#include "nimble_distance_sensor.h" namespace esphome { namespace nimble_distance { static const char *const TAG = "nimble_distance"; static int median_of_3(int a, int b, int c) { int the_max = std::max(std::max(a, b), c); int the_min = std::min(std::min(a, b), c); // unnecessarily clever code int the_median = the_max ^ the_min ^ a ^ b ^ c; return (the_median); } int NimbleDistanceSensor::get_1m_rssi(nimble_tracker::NimbleTrackerEvent *tracker_event) { return this->ref_rssi_ + tracker_event->getTXPower(); } Filter::Filter(float fcmin, float beta, float dcutoff) : one_euro_{OneEuroFilter(1, fcmin, beta, dcutoff)} { } bool Filter::filter(float rssi) { Reading inter1, inter2; // TODO: should we take into consideration micro seconds (returned from esp_timer_get_time()) // vs mili seconds (implementation used in ESPresence?) inter1.timestamp = esp_timer_get_time(); inter1.value = rssi; return this->one_euro_.push(&inter1, &inter2) && this->diff_filter_.push(&inter2, &this->output); } void NimbleDistanceSensor::setup() { this->filter_ = new Filter(ONE_EURO_FCMIN, ONE_EURO_BETA, ONE_EURO_DCUTOFF); } // Defined distance formula using // https://medium.com/beingcoders/convert-rssi-value-of-the-ble-bluetooth-low-energy-beacons-to-meters-63259f307283 // and copied a lot of code from // https://github.com/ESPresense/ESPresense/blob/master/lib/BleFingerprint/BleFingerprint.cpp bool NimbleDistanceSensor::update_state(nimble_tracker::NimbleTrackerEvent *tracker_event) { this->oldest_ = this->recent_; this->recent_ = this->newest_; this->newest_ = tracker_event->getRSSI(); this->rssi_ = median_of_3(this->oldest_, this->recent_, this->newest_); float ratio = (this->get_1m_rssi(tracker_event) - this->rssi_) / (10.0f * this->absorption_); float raw = std::pow(10, ratio); if (!this->filter_->filter(raw)) { ESP_LOGD(TAG, "Not enough data to calculate distance."); return false; } auto max_distance = 16.0f; if (max_distance > 0 && this->filter_->output.value.position > max_distance) return false; auto skip_distance = 0.5f; auto skip_ms = 5000; auto skip_micro_seconds = skip_ms * 1000; auto now = esp_timer_get_time(); if ((abs(this->filter_->output.value.position - this->last_reported_position_) < skip_distance) && (this->last_reported_micro_seconds_ > 0) && ((now - this->last_reported_micro_seconds_) < skip_micro_seconds)) { return false; } this->last_reported_micro_seconds_ = now; this->last_reported_position_ = this->filter_->output.value.position; this->publish_state(this->filter_->output.value.position); return true; } } // namespace nimble_distance } // namespace esphome