#include "esp32_presense.h" namespace esphome { namespace esp32_presense { unsigned int totalSeen = 0; unsigned int totalFpSeen = 0; unsigned int totalFpQueried = 0; unsigned int totalFpReported = 0; TimerHandle_t reconnectTimer; TaskHandle_t scanTaskHandle; unsigned long updateStartedMillis = 0; unsigned long lastTeleMillis = 0; int reconnectTries = 0; int teleFails = 0; int reportFailed = 0; bool online = false; // Have we successfully sent status=online bool sentDiscovery = false; // Have we successfully sent discovery UBaseType_t bleStack = 0; DynamicJsonDocument doc(1024); std::string _id, roomsTopic; bool discovery, publishTele, publishRooms, publishDevices; class MyAdvertisedDeviceCallbacks : public BLEAdvertisedDeviceCallbacks { void onResult(BLEAdvertisedDevice *advertisedDevice) { bleStack = uxTaskGetStackHighWaterMark(nullptr); BleFingerprintCollection::Seen(advertisedDevice); } }; void scanTask(void *parameter) { NimBLEDevice::init("ESPresense"); // Enrollment::Setup(); NimBLEDevice::setMTU(23); auto pBLEScan = NimBLEDevice::getScan(); pBLEScan->setInterval(BLE_SCAN_INTERVAL); pBLEScan->setWindow(BLE_SCAN_WINDOW); pBLEScan->setAdvertisedDeviceCallbacks(new MyAdvertisedDeviceCallbacks(), true); pBLEScan->setActiveScan(false); pBLEScan->setDuplicateFilter(false); pBLEScan->setMaxResults(0); if (!pBLEScan->start(0, nullptr, false)) ESP_LOGE(TAG, "Error starting continuous ble scan"); while (true) { for (auto &f : BleFingerprintCollection::fingerprints) if (f->query()) totalFpQueried++; // Enrollment::Loop(); if (!pBLEScan->isScanning()) { if (!pBLEScan->start(0, nullptr, true)) ESP_LOGE(TAG, "Error re-starting continuous ble scan"); delay(3000); // If we stopped scanning, don't query for 3 seconds in order for us to catch any missed broadcasts } else { delay(100); } } } void ESP32Presense::set_room(std::string room) { _id = slugify(room); roomsTopic = std::string(CHANNEL) + std::string("/rooms/") + _id; } void ESP32Presense::set_max_distance(float maxDistance) { BleFingerprintCollection::maxDistance = maxDistance; } void ESP32Presense::setup() { BleFingerprintCollection::Setup(); xTaskCreatePinnedToCore(scanTask, "scanTask", SCAN_TASK_STACK_SIZE, nullptr, 1, &scanTaskHandle, CONFIG_BT_NIMBLE_PINNED_TO_CORE); publishDevices = true; } void ESP32Presense::loop() { reportLoop(); } bool ESP32Presense::reportBuffer(BleFingerprint *f) { auto report = f->getReport(); std::string topic = Sprintf(CHANNEL "/devices/%s/%s/%s", f->getId().c_str(), _id.c_str(), report.getId().c_str()); return this->publish(topic, report.getPayload()); } void ESP32Presense::reportLoop() { auto copy = BleFingerprintCollection::GetCopy(); unsigned int count = 0; for (auto &i : copy) if (i->shouldCount()) count++; yield(); sendTelemetry(totalSeen, totalFpSeen, totalFpQueried, totalFpReported, count); yield(); auto reported = 0; for (auto &f : copy) { auto seen = f->getSeenCount(); if (seen) { totalSeen += seen; totalFpSeen++; } ESP_LOGD(TAG, "F %s", f->getAddress().toString().c_str()); if (f->hasReport()) { ESP_LOGD(TAG, "hasReport"); if (reportBuffer(f)) { ESP_LOGD(TAG, "reportBuffer"); f->clearReport(); } } if (this->reportDevice(f)) { ESP_LOGD(TAG, "reportDevice"); totalFpReported++; reported++; } } } bool ESP32Presense::reportDevice(BleFingerprint *f) { doc.clear(); JsonObject obj = doc.to(); if (!f->report(&obj)) return false; std::string buffer; serializeJson(doc, buffer); std::string devicesTopic = Sprintf(CHANNEL "/devices/%s/%s", f->getId().c_str(), _id.c_str()); bool p1 = false, p2 = false; for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { if (!p1 && (!publishRooms || this->publish(roomsTopic.c_str(), buffer.c_str()))) p1 = true; if (!p2 && (!publishDevices || this->publish(devicesTopic.c_str(), buffer.c_str()))) p2 = true; if (p1 && p2) return true; delay(20); } reportFailed++; return false; } bool ESP32Presense::sendTelemetry( unsigned int totalSeen, unsigned int totalFpSeen, unsigned int totalFpQueried, unsigned int totalFpReported, unsigned int count ) { this->publish(roomsTopic + "/status", "online"); this->publish(roomsTopic + "/max_distance", BleFingerprintCollection::maxDistance); this->publish(roomsTopic + "/absorption", BleFingerprintCollection::absorption); this->publish(roomsTopic + "/tx_ref_rssi", BleFingerprintCollection::txRefRssi); this->publish(roomsTopic + "/rx_adj_rssi", BleFingerprintCollection::rxAdjRssi); this->publish(roomsTopic + "/query", BleFingerprintCollection::query); this->publish(roomsTopic + "/include", BleFingerprintCollection::include); this->publish(roomsTopic + "/exclude", BleFingerprintCollection::exclude); this->publish(roomsTopic + "/known_macs", BleFingerprintCollection::knownMacs); this->publish(roomsTopic + "/known_irks", BleFingerprintCollection::knownIrks); this->publish(roomsTopic + "/count_ids", BleFingerprintCollection::countIds); return true; } /* void ESP32NimbleMQTTRoom::on_result(nimble_distance_custom::NimbleDistanceCustomResult& result) { auto address = result.address.toString(); this->publish_json( this->base_topic_ + "/devices/" + address + "/" + this->room_, [=](ArduinoJson::JsonObject root) -> void { root["id"] = address; root["distance"] = result.distance; } ); }; */ } // namespace esp32_nimble_tracker } // namespace esphome