text[16];
bool ble_ll_resolv_rpa(const uint8_t *rpa, const uint8_t *irk) {
struct encryption_block ecb;
auto irk32 = (const uint32_t *)irk;
auto key32 = (uint32_t *)&ecb.key[0];
auto pt32 = (uint32_t *)&ecb.plain_text[0];
key32[0] = irk32[0];
key32[1] = irk32[1];
key32[2] = irk32[2];
key32[3] = irk32[3];
pt32[0] = 0;
pt32[1] = 0;
pt32[2] = 0;
pt32[3] = 0;
ecb.plain_text[15] = rpa[3];
ecb.plain_text[14] = rpa[4];
ecb.plain_text[13] = rpa[5];
bt_encrypt_be(ecb.key, ecb.plain_text, ecb.cipher_text);
if (ecb.cipher_text[15] != rpa[0] || ecb.cipher_text[14] != rpa[1] || ecb.cipher_text[13] != rpa[2]) return false;
// Serial.printf("RPA resolved %d %02x%02x%02x %02x%02x%02x\r\n", err, rpa[0], rpa[1], rpa[2], ecb.cipher_text[15], ecb.cipher_text[14], ecb.cipher_text[13]);
return true;
void BleFingerprint::fingerprintAddress() {
auto mac = getMac();
if (!BleFingerprintCollection::knownMacs.isEmpty() && prefixExists(BleFingerprintCollection::knownMacs, mac))
setId("known:" + mac, ID_TYPE_KNOWN_MAC);
else {
switch (addressType) {
const auto *naddress = address.getNative();
if ((naddress[5] & 0xc0) == 0xc0)
else {
auto irks = BleFingerprintCollection::irks;
auto it = std::find_if(irks.begin(), irks.end(), [naddress](uint8_t *irk) { return ble_ll_resolv_rpa(naddress, irk); });
if (it != irks.end()) {
auto irk_hex = hexStr(*it, 16);
setId(std::string("irk:") + irk_hex.c_str(), ID_TYPE_KNOWN_IRK);
setId(mac, ID_TYPE_RAND_MAC);
setId(mac, ID_TYPE_RAND_MAC);
void BleFingerprint::fingerprintServiceAdvertisements(NimBLEAdvertisedDevice *advertisedDevice, size_t serviceAdvCount, bool haveTxPower, int8_t txPower) {
for (auto i = 0; i < serviceAdvCount; i++) {
auto uuid = advertisedDevice->getServiceUUID(i);
#ifdef VERBOSE
Serial.printf("Verbose | %s | %-58s%ddBm AD: %s\r\n", getMac().c_str(), getId().c_str(), rssi, advertisedDevice->getServiceUUID(i).toString().c_str());
if (uuid == tileUUID) {
asRssi = BleFingerprintCollection::rxRefRssi + TILE_TX;
setId("tile:" + getMac(), ID_TYPE_TILE);
} else if (uuid == sonosUUID) {
asRssi = haveTxPower ? BleFingerprintCollection::rxRefRssi + txPower : NO_RSSI;
setId("sonos:" + getMac(), ID_TYPE_SONOS);
} else if (uuid == itagUUID) {
asRssi = BleFingerprintCollection::rxRefRssi + (haveTxPower ? txPower : ITAG_TX);
setId("itag:" + getMac(), ID_TYPE_ITAG);
} else if (uuid == trackrUUID) {
asRssi = haveTxPower ? BleFingerprintCollection::rxRefRssi + txPower : NO_RSSI;
setId("trackr:" + getMac(), ID_TYPE_TRACKR);
} else if (uuid == tractiveUUID) {
asRssi = haveTxPower ? BleFingerprintCollection::rxRefRssi + txPower : NO_RSSI;
setId("tractive:" + getMac(), ID_TYPE_TRACTIVE);
} else if (uuid == vanmoofUUID) {
asRssi = haveTxPower ? BleFingerprintCollection::rxRefRssi + txPower : NO_RSSI;
setId("vanmoof:" + getMac(), ID_TYPE_VANMOOF);
} else if (uuid == (meaterService)) {
asRssi = haveTxPower ? BleFingerprintCollection::rxRefRssi + txPower : NO_RSSI;
setId("meater:" + getMac(), ID_TYPE_MEATER);
} else if (uuid == nutUUID) {
asRssi = BleFingerprintCollection::rxRefRssi + (haveTxPower ? txPower : NUT_TX);
setId("nut:" + getMac(), ID_TYPE_NUT);
} else if (uuid == miFloraUUID) {
asRssi = BleFingerprintCollection::rxRefRssi + (haveTxPower ? txPower : FLORA_TX);
setId("flora:" + getMac(), ID_TYPE_FLORA);
std::string fingerprint = "ad:";
asRssi = haveTxPower ? BleFingerprintCollection::rxRefRssi + txPower : NO_RSSI;
for (int i = 0; i < serviceAdvCount; i++) {
std::string sid = advertisedDevice->getServiceUUID(i).toString();
fingerprint = fingerprint + sid.c_str();
if (haveTxPower) fingerprint = fingerprint + std::string(-txPower);
setId(fingerprint, ID_TYPE_AD);
void BleFingerprint::fingerprintServiceData(NimBLEAdvertisedDevice *advertisedDevice, size_t serviceDataCount, bool haveTxPower, int8_t txPower) {
asRssi = haveTxPower ? BleFingerprintCollection::rxRefRssi + txPower : NO_RSSI;
std::string fingerprint = "";
for (int i = 0; i < serviceDataCount; i++) {
BLEUUID uuid = advertisedDevice->getServiceDataUUID(i);
std::string strServiceData = advertisedDevice->getServiceData(i);
#ifdef VERBOSE
Serial.printf("Verbose | %s | %-58s%ddBm SD: %s/%s\r\n", getMac().c_str(), getId().c_str(), rssi, uuid.toString().c_str(), hexStr(strServiceData).c_str());
if (uuid == exposureUUID) { // found COVID-19 exposure tracker
bcnRssi = BleFingerprintCollection::rxRefRssi + EXPOSURE_TX;
setId("exp:" + std::string(strServiceData.length()), ID_TYPE_EXPOSURE);
// disc = hexStr(strServiceData).c_str();
} else if (uuid == smartTagUUID) { // found Samsung smart tag
asRssi = haveTxPower ? BleFingerprintCollection::rxRefRssi + txPower : NO_RSSI;
setId("smarttag:" + std::string(strServiceData.length()), ID_TYPE_SMARTTAG);
} else if (uuid == miThermUUID) {
asRssi = haveTxPower ? BleFingerprintCollection::rxRefRssi + txPower : NO_RSSI;
if (strServiceData.length() == 15) { // custom format
auto serviceData = strServiceData.c_str();
temp = float(*(int16_t *)(serviceData + 6)) / 100.0f;
humidity = float(*(uint16_t *)(serviceData + 8)) / 100.0f;
mv = *(uint16_t *)(serviceData + 10);
battery = serviceData[12];
#ifdef VERBOSE
Serial.printf("Temp: %.1f°, Humidity: %.1f%%, mV: %hu, Battery: %hhu%%, flg: 0x%02hhx, cout: %hhu\r\n", temp, humidity, mv, battery, serviceData[14], serviceData[13]);
setId("miTherm:" + getMac(), ID_TYPE_MITHERM);
} else if (strServiceData.length() == 13) { // format atc1441
auto serviceData = strServiceData.c_str();
int16_t x = (serviceData[6] << 8) | serviceData[7];
temp = float(x) / 10.0f;
humidity = serviceData[8];
mv = x = (serviceData[10] << 8) | serviceData[11];
battery = serviceData[9];
#ifdef VERBOSE
Serial.printf("Temp: %.1f°, Humidity: %.1f%%, mV: %hu, Battery: %hhu%%, cout: %hhu\r\n", temp, humidity, mv, battery, serviceData[12]);
setId("miTherm:" + getMac(), ID_TYPE_MITHERM);
} else if (uuid == eddystoneUUID && strServiceData.length() > 0) {
if (strServiceData[0] == EDDYSTONE_URL_FRAME_TYPE && strServiceData.length() <= 18) {
BLEEddystoneURL oBeacon = BLEEddystoneURL();
bcnRssi = EDDYSTONE_ADD_1M + oBeacon.getPower();
} else if (strServiceData[0] == EDDYSTONE_TLM_FRAME_TYPE) {
BLEEddystoneTLM oBeacon = BLEEddystoneTLM();
temp = oBeacon.getTemp();
mv = oBeacon.getVolt();
#ifdef VERBOSE
} else if (strServiceData[0] == 0x00) {
auto serviceData = strServiceData.c_str();
int8_t rss0m = *(int8_t *)(serviceData + 1);
bcnRssi = EDDYSTONE_ADD_1M + rss0m;
strServiceData[2], strServiceData[3], strServiceData[4], strServiceData[5], strServiceData[6],
strServiceData[6], strServiceData[7], strServiceData[8], strServiceData[9], strServiceData[10],
strServiceData[11], strServiceData[12], strServiceData[13], strServiceData[14], strServiceData[15],
strServiceData[16], strServiceData[17]),
} else {
fingerprint = fingerprint + uuid.toString().c_str();
if (!fingerprint.isEmpty()) {
if (haveTxPower) fingerprint = fingerprint + std::string(-txPower);
setId("sd:" + fingerprint, ID_TYPE_SD);
void BleFingerprint::fingerprintManufactureData(NimBLEAdvertisedDevice *advertisedDevice, bool haveTxPower, int8_t txPower) {
std::string strManufacturerData = advertisedDevice->getManufacturerData();
#ifdef VERBOSE
Serial.printf("Verbose | %s | %-58s%ddBm MD: %s\r\n", getMac().c_str(), getId().c_str(), rssi, hexStr(strManufacturerData).c_str());
if (strManufacturerData.length() >= 2) {
std::string manuf = Sprintf("%02x%02x", strManufacturerData[1], strManufacturerData[0]);
if (manuf == "004c") // Apple
if (strManufacturerData.length() == 25 && strManufacturerData[2] == 0x02 && strManufacturerData[3] == 0x15) {
BLEBeacon oBeacon = BLEBeacon();
bcnRssi = oBeacon.getSignalPower();
setId(Sprintf("iBeacon:%s-%u-%u", std::string(oBeacon.getProximityUUID()).c_str(), ENDIAN_CHANGE_U16(oBeacon.getMajor()), ENDIAN_CHANGE_U16(oBeacon.getMinor())), bcnRssi != 3 ? ID_TYPE_IBEACON : ID_TYPE_ECHO_LOST);
} else if (strManufacturerData.length() >= 4 && strManufacturerData[2] == 0x10) {
std::string pid = Sprintf("apple:%02x%02x:%u", strManufacturerData[2], strManufacturerData[3], strManufacturerData.length());
if (haveTxPower) pid += -txPower;
mdRssi = BleFingerprintCollection::rxRefRssi + APPLE_TX;
} else if (strManufacturerData.length() >= 4 && strManufacturerData[2] == 0x12 && strManufacturerData.length() == 29) {
std::string pid = "apple:findmy";
setId(pid, ID_TYPE_FINDMY);
mdRssi = BleFingerprintCollection::rxRefRssi + APPLE_TX;
} else if (strManufacturerData.length() >= 4) {
std::string pid = Sprintf("apple:%02x%02x:%u", strManufacturerData[2], strManufacturerData[3], strManufacturerData.length());
if (haveTxPower) pid += -txPower;
mdRssi = BleFingerprintCollection::rxRefRssi + APPLE_TX;
} else if (manuf == "05a7") // Sonos
mdRssi = haveTxPower ? BleFingerprintCollection::rxRefRssi + txPower : NO_RSSI;
setId("sonos:" + getMac(), ID_TYPE_SONOS);
} else if (manuf == "0087") // Garmin
mdRssi = haveTxPower ? BleFingerprintCollection::rxRefRssi + txPower : NO_RSSI;
setId("garmin:" + getMac(), ID_TYPE_GARMIN);
} else if (manuf == "4d4b") // iTrack
mdRssi = haveTxPower ? BleFingerprintCollection::rxRefRssi + txPower : NO_RSSI;
setId("iTrack:" + getMac(), ID_TYPE_ITRACK);
} else if (manuf == "0157") // Mi-fit
mdRssi = haveTxPower ? BleFingerprintCollection::rxRefRssi + txPower : NO_RSSI;
setId("mifit:" + getMac(), ID_TYPE_MIFIT);
} else if (manuf == "0006" && strManufacturerData.length() == 29) // microsoft
mdRssi = haveTxPower ? BleFingerprintCollection::rxRefRssi + txPower : NO_RSSI;
setId(Sprintf("msft:cdp:%02x%02x", strManufacturerData[3], strManufacturerData[5]), ID_TYPE_MSFT);
/*disc = Sprintf("%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x",
strManufacturerData[6], strManufacturerData[7], strManufacturerData[8], strManufacturerData[9], strManufacturerData[10],
strManufacturerData[11], strManufacturerData[12], strManufacturerData[13], strManufacturerData[14], strManufacturerData[15],
strManufacturerData[16], strManufacturerData[17], strManufacturerData[18], strManufacturerData[19], strManufacturerData[20],
strManufacturerData[21], strManufacturerData[22], strManufacturerData[23], strManufacturerData[24], strManufacturerData[25]);
} else if (manuf == "0075") // samsung
mdRssi = haveTxPower ? BleFingerprintCollection::rxRefRssi + txPower : NO_RSSI;
setId("samsung:" + getMac(), ID_TYPE_MISC);
} else if (manuf == "beac" && strManufacturerData.length() == 26) {
BLEBeacon oBeacon = BLEBeacon();
oBeacon.setData(strManufacturerData.substr(0, 25));
setId(Sprintf("altBeacon:%s-%u-%u", std::string(oBeacon.getProximityUUID()).c_str(), ENDIAN_CHANGE_U16(oBeacon.getMajor()), ENDIAN_CHANGE_U16(oBeacon.getMinor())), ID_TYPE_ABEACON);
bcnRssi = oBeacon.getSignalPower();
} else if (manuf != "0000") {
mdRssi = haveTxPower ? BleFingerprintCollection::rxRefRssi + txPower : NO_RSSI;
std::string fingerprint = Sprintf("md:%s:%u", manuf.c_str(), strManufacturerData.length());
if (haveTxPower) fingerprint = fingerprint + std::string(-txPower);
setId(fingerprint, ID_TYPE_MD);
bool BleFingerprint::seen(BLEAdvertisedDevice *advertisedDevice) {
lastSeenMillis = millis();
reported = false;
if (ignore || hidden) return false;
rssi = advertisedDevice->getRSSI();
raw = pow(10, float(get1mRssi() - rssi) / (10.0f * BleFingerprintCollection::absorption));
dist = filteredDistance.getDistance();
vari = filteredDistance.getVariance();
if (!added) {
added = true;
return true;
return false;
bool BleFingerprint::fill(JsonObject *doc) {
(*doc)[F("mac")] = getMac();
(*doc)[F("id")] = id;
if (!name.isEmpty()) (*doc)[F("name")] = name;
if (idType) (*doc)[F("idType")] = idType;
(*doc)[F("rssi@1m")] = get1mRssi();
(*doc)[F("rssi")] = rssi;
if (isnormal(raw)) (*doc)[F("raw")] = serialized(std::string(raw, 2));
if (isnormal(dist)) (*doc)[F("distance")] = serialized(std::string(dist, 2));
if (isnormal(vari)) (*doc)[F("var")] = serialized(std::string(vari, 2));
if (close) (*doc)[F("close")] = true;
(*doc)[F("int")] = (millis() - firstSeenMillis) / seenCount;
if (mv) (*doc)[F("mV")] = mv;
if (battery != 0xFF) (*doc)[F("batt")] = battery;
if (temp) (*doc)[F("temp")] = serialized(std::string(temp, 1));
if (humidity) (*doc)[F("rh")] = serialized(std::string(humidity, 1));
return true;
bool BleFingerprint::report(JsonObject *doc) {
if (ignore || idType <= ID_TYPE_RAND_MAC || hidden) return false;
if (reported) return false;
auto maxDistance = BleFingerprintCollection::maxDistance;
if (maxDistance > 0 && dist > maxDistance)
return false;
auto now = millis();
if ((abs(dist - lastReported) < BleFingerprintCollection::skipDistance) && (lastReportedMillis > 0) && (now - lastReportedMillis < BleFingerprintCollection::skipMs))
return false;
if (fill(doc)) {
lastReportedMillis = now;
lastReported = dist;
reported = true;
return true;
return false;
bool BleFingerprint::query() {
if (!allowQuery || isQuerying) return false;
if (rssi < -90) return false; // Too far away
auto now = millis();
if (now - lastSeenMillis > 5) return false; // Haven't seen lately
if (now - lastQryMillis < qryDelayMillis) return false; // Too soon
isQuerying = true;
lastQryMillis = now;
bool success = false;
Serial.printf("%u Query | %s | %-58s%ddBm %lums\r\n", xPortGetCoreID(), getMac().c_str(), id.c_str(), rssi, now - lastSeenMillis);
NimBLEClient *pClient = NimBLEDevice::getClientListSize() ? NimBLEDevice::getClientByPeerAddress(address) : nullptr;
if (!pClient) pClient = NimBLEDevice::getDisconnectedClient();
if (!pClient) pClient = NimBLEDevice::createClient();
pClient->setClientCallbacks(&clientCB, false);
pClient->setConnectionParams(12, 12, 0, 48);
if (pClient->connect(address)) {
if (allowQuery) {
if (id.startsWith("flora:"))
success = MiFloraHandler::requestData(pClient, this);
success = NameModelHandler::requestData(pClient, this);
if (success) {
qryAttempts = 0;
qryDelayMillis = BleFingerprintCollection::requeryMs;
} else {
qryDelayMillis = min(int(pow(10, qryAttempts)), 60000);
Serial.printf("%u QryErr | %s | %-58s%ddBm Try %d, retry after %dms\r\n", xPortGetCoreID(), getMac().c_str(), id.c_str(), rssi, qryAttempts, qryDelayMillis);
isQuerying = false;
return true;
bool BleFingerprint::shouldCount() {
if (!close && rssi > CLOSE_RSSI + BleFingerprintCollection::rxAdjRssi) {
BleFingerprintCollection::Close(this, true);
close = true;
} else if (close && rssi < LEFT_RSSI + BleFingerprintCollection::rxAdjRssi) {
BleFingerprintCollection::Close(this, false);
close = false;
bool prevCounting = counting;
if (ignore || !countable)
counting = false;
else if (getMsSinceLastSeen() > BleFingerprintCollection::countMs)
counting = false;
else if (counting && dist > BleFingerprintCollection::countExit)
counting = false;
else if (!counting && dist <= BleFingerprintCollection::countEnter)
counting = true;
if (prevCounting != counting) {
BleFingerprintCollection::Count(this, counting);
return counting;
void BleFingerprint::expire() {
lastSeenMillis = 0;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
#include <ArduinoJson.h>
#include <NimBLEDevice.h>
#include "NimBLEAdvertisedDevice.h"
#include "NimBLEBeacon.h"
#include "NimBLEEddystoneTLM.h"
#include "NimBLEEddystoneURL.h"
#include <memory>
#include "QueryReport.h"
#include "rssi.h"
#include "string_utils.h"
#include "FilteredDistance.h"
#include "esphome/core/log.h"
#include "esphome/core/helpers.h"
#include "esphome/core/hal.h"
#include "esphome/core/time.h"
#define log_e ESP_LOGE
#define millis esphome::millis
#define NO_RSSI int8_t(-128)
#define ID_TYPE_TX_POW short(1)
#define NO_ID_TYPE short(0)
#define ID_TYPE_ECHO_LOST short(-10)
#define ID_TYPE_MISC_APPLE short(-5)
#define ID_TYPE_RAND_MAC short(1)
#define ID_TYPE_RAND_STATIC_MAC short(5)
#define ID_TYPE_AD short(10)
#define ID_TYPE_SD short(15)
#define ID_TYPE_MD short(20)
#define ID_TYPE_MISC short(30)
#define ID_TYPE_FINDMY short(32)
#define ID_TYPE_NAME short(35)
#define ID_TYPE_MSFT short(40)
#define ID_TYPE_UNIQUE short(50)
#define ID_TYPE_PUBLIC_MAC short(55)
#define ID_TYPE_SONOS short(105)
#define ID_TYPE_GARMIN short(107)
#define ID_TYPE_MITHERM short(110)
#define ID_TYPE_MIFIT short(115)
#define ID_TYPE_EXPOSURE short(120)
#define ID_TYPE_SMARTTAG short(121)
#define ID_TYPE_ITAG short(125)
#define ID_TYPE_ITRACK short(127)
#define ID_TYPE_NUT short(128)
#define ID_TYPE_FLORA short(129)
#define ID_TYPE_TRACKR short(130)
#define ID_TYPE_TILE short(135)
#define ID_TYPE_MEATER short(140)
#define ID_TYPE_TRACTIVE short(142)
#define ID_TYPE_VANMOOF short(145)
#define ID_TYPE_APPLE_NEARBY short(150)
#define ID_TYPE_QUERY_MODEL short(155)
#define ID_TYPE_QUERY_NAME short(160)
#define ID_TYPE_RM_ASST short(165)
#define ID_TYPE_EBEACON short(170)
#define ID_TYPE_ABEACON short(175)
#define ID_TYPE_IBEACON short(180)
#define ID_TYPE_KNOWN_IRK short(200)
#define ID_TYPE_KNOWN_MAC short(210)
#define ID_TYPE_ALIAS short(250)
class BleFingerprint {
BleFingerprint(NimBLEAdvertisedDevice *advertisedDevice, float fcmin, float beta, float dcutoff);
bool seen(BLEAdvertisedDevice *advertisedDevice);
bool fill(JsonObject *doc);
bool report(JsonObject *doc);
bool query();
const std::string getId() const { return id; }
const std::string getName() const { return name; }
void setName(const std::string &name) { this->name = name; }
bool setId(const std::string &newId, short int newIdType, const std::string &newName = "");
void setInitial(const BleFingerprint &other);
const std::string getMac() const;
const short getIdType() const { return idType; }
const float getDistance() const { return dist; }
const int getRssi() const { return rssi; }
const int getRawRssi() const { return rssi; }
const int get1mRssi() const;
void set1mRssi(int8_t rssi) { calRssi = rssi; }
const NimBLEAddress getAddress() const { return address; }
const unsigned long getMsSinceLastSeen() const { return lastSeenMillis ? millis() - lastSeenMillis : 4294967295; };
const unsigned long getMsSinceFirstSeen() const { return millis() - firstSeenMillis; };
const bool getVisible() const { return !ignore && !hidden; }
const bool getAdded() const { return added; };
const bool getIgnore() const { return ignore; };
const bool getAllowQuery() const { return allowQuery; };
const bool hasReport() { return queryReport != nullptr; };
const QueryReport getReport() { return *queryReport; };
void setReport(const QueryReport &report) { queryReport = std::unique_ptr<QueryReport>(new QueryReport{report}); };
void clearReport() { queryReport.reset(); };
unsigned int getSeenCount() {
auto sc = seenCount - lastSeenCount;
lastSeenCount = seenCount;
return sc;
bool shouldCount();
void fingerprintAddress();
void expire();
bool added = false, close = false, reported = false, ignore = false, allowQuery = false, isQuerying = false, hidden = false, connectable = false, countable = false, counting = false;
NimBLEAddress address;
std::string id, name;
short int idType = NO_ID_TYPE;
int rssi = NO_RSSI;
int8_t calRssi = NO_RSSI, bcnRssi = NO_RSSI, mdRssi = NO_RSSI, asRssi = NO_RSSI;
unsigned int qryAttempts = 0, qryDelayMillis = 0;
float raw = 0, dist = 0, vari = 0, lastReported = 0, temp = 0, humidity = 0;
unsigned long firstSeenMillis, lastSeenMillis = 0, lastReportedMillis = 0, lastQryMillis = 0;
unsigned long seenCount = 1, lastSeenCount = 0;
uint16_t mv = 0;
uint8_t battery = 0xFF, addressType = 0xFF;
FilteredDistance filteredDistance;
std::unique_ptr<QueryReport> queryReport = nullptr;
static bool shouldHide(const std::string &s);
void fingerprint(NimBLEAdvertisedDevice *advertisedDevice);
void fingerprintServiceAdvertisements(NimBLEAdvertisedDevice *advertisedDevice, size_t serviceAdvCount, bool haveTxPower, int8_t txPower);
void fingerprintServiceData(NimBLEAdvertisedDevice *advertisedDevice, size_t serviceDataCount, bool haveTxPower, int8_t txPower);
void fingerprintManufactureData(NimBLEAdvertisedDevice *advertisedDevice, bool haveTxPower, int8_t txPower);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,260 @@
#include "BleFingerprintCollection.h"
#include "esphome/core/application.h"
#include "esphome/core/defines.h"
#include "esphome/core/util.h"
#include "esphome/core/log.h"
#include "esphome/components/network/util.h"
#include "esp_system.h"
#include <sstream>
namespace BleFingerprintCollection {
// Public (externed)
std::string include{}, exclude{}, query{}, knownMacs{}, knownIrks{}, countIds{};
float skipDistance = 0.0f, maxDistance = 0.0f, absorption = 3.5f, countEnter = 2, countExit = 4;
int8_t rxRefRssi = -65, rxAdjRssi = 0, txRefRssi = -59;
int forgetMs = 0, skipMs = 0, countMs = 10000, requeryMs = 300000;
std::vector<DeviceConfig> deviceConfigs;
std::vector<uint8_t *> irks;
std::vector<BleFingerprint *> fingerprints;
TCallbackBool onSeen = nullptr;
TCallbackFingerprint onAdd = nullptr;
TCallbackFingerprint onDel = nullptr;
TCallbackFingerprint onClose = nullptr;
TCallbackFingerprint onLeft = nullptr;
TCallbackFingerprint onCountAdd = nullptr;
TCallbackFingerprint onCountDel = nullptr;
// Private
const TickType_t MAX_WAIT = portTICK_PERIOD_MS * 100;
unsigned long lastCleanup = 0;
SemaphoreHandle_t fingerprintMutex;
SemaphoreHandle_t deviceConfigMutex;
void Setup() {
fingerprintMutex = xSemaphoreCreateMutex();
deviceConfigMutex = xSemaphoreCreateMutex();
void Count(BleFingerprint *f, bool counting) {
if (counting) {
if (onCountAdd) onCountAdd(f);
} else {
if (onCountDel) onCountDel(f);
void Close(BleFingerprint *f, bool close) {
if (close) {
if (onClose) onClose(f);
} else {
if (onLeft) onLeft(f);
void Seen(BLEAdvertisedDevice *advertisedDevice) {
BLEAdvertisedDevice copy = *advertisedDevice;
if (onSeen) onSeen(true);
BleFingerprint *f = GetFingerprint(©);
if (f->seen(©) && onAdd)
if (onSeen) onSeen(false);
bool addOrReplace(DeviceConfig config) {
if (xSemaphoreTake(deviceConfigMutex, MAX_WAIT) != pdTRUE)
log_e("Couldn't take deviceConfigMutex in addOrReplace!");
for (auto &it : deviceConfigs) {
if (it.id == config.id) {
it = config;
return false;
return true;
bool Config(std::string &id, std::string &json) {
DynamicJsonDocument doc(1024);
deserializeJson(doc, json);
DeviceConfig config = {};
config.id = id;
if (doc.containsKey("id")) {
auto alias = doc["id"].as<std::string>();
if (alias != id) config.alias = alias;
if (doc.containsKey("rssi@1m"))
config.calRssi = doc["rssi@1m"].as<int8_t>();
if (doc.containsKey("name"))
config.name = doc["name"].as<std::string>();
auto isNew = addOrReplace(config);
if (isNew) {
auto p = id.find("irk:");
if (p == 0) {
auto irk_hex = id.substr(4);
auto *irk = new uint8_t[16];
if (!hextostr(irk_hex, irk, 16))
return false;
for (auto &it : fingerprints) {
auto it_id = it->getId();
if (it_id == id || it_id == config.alias) {
it->setId(config.alias.length() > 0 ? config.alias : config.id, ID_TYPE_ALIAS, config.name);
if (config.calRssi != NO_RSSI)
} else
return true;
void ConnectToWifi() {
std::istringstream iss(knownIrks.c_str());
std::string irk_hex;
while (iss >> irk_hex) {
auto *irk = new uint8_t[16];
if (!hextostr(irk_hex.c_str(), irk, 16))
bool Command(std::string &command, std::string &pay) {
if (command == "skip_ms") {
BleFingerprintCollection::skipMs = std::stoi(pay);
spurt("/skip_ms", pay);
} else if (command == "skip_distance") {
BleFingerprintCollection::skipDistance = std::stof(pay);
spurt("/skip_dist", pay);
} else if (command == "max_distance") {
maxDistance = std::stof(pay);
spurt("/max_dist", pay);
} else if (command == "absorption") {
absorption = std::stof(pay);
spurt("/absorption", pay);
} else if (command == "rx_adj_rssi") {
rxAdjRssi = (int8_t)std::stoi(pay);
spurt("/rx_adj_rssi", pay);
} else if (command == "ref_rssi") {
rxRefRssi = (int8_t)std::stoi(pay);
spurt("/ref_rssi", pay);
} else if (command == "tx_ref_rssi") {
txRefRssi = (int8_t)std::stoi(pay);
spurt("/tx_ref_rssi", pay);
} else if (command == "query") {
query = pay;
spurt("/query", pay);
} else if (command == "include") {
include = pay;
spurt("/include", pay);
} else if (command == "exclude") {
exclude = pay;
spurt("/exclude", pay);
} else if (command == "known_macs") {
knownMacs = pay;
spurt("/known_macs", pay);
} else if (command == "known_irks") {
knownIrks = pay;
spurt("/known_irks", pay);
} else if (command == "count_ids") {
countIds = pay;
spurt("/count_ids", pay);
} else
return false;
return true;
void CleanupOldFingerprints() {
auto now = millis();
if (now - lastCleanup < 5000) return;
lastCleanup = now;
auto it = fingerprints.begin();
bool any = false;
while (it != fingerprints.end()) {
auto age = (*it)->getMsSinceLastSeen();
if (age > forgetMs) {
if (onDel) onDel((*it));
delete *it;
it = fingerprints.erase(it);
} else {
any = true;
if (!any) {
auto uptime = (unsigned long)(esp_timer_get_time() / 1000000ULL);
ESP_LOGE("Bluetooth controller seems stuck, restarting");
BleFingerprint *getFingerprintInternal(BLEAdvertisedDevice *advertisedDevice) {
auto mac = advertisedDevice->getAddress();
auto it = std::find_if(fingerprints.rbegin(), fingerprints.rend(), [mac](BleFingerprint *f) { return f->getAddress() == mac; });
if (it != fingerprints.rend())
return *it;
auto created = new BleFingerprint(advertisedDevice, ONE_EURO_FCMIN, ONE_EURO_BETA, ONE_EURO_DCUTOFF);
auto it2 = std::find_if(fingerprints.begin(), fingerprints.end(), [created](BleFingerprint *f) { return f->getId() == created->getId(); });
if (it2 != fingerprints.end()) {
auto found = *it2;
// Serial.printf("Detected mac switch for fingerprint id %s\r\n", found->getId().c_str());
if (found->getIdType() > ID_TYPE_UNIQUE)
return created;
BleFingerprint *GetFingerprint(BLEAdvertisedDevice *advertisedDevice) {
if (xSemaphoreTake(fingerprintMutex, MAX_WAIT) != pdTRUE)
log_e("Couldn't take semaphore!");
auto f = getFingerprintInternal(advertisedDevice);
return f;
const std::vector<BleFingerprint *> GetCopy() {
if (xSemaphoreTake(fingerprintMutex, MAX_WAIT) != pdTRUE)
log_e("Couldn't take fingerprintMutex!");
std::vector<BleFingerprint *> copy(fingerprints);
return std::move(copy);
bool FindDeviceConfig(const std::string &id, DeviceConfig &config) {
if (xSemaphoreTake(deviceConfigMutex, MAX_WAIT) == pdTRUE) {
auto it = std::find_if(deviceConfigs.begin(), deviceConfigs.end(), [id](DeviceConfig dc) { return dc.id == id; });
if (it != deviceConfigs.end()) {
config = *it;
return true;
return false;
log_e("Couldn't take deviceConfigMutex!");
return false;
} // namespace BleFingerprintCollection
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
#pragma once
#include <ArduinoJson.h>
#include "BleFingerprint.h"
#define ONE_EURO_FCMIN 1e-1f
#define ONE_EURO_BETA 1e-3f
#define ONE_EURO_DCUTOFF 5e-3f
struct DeviceConfig {
std::string id;
std::string alias;
std::string name;
int8_t calRssi = NO_RSSI;
namespace BleFingerprintCollection {
typedef std::function<void(bool)> TCallbackBool;
typedef std::function<void(BleFingerprint *)> TCallbackFingerprint;
void Setup();
void ConnectToWifi();
bool Command(std::string &command, std::string &pay);
bool Config(std::string &id, std::string &json);
void Close(BleFingerprint *f, bool close);
void Count(BleFingerprint *f, bool counting);
void Seen(BLEAdvertisedDevice *advertisedDevice);
BleFingerprint *GetFingerprint(BLEAdvertisedDevice *advertisedDevice);
void CleanupOldFingerprints();
const std::vector<BleFingerprint *> GetCopy();
bool FindDeviceConfig(const std::string &id, DeviceConfig &config);
extern TCallbackBool onSeen;
extern TCallbackFingerprint onAdd;
extern TCallbackFingerprint onDel;
extern TCallbackFingerprint onClose;
extern TCallbackFingerprint onLeft;
extern TCallbackFingerprint onCountAdd;
extern TCallbackFingerprint onCountDel;
extern std::string include, exclude, query, knownMacs, knownIrks, countIds;
extern float skipDistance, maxDistance, absorption, countEnter, countExit;
extern int8_t rxRefRssi, rxAdjRssi, txRefRssi;
extern int forgetMs, skipMs, countMs, requeryMs;
extern std::vector<DeviceConfig> deviceConfigs;
extern std::vector<uint8_t *> irks;
extern std::vector<BleFingerprint *> fingerprints;
} // namespace BleFingerprintCollection
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
#include "FilteredDistance.h"
#include <cmath>
#include <numeric>
#include <vector>
#include "esphome/core/hal.h"
FilteredDistance::FilteredDistance(float minCutoff, float beta, float dcutoff)
: minCutoff(minCutoff), beta(beta), dcutoff(dcutoff), x(0), dx(0), lastDist(0), lastTime(0), readIndex(0), total(0), totalSquared(0) {
void FilteredDistance::initSpike(float dist) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < NUM_READINGS; i++) {
readings[i] = dist;
total = dist * NUM_READINGS;
totalSquared = dist * dist * NUM_READINGS; // Initialize sum of squared distances
float FilteredDistance::removeSpike(float dist) {
total -= readings[readIndex]; // Subtract the last reading
totalSquared -= readings[readIndex] * readings[readIndex]; // Subtract the square of the last reading
readings[readIndex] = dist; // Read the sensor
total += readings[readIndex]; // Add the reading to the total
totalSquared += readings[readIndex] * readings[readIndex]; // Add the square of the reading
readIndex = (readIndex + 1) % NUM_READINGS; // Advance to the next position in the array
auto average = total / static_cast<float>(NUM_READINGS); // Calculate the average
if (std::fabs(dist - average) > SPIKE_THRESHOLD)
return average; // Spike detected, use the average as the filtered value
return dist; // No spike, return the new value
void FilteredDistance::addMeasurement(float dist) {
const bool initialized = lastTime != 0;
const unsigned long now = esphome::micros();
const unsigned long elapsed = now - lastTime;
lastTime = now;
if (!initialized) {
x = dist; // Set initial filter state to the first reading
dx = 0; // Initial derivative is unknown, so we set it to zero
lastDist = dist;
} else {
float dT = std::max(elapsed * 0.000001f, 0.05f); // Convert microseconds to seconds, enforce a minimum dT
const float alpha = getAlpha(minCutoff, dT);
const float dAlpha = getAlpha(dcutoff, dT);
dist = removeSpike(dist);
x += alpha * (dist - x);
dx = dAlpha * ((dist - lastDist) / dT);
lastDist = x + beta * dx;
const float FilteredDistance::getDistance() const {
return lastDist;
float FilteredDistance::getAlpha(float cutoff, float dT) {
float tau = 1.0f / (2 * M_PI * cutoff);
return 1.0f / (1.0f + tau / dT);
const float FilteredDistance::getVariance() const {
auto mean = total / static_cast<float>(NUM_READINGS);
auto meanOfSquares = totalSquared / static_cast<float>(NUM_READINGS);
auto variance = meanOfSquares - (mean * mean); // Variance formula: E(X^2) - (E(X))^2
if (variance < 0.0f) return 0.0f;
return variance;
Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
#define SPIKE_THRESHOLD 1.0f // Threshold for spike detection
#define NUM_READINGS 12 // Number of readings to keep track of
class FilteredDistance {
float minCutoff;
float beta;
float dcutoff;
float x, dx;
float lastDist;
unsigned long lastTime;
float getAlpha(float cutoff, float dT);
float readings[NUM_READINGS]; // Array to store readings
int readIndex; // Current position in the array
float total; // Total of the readings
float totalSquared; // Total of the squared readings
void initSpike(float dist);
float removeSpike(float dist);
FilteredDistance(float minCutoff = 1.0f, float beta = 0.0f, float dcutoff = 1.0f);
void addMeasurement(float dist);
const float getMedianDistance() const;
const float getDistance() const;
const float getVariance() const;
bool hasValue() const { return lastTime != 0; }
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
#include "MiFloraHandler.h"
namespace MiFloraHandler {
std::vector<std::string> addresses;
bool readSensorData(BLERemoteService* floraService, DynamicJsonDocument* doc) {
BLERemoteCharacteristic* floraCharacteristic = nullptr;
// get the main device data characteristic
floraCharacteristic = floraService->getCharacteristic(uuid_sensor_data);
if (floraCharacteristic == nullptr) {
ESP_LOGD("-- Can't read characteristics");
return false;
// read characteristic value
NimBLEAttValue value;
value = floraCharacteristic->readValue();
if (value.size() == 0) {
ESP_LOGD("Reading Value failed");
return false;
const char* val = value.c_str();
float temperature = (val[0] + val[1] * 256) / ((float)10.0);
uint8_t moisture = val[7];
uint32_t brightness = val[3] + val[4] * 256;
float conductivity = val[8] + val[9] * 256;
(*doc)[F("temperature")] = temperature;
(*doc)[F("moisture")] = moisture;
(*doc)[F("light")] = brightness;
(*doc)[F("conductivity")] = conductivity;
return true;
bool readBatteryData(BLERemoteService* floraService, DynamicJsonDocument* doc) {
BLERemoteCharacteristic* floraCharacteristic = nullptr;
floraCharacteristic = floraService->getCharacteristic(uuid_version_battery);
if (floraCharacteristic == nullptr) {
ESP_LOGD("-- Can't read characteristics");
return false;
NimBLEAttValue val;
val = floraCharacteristic->readValue();
if (val.size() == 0) {
ESP_LOGD("Reading Value failed");
return false;
int8_t battery = val.c_str()[0];
(*doc)[F("battery")] = battery;
return true;
bool forceFloraServiceDataMode(BLERemoteService* floraService) { // Setting the mi flora to data reading mode
BLERemoteCharacteristic* floraCharacteristic;
// get device mode characteristic, needs to be changed to read data
// Serial.println("- Force device in data mode");
floraCharacteristic = nullptr;
floraCharacteristic = floraService->getCharacteristic(uuid_write_mode);
if (floraCharacteristic == nullptr) {
// Serial.println("-- Failed, skipping device");
return false;
uint8_t buf[2] = {0xA0, 0x1F};
floraCharacteristic->writeValue(buf, 2, true);
return true;
void fillDeviceData(DynamicJsonDocument* doc, BleFingerprint* f) {
(*doc)[F("id")] = f->getId();
(*doc)[F("mac")] = f->getMac();
(*doc)[F("rssi")] = f->getRssi();
bool getFloraData(DynamicJsonDocument* doc, BLERemoteService* floraService, BleFingerprint* f) {
// Force miFlora to data mode
fillDeviceData(doc, f);
if (!MiFloraHandler::readBatteryData(floraService, doc))
ESP_LOGD("Failed reading battery data");
if (MiFloraHandler::forceFloraServiceDataMode(floraService)) {
} else {
ESP_LOGD("Failed to force data reading mode");
if (!MiFloraHandler::readSensorData(floraService, doc))
ESP_LOGD("Failed reading sensor data");
return true;
bool requestData(NimBLEClient* pClient, BleFingerprint* fingerprint) // Getting mi flora data
DynamicJsonDocument document(256);
NimBLERemoteService* floraService = pClient->getService(serviceUUID);
if (floraService == nullptr) {
ESP_LOGD("Getting MiFlora service failed");
return false;
// Retriving the actual data
if (!getFloraData(&document, floraService, fingerprint)) // Getting flora data
return false;
std::string buf = std::string();
serializeJson(document, buf);
// Sending buffer over mqtt
fingerprint->setReport(QueryReport{"miflora", buf});
return true;
} // namespace MiFloraHandler
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
#pragma once
#include <ArduinoJson.h>
#include <BleFingerprint.h>
#include "NimBLEClient.h"
#include "NimBLEDevice.h"
namespace MiFloraHandler
static BLEUUID serviceUUID(0x00001204, 0x0000, 0x1000, 0x800000805f9b34fb);
static BLEUUID uuid_version_battery(0x00001a02, 0x0000, 0x1000, 0x800000805f9b34fb);
static BLEUUID uuid_sensor_data(0x00001a01, 0x0000, 0x1000, 0x800000805f9b34fb);
static BLEUUID uuid_write_mode(0x00001a00, 0x0000, 0x1000, 0x800000805f9b34fb);
bool requestData(NimBLEClient* pClient, BleFingerprint* fingerprint);
} // namespace MiFloraHandler
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
#include "NameModelHandler.h"
#include "util.h"
namespace NameModelHandler {
bool requestData(NimBLEClient* pClient, BleFingerprint* f) {
std::string sMdl = pClient->getValue(deviceInformationService, modelChar);
std::string sName = pClient->getValue(genericAccessService, nameChar);
if (!sName.empty() && sMdl.find(sName) == std::string::npos && sName != "Apple Watch") {
if (f->setId(std::string("name:") + kebabify(sName).c_str(), ID_TYPE_QUERY_NAME, std::string(sName.c_str()))) {
ESP_LOGD("\u001b[38;5;104m%u Name | %s | %-58s%ddBm %s\u001b[0m\r\n", xPortGetCoreID(), f->getMac().c_str(), f->getId().c_str(), f->getRssi(), sName.c_str());
return true;
if (!sMdl.empty()) {
if (f->setId(std::string("apple:") + kebabify(sMdl).c_str(), ID_TYPE_QUERY_MODEL, std::string(sMdl.c_str()))) {
ESP_LOGD("\u001b[38;5;136m%u Model | %s | %-58s%ddBm %s\u001b[0m\r\n", xPortGetCoreID(), f->getMac().c_str(), f->getId().c_str(), f->getRssi(), sMdl.c_str());
return true;
return false;
} // namespace NameModelHandler
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
#pragma once
#include <NimBLEClient.h>
#include <NimBLEDevice.h>
#include <ArduinoJson.h>
#include <sstream>
#include "BleFingerprint.h"
namespace NameModelHandler {
bool requestData(NimBLEClient* pClient, BleFingerprint* fingerprint);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
#pragma once
#include <NimBLEAddress.h>
class QueryReport {
QueryReport(const std::string& id, const std::string& payload) : id(id), payload(payload) {}
std::string getId() const { return id; }
std::string getPayload() const { return payload; }
void setId(const std::string& id) { this->id = id; }
void setPayload(const std::string& payload) { this->payload = payload; }
std::string id;
std::string payload;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
import esphome.config_validation as cv
import esphome.codegen as cg
from esphome.const import (
from esphome.components import mqtt, nimble_tracker
from esphome.components.esp32 import add_idf_sdkconfig_option
# CONF_NIMBLE_ID = "esp32_nimble_mqtt_room"
CONF_ROOM_KEY = 'room'
CONF_BASE_TOPIC_KEY = 'base_topic'
CONF_MAC_KEY = 'mac_addr'
CONF_MAX_DISTANCE = 'max_distance'
esp32_nimble_tracker_ns = cg.esphome_ns.namespace("esp32_presense")
ESP32Presense = esp32_nimble_tracker_ns.class_(
"ESP32Presense", cg.Component
CONFIG_SCHEMA = cv.Schema({
cv.GenerateID(): cv.declare_id(ESP32Presense),
cv.Required(CONF_ROOM_KEY): cv.string,
cv.Required(CONF_MAC_KEY): cv.All(cv.ensure_list(cv.string)),
cv.Optional(CONF_MAX_DISTANCE, default=16.0): cv.float_,
cv.Optional(CONF_BASE_TOPIC_KEY, default="esphome_presense"): cv.string,
async def to_code(config):
var = cg.new_Pvariable(config[CONF_ID])
await cg.register_component(var, config)
add_idf_sdkconfig_option("CONFIG_BT_ENABLED", True)
add_idf_sdkconfig_option("CONFIG_BT_BLUEDROID_ENABLED", False)
add_idf_sdkconfig_option("CONFIG_BT_NIMBLE_ENABLED", True)
add_idf_sdkconfig_option("CONFIG_MBEDTLS_HARDWARE_AES", False)
# await nimble_tracker.device_listener_to_code(var, config)
# await nimble_tracker.register_ble_device(var, config)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
#include "esp32_presense.h"
namespace esphome
namespace esp32_nimble_mqtt_room
unsigned int totalSeen = 0;
unsigned int totalFpSeen = 0;
unsigned int totalFpQueried = 0;
unsigned int totalFpReported = 0;
void ESP32Presense::reportLoop()
auto copy = BleFingerprintCollection::GetCopy();
unsigned int count = 0;
for (auto &i : copy)
if (i->shouldCount())
sendTelemetry(totalSeen, totalFpSeen, totalFpQueried, totalFpReported, count);
auto reported = 0;
for (auto &f : copy) {
auto seen = f->getSeenCount();
if (seen) {
totalSeen += seen;
if (f->hasReport()) {
if (reportBuffer(f))
if (reportDevice(f)) {
bool ESP32Presense::sendTelemetry(
unsigned int totalSeen,
unsigned int totalFpSeen,
unsigned int totalFpQueried,
unsigned int totalFpReported,
unsigned int count
) {
this->publish(this->room_ + "/status", "online");
this->publish(this->room_ + "/max_distance", BleFingerprintCollection::maxDistance);
this->publish(this->room_ + "/absorption", BleFingerprintCollection::absorption);
this->publish(this->room_ + "/tx_ref_rssi", BleFingerprintCollection::txRefRssi);
this->publish(this->room_ + "/rx_adj_rssi", BleFingerprintCollection::rxAdjRssi);
this->publish(this->room_ + "/query", BleFingerprintCollection::query);
this->publish(this->room_ + "/include", BleFingerprintCollection::include);
this->publish(this->room_ + "/exclude", BleFingerprintCollection::exclude);
this->publish(this->room_ + "/known_macs", BleFingerprintCollection::knownMacs);
this->publish(this->room_ + "/known_irks", BleFingerprintCollection::knownIrks);
this->publish(this->room_ + "/count_ids", BleFingerprintCollection::countIds);
return true;
void ESP32NimbleMQTTRoom::on_result(nimble_distance_custom::NimbleDistanceCustomResult& result)
auto address = result.address.toString();
this->base_topic_ + "/devices/" + address + "/" + this->room_,
[=](ArduinoJson::JsonObject root) -> void {
root["id"] = address;
root["distance"] = result.distance;
} // namespace esp32_nimble_tracker
} // namespace esphome
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
#pragma once
#include "esphome/core/component.h"
#include "esphome/components/mqtt/custom_mqtt_device.h"
#include "BleFingerprintCollection.h"
// #include "esphome/components/nimble_distance_custom/nimble_distance_custom.h"
namespace esphome
namespace esp32_nimble_mqtt_room
class ESP32Presense :
public mqtt::CustomMQTTDevice
// public nimble_distance_custom::NimbleDistanceCustomComponent
std::string room_;
BleFingerprint *ble_fingerprint = NULL;
bool sendTelemetry(
unsigned int totalSeen,
unsigned int totalFpSeen,
unsigned int totalFpQueried,
unsigned int totalFpReported,
unsigned int count
void setup() {};
void loop() {};
void reportLoop();
// void on_result(nimble_distance_custom::NimbleDistanceCustomResult&) override;
void set_room(std::string room) { room_ = room; }
//void set_base_topic(std::string base_topic) { base_topic_ = base_topic; }
} // namespace esp32_nimble_tracker
} // namespace esphome
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
#ifndef _RSSI_
#define _RSSI_
#define CLOSE_RSSI int8_t(-40)
#define LEFT_RSSI int8_t(-50)
#define DEFAULT_TX int8_t(-6)
#define APPLE_TX int8_t(0)
#define RM_ASST_TX int8_t(0)
#define TILE_TX int8_t(-4)
#define EXPOSURE_TX int8_t(-12)
#define ITAG_TX int8_t(-10)
#define NUT_TX int8_t(-12)
#define FLORA_TX int8_t(-10)
#define EDDYSTONE_ADD_1M int8_t(-41)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
#include <regex>
#include "string_utils.h"
// #include <SPIFFS.h>
static constexpr char hexmap[] = {'0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f'};
std::string ltrim(const std::string &s, char toTrim)
size_t start = s.find_first_not_of(toTrim);
return (start == std::string::npos) ? "" : s.substr(start);
std::string rtrim(const std::string &s, char toTrim)
size_t end = s.find_last_not_of(toTrim);
return (end == std::string::npos) ? "" : s.substr(0, end + 1);
std::string lowertrim(std::string str, char toTrim)
std::transform(str.begin(), str.end(), str.begin(), [](unsigned char c)
{ return std::tolower(c); });
return rtrim(ltrim(str, toTrim), toTrim);
std::regex whitespace_re("[\\s\\W-]+");
std::string slugify(const std::string &text)
return lowertrim(std::regex_replace(text, whitespace_re, "_"), '_');
std::string kebabify(const std::string &text)
return lowertrim(std::regex_replace(text, whitespace_re, "-"), '-');
std::string hexStr(const uint8_t *data, int len) {
std::string s(len * 2, ' ');
for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
s[2 * i] = hexmap[(data[i] & 0xF0) >> 4];
s[2 * i + 1] = hexmap[data[i] & 0x0F];
return s;
std::string hexStr(const char *data, unsigned int len)
std::string s(len * 2, ' ');
for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i)
s[2 * i] = hexmap[(data[i] & 0xF0) >> 4];
s[2 * i + 1] = hexmap[data[i] & 0x0F];
return s;
std::string hexStr(const std::string &s)
return hexStr(s.c_str(), s.length());
std::string hexStr(const uint8_t *&s, unsigned int len)
return hexStr(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(s), len);
std::string hexStrRev(const char *data, unsigned int len)
std::string s(len * 2, ' ');
for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i)
s[len - (2 * i + 1)] = hexmap[(data[i] & 0xF0) >> 4];
s[len - (2 * i + 2)] = hexmap[data[i] & 0x0F];
return s;
std::string hexStrRev(const uint8_t *&s, unsigned int len)
return hexStrRev(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(s), len);
std::string hexStrRev(const std::string &s)
return hexStrRev(s.c_str(), s.length());
uint8_t hextob(char ch)
if (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') return ch - '0';
if (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'F') return ch - 'A' + 10;
if (ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'f') return ch - 'a' + 10;
return 0;
bool hextostr(const std::string &hexStr, uint8_t* output, size_t len)
if (hexStr.length() & 1) return false;
if (hexStr.length() < len*2) return false;
int k = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < len*2; i+=2)
output[k++] = (hextob(hexStr[i]) << 4) | hextob(hexStr[i+1]);
return true;
bool prefixExists(const std::string &prefixes, const std::string &s)
unsigned int start = 0;
unsigned int space;
while ((space = prefixes.find(" ", start)) != -1)
if (space > start)
auto sub = prefixes.substr(start, space);
if (s.find(sub) == 0) return true;
start = space + 1;
auto sub = prefixes.substr(start);
return !(sub.length() == 0) && s.find(sub) == 0;
bool spurt(const std::string &fn, const std::string &content)
File f = SPIFFS.open(fn, "w");
if (!f) return false;
auto w = f.print(content);
return w == content.length();
return true;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
#pragma once
#include <string>
#include <cstring>
#define CHIPID (uint32_t)(ESP.getEfuseMac() >> 24)
#define ESPMAC (Sprintf("%06x", CHIPID))
#define Sprintf(f, ...) ({ char* s; asprintf(&s, f, __VA_ARGS__); const std::string r = s; free(s); r; })
#define Stdprintf(f, ...) ({ char* s; asprintf(&s, f, __VA_ARGS__); const std::string r = s; free(s); r; })
std::string slugify(const std::string& text);
std::string kebabify(const std::string& text);
std::string hexStr(const uint8_t *data, int len);
std::string hexStr(const char *data, int len);
std::string hexStr(const std::string& s);
std::string hexStrRev(const uint8_t *data, int len);
std::string hexStrRev(const char *data, int len);
std::string hexStrRev(const std::string &s);
bool hextostr(const std::string &hexStr, uint8_t* output, size_t len);
bool prefixExists(const std::string &prefixes, const std::string &s);
bool spurt(const std::string &fn, const std::string &content);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
#include <NimBLEBeacon.h>
#include <NimBLEDevice.h>
#include <string>
#define ENDIAN_CHANGE_U16(x) ((((x)&0xFF00) >> 8) + (((x)&0xFF) << 8))
const BLEUUID eddystoneUUID((uint16_t)0xFEAA);
const BLEUUID tileUUID((uint16_t)0xFEED);
const BLEUUID exposureUUID((uint16_t)0xFD6F);
const BLEUUID smartTagUUID((uint16_t)0xFD5A);
const BLEUUID sonosUUID((uint16_t)0xFE07);
const BLEUUID itagUUID((uint16_t)0xffe0);
const BLEUUID miThermUUID(uint16_t(0x181A));
const BLEUUID trackrUUID((uint16_t)0x0F3E);
const BLEUUID vanmoofUUID(0x6acc5540, 0xe631, 0x4069, 0x944db8ca7598ad50);
const BLEUUID tractiveUUID(0x20130001, 0x0719, 0x4b6e, 0xbe5d158ab92fa5a4);
const BLEUUID espresenseUUID(0xe5ca1ade, 0xf007, 0xba11, 0x0000000000000000);
const BLEUUID nutUUID((uint16_t)0x1803);
const BLEUUID miFloraUUID((uint16_t)0xfe95);
const BLEUUID fitbitUUID(0xadabfb00, 0x6e7d, 0x4601, 0xbda2bffaa68956ba);
const BLEUUID roomAssistantService(0x5403c8a7, 0x5c96, 0x47e9, 0x9ab859e373d875a7);
const BLEUUID rootAssistantCharacteristic(0x21c46f33, 0xe813, 0x4407, 0x86012ad281030052);
const BLEUUID meaterService(0xa75cc7fc, 0xc956, 0x488f, 0xac2a2dbc08b63a04);
const BLEUUID meaterCharacteristic(0x7edda774, 0x045e, 0x4bbf, 0x909b45d1991a2876);
const BLEUUID genericAccessService(uint16_t(0x1800));
const BLEUUID nameChar(uint16_t(0x2A00));
const BLEUUID deviceInformationService(uint16_t(0x180A));
const BLEUUID modelChar(uint16_t(0x2A24));
const BLEUUID fwRevChar(uint16_t(0x2A26));
const BLEUUID hwRevChar(uint16_t(0x2A27));
const BLEUUID manufChar(uint16_t(0x2A29));
Reference in New Issue
Block a user