mirror of https://gitflic.ru/project/maks1ms/ocab.git synced 2025-03-13 13:53:51 +03:00

завершен standard.create_report_apps

This commit is contained in:
Maxim Slipenko 2024-07-14 13:57:48 +03:00
parent c53f6025ae
commit 51f5290017
6 changed files with 282 additions and 30 deletions

View File

@ -7,3 +7,4 @@ from .public_api import (
from .utils import Utils

View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
import re
CLEAN_HTML = re.compile("<.*?>")
class Utils:
def code_format(code: str, lang: str):
if lang:
return f'<pre><code class="language-{lang}">{code}</code></pre>'
return f"<pre>{code}</pre>"

View File

@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ from RestrictedPython.Guards import (
from ocab_core.logger import log_new
from ocab_core.logger import log
from ocab_core.modules_system.safe.zope_guards import extra_safe_builtins
@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ ALLOWED_IMPORTS = [
def safes_getattr(object, name, default=None, getattr=safer_getattr):
if isinstance(object, Bot) and name == "token":
log_new("Bot.token is not allowed")
log("Bot.token is not allowed")
raise Exception("Bot.token is not allowed")
return getattr(object, name, default)

View File

@ -109,3 +109,117 @@ def guarded_all(seq):
extra_safe_builtins["all"] = guarded_all
valid_inplace_types = (list, set)
inplace_slots = {
"+=": "__iadd__",
"-=": "__isub__",
"*=": "__imul__",
"/=": (1 / 2 == 0) and "__idiv__" or "__itruediv__",
"//=": "__ifloordiv__",
"%=": "__imod__",
"**=": "__ipow__",
"<<=": "__ilshift__",
">>=": "__irshift__",
"&=": "__iand__",
"^=": "__ixor__",
"|=": "__ior__",
def __iadd__(x, y):
x += y
return x
def __isub__(x, y):
x -= y
return x
def __imul__(x, y):
x *= y
return x
def __idiv__(x, y):
x /= y
return x
def __ifloordiv__(x, y):
x //= y
return x
def __imod__(x, y):
x %= y
return x
def __ipow__(x, y):
x **= y
return x
def __ilshift__(x, y):
x <<= y
return x
def __irshift__(x, y):
x >>= y
return x
def __iand__(x, y):
x &= y
return x
def __ixor__(x, y):
x ^= y
return x
def __ior__(x, y):
x |= y
return x
inplace_ops = {
"+=": __iadd__,
"-=": __isub__,
"*=": __imul__,
"/=": __idiv__,
"//=": __ifloordiv__,
"%=": __imod__,
"**=": __ipow__,
"<<=": __ilshift__,
">>=": __irshift__,
"&=": __iand__,
"^=": __ixor__,
"|=": __ior__,
def protected_inplacevar(op, var, expr):
"""Do an inplace operation
If the var has an inplace slot, then disallow the operation
unless the var an instance of ``valid_inplace_types``.
if hasattr(var, inplace_slots[op]) and not isinstance(var, valid_inplace_types):
cls = var.__class__
except AttributeError:
cls = type(var)
raise TypeError(
"Augmented assignment to %s objects is not allowed"
" in untrusted code" % cls.__name__
return inplace_ops[op](var, expr)
extra_safe_builtins["_inplacevar_"] = protected_inplacevar

View File

@ -1,64 +1,136 @@
from aiogram import Bot, Router
from aiogram.enums import ParseMode
from aiogram.fsm.context import FSMContext
from aiogram.fsm.state import State, StatesGroup
from aiogram.types import BufferedInputFile, Message
from aiogram.types import (
from ocab_core.modules_system.public_api import get_fsm_context
from ocab_core.modules_system.public_api import Utils, get_fsm_context
from .report import Report
router = Router()
class ReportState(StatesGroup):
input_kernel_info = State()
input_system_info = State()
input_app_name = State()
input_problem_step_by_step = State()
input_actual_result = State()
input_expected_result = State()
input_additional_info = State()
system_info_code = """echo "SESSION_TYPE: ${XDG_SESSION_TYPE:-Unknown}"
[ -f /etc/os-release ] && grep "^PRETTY_NAME=" /etc/os-release | cut -d= -f2 \
| tr -d '"' | xargs echo "OS: "
echo "Kernel: $(uname -r)"
echo "DE: ${XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP:-Unknown}"
grep "^model name" /proc/cpuinfo | head -n1 | cut -d: -f2 \
| xargs echo "CPU: "
lspci | grep "VGA compatible controller" | cut -d: -f3 \
| xargs -I{} echo "GPU: {}"
system_info_message = """Укажите параметры свой системы.
Собрать информацию о системе можно с помощью данного скрипта:
""" + Utils.code_format(
async def start_report(chat_id: int, bot: Bot):
await bot.send_message(
text="Какая версия ядра у тебя на "
"текущий момент? Можно узнать "
"командой `uname -rm`",
state = await get_fsm_context(chat_id, chat_id)
await state.set_state(ReportState.input_kernel_info)
await state.set_state(ReportState.input_system_info)
async def kernel_version_entered(message: Message, state: FSMContext):
await state.update_data(kernel=message.text)
await message.answer(text="В каком приложении возникла проблема?")
app_info_message = """Укажите название и версию приложения.
Узнать можно с помощью данной команды:""" + Utils.code_format(
"rpm -qa | grep -i НАЗВАНИЕРИЛОЖЕНИЯ", "shell"
async def system_entered(message: Message, state: FSMContext):
await state.update_data(system=message.text)
await message.answer(
await state.set_state(ReportState.input_app_name)
step_by_step_message = (
"""Опиши проблему пошагово, что ты делал, что происходило, что не так."""
async def app_name_entered(message: Message, state: FSMContext):
await state.update_data(app_name=message.text)
await message.answer(
text="Опиши проблему пошагово, что ты делал, что происходило, что не так"
await state.update_data(app=message.text)
await message.answer(text=step_by_step_message)
await state.set_state(ReportState.input_problem_step_by_step)
async def problem_step_by_step_entered(message: Message, state: FSMContext):
await state.update_data(problem_step_by_step=message.text)
await message.answer(text="Вот твой отчет сообщением, а также файлом:")
await message.answer(text="Опиши, что произошло (фактический результат).")
await state.set_state(ReportState.input_actual_result)
async def actual_result_entered(message: Message, state: FSMContext):
await state.update_data(actual=message.text)
await message.answer(text="Опиши ожидаемый результат.")
await state.set_state(ReportState.input_expected_result)
async def expected_result_entered(message: Message, state: FSMContext):
await state.update_data(expected=message.text)
await message.answer(
text="Если есть дополнительная информация, то напиши ее.",
[KeyboardButton(text="Дополнительной информации нет")],
await state.set_state(ReportState.input_additional_info)
async def additional_info_entered(message: Message, state: FSMContext):
if message.text == "Дополнительной информации нет":
additional_info = ""
additional_info = message.text
await state.update_data(additional=additional_info)
await message.answer(
text="Вот твой отчет сообщением, а также файлом:",
data = await state.get_data()
report = f"""Стенд с ошибкой:
# uname -rm
report = Report(data)
file_report = report.export(html=False).encode()
Шаги, приводящие к ошибке:
await message.answer(text=report)
await message.answer_document(
document=BufferedInputFile(report.encode(), "report.txt")
await message.answer(text=report.export(html=True), parse_mode=ParseMode.HTML)
await message.answer_document(document=BufferedInputFile(file_report, "report.txt"))
await state.clear()

View File

@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
import aiogram
class ReportFormatter:
def __init__(self, html=True):
self.html = html
def bold(self, string):
if self.html:
return f"<b>{self.text(string)}</b>"
return self.text(string)
def text(self, string):
if self.html:
return aiogram.html.quote(string)
return string
class Report:
def __init__(self, data: dict):
self.data = data
def export(self, html=True):
data = self.data
f = ReportFormatter(html)
report = f"""{f.bold("Стенд с ошибкой:")}
{f.bold("Версия программы:")}
{f.bold("Шаги, приводящие к ошибке:")}
{f.bold("Ожидаемый результат:")}
if data["additional"] != "":
report += f"""{f.bold("Дополнительно:")}
return report